def add_output_entry(output): """ Registers the given output in the scene's custom properties :param output: A dict containing key and path of the new output type. """ if GlobalStorage.is_in_storage("output"): if not Utility.output_already_registered(output, GlobalStorage.get("output")): # E.g. multiple camera samplers GlobalStorage.get("output").append(output) else: GlobalStorage.set("output", [output])
def run(self): label_mapping = LabelIdMapping.from_csv( Utility.resolve_path( os.path.join('resources', 'id_mappings', 'nyu_idset.csv'))) # Add label mapping to global storage, s.t. it could be used for naming semantic segmentations. GlobalStorage.set("label_mapping", label_mapping) loaded_objects = SuncgLoader.load(self.house_path, label_mapping, self.suncg_dir) self._set_properties(loaded_objects)
def run(self): if len(self._obj_ids) > 0: = True # turn AO on # = 0.5 # set it to 0.5 used_shapenet_objs = [_ for _ in self._obj_list if _['obj_id'] in self._obj_ids] else: used_shapenet_objs = random.choices(self._obj_list, k = self._num_objects) for i, selected_obj_info in enumerate(used_shapenet_objs): selected_obj_path = os.path.join( self._shapenet_path, selected_obj_info['shapenet_synset_id'], selected_obj_info['shapenet_obj_id'], "models", "model_normalized.obj" ) loaded_obj = Utility.import_objects(selected_obj_path) obj_id_output = selected_obj_info['obj_id'] + OBJECT_ID_OFFSET for obj in loaded_obj: obj_name = "obj_%06d" % obj_id_output = obj_name obj['category_id'] = obj_id_output obj.scale = (self._object_scale, self._object_scale, self._object_scale) print("len(obj.material_slots)", len(obj.material_slots)) cc_asset_names = selected_obj_info['cc_asset_names'] for j in range(len(obj.material_slots)): if j >= len(cc_asset_names): break mat = obj.material_slots[j] mat_folder_name = cc_asset_names[j] cc_mat = self._load_cc_mat(mat_folder_name) mat.material = cc_mat # Remap the object uv coordinates = obj bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() bpy.ops.uv.sphere_project() bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() # # Save the object meshes to .obj file if not already done so. # save_obj_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "objects", "%s.obj" % i) # if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save_obj_path)): # if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save_obj_path)): # os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_obj_path)) # bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=save_obj_path, use_selection=True) obj_diameter = (obj.dimensions[0]**2 + obj.dimensions[1]**2 + obj.dimensions[2]**2) ** (0.5) GlobalStorage.set("obj_diamater", obj_diameter) self._set_properties(loaded_obj)
def run(self): label_mapping = LabelIdMapping.from_csv(self.mapping_file) # Add label mapping to global storage, s.t. it could be used for naming semantic segmentations. GlobalStorage.set("label_mapping", label_mapping) loaded_objects = Front3DLoader.load( json_path=self.config.get_string("json_path"), future_model_path=self.config.get_string("3D_future_model_path"), front_3D_texture_path=self.config.get_string( "3D_front_texture_path"), label_mapping=label_mapping, ceiling_light_strength=self.config.get_float( "ceiling_light_strength", 0.8), lamp_light_strength=self.config.get_float("lamp_light_strength", 7.0)) self._set_properties(loaded_objects)
def run(self): """ Run the module, loads all the objects and set the properties correctly (including the category_id) """ label_mapping = LabelIdMapping.from_csv( Utility.resolve_path( os.path.join('resources', 'id_mappings', 'nyu_idset.csv'))) # Add label mapping to global storage, s.t. it could be used for naming semantic segmentations. GlobalStorage.set("label_mapping", label_mapping) # load the objects (Use use_image_search=False as some image names have a "/" prefix which will lead to blender search the whole root directory recursively! loaded_objects = SceneNetLoader.load( file_path=self._file_path, texture_folder=self._texture_folder, label_mapping=label_mapping, unknown_texture_folder=self._unknown_texture_folder) # add custom properties self._set_properties(loaded_objects)
def run(self): """ Load BOP data """ datasets_path = os.path.dirname(self.bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(self.bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(self.bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=self.model_type if self.model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=self.cam_type if self.cam_type else None) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=self.split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( self.split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = cam_p['im_size'][0] bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = cam_p['im_size'][1] loaded_objects = [] # only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses # e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if self.scene_id == -1: # TLESS exception because images are cropped if self.bop_dataset_name in ['tless']: cam_p['K'][0, 2] = split_p['im_size'][0] / 2 cam_p['K'][1, 2] = split_p['im_size'][1] / 2 # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix(cam_p['K'], split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) obj_ids = self.obj_ids if self.obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] # if sampling is enabled if self.sample_objects: loaded_ids = {} loaded_amount = 0 if self.obj_instances_limit != -1 and len( obj_ids ) * self.obj_instances_limit < self.num_of_objs_to_sample: raise RuntimeError( "{}'s {} split contains {} objects, {} object where requested to sample with " "an instances limit of {}. Raise the limit amount or decrease the requested " "amount of objects.".format(self.bop_dataset_path, self.split, len(obj_ids), self.num_of_objs_to_sample, self.obj_instances_limit)) while loaded_amount != self.num_of_objs_to_sample: random_id = choice(obj_ids) if random_id not in loaded_ids.keys(): loaded_ids.update({random_id: 0}) # if there is no limit or if there is one, but it is not reached for this particular object if self.obj_instances_limit == -1 or loaded_ids[ random_id] < self.obj_instances_limit: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(random_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_ids[random_id] += 1 loaded_amount += 1 loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) else: print( "ID {} was loaded {} times with limit of {}. Total loaded amount {} while {} are " "being requested".format( random_id, loaded_ids[random_id], self.obj_instances_limit, loaded_amount, self.num_of_objs_to_sample)) else: for obj_id in obj_ids: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) self._set_properties(loaded_objects) if self._render_grid: # Record the object diameter for future use obj_diameter = (cur_obj.dimensions[0]**2 + cur_obj.dimensions[1]**2 + cur_obj.dimensions[2]**2)**(0.5) GlobalStorage.set("obj_diamater", obj_diameter * self.scale * 1.2) = True # turn AO on # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt(split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json(split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K, cam_H_m2c_ref = self._get_ref_cam_extrinsics_intrinsics( sc_camera, cam_id, insts, self.scale) if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() cur_objs = [] # load scene objects and set their poses for inst in insts: cur_objs.append( self._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p, scale=self.scale)) self.set_object_pose(cur_objs[-1], inst, self.scale) cam_H_c2w = self._compute_camera_to_world_trafo( cam_H_m2w_ref, cam_H_m2c_ref) # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix( cam_K, split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) # set camera extrinsics as next frame frame_id = CameraUtility.add_camera_pose(cam_H_c2w) # Add key frame for camera shift, as it changes from frame to frame in the tless replication cam = cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_x', frame=frame_id) cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_y', frame=frame_id) # Copy object poses to key frame (to be sure) for cur_obj in cur_objs: self._insert_key_frames(cur_obj, frame_id)