Пример #1
    def dual(self):
        Return the projective dual of the given subscheme of projective space.


        - ``X`` -- A subscheme of projective space. At present, ``X`` is
          required to be an irreducible and reduced hypersurface defined
          over `\QQ` or a finite field.


        - The dual of ``X`` as a subscheme of the dual projective space.


        The dual of a smooth conic in the plane is also a smooth conic::

            sage: R.<x, y, z> = QQ[]
            sage: P.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(2, QQ)
            sage: I = R.ideal(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(I)
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field defined by:
              y0^2 + y1^2 + y2^2

        The dual of the twisted cubic curve in projective 3-space is a singular
        quartic surface. In the following example, we compute the dual of this
        surface, which by double duality is equal to the twisted cubic itself.
        The output is the twisted cubic as an intersection of three quadrics::

            sage: R.<x, y, z, w> = QQ[]
            sage: P.<x, y, z, w> = ProjectiveSpace(3, QQ)
            sage: I = R.ideal(y^2*z^2 - 4*x*z^3 - 4*y^3*w + 18*x*y*z*w - 27*x^2*w^2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(I)
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 3 over
            Rational Field defined by:
              y2^2 - y1*y3,
              y1*y2 - y0*y3,
              y1^2 - y0*y2

        The singular locus of the quartic surface in the last example
        is itself supported on a twisted cubic::

            sage: X.Jacobian().radical()
            Ideal (z^2 - 3*y*w, y*z - 9*x*w, y^2 - 3*x*z) of Multivariate
            Polynomial Ring in x, y, z, w over Rational Field

        An example over a finite field::

            sage: R = PolynomialRing(GF(61), 'a,b,c')
            sage: P.<a, b, c> = ProjectiveSpace(2, R.base_ring())
            sage: X = P.subscheme(R.ideal(a*a+2*b*b+3*c*c))
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over
            Finite Field of size 61 defined by:
            y0^2 - 30*y1^2 - 20*y2^2


            sage: R = PolynomialRing(Qp(3), 'a,b,c')
            sage: P.<a, b, c> = ProjectiveSpace(2, R.base_ring())
            sage: X = P.subscheme(R.ideal(a*a+2*b*b+3*c*c))
            sage: X.dual()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: base ring must be QQ or a finite field
        from sage.libs.singular.function_factory import ff

        K = self.base_ring()
        if not (is_RationalField(K) or is_FiniteField(K)):
            raise NotImplementedError("base ring must be QQ or a finite field")
        I = self.defining_ideal()
        m = I.ngens()
        n = I.ring().ngens() - 1
        if (m != 1 or (n < 1) or I.is_zero() or I.is_trivial()
                or not I.is_prime()):
            raise NotImplementedError("At the present, the method is only"
                                      " implemented for irreducible and"
                                      " reduced hypersurfaces and the given"
                                      " list of generators for the ideal must"
                                      " have exactly one element.")
        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x', n + 1)
        from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
        Pd = ProjectiveSpace(n, K, 'y')
        Rd = Pd.coordinate_ring()
        x = R.variable_names()
        y = Rd.variable_names()
        S = PolynomialRing(K, x + y + ('t', ))
        if S.has_coerce_map_from(I.ring()):
            T = PolynomialRing(K, 'w', n + 1)
            I_S = (I.change_ring(T)).change_ring(S)
            I_S = I.change_ring(S)
        f_S = I_S.gens()[0]
        z = S.gens()
        J = I_S
        for i in range(n + 1):
            J = J + S.ideal(z[-1] * f_S.derivative(z[i]) - z[i + n + 1])

        sat = ff.elim__lib.sat

        max_ideal = S.ideal(z[n + 1:2 * n + 2])
        J_sat_gens = sat(J, max_ideal)[0]
        J_sat = S.ideal(J_sat_gens)
        L = J_sat.elimination_ideal(z[0:n + 1] + (z[-1], ))
        return Pd.subscheme(L.change_ring(Rd))
Пример #2
class DifferentialWeylAlgebra(Algebra, UniqueRepresentation):
    The differential Weyl algebra of a polynomial ring.

    Let `R` be a commutative ring. The (differential) Weyl algebra `W` is
    the algebra generated by `x_1, x_2, \ldots x_n, \partial_{x_1},
    \partial_{x_2}, \ldots, \partial_{x_n}` subject to the relations:
    `[x_i, x_j] = 0`, `[\partial_{x_i}, \partial_{x_j}] = 0`, and
    `\partial_{x_i} x_j = x_j \partial_{x_i} + \delta_{ij}`. Therefore
    `\partial_{x_i}` is acting as the partial differential operator on `x_i`.

    The Weyl algebra can also be constructed as an iterated Ore extension
    of the polynomial ring `R[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]` by adding `x_i` at
    each step. It can also be seen as a quantization of the symmetric algebra
    `Sym(V)`, where `V` is a finite dimensional vector space over a field
    of characteristic zero, by using a modified Groenewold-Moyal
    product in the symmetric algebra.

    The Weyl algebra (even for `n = 1`) over a field of characteristic 0
    has many interesting properties.

    - It's a non-commutative domain.
    - It's a simple ring (but not in positive characteristic) that is not
      a matrix ring over a division ring.
    - It has no finite-dimensional representations.
    - It's a quotient of the universal enveloping algebra of the
      Heisenberg algebra `\mathfrak{h}_n`.


    - :wikipedia:`Weyl_algebra`


    - ``R`` -- a (polynomial) ring
    - ``names`` -- (default: ``None``) if ``None`` and ``R`` is a
      polynomial ring, then the variable names correspond to
      those of ``R``; otherwise if ``names`` is specified, then ``R``
      is the base ring


    There are two ways to create a Weyl algebra, the first is from
    a polynomial ring::

        sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
        sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R); W
        Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in x, y, z over Rational Field

    We can call ``W.inject_variables()`` to give the polynomial ring
    variables, now as elements of ``W``, and the differentials::

        sage: W.inject_variables()
        Defining x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
        sage: (dx * dy * dz) * (x^2 * y * z + x * z * dy + 1)
        x*z*dx*dy^2*dz + z*dy^2*dz + x^2*y*z*dx*dy*dz + dx*dy*dz
         + x*dx*dy^2 + 2*x*y*z*dy*dz + dy^2 + x^2*z*dx*dz + x^2*y*dx*dy
         + 2*x*z*dz + 2*x*y*dy + x^2*dx + 2*x

    Or directly by specifying a base ring and variable names::

        sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ); W
        Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in a, b over Rational Field

    .. TODO::

        Implement the :meth:`graded_algebra` as a polynomial ring once
        they are considered to be graded rings (algebras).
    def __classcall__(cls, R, names=None):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: W1.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W2 = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ['x,y,z'])
            sage: W1 is W2
        if isinstance(R, (PolynomialRing_general, MPolynomialRing_generic)):
            if names is None:
                names = R.variable_names()
                R = R.base_ring()
        elif names is None:
            raise ValueError("the names must be specified")
        elif R not in Rings().Commutative():
            raise TypeError("argument R must be a commutative ring")
        return super(DifferentialWeylAlgebra, cls).__classcall__(cls, R, names)

    def __init__(self, R, names=None):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()
        self._n = len(names)
        self._poly_ring = PolynomialRing(R, names)
        names = names + tuple('d' + n for n in names)
        if len(names) != self._n * 2:
            raise ValueError("variable names cannot differ by a leading 'd'")
        # TODO: Make this into a filtered algebra under the natural grading of
        #   x_i and dx_i have degree 1
        # Filtered is not included because it is a supercategory of super
        if R.is_field():
            cat = AlgebrasWithBasis(R).NoZeroDivisors().Super()
            cat = AlgebrasWithBasis(R).Super()
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, category=cat)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in x, y, z over Rational Field
        poly_gens = ', '.join(repr(x) for x in self.gens()[:self._n])
        return "Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in {} over {}".format(
                    poly_gens, self.base_ring())

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):
        Construct an element of ``self`` from ``x``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: a = W(2); a
            sage: a.parent() is W
            sage: W(x^2 - y*z)
            -y*z + x^2
        t = tuple([0]*(self._n))
        if x in self.base_ring():
            if x == self.base_ring().zero():
                return self.zero()
            return self.element_class(self, {(t, t): x})
        if isinstance(x, DifferentialWeylAlgebraElement):
            R = self.base_ring()
            if x.parent().base_ring() is R:
                return self.element_class(self, dict(x))
            zero = R.zero()
            return self.element_class(self, {i: R(c) for i,c in x if R(c) != zero})
        x = self._poly_ring(x)
        return self.element_class(self, {(tuple(m), t): c
                                         for m,c in x.dict().iteritems()})

    def _coerce_map_from_(self, R):
        Return data which determines if there is a coercion map
        from ``R`` to ``self``.

        If such a map exists, the output could be a map, callable,
        or ``True``, which constructs a generic map. Otherwise the output
        must be ``False`` or ``None``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> =  QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(R)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(QQ)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(ZZ['x'])

        Order of the names matter::

            sage: Wp = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ['x,z,y'])
            sage: W.has_coerce_map_from(Wp)
            sage: Wp.has_coerce_map_from(W)

        Zero coordinates are handled appropriately::

            sage: R.<x,y,z> = ZZ[]
            sage: W3 = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(GF(3)['x,y,z'])
            sage: W3.has_coerce_map_from(R)

            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(ZZ)
            sage: W3.has_coerce_map_from(W)
            sage: W3(3*x + y)
        if self._poly_ring.has_coerce_map_from(R):
            return True
        if isinstance(R, DifferentialWeylAlgebra):
            return ( R.variable_names() == self.variable_names()
                     and self.base_ring().has_coerce_map_from(R.base_ring()) )
        return super(DifferentialWeylAlgebra, self)._coerce_map_from_(R)

    def degree_on_basis(self, i):
        Return the degree of the basis element indexed by ``i``.


            sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.degree_on_basis( ((1, 3, 2), (0, 1, 3)) )

            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: dx,dy,dz = W.differentials()
            sage: elt = y*dy - (3*x - z)*dx
            sage: elt.degree()
        return sum(i[0]) + sum(i[1])

    def polynomial_ring(self):
        Return the associated polynomial ring of ``self``.


            sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.polynomial_ring()
            Multivariate Polynomial Ring in a, b over Rational Field


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.polynomial_ring() == R
        return self._poly_ring

    def basis(self):
        Return a basis of ``self``.


            sage: W.<x,y> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: B = W.basis()
            sage: it = iter(B)
            sage: [next(it) for i in range(20)]
            [1, x, y, dx, dy, x^2, x*y, x*dx, x*dy, y^2, y*dx, y*dy,
             dx^2, dx*dy, dy^2, x^3, x^2*y, x^2*dx, x^2*dy, x*y^2]
            sage: dx, dy = W.differentials()
            sage: (dx*x).monomials()
            [1, x*dx]
            sage: B[(x*y).support()[0]]
            sage: sorted((dx*x).monomial_coefficients().items())
            [(((0, 0), (0, 0)), 1), (((1, 0), (1, 0)), 1)]
        n = self._n
        from sage.combinat.integer_lists.nn import IntegerListsNN
        from sage.categories.cartesian_product import cartesian_product
        elt_map = lambda u : (tuple(u[:n]), tuple(u[n:]))
        I = IntegerListsNN(length=2*n, element_constructor=elt_map)
        one = self.base_ring().one()
        f = lambda x: self.element_class(self, {(x[0], x[1]): one})
        return Family(I, f, name="basis map")

    def algebra_generators(self):
        Return the algebra generators of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`variables`, :meth:`differentials`


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.algebra_generators()
            Finite family {'dz': dz, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'y': y, 'x': x, 'z': z}
        d = {x: self.gen(i) for i,x in enumerate(self.variable_names())}
        return Family(self.variable_names(), lambda x: d[x])

    def variables(self):
        Return the variables of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`algebra_generators`, :meth:`differentials`


            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.variables()
            Finite family {'y': y, 'x': x, 'z': z}
        N = self.variable_names()[:self._n]
        d = {x: self.gen(i) for i,x in enumerate(N) }
        return Family(N, lambda x: d[x])

    def differentials(self):
        Return the differentials of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`algebra_generators`, :meth:`variables`


            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.differentials()
            Finite family {'dz': dz, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy}
        N = self.variable_names()[self._n:]
        d = {x: self.gen(self._n+i) for i,x in enumerate(N) }
        return Family(N, lambda x: d[x])

    def gen(self, i):
        Return the ``i``-th generator of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: [W.gen(i) for i in range(6)]
            [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz]
        P = [0] * self._n
        D = [0] * self._n
        if i < self._n:
            P[i] = 1
            D[i-self._n] = 1
        return self.element_class(self, {(tuple(P), tuple(D)): self.base_ring().one()} )

    def ngens(self):
        Return the number of generators of ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.ngens()
        return self._n*2

    def one(self):
        Return the multiplicative identity element `1`.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.one()
        t = tuple([0]*self._n)
        return self.element_class( self, {(t, t): self.base_ring().one()} )

    def zero(self):
        Return the additive identity element `0`.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.zero()
        return self.element_class(self, {})

    Element = DifferentialWeylAlgebraElement
Пример #3
class DifferentialWeylAlgebra(Algebra, UniqueRepresentation):
    The differential Weyl algebra of a polynomial ring.

    Let `R` be a commutative ring. The (differential) Weyl algebra `W` is
    the algebra generated by `x_1, x_2, \ldots x_n, \partial_{x_1},
    \partial_{x_2}, \ldots, \partial_{x_n}` subject to the relations:
    `[x_i, x_j] = 0`, `[\partial_{x_i}, \partial_{x_j}] = 0`, and
    `\partial_{x_i} x_j = x_j \partial_{x_i} + \delta_{ij}`. Therefore
    `\partial_{x_i}` is acting as the partial differential operator on `x_i`.

    The Weyl algebra can also be constructed as an iterated Ore extension
    of the polynomial ring `R[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]` by adding `x_i` at
    each step. It can also be seen as a quantization of the symmetric algebra
    `Sym(V)`, where `V` is a finite dimensional vector space over a field
    of characteristic zero, by using a modified Groenewold-Moyal
    product in the symmetric algebra.

    The Weyl algebra (even for `n = 1`) over a field of characteristic 0
    has many interesting properties.

    - It's a non-commutative domain.
    - It's a simple ring (but not in positive characteristic) that is not
      a matrix ring over a division ring.
    - It has no finite-dimensional representations.
    - It's a quotient of the universal enveloping algebra of the
      Heisenberg algebra `\mathfrak{h}_n`.


    - :wikipedia:`Weyl_algebra`


    - ``R`` -- a (polynomial) ring
    - ``names`` -- (default: ``None``) if ``None`` and ``R`` is a
      polynomial ring, then the variable names correspond to
      those of ``R``; otherwise if ``names`` is specified, then ``R``
      is the base ring


    There are two ways to create a Weyl algebra, the first is from
    a polynomial ring::

        sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
        sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R); W
        Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in x, y, z over Rational Field

    We can call ``W.inject_variables()`` to give the polynomial ring
    variables, now as elements of ``W``, and the differentials::

        sage: W.inject_variables()
        Defining x, y, z, dx, dy, dz
        sage: (dx * dy * dz) * (x^2 * y * z + x * z * dy + 1)
        x*z*dx*dy^2*dz + z*dy^2*dz + x^2*y*z*dx*dy*dz + dx*dy*dz
         + x*dx*dy^2 + 2*x*y*z*dy*dz + dy^2 + x^2*z*dx*dz + x^2*y*dx*dy
         + 2*x*z*dz + 2*x*y*dy + x^2*dx + 2*x

    Or directly by specifying a base ring and variable names::

        sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ); W
        Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in a, b over Rational Field

    .. TODO::

        Implement the :meth:`graded_algebra` as a polynomial ring once
        they are considered to be graded rings (algebras).
    def __classcall__(cls, R, names=None):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: W1.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W2 = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ['x,y,z'])
            sage: W1 is W2
        if isinstance(R, (PolynomialRing_general, MPolynomialRing_generic)):
            if names is None:
                names = R.variable_names()
                R = R.base_ring()
        elif names is None:
            raise ValueError("the names must be specified")
        elif R not in Rings().Commutative():
            raise TypeError("argument R must be a commutative ring")
        return super(DifferentialWeylAlgebra, cls).__classcall__(cls, R, names)

    def __init__(self, R, names=None):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()
        self._n = len(names)
        self._poly_ring = PolynomialRing(R, names)
        names = names + tuple('d' + n for n in names)
        if len(names) != self._n * 2:
            raise ValueError("variable names cannot differ by a leading 'd'")
        # TODO: Make this into a filtered algebra under the natural grading of
        #   x_i and dx_i have degree 1
        # Filtered is not included because it is a supercategory of super
        if R.is_field():
            cat = AlgebrasWithBasis(R).NoZeroDivisors().Super()
            cat = AlgebrasWithBasis(R).Super()
        Algebra.__init__(self, R, names, category=cat)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in x, y, z over Rational Field
        poly_gens = ', '.join(repr(x) for x in self.gens()[:self._n])
        return "Differential Weyl algebra of polynomials in {} over {}".format(
                    poly_gens, self.base_ring())

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):
        Construct an element of ``self`` from ``x``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: a = W(2); a
            sage: a.parent() is W
            sage: W(x^2 - y*z)
            -y*z + x^2
        t = tuple([0]*(self._n))
        if x in self.base_ring():
            if x == self.base_ring().zero():
                return self.zero()
            return self.element_class(self, {(t, t): x})
        if isinstance(x, DifferentialWeylAlgebraElement):
            R = self.base_ring()
            if x.parent().base_ring() is R:
                return self.element_class(self, dict(x))
            zero = R.zero()
            return self.element_class(self, {i: R(c) for i,c in x if R(c) != zero})
        x = self._poly_ring(x)
        return self.element_class(self, {(tuple(m), t): c
                                         for m,c in six.iteritems(x.dict())})

    def _coerce_map_from_(self, R):
        Return data which determines if there is a coercion map
        from ``R`` to ``self``.

        If such a map exists, the output could be a map, callable,
        or ``True``, which constructs a generic map. Otherwise the output
        must be ``False`` or ``None``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> =  QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(R)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(QQ)
            sage: W._coerce_map_from_(ZZ['x'])

        Order of the names matter::

            sage: Wp = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ['x,z,y'])
            sage: W.has_coerce_map_from(Wp)
            sage: Wp.has_coerce_map_from(W)

        Zero coordinates are handled appropriately::

            sage: R.<x,y,z> = ZZ[]
            sage: W3 = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(GF(3)['x,y,z'])
            sage: W3.has_coerce_map_from(R)

            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(ZZ)
            sage: W3.has_coerce_map_from(W)
            sage: W3(3*x + y)
        if self._poly_ring.has_coerce_map_from(R):
            return True
        if isinstance(R, DifferentialWeylAlgebra):
            return ( R.variable_names() == self.variable_names()
                     and self.base_ring().has_coerce_map_from(R.base_ring()) )
        return super(DifferentialWeylAlgebra, self)._coerce_map_from_(R)

    def degree_on_basis(self, i):
        Return the degree of the basis element indexed by ``i``.


            sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.degree_on_basis( ((1, 3, 2), (0, 1, 3)) )

            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: dx,dy,dz = W.differentials()
            sage: elt = y*dy - (3*x - z)*dx
            sage: elt.degree()
        return sum(i[0]) + sum(i[1])

    def polynomial_ring(self):
        Return the associated polynomial ring of ``self``.


            sage: W.<a,b> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.polynomial_ring()
            Multivariate Polynomial Ring in a, b over Rational Field


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.polynomial_ring() == R
        return self._poly_ring

    def basis(self):
        Return a basis of ``self``.


            sage: W.<x,y> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: B = W.basis()
            sage: it = iter(B)
            sage: [next(it) for i in range(20)]
            [1, x, y, dx, dy, x^2, x*y, x*dx, x*dy, y^2, y*dx, y*dy,
             dx^2, dx*dy, dy^2, x^3, x^2*y, x^2*dx, x^2*dy, x*y^2]
            sage: dx, dy = W.differentials()
            sage: (dx*x).monomials()
            [1, x*dx]
            sage: B[(x*y).support()[0]]
            sage: sorted((dx*x).monomial_coefficients().items())
            [(((0, 0), (0, 0)), 1), (((1, 0), (1, 0)), 1)]
        n = self._n
        from sage.combinat.integer_lists.nn import IntegerListsNN
        elt_map = lambda u : (tuple(u[:n]), tuple(u[n:]))
        I = IntegerListsNN(length=2*n, element_constructor=elt_map)
        one = self.base_ring().one()
        f = lambda x: self.element_class(self, {(x[0], x[1]): one})
        return Family(I, f, name="basis map")

    def algebra_generators(self):
        Return the algebra generators of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`variables`, :meth:`differentials`


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.algebra_generators()
            Finite family {'dz': dz, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'y': y, 'x': x, 'z': z}
        d = {x: self.gen(i) for i,x in enumerate(self.variable_names())}
        return Family(self.variable_names(), lambda x: d[x])

    def variables(self):
        Return the variables of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`algebra_generators`, :meth:`differentials`


            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.variables()
            Finite family {'y': y, 'x': x, 'z': z}
        N = self.variable_names()[:self._n]
        d = {x: self.gen(i) for i,x in enumerate(N) }
        return Family(N, lambda x: d[x])

    def differentials(self):
        Return the differentials of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::

            :meth:`algebra_generators`, :meth:`variables`


            sage: W.<x,y,z> = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: W.differentials()
            Finite family {'dz': dz, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy}
        N = self.variable_names()[self._n:]
        d = {x: self.gen(self._n+i) for i,x in enumerate(N) }
        return Family(N, lambda x: d[x])

    def gen(self, i):
        Return the ``i``-th generator of ``self``.

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: [W.gen(i) for i in range(6)]
            [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz]
        P = [0] * self._n
        D = [0] * self._n
        if i < self._n:
            P[i] = 1
            D[i-self._n] = 1
        return self.element_class(self, {(tuple(P), tuple(D)): self.base_ring().one()} )

    def ngens(self):
        Return the number of generators of ``self``.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.ngens()
        return self._n*2

    def one(self):
        Return the multiplicative identity element `1`.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.one()
        t = tuple([0]*self._n)
        return self.element_class( self, {(t, t): self.base_ring().one()} )

    def zero(self):
        Return the additive identity element `0`.


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: W = DifferentialWeylAlgebra(R)
            sage: W.zero()
        return self.element_class(self, {})

    Element = DifferentialWeylAlgebraElement
Пример #4
    def dual(self):
        Return the projective dual of the given subscheme of projective space.


        - ``X`` -- A subscheme of projective space. At present, ``X`` is
          required to be an irreducible and reduced hypersurface defined
          over `\QQ` or a finite field.


        - The dual of ``X`` as a subscheme of the dual projective space.


        The dual of a smooth conic in the plane is also a smooth conic::

            sage: R.<x, y, z> = QQ[]
            sage: P.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(2, QQ)
            sage: I = R.ideal(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(I)
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field defined by:
              y0^2 + y1^2 + y2^2

        The dual of the twisted cubic curve in projective 3-space is a singular
        quartic surface. In the following example, we compute the dual of this
        surface, which by double duality is equal to the twisted cubic itself.
        The output is the twisted cubic as an intersection of three quadrics::

            sage: R.<x, y, z, w> = QQ[]
            sage: P.<x, y, z, w> = ProjectiveSpace(3, QQ)
            sage: I = R.ideal(y^2*z^2 - 4*x*z^3 - 4*y^3*w + 18*x*y*z*w - 27*x^2*w^2)
            sage: X = P.subscheme(I)
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 3 over
            Rational Field defined by:
              y2^2 - y1*y3,
              y1*y2 - y0*y3,
              y1^2 - y0*y2

        The singular locus of the quartic surface in the last example
        is itself supported on a twisted cubic::

            sage: X.Jacobian().radical()
            Ideal (z^2 - 3*y*w, y*z - 9*x*w, y^2 - 3*x*z) of Multivariate
            Polynomial Ring in x, y, z, w over Rational Field

        An example over a finite field::

            sage: R = PolynomialRing(GF(61), 'a,b,c')
            sage: P.<a, b, c> = ProjectiveSpace(2, R.base_ring())
            sage: X = P.subscheme(R.ideal(a*a+2*b*b+3*c*c))
            sage: X.dual()
            Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 2 over
            Finite Field of size 61 defined by:
            y0^2 - 30*y1^2 - 20*y2^2


            sage: R = PolynomialRing(Qp(3), 'a,b,c')
            sage: P.<a, b, c> = ProjectiveSpace(2, R.base_ring())
            sage: X = P.subscheme(R.ideal(a*a+2*b*b+3*c*c))
            sage: X.dual()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: base ring must be QQ or a finite field
        from sage.libs.singular.function_factory import ff

        K = self.base_ring()
        if not(is_RationalField(K) or is_FiniteField(K)):
            raise NotImplementedError("base ring must be QQ or a finite field")
        I = self.defining_ideal()
        m = I.ngens()
        n = I.ring().ngens() - 1
        if (m != 1 or (n < 1) or I.is_zero()
            or I.is_trivial() or not I.is_prime()):
            raise NotImplementedError("At the present, the method is only"
                                      " implemented for irreducible and"
                                      " reduced hypersurfaces and the given"
                                      " list of generators for the ideal must"
                                      " have exactly one element.")
        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x', n + 1)
        from sage.schemes.projective.projective_space import ProjectiveSpace
        Pd = ProjectiveSpace(n, K, 'y')
        Rd = Pd.coordinate_ring()
        x = R.variable_names()
        y = Rd.variable_names()
        S = PolynomialRing(K, x + y + ('t',))
        if S.has_coerce_map_from(I.ring()):
            T = PolynomialRing(K, 'w', n + 1)
            I_S = (I.change_ring(T)).change_ring(S)
            I_S = I.change_ring(S)
        f_S = I_S.gens()[0]
        z = S.gens()
        J = I_S
        for i in range(n + 1):
            J = J + S.ideal(z[-1] * f_S.derivative(z[i]) - z[i + n + 1])

        sat = ff.elim__lib.sat

        max_ideal = S.ideal(z[n + 1: 2 * n + 2])
        J_sat_gens = sat(J, max_ideal)[0]
        J_sat = S.ideal(J_sat_gens)
        L = J_sat.elimination_ideal(z[0: n + 1] + (z[-1],))
        return Pd.subscheme(L.change_ring(Rd))