Пример #1
def locally_extreme_points(coords,
    # Description
    # Find local maxima of points in a pointcloud.  Ties result in both points passing through the filter.
    # Not to be used for high-dimensional data.  It will be slow.
    # coords: A shape (n_points, n_dims) array of point locations
    # data: A shape (n_points, ) vector of point values
    # neighbourhood: The (scalar) size of the neighbourhood in which to search.
    # lookfor: Either 'max', or 'min', depending on whether you want local maxima or minima
    # p_norm: The p-norm to use for measuring distance (e.g. 1=Manhattan, 2=Euclidian)
    # returns
    #     filtered_coords: The coordinates of locally extreme points
    #     filtered_data: The values of these points

    assert coords.shape[0] == data.shape[
        0], 'You must have one coordinate per data point'
    extreme_fcn = {'min': np.min, 'max': np.max}[lookfor]
    kdtree = KDTree(coords)
    neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=neighbourhood, p=p_norm)
    i_am_extreme = [
        data[i] == extreme_fcn(data[n]) for i, n in enumerate(neighbours)
    extrema, = np.nonzero(
        i_am_extreme)  # This line just saves time on indexing
    return coords[extrema], data[extrema]
Пример #2
def locally_extreme_points(coords,
    Find local maxima of points in a pointcloud.  Ties result in both points passing through the filter.

    Not to be used for high-dimensional data.  It will be slow.

    coords: A shape (n_points, n_dims) array of point locations
    data: A shape (n_points, ) vector of point values
    radius: The (scalar) size of the neighbourhood in which to search.
    min_neighbourhood_size: Extrema whose neighbourhood has less than min_neighbourhood_size points are discarded
    lookfor: Either 'max', or 'min', depending on whether you want local maxima or minima
    p_norm: The p-norm to use for measuring distance (e.g. 1=Manhattan, 2=Euclidian)

        filtered_coords: The coordinates of locally extreme points
        filtered_data: The values of these points
    assert coords.shape[0] == data.shape[
        0], 'You must have one coordinate per data point'
    extreme_fcn = {'min': np.min, 'max': np.max}[lookfor]
    kdtree = KDTree(coords)
    if smoothing_radius is not None:
        smoothing_neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree,
        smooth_data = np.array(
            [np.mean(data[n]) for n in smoothing_neighbours])
        smooth_data = data
    neighbours = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=radius, p=p_norm)
    i_am_extreme = [
        (np.nonzero(np.equal(n, i))[0][0] == np.argmax(smooth_data[n])) &
        (len(n) > min_neighbourhood_size) for i, n in enumerate(neighbours)
    extrema, = np.nonzero(
        i_am_extreme)  # This line just saves time on indexing
    return coords[extrema], data[extrema]
def kdtree_density(points, radius, return_tree=False):
    """ Returns the density calculated sing a Ball Tree.
        Higher is denser.

        Scales according to the dimension of the points.
        see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14070565/calculating-point-density-using-python

        If `return_tree` is `True` returns a tuple of the density and the KDTree.
    tree = KDTree(points)
    n = points.shape[-1]

    ball_trees = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)
    frequency = np.array([len(neighbours) for neighbours in ball_trees])
    density = frequency / radius**n

    if return_tree:
        return np.mean(density), tree

    return np.mean(density)