Пример #1
def get_repository(args, name):
    """Returns a Repo object that will allow us to determine the path where
    the new package file should be created.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``
        name (str): The name of the package to create

        spack.repo.Repo: A Repo object capable of determining the path to the
            package file
    spec = Spec(name)
    # Figure out namespace for spec
    if spec.namespace and args.namespace and spec.namespace != args.namespace:
        tty.die("Namespaces '{0}' and '{1}' do not match.".format(
            spec.namespace, args.namespace))

    if not spec.namespace and args.namespace:
        spec.namespace = args.namespace

    # Figure out where the new package should live
    repo_path = args.repo
    if repo_path is not None:
        repo = spack.repo.Repo(repo_path)
        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != repo.namespace:
            tty.die("Can't create package with namespace {0} in repo with "
                    "namespace {1}".format(spec.namespace, repo.namespace))
        if spec.namespace:
            repo = spack.repo.path.get_repo(spec.namespace, None)
            if not repo:
                tty.die("Unknown namespace: '{0}'".format(spec.namespace))
            repo = spack.repo.path.first_repo()

    # Set the namespace on the spec if it's not there already
    if not spec.namespace:
        spec.namespace = repo.namespace

    return repo
Пример #2
def get_repository(args, name):
    """Returns a Repo object that will allow us to determine the path where
    the new package file should be created.

        args (argparse.Namespace): The arguments given to ``spack create``
        name (str): The name of the package to create

        Repo: A Repo object capable of determining the path to the package file
    spec = Spec(name)
    # Figure out namespace for spec
    if spec.namespace and args.namespace and spec.namespace != args.namespace:
        tty.die("Namespaces '{0}' and '{1}' do not match.".format(
            spec.namespace, args.namespace))

    if not spec.namespace and args.namespace:
        spec.namespace = args.namespace

    # Figure out where the new package should live
    repo_path = args.repo
    if repo_path is not None:
        repo = Repo(repo_path)
        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != repo.namespace:
            tty.die("Can't create package with namespace {0} in repo with "
                    "namespace {0}".format(spec.namespace, repo.namespace))
        if spec.namespace:
            repo = spack.repo.get_repo(spec.namespace, None)
            if not repo:
                tty.die("Unknown namespace: '{0}'".format(spec.namespace))
            repo = spack.repo.first_repo()

    # Set the namespace on the spec if it's not there already
    if not spec.namespace:
        spec.namespace = repo.namespace

    return repo