Пример #1
def anova_single(model, **kwargs):
    ANOVA table for one fitted linear model.

    model : fitted linear model results instance
        A fitted linear model
    typ : int or str {1,2,3} or {"I","II","III"}
        Type of sum of squares to use.


    scale : float
        Estimate of variance, If None, will be estimated from the largest
    model. Default is None.
        test : str {"F", "Chisq", "Cp"} or None
        Test statistics to provide. Default is "F".

    Use of this function is discouraged. Use anova_lm instead.
    test = kwargs.get("test", "F")
    scale = kwargs.get("scale", None)
    typ = kwargs.get("typ", 1)
    robust = kwargs.get("robust", None)
    if robust:
        robust = robust.lower()

    endog = model.model.endog
    exog = model.model.exog
    nobs = exog.shape[0]

    response_name = model.model.endog_names
    design_info = model.model._data._orig_exog.design_info
    exog_names = model.model.exog_names
    # +1 for resids
    n_rows = (len(design_info.terms) - _has_intercept(design_info) + 1)

    pr_test = "PR(>%s)" % test
    names = ['df', 'sum_sq', 'mean_sq', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 5)), columns = names)

    if typ in [1,"I"]:
        return anova1_lm_single(model, endog, exog, nobs, design_info, table,
                                n_rows, test, pr_test, robust)
    elif typ in [2, "II"]:
        return anova2_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test,
    elif typ in [3, "III"]:
        return anova3_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test,
    elif typ in [4, "IV"]:
        raise NotImplemented("Type IV not yet implemented")
    else: # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("Type %s not understood" % str(typ))
Пример #2
def anova_single(model, **kwargs):
    Anova table for one fitted linear model.

    model : fitted linear model results instance
        A fitted linear model
    typ : int or str {1,2,3} or {"I","II","III"}
        Type of sum of squares to use.


    scale : float
        Estimate of variance, If None, will be estimated from the largest
    model. Default is None.
        test : str {"F", "Chisq", "Cp"} or None
        Test statistics to provide. Default is "F".

    Use of this function is discouraged. Use anova_lm instead.
    test = kwargs.get("test", "F")
    scale = kwargs.get("scale", None)
    typ = kwargs.get("typ", 1)
    robust = kwargs.get("robust", None)
    if robust:
        robust = robust.lower()

    endog = model.model.endog
    exog = model.model.exog
    nobs = exog.shape[0]

    response_name = model.model.endog_names
    design_info = model.model.data.design_info
    exog_names = model.model.exog_names
    # +1 for resids
    n_rows = (len(design_info.terms) - _has_intercept(design_info) + 1)

    pr_test = "PR(>%s)" % test
    names = ['df', 'sum_sq', 'mean_sq', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 5)), columns=names)

    if typ in [1, "I"]:
        return anova1_lm_single(model, endog, exog, nobs, design_info, table,
                                n_rows, test, pr_test, robust)
    elif typ in [2, "II"]:
        return anova2_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test,
    elif typ in [3, "III"]:
        return anova3_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test,
    elif typ in [4, "IV"]:
        raise NotImplementedError("Type IV not yet implemented")
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("Type %s not understood" % str(typ))
Пример #3
def anova3_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test, robust):
    n_rows += _has_intercept(design_info)
    terms_info = design_info.terms

    names = ['sum_sq', 'df', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 4)), columns = names)
    cov = _get_covariance(model, robust)
    col_order = []
    index = []
    for i, term in enumerate(terms_info):
        # grab term, hypothesis is that term == 0
        cols = design_info.slice(term)
        L1 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[cols]
        L12 = L1
        r = L1.shape[0]

        if test == 'F':
            f = model.f_test(L12, cov_p=cov)
            table.ix[i][test] = test_value = f.fvalue
            table.ix[i][pr_test] = f.pvalue

        # need to back out SSR from f_test
        table.ix[i]['df'] = r

    table.index = Index(index + ['Residual'])
    #NOTE: Don't need to sort because terms are an ordered dict now
    #table = table.ix[np.argsort(col_order + [model.model.exog.shape[1]+1])]
    # back out sum of squares from f_test
    ssr = table[test] * table['df'] * model.ssr/model.df_resid
    table['sum_sq'] = ssr
    # fill in residual
    table.ix['Residual'][['sum_sq','df', test, pr_test]] = (model.ssr,
                                                            np.nan, np.nan)
    return table
Пример #4
def anova3_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test, robust):
    n_rows += _has_intercept(design_info)
    terms_info = design_info.terms

    names = ['sum_sq', 'df', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 4)), columns = names)
    cov = _get_covariance(model, robust)
    col_order = []
    index = []
    for i, term in enumerate(terms_info):
        # grab term, hypothesis is that term == 0
        cols = design_info.slice(term)
        L1 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[cols]
        L12 = L1
        r = L1.shape[0]

        if test == 'F':
            f = model.f_test(L12, cov_p=cov)
            table.loc[table.index[i], test] = test_value = f.fvalue
            table.loc[table.index[i], pr_test] = f.pvalue

        # need to back out SSR from f_test
        table.loc[table.index[i], 'df'] = r

    table.index = Index(index + ['Residual'])
    #NOTE: Do not need to sort because terms are an ordered dict now
    #table = table.iloc[np.argsort(col_order + [model.model.exog.shape[1]+1])]
    # back out sum of squares from f_test
    ssr = table[test] * table['df'] * model.ssr/model.df_resid
    table['sum_sq'] = ssr
    # fill in residual
    table.loc['Residual', ['sum_sq','df', test, pr_test]] = (model.ssr,
                                                            np.nan, np.nan)
    return table