Пример #1
    def _read_spec_from_yaml(self, hash_key, installs, parent_key=None):
        """Recursively construct a spec from a hash in a YAML database.

        Does not do any locking.
        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']

        # Install records don't include hash with spec, so we add it in here
        # to ensure it is read properly.
        for name in spec_dict:
            spec_dict[name]['hash'] = hash_key

        # Build spec from dict first.
        spec = Spec.from_node_dict(spec_dict)

        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        for dep_hash in spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies'].values():
            child = self._read_spec_from_yaml(dep_hash, installs, hash_key)

        # Specs from the database need to be marked concrete because
        # they represent actual installations.
        return spec
Пример #2
def installcosmo(self, args):
    # Extract and concretize cosmo_spec
    if not args.spec:
        tty.die("spack dev-build requires a package spec argument.")

    specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.spec)
    if len(specs) > 1:
        tty.die("spack dev-build only takes one spec.")

    cosmo_spec = specs[0]

    # Collect user-specified versions of dependencies before first concretization
    user_versioned_deps = set()
    for dep in cosmo_spec.traverse():
        if dep.name != "cosmo" and dep.versions and len(dep.versions) != 0:


    package = spack.repo.get(cosmo_spec)

    # Load serialized yaml from inside cloned repo
    with open(package.stage.source_path + "/cosmo/ACC/spack/spec.yaml",
              "r") as f:
            data = yaml.load(f)
        except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as e:
            raise syaml.SpackYAMLError("error parsing YAML spec:", str(e))

    # Read nodes out of list.  Root spec (cosmo) is the first element;
    # dependencies are the following elements.
    spec_list = [Spec.from_node_dict(node) for node in data["spec"]]
    if not spec_list:
        raise spack.error.SpecError("YAML spec contains no nodes.")

    # Take only the dependencies
    deps_serialized_dict = dict((spec.name, spec) for spec in spec_list)

    # Selectively substitute the dependencies' versions with those found in the deserialized list of specs
    # The order of precedence in the choice of a dependency's version becomes:
    # 1. the one provided by the user in the command,
    # 2. the one specified in spec.yaml,
    # 3. the default prescribed by the spack package.
    for dep in cosmo_spec.traverse():
        if dep.name in deps_serialized_dict and not dep.name in user_versioned_deps:
            dep.versions = deps_serialized_dict[dep.name].versions.copy()
        if dep.name == "cosmo-dycore":
            dep.versions = cosmo_spec.versions.copy()

    # re-concretize
    cosmo_spec = spack.cmd.parse_specs(cosmo_spec.__str__())[0]

    # Dev-build cosmo
    custom_install(cosmo_spec, args)
Пример #3
    def _read_spec_from_yaml(self, hash_key, installs, parent_key=None):
        """Recursively construct a spec from a hash in a YAML database.

        Does not do any locking.
        if hash_key not in installs:
            parent = read_spec(installs[parent_key]['path'])

        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']

        # Build spec from dict first.
        spec = Spec.from_node_dict(spec_dict)

        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        for dep_hash in spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies'].values():
            child = self._read_spec_from_yaml(dep_hash, installs, hash_key)

        return spec
Пример #4
    def _read_lockfile_dict(self, d):
        """Read a lockfile dictionary into this environment."""
        roots = d['roots']
        self.concretized_user_specs = [Spec(r['spec']) for r in roots]
        self.concretized_order = [r['hash'] for r in roots]

        json_specs_by_hash = d['concrete_specs']
        root_hashes = set(self.concretized_order)

        specs_by_hash = {}
        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            specs_by_hash[dag_hash] = Spec.from_node_dict(node_dict)

        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            for dep_name, dep_hash, deptypes in (
                    specs_by_hash[dep_hash], deptypes)

        self.specs_by_hash = dict(
            (x, y) for x, y in specs_by_hash.items() if x in root_hashes)
Пример #5
    def _read_lockfile_dict(self, d):
        """Read a lockfile dictionary into this environment."""
        roots = d['roots']
        self.concretized_user_specs = [Spec(r['spec']) for r in roots]
        self.concretized_order = [r['hash'] for r in roots]

        json_specs_by_hash = d['concrete_specs']
        root_hashes = set(self.concretized_order)

        specs_by_hash = {}
        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            specs_by_hash[dag_hash] = Spec.from_node_dict(node_dict)

        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            for dep_name, dep_hash, deptypes in (
                    specs_by_hash[dep_hash], deptypes)

        self.specs_by_hash = dict(
            (x, y) for x, y in specs_by_hash.items() if x in root_hashes)
Пример #6
    def _read_lockfile_dict(self, d):
        """Read a lockfile dictionary into this environment."""
        roots = d['roots']
        self.concretized_user_specs = [Spec(r['spec']) for r in roots]
        self.concretized_order = [r['hash'] for r in roots]

        json_specs_by_hash = d['concrete_specs']
        root_hashes = set(self.concretized_order)

        specs_by_hash = {}
        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            specs_by_hash[dag_hash] = Spec.from_node_dict(node_dict)

        for dag_hash, node_dict in json_specs_by_hash.items():
            for dep_name, dep_hash, deptypes in (
                    specs_by_hash[dep_hash], deptypes)

        # If we are reading an older lockfile format (which uses dag hashes
        # that exclude build deps), we use this to convert the old
        # concretized_order to the full hashes (preserving the order)
        old_hash_to_new = {}
        self.specs_by_hash = {}
        for _, spec in specs_by_hash.items():
            dag_hash = spec.dag_hash()
            build_hash = spec.build_hash()
            if dag_hash in root_hashes:
                old_hash_to_new[dag_hash] = build_hash

            if (dag_hash in root_hashes or build_hash in root_hashes):
                self.specs_by_hash[build_hash] = spec

        if old_hash_to_new:
            # Replace any older hashes in concretized_order with hashes
            # that include build deps
            self.concretized_order = [
                old_hash_to_new.get(h, h) for h in self.concretized_order
Пример #7
    def _read_spec_from_yaml(self, hash_key, installs, parent_key=None):
        """Recursively construct a spec from a hash in a YAML database.

        Does not do any locking.
        if hash_key not in installs:
            parent = read_spec(installs[parent_key]['path'])

        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']

        # Build spec from dict first.
        spec = Spec.from_node_dict(spec_dict)

        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        for dep_hash in spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies'].values():
            child = self._read_spec_from_yaml(dep_hash, installs, hash_key)

        # Specs from the database need to be marked concrete because
        # they represent actual installations.
        return spec
Пример #8
    def _read_spec_from_yaml(self, hash_key, installs, parent_key=None):
        """Recursively construct a spec from a hash in a YAML database.

        Does not do any locking.
        if hash_key not in installs:
            parent = read_spec(installs[parent_key]["path"])

        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]["spec"]

        # Build spec from dict first.
        spec = Spec.from_node_dict(spec_dict)

        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        for dep_hash in spec_dict[spec.name]["dependencies"].values():
            child = self._read_spec_from_yaml(dep_hash, installs, hash_key)

        # Specs from the database need to be marked concrete because
        # they represent actual installations.
        return spec
Пример #9
def devbuildcosmo(self, args):
    # Extract and concretize cosmo_spec
    if not args.spec:
        tty.die("spack dev-build requires a package spec argument.")

    # validate specs
    specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.spec)

    if len(specs) > 1:
        tty.die("spack dev-build only takes one spec.")

    cosmo_spec = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.spec)[0]

    # Collect user-specified versions of dependencies before first concretization
    user_versioned_deps = set()
    for dep in cosmo_spec.traverse():
        if dep.name != "cosmo" and dep.versions and len(dep.versions) != 0:


    # Setting source_path to current working directory
    source_path = os.getcwd()
    source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path)

    if not args.no_specyaml:
        # Load serialized yaml from inside cloned repo
        with open(source_path + "/cosmo/ACC/spack/spec.yaml", "r") as f:
                data = yaml.load(f)
            except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as e:
                raise syaml.SpackYAMLError("error parsing YAML spec:", str(e))

        # Read nodes out of list.  Root spec (cosmo) is the first element;
        # dependencies are the following elements.
        spec_list = [Spec.from_node_dict(node) for node in data["spec"]]
        if not spec_list:
            raise spack.error.SpecError("YAML spec contains no nodes.")

        # Take only the dependencies
        deps_serialized_dict = dict((spec.name, spec) for spec in spec_list)

        # Selectively substitute the dependencies' versions with those found in the deserialized list of specs
        # The order of precedence in the choice of a dependency's version becomes:
        # 1. the one specified in spec.yaml,
        # 2. the one provided by the user in the command,
        # 3. the default prescribed by the spack package.
        for dep in cosmo_spec.traverse():
            if dep.name in deps_serialized_dict and not dep.name in user_versioned_deps:
                dep.versions = deps_serialized_dict[dep.name].versions.copy()
            if dep.name == "cosmo-dycore":
                dep.versions = cosmo_spec.versions.copy()

        # Re-concretize Spec: to enforce checking of constraints after update of versions.
        # Note: unfortunately there is no better way to re-concretize a Spec (e.g. via API).
        #       The only solution seems to be going via string representation and then back
        #       into a Spec object. It's not elegant but it seems to work very well.
        cosmo_spec = spack.cmd.parse_specs(cosmo_spec.__str__())[0]

    # Clean if needed
    if args.clean_build:
        print("\033[92m" + "==> " + "\033[0m" +
              "cosmo: Cleaning build directory")

        # set F90 to prevent abort defined in Makefile
        os.environ["F90"] = "NOTSET"
        subprocess.run(["make", "clean"], cwd=source_path + "/cosmo/ACC")

        if os.path.exists(source_path + "/spack-build"):
            print("\033[92m" + "==> " + "\033[0m" +
                  "dycore: Cleaning build directory")
            shutil.rmtree(source_path + "/spack-build")

    if cosmo_spec.satisfies("+cppdycore"):

        dycore_spec = cosmo_spec.get_dependency("cosmo-dycore").spec

        custom_devbuild(source_path, dycore_spec, args)

    # Dev-build cosmo
    custom_devbuild(source_path, cosmo_spec, args)

    # Serialize data
    if "+serialize" in cosmo_spec:
        print("\033[92m" + "==> " + "\033[0m" + "cosmo: Serializing data")
                source_path + '/cosmo/ACC/test/tools/serialize_cosmo.py',
                self.spec__str__(), '-b', source_path
            tty.die('Serialization failed')