Пример #1
    def build(self):
            "Building maps for conversion between real and image space")

        self.imagetree = {}
        self.imagemap = {}
        self.realtree = KDTree([x.realcoords for x in self.patches])
        self.realmapping = {}

        for num, patch in enumerate(self.patches):
            if num % 1000 == 0:
                logger.debug("Built maps for {0} of {1} patches".format(
                    num, len(self.patches)))

            resp = {}
            for _, projection in self.projections.items():
                inimage = patch.project(projection)
                if projection.id not in self.imagetree:
                    self.imagetree[projection.id] = []
                    self.imagemap[projection.id] = {}
                self.imagemap[projection.id][tuple(inimage)] = patch.realcoords
                resp[projection.id] = inimage

            self.realmapping[tuple(patch.realcoords)] = resp

        logger.debug("Done building maps for {0} patches".format(

        logger.debug("Building image KD tree")
        for key, imagecoords in self.imagetree.items():
            self.imagetree[key] = KDTree(imagecoords)
Пример #2
def calc_constriction_site(pdbid: str):
    """Here the assumption is that the constriction site is unique and so is then the KDTree min then."""
    pdbid = pdbid.upper()

    chainL22: str = log.get_struct(pdbid)['uL22'].values[0]
    chainL4: str = log.get_struct(pdbid)['uL4'].values[0]

    if ',' in chainL22: chainL22 = chainL22.split(',')[0]
    if ',' in chainL4: chainL4 = chainL4.split(',')[0]

    struct = fetchStructure(pdbid)[0]

    L4: Chain = struct[chainL4]
    L22: Chain = struct[chainL22]

    l4res = [*L4.get_atoms()]
    l22res = [*L22.get_atoms()]

    kdtreeonl4 = KDTree([*map(lambda x: x.get_coord(), l4res)])
    kdtreeonl22 = KDTree([*map(lambda x: x.get_coord(), l22res)])

    nbridin22: Atom = None
    nbridin4: Atom = None
    atom: Atom

    distances_indexes = kdtreeonl4.query(
        [*map(lambda x: x.get_coord(), l22res)])
    dist = 99999999
    for x in zip([*distances_indexes[0]], [*distances_indexes[1]]):
        if x[0] < dist:
            dist = x[0]
            nbridin4 = x[1]

    distances_indexes = kdtreeonl22.query(
        [*map(lambda x: x.get_coord(), l4res)])
    dist = 99999999
    for x in zip([*distances_indexes[0]], [*distances_indexes[1]]):
        if x[0] < dist:
            dist = x[0]
            nbridin22 = x[1]

    l4atomcord = l4res[nbridin4].get_coord()
    l22atomcord = l22res[nbridin22].get_coord()

    centerline = np.mean([l4atomcord, l22atomcord], axis=0)
    residueInL4: Residue = l4res[nbridin4].get_parent()
    residueInL22: Residue = l22res[nbridin22].get_parent()

        """{} {} in chain {}({}) is closest to {} {} in chain{}({}).\n Centerline:{}"""
                residueInL22.get_id()[1], chainL22, 'uL22',
                residueInL4.get_id()[1], chainL4, 'uL4', centerline))

    return {"uL22": residueInL22, "uL4": residueInL4, "centerline": centerline}
Пример #3
        def estimatemeans(self):
            feature_positions = []
            for i in range(len(self.edges[0]) - 1):
                for j in range(len(self.edges[1]) - 1):
                    if len(self.points[i, j]) > 0:
                        feature_positions.append([i, j])

            tree = KDTree(feature_positions)
            for i in range(len(self.edges[0]) - 1):
                for j in range(len(self.edges[1]) - 1):
                    if self.points[i, j] == []:

                        radius, neighbour = tree.query(x=np.array([i, j]), k=1)
                        if radius > feature_resolution[0] / 10:
                            self.estmeans[i, j] = np.nan
                            self.means[i, j] = np.nan
                            nearby = tree.data[tree.query_ball_point(
                                x=np.array([i, j]), r=radius)]
                            #print([self.trumeans[i] for i in nearby])
                            estmean = np.nanmean(
                                [self.trumeans[i.astype(int)] for i in nearby])
                            self.estmeans[i, j] = estmean
                            self.means[i, j] = estmean
                        self.means[i, j] = self.trumeans[i, j]
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, ax, basemap, lons2d, lats2d, ncVarDict, times,
                 start_date, end_date):
        Plots a vertical profile at the point nearest to the clicked one
        :type ax: Axes
        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)
        self.basemap = basemap
        assert isinstance(self.basemap, Basemap)

        self.lons_flat = lons2d.flatten()
        self.lats_flat = lats2d.flatten()
        self.ncVarDict = ncVarDict
        self.lons2d = lons2d
        self.lats2d = lats2d
        self.counter = 0
        self.ax = ax
        x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons2d.flatten(),
        self.kdtree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))

        self.sel_time_indices = np.where(
            [start_date <= t <= end_date for t in times])[0]
        self.times = times[self.sel_time_indices]

        ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self)
Пример #5
def add_clusters(df_cells, neighbor_dist=50):
    """Assigns -1 to clusters with only one cell.
    from scipy.spatial.kdtree import KDTree
    import networkx as nx

    x = df_cells[GLOBAL_X] + df_cells[POSITION_J]
    y = df_cells[GLOBAL_Y] + df_cells[POSITION_I]
    barcodes = df_cells[BARCODE_0]
    barcodes = np.array(barcodes)

    kdt = KDTree(np.array([x, y]).T)
    num_cells = len(df_cells)
    print('searching for clusters among %d cells' % num_cells)
    pairs = kdt.query_pairs(neighbor_dist)
    pairs = np.array(list(pairs))

    x = barcodes[pairs]
    y = x[:, 0] == x[:, 1]

    G = nx.Graph()

    clusters = list(nx.connected_components(G))

    cluster_index = np.zeros(num_cells, dtype=int) - 1
    for i, c in enumerate(clusters):
        cluster_index[list(c)] = i

    df_cells[CLUSTER] = cluster_index
    return df_cells
Пример #6
def solvent_surface(molecule, num_points_per_atom=140, delta=0.1):
    radii = get_solvent_radii(molecule.atomic_numbers)
    N = len(molecule)
    grid = load_grid_num_points(num_points_per_atom)
    num_points_per_atom = grid.shape[0]
    axes = molecule.axes()
    positions = molecule.positions_in_molecular_axis_frame()
    surface = np.empty((N * num_points_per_atom, 4))
    atom_idx = np.empty(N * num_points_per_atom, dtype=np.int32)

    for i in range(N):
        r = radii[i] + delta
        l, u = num_points_per_atom * i, num_points_per_atom * (i + 1)
        surface[l:u, 3] = grid[:, 3] * 4 * np.pi * radii[i] * radii[i]
        surface[l:u, :3] = grid[:, :3] * r
        surface[l:u, :3] += positions[i, :]
        atom_idx[l:u] = i

    mask = np.ones_like(atom_idx, dtype=bool)

    tree = KDTree(surface[:, :3])
    for i in range(N):
        p = positions[i]
        radius = radii[i] + delta
        idxs = tree.query_ball_point(p, radius - 1e-12)
        mask[idxs] = False

    surface = surface[mask, :]
    surface[:, :3] = (np.dot(surface[:, :3], axes) +
                      molecule.center_of_mass[np.newaxis, :])
    atom_idx = atom_idx[mask]
    return surface
Пример #7
def locally_extreme_points(coords,
    # Description
    # Find local maxima of points in a pointcloud.  Ties result in both points passing through the filter.
    # Not to be used for high-dimensional data.  It will be slow.
    # coords: A shape (n_points, n_dims) array of point locations
    # data: A shape (n_points, ) vector of point values
    # neighbourhood: The (scalar) size of the neighbourhood in which to search.
    # lookfor: Either 'max', or 'min', depending on whether you want local maxima or minima
    # p_norm: The p-norm to use for measuring distance (e.g. 1=Manhattan, 2=Euclidian)
    # returns
    #     filtered_coords: The coordinates of locally extreme points
    #     filtered_data: The values of these points

    assert coords.shape[0] == data.shape[
        0], 'You must have one coordinate per data point'
    extreme_fcn = {'min': np.min, 'max': np.max}[lookfor]
    kdtree = KDTree(coords)
    neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=neighbourhood, p=p_norm)
    i_am_extreme = [
        data[i] == extreme_fcn(data[n]) for i, n in enumerate(neighbours)
    extrema, = np.nonzero(
        i_am_extreme)  # This line just saves time on indexing
    return coords[extrema], data[extrema]
Пример #8
    def __init__(self,
        Plots a vertical profile at the point nearest to the clicked one
        :type ax: Axes
        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)
        self.basemap = basemap
        assert isinstance(self.basemap, Basemap)
        self.tmin_3d = tmin_3d
        self.tmax_3d = tmax_3d
        self.lons2d = lons2d
        self.lats2d = lats2d
        self.T0 = 273.15

        self.lons_flat = lons2d.flatten()
        self.lats_flat = lats2d.flatten()
        self.level_heights = levelheights

        self.counter = 0
        self.ax = ax
        x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons2d.flatten(),
        self.kdtree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))
        ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self)
Пример #9
 def _init_kd_tree(self):
     Init KDTree used for interpolation
     x0, y0, z0 = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(self.lon2d.flatten(),
     self.kdtree = KDTree(list(zip(x0, y0, z0)))
Пример #10
        def updatemeans(self, newpoint, model, fr):
            '''For use when self = meanmap
            Calculates the mean observed value for each niche and populates
            the current map with those mean values. 
            #Update the new point first
            new_index = tuple(self.nichefinder(newpoint[2]))
            i, j = new_index[0], new_index[1]
            obsmean = self.trumeans[i, j]
            #estmean = self.estimatemean( i,j)
            #self.estmeans[ i,j ] = estmean
            #self.means[i,j] = np.mean([estmean, obsmean])
            self.means[i, j] = obsmean
            ## Now update points that will be affected by the current point

            feature_positions = []
            for i in range(len(self.edges[0]) - 1):
                for j in range(len(self.edges[1]) - 1):
                    if self.points[i, j] != []:
                        feature_positions.append([i, j])
            tree = KDTree(feature_positions)
            checkindex = [new_index]
            # Explore all the points around it.

            end = False
            checked = []
            while not end:
                newcheck = []
                for index in checkindex:
                    newcheck, checked = self.pointsearch(
                        model, index[0], index[1], fr, tree, newpoint, checked)
                    checkindex += newcheck
                if len(newcheck) == 0:
                    end = True
Пример #11
def compute_graph(samples,
    vertices = list(range(len(samples)))
    edges = set()
    if not vertices:
        return vertices, edges
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(len(samples[0]))
    embed_fn = get_embed_fn(weights)
    embedded = list(map(embed_fn, samples))
    kd_tree = KDTree(embedded)
    for v1 in vertices:
        # TODO: could dynamically compute distances
        distances, neighbors = kd_tree.query(embedded[v1],
                                             k=max_degree + 1,
        for d, v2 in zip(distances, neighbors):
            if (d < max_distance) and (v1 != v2):
                edges.update([(v1, v2), (v2, v1)])
    # print(time.time() - start_time, len(edges), float(len(edges))/len(samples))
    return vertices, edges
Пример #12
def nearest_neighbor_fill(ball, mask):
    # Fill flag holes with nearest neighbor
    ff = np.asarray(ball).copy()
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:ff.shape[0], 0:ff.shape[1]]
    xygood = np.array((x[~mask], y[~mask])).T
    xybad = np.array((x[mask], y[mask])).T
    ff[mask] = ff[~mask][KDTree(xygood).query(xybad)[1]]
    return Image.fromarray(ff)
Пример #13
def build_tree(laser_file):
    # build a KD-tree over the point clouds to find nearest neighbors.
    # input: the point cloud file that is going to be searched.
    # output: the tree file that includes indices ready to be searched.
    data_ready = np.vstack([laser_file.X, laser_file.Y,
    tree = KDTree(data_ready)
    return tree
Пример #14
 def warp_keypoints(self, keypoints, grid_unnormalized):
     from scipy.spatial.kdtree import KDTree
     warp_grid = grid_unnormalized.reshape(-1, 2)
     regular_grid = self.grid_pixels_unnormalized.reshape(-1, 2)
     kd = KDTree(warp_grid)
     dists, idxs = kd.query(keypoints)
     new_keypoints = regular_grid[idxs]
     return new_keypoints
Пример #15
def compute_minimax_distance(path1, path2):
    overall_distance = 0.
    for path, other in permutations([path1, path2]):
        tree = KDTree(other)
        for q1 in path:
            #closest_distance = min(get_distance(q1, q2) for q2 in other)
            closest_distance, closest_index = tree.query(q1, k=1, eps=0.)
            overall_distance = max(overall_distance, closest_distance)
    return overall_distance
Пример #16
def make_adjacency_matrix(data, k):
    kt = KDTree(data) 
    out = zeros((len(data),len(data)))
    for i, points in enumerate(data):
        distance, neighbors = kt.query_ball_point(points, k)
        for j in neighbors[1:]:
            out[i][j] = 1;
            out[j][i] = 1; #to ensure symmetry, one can imagine the the nearest neighbors is not necessarily associative
    return out 
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, filepath):
     start = time.time()
     self.file = File(filepath, mode="r")
     self.scale = self.file.header.scale[0]
     self.offset = self.file.header.offset[0]
     self.tree = KDTree(
         np.vstack([self.file.x, self.file.y, self.file.z]).transpose())
     self.time = self.file.header.get_date()
     end = time.time() - start
     print("Time Elapsed: {}".format(end))
Пример #18
def mutual_knn(points, n=10, distance=radial_kernel()):
    knn = {}
    kt = KDTree(points)
    for i, point in enumerate(points):
        # cannot use euclidean distance directly
        for neighbour in kt.query(point, n + 1)[1]:
            if i != neighbour:
                knn.setdefault(i, []).append(
                    (distance(point, points[neighbour]), neighbour))
    return knn
Пример #19
 def get_kd_tree(self):
     :rtype : KDTree
     for interpolation purposes
     if self._kdtree is None:
         x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(self.lons.flatten(),
         self._kdtree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))
     return self._kdtree
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, xml_annot):

        self._data = []
        self.ref_by_pages = {}
        idx = 0

        for annotation in xml_annot.findall(
            dest = annotation.find("ACTION/DEST")
                page_dest = dest.get("page")
                x_dest = dest.get("x")
                y_dest = dest.get("y")
                # Maybe change that, see how much we loose

            page_num = annotation.get("pagenum")
            page_n = int(page_num)

            quadpoints = annotation.findall("QUADPOINTS/QUADRILATERAL/POINT")
            min_h, min_v, max_h, max_v = None, None, None, None
            for point in quadpoints:
                h, v = float(point.get("HPOS")), float(point.get("VPOS"))

                if min_h is None:
                    min_h, max_h = h, h
                    min_v, max_v = v, v
                    min_h = min(min_h, h)
                    max_h = max(max_h, h)
                    min_v = min(min_v, v)
                    max_v = max(max_v, v)

                "page_dest": page_dest,
                "x_dest": x_dest,
                "y_dest": y_dest,
                "bbx": BBX(page_num, min_h, min_v, max_h, max_v)
            Add a new point in the QDTree of the page *page_n*
            if page_n not in self.ref_by_pages:
                self.ref_by_pages[page_n] = {"idx": [], "pos": []}

            self.ref_by_pages[page_n]["pos"].append([(min_v + max_v) / 2,
                                                     (min_h + max_h) / 2])
            idx += 1

        # Convert list to QDTree
        for page in self.ref_by_pages:
            self.ref_by_pages[page]["tree"] = KDTree(
Пример #21
    def waypoints_cb(self, msg):
        # self.waypoints = waypoints
        # rospy.loginfo("TL_DETECTOR: waypoints_cb called...")

        self.base_waypoints = msg.waypoints
        if self.base_waypoints is not None:
            # populate the Lane msg header as well (not really required, but to be consistent)
            # self.lane_msg_header = msg.header
            # get the 2d (x, y) waypoints
            self.base_waypoints_2d = [[wp.pose.pose.position.x, wp.pose.pose.position.y] for wp in self.base_waypoints]
            # build a KDTree for efficient search of nearest waypoint
            self.base_waypoints_kdtree = KDTree(self.base_waypoints_2d)
Пример #22
    def interpolate_data_to_model_grid(self, model_lons_2d, model_lats_2d,
        x0, y0, z0 = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(model_lons_2d.flatten(),
        x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(self.lons2d.flatten(),

        if self.ktree is None:
            self.ktree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))

        d, i = self.ktree.query(list(zip(x0, y0, z0)))

        return data_obs.flatten()[i].reshape(model_lons_2d.shape)
Пример #23
        def getKDTDict(pdict):
            kdtdict = {}

            for l, li in pdict.items():
                pnts1 = [lin.p1 for lin in li]
                #pnts2 = [lin.p2 for lin in li]

                pnts = [[p.x, p.y] for p in pnts1]
                #pnts.extend( [ [p.x, p.y] for p in pnts2 ] )

                kdtdict[l] = KDTree(pnts)

            return kdtdict
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, data):
        """Find neigbors
            data (pd.DataFrame or dict): data with at columns id,pos,and eventually range
        if data is not None:

            self.data = data

            # Safety checks
            assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
            assert "pos" in data.columns

            # Initialize KDTree finder from scipy
            self.tree = KDTree(self.data["pos"].tolist())
Пример #25
    def _merge(self, roi):
        points = [e[2] for e in roi]
        tree = KDTree(points)
        pp = tree.query_pairs(4)
        #pp = sorted( pp , key=lambda e: max(roi[e[0]] , roi[e[1]]), reverse=True)
        skips = set()
        for i, j in pp:
            if self.Debug:
                print '%s(%.2f),%s(%.2f)' % (roi[i][0], roi[i][1], roi[j][0],

            if i in skips or j in skips: continue
            skip = i if roi[i][1] < roi[j][1] else j

        rs = (e for i, e in enumerate(roi) if not i in skips)
        rs = sorted(rs, key=lambda e: e[1])[-4:]
        return sorted(rs, key=lambda e: e[2][1])
def test_evol_for_point():
    lon = -100
    lat = 60

    path = "/home/huziy/skynet1_rech3/cordex/for_Samira/b1/tmp_era40_b1.nc"

    ds = Dataset(path)
    data = ds.variables["tmp"][:]
    years = ds.variables["year"][:]

    coord_file = "/skynet1_rech3/huziy/cordex/CORDEX_DIAG/NorthAmerica_0.44deg_CanESM_B1"
    coord_file = os.path.join(coord_file, "pmNorthAmerica_0.44deg_CanHisto_B1_195801_moyenne")
    #coord_file = os.path.join(data_folder, "pmNorthAmerica_0.44deg_ERA40-Int2_195801_moyenne")
    b, lons2d, lats2d = draw_regions.get_basemap_and_coords(file_path=coord_file)

    sel_lons = [lon]
    sel_lats = [lat]
    xo,yo,zo = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(sel_lons, sel_lats)

    xi, yi, zi = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons2d.flatten(), lats2d.flatten())
    ktree = KDTree(list(zip(xi,yi,zi)))
    dists, indexes =  ktree.query(list(zip(xo,yo,zo)))

    idx = indexes[0]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    data_to_show = []

    for i, y in enumerate(years):


    plt.plot(years, data_to_show, "-s", lw = 3)


Пример #27
def add_clusters(df_cells,
                 ij=(POSITION_I, POSITION_J)):
    """Assigns -1 to clusters with only one cell.
    from scipy.spatial.kdtree import KDTree
    import networkx as nx

    I, J = ij
    x = df_cells[GLOBAL_X] + df_cells[J]
    y = df_cells[GLOBAL_Y] + df_cells[I]
    barcodes = df_cells[barcode_col]
    barcodes = np.array(barcodes)

    kdt = KDTree(np.array([x, y]).T)
    num_cells = len(df_cells)

    if verbose:
        message = 'searching for clusters among {} {} objects'
        print(message.format(num_cells, barcode_col))
    pairs = kdt.query_pairs(radius)
    pairs = np.array(list(pairs))

    x = barcodes[pairs]
    y = x[:, 0] == x[:, 1]

    G = nx.Graph()

    clusters = list(nx.connected_components(G))

    cluster_index = np.zeros(num_cells, dtype=int) - 1
    for i, c in enumerate(clusters):
        cluster_index[list(c)] = i

    df_cells = df_cells.copy()
    df_cells[CLUSTER] = cluster_index
    df_cells[CLUSTER_SIZE] = (
    df_cells.loc[df_cells[CLUSTER] == -1, CLUSTER_SIZE] = 1
    return df_cells
Пример #28
def locally_extreme_points(coords,
    Find local maxima of points in a pointcloud.  Ties result in both points passing through the filter.

    Not to be used for high-dimensional data.  It will be slow.

    coords: A shape (n_points, n_dims) array of point locations
    data: A shape (n_points, ) vector of point values
    radius: The (scalar) size of the neighbourhood in which to search.
    min_neighbourhood_size: Extrema whose neighbourhood has less than min_neighbourhood_size points are discarded
    lookfor: Either 'max', or 'min', depending on whether you want local maxima or minima
    p_norm: The p-norm to use for measuring distance (e.g. 1=Manhattan, 2=Euclidian)

        filtered_coords: The coordinates of locally extreme points
        filtered_data: The values of these points
    assert coords.shape[0] == data.shape[
        0], 'You must have one coordinate per data point'
    extreme_fcn = {'min': np.min, 'max': np.max}[lookfor]
    kdtree = KDTree(coords)
    if smoothing_radius is not None:
        smoothing_neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree,
        smooth_data = np.array(
            [np.mean(data[n]) for n in smoothing_neighbours])
        smooth_data = data
    neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=radius, p=p_norm)
    i_am_extreme = [
        (np.nonzero(np.equal(n, i))[0][0] == np.argmax(smooth_data[n])) &
        (len(n) > min_neighbourhood_size) for i, n in enumerate(neighbours)
    extrema, = np.nonzero(
        i_am_extreme)  # This line just saves time on indexing
    return coords[extrema], data[extrema]
Пример #29
def create_main_grid(points, extend, img_size=32, values=[]):
    """Create grid and caluclate features
    :param points: Array Vstack [x, y, z, classification] [m]
    :type points: float
    :param extend: Array [minX minY, maxX maxY]
    :type extend: float
    :param img_size: Spatial size of feature area Default 32. Should be 2 to power of n
    :type img_size: int
    :param values: Values for Feature Stats, if non is passed height is used
    :type values: float
    tree = KDTree(points[:, 0:2])
    buff = int(img_size / 2)

    if values:
        points[:, 2] = values

    minX = extend[0, 0] - buff
    minY = extend[0, 1] - buff
    maxX = extend[1, 0] + buff
    maxY = extend[1, 1] + buff

    gridX = np.linspace(int(minX), int(maxX), int(maxX - minX + 1))
    gridY = np.linspace(int(minY), int(maxY), int(maxY - minY + 1))

    f1 = np.zeros((len(gridX), len(gridY)))
    f2 = np.zeros((len(gridX), len(gridY)))
    f3 = np.zeros((len(gridX), len(gridY)))

    for x, i in zip(gridX, range(0, len(gridX))):
        for y, j in zip(gridY, range(0, len(gridY))):
            list = tree.query_ball_point([x, y], 1.4)
            cell_ext = np.array([[x - 0.5, y - 0.5], [x + 0.5, y + 0.5]])
            cell_points = clip(points[list], cell_ext)

            if cell_points.any():

                f1[i, j] = np.mean(cell_points[:, 2])
                f2[i, j] = np.min(cell_points[:, 2])
                f3[i, j] = np.max(cell_points[:, 2])

    return [f1, f2, f3]
def kdtree_density(points, radius, return_tree=False):
    """ Returns the density calculated sing a Ball Tree.
        Higher is denser.

        Scales according to the dimension of the points.
        see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14070565/calculating-point-density-using-python

        If `return_tree` is `True` returns a tuple of the density and the KDTree.
    tree = KDTree(points)
    n = points.shape[-1]

    ball_trees = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)
    frequency = np.array([len(neighbours) for neighbours in ball_trees])
    density = frequency / radius**n

    if return_tree:
        return np.mean(density), tree

    return np.mean(density)