Пример #1
def adf(ts, maxlag=1):
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test
    # make sure we are working with an array, convert if necessary
    ts = np.asarray(ts)

    # Get the dimension of the array
    nobs = ts.shape[0]

    # Calculate the discrete difference
    tsdiff = np.diff(ts)

    # Create a 2d array of lags, trim invalid observations on both sides
    tsdall = lagmat(tsdiff[:, None], maxlag, trim='both', original='in')
    # Get dimension of the array
    nobs = tsdall.shape[0]

    # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
    tsdall[:, 0] = ts[-nobs - 1:-1]
    tsdshort = tsdiff[-nobs:]

    # Calculate the linear regression using an ordinary least squares model
    results = OLS(tsdshort, add_trend(tsdall[:, :maxlag + 1], 'c')).fit()
    adfstat = results.tvalues[0]

    # Get approx p-value from a precomputed table (from stattools)
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, 'c', N=1)
    return pvalue
Пример #2
def aeg_pca(X0, X1, trend):
    __sqrteps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.double).eps)

    # Compute residual
    if trend == "nc":
        # pseudo PCA from origin
        rms0 = rms(X0)
        rms1 = rms(X1)
        residual = X0 / rms0 - X1 / rms1
        collinearity = 1.0 - residual.std() / (X0 / rms1 + 1 / rms0).std()
    if trend == "c":
        X = np.array([X0, X1]).T
        pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(X)
        residual = pca.transform(X)[:, 1]  # PC1
        collinearity = pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0]

    # Get ADF statistics
    if collinearity < 1.0 - __sqrteps:
        adf_stat = adfuller(residual, regression="nc")[0]
        adf_stat = -np.inf

    # Get pvalue
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adf_stat, regression=trend, N=1)

    # Get critical values
    if trend == "nc":
        crit = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
    if trend == "c":
        crit = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=trend, nobs=X0.shape[0] - 1)

    return adf_stat, pvalue, crit
Пример #3
def ad_fuller(series, maxlag=None):
    """Get series and return the p-value and the t-stat of the coefficient"""
    if maxlag is None:
        n = int((len(series) - 1)**(1. / 3))
    elif maxlag < 1:
        n = 1
        n = maxlag

    # Putting the X values on a Tensor with Double as type
    X = series

    # Generating the lagged tensor to calculate the difference
    X_1 = narrow(X, 0, 1, X.shape[0] - 1)

    # Re-sizing the x values to get the difference
    X = narrow(X, 0, 0, X.shape[0] - 1)
    dX = X_1 - X

    # Generating the lagged difference tensors
    # and concatenating the lagged tensors into a single one
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        lagged_n = narrow(dX, 0, n - i, (dX.shape[0] - n))
        lagged_reshape = np.reshape(lagged_n, (lagged_n.shape[0], 1))
        if i == 1:
            lagged_tensors = lagged_reshape
            lagged_tensors = np.concatenate((lagged_tensors, lagged_reshape),

    # Reshaping the X and the difference tensor
    # to match the dimension of the lagged ones
    X = narrow(X, 0, 0, X.shape[0] - n)
    dX = narrow(dX, 0, n, dX.shape[0] - n)
    dX = np.reshape(dX, (dX.shape[0], 1))

    # Concatenating the lagged tensors to the X one
    # and adding a column full of ones for the Linear Regression
    X = np.concatenate((np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], 1)), lagged_tensors), 1)
    ones_columns = np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))
    X_ = np.concatenate((X, np.ones_like(ones_columns, dtype=np.float64)), 1)

    nobs = X_.shape[0]

    # Xb = y -> Xt.X.b = Xt.y -> b = (Xt.X)^-1.Xt.y
    coeff = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(X_.T, X_)), X_.T), dX)

    std_error = get_std_error(X_, dX, coeff)
    coeff_std_err = get_coeff_std_error(X_, std_error, coeff)[0]
    t_stat = (coeff[0] / coeff_std_err).item()

    p_value = mackinnonp(t_stat, regression="c", N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression="c", nobs=nobs)
    critvalues = {
        "1%": critvalues[0],
        "5%": critvalues[1],
        "10%": critvalues[2]

    return t_stat, p_value, n, nobs, critvalues
Пример #4
    def check(self):
        _log_price_a = np.log(self._prices_a)
        _log_price_b = np.log(self._prices_b)

        _values = np.stack((_log_price_b, _log_price_a), axis=-1)

        rst = coint_johansen(_values, det_order=0, k_ar_diff=1)

        beta_b, beta_a = rst.evec[0]
        # self._spread = _log_price_b * beta_b + _log_price_a * beta_a
        # res_adf = adfuller(self._spread, maxlag=1, regression='c', autolag=None)
        # print(res_adf)

        self._beta_b = beta_b
        self._beta_a = beta_a

        self._beta = beta_a / beta_b
        self._spread = _log_price_b + _log_price_a * beta_a / beta_b
        res_adf = adfuller(self._spread,
        # ipdb.set_trace()

        self._p_value = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression='c', N=2)
        self._t_stats = res_adf[0]
Пример #5
def coint(y1, y2, regression="c"):
    This is a simple cointegration test. Uses unit-root test on residuals to
    test for cointegrated relationship

    See Hamilton (1994) 19.2

    y1 : array_like, 1d
        first element in cointegrating vector
    y2 : array_like
        remaining elements in cointegrating vector
    c : str {'c'}
        Included in regression
        * 'c' : Constant

    coint_t : float
        t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994)
    crit_value : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %

    The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative
    hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is
    small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there
    is no cointegrating relationship.

    P-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994.

    MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.

    regression = regression.lower()
    if regression not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("regression option %s not understood" % regression)
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    y2 = np.asarray(y2)
    if regression == 'c':
        y2 = add_constant(y2, prepend=False)
    st1_resid = OLS(y1, y2).fit().resid  # stage one residuals
    lgresid_cons = add_constant(st1_resid[0:-1], prepend=False)
    uroot_reg = OLS(st1_resid[1:], lgresid_cons).fit()
    coint_t = (uroot_reg.params[0] - 1) / uroot_reg.bse[0]
    pvalue = mackinnonp(coint_t, regression="c", N=2, lags=None)
    crit_value = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression="c", nobs=len(y1))
    return coint_t, pvalue, crit_value
Пример #6
def coint(y1, y2, regression="c"):
    This is a simple cointegration test. Uses unit-root test on residuals to
    test for cointegrated relationship

    See Hamilton (1994) 19.2

    y1 : array_like, 1d
        first element in cointegrating vector
    y2 : array_like
        remaining elements in cointegrating vector
    c : str {'c'}
        Included in regression
        * 'c' : Constant

    coint_t : float
        t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994)
    crit_value : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %

    The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative
    hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is
    small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there
    is no cointegrating relationship.

    P-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994.

    MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.

    regression = regression.lower()
    if regression not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("regression option %s not understood" % regression)
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    y2 = np.asarray(y2)
    if regression == 'c':
        y2 = add_constant(y2, prepend=False)
    st1_resid = OLS(y1, y2).fit().resid  # stage one residuals
    lgresid_cons = add_constant(st1_resid[0:-1], prepend=False)
    uroot_reg = OLS(st1_resid[1:], lgresid_cons).fit()
    coint_t = (uroot_reg.params[0] - 1) / uroot_reg.bse[0]
    pvalue = mackinnonp(coint_t, regression="c", N=2, lags=None)
    crit_value = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression="c", nobs=len(y1))
    return coint_t, pvalue, crit_value
Пример #7
def df_test(df):
    df_vect = df
    df_size = len(df_vect)
    autolag = 'AIC'
    max_lag = None
    regression = 'c'
    trend_size = len(regression)  # размер тренда
    # Максимальное запаздывание, вычисляется как ТВГ соотвествующего выражения
    max_lag = int(np.ceil(12. * np.power(df_size / 100., 1 / 2)))
    max_lag = min(df_size // 2 - trend_size, max_lag)
    if max_lag < 0:
        raise ValueError('Dataset is too short')
    # массив с первыми разностями: элем_i = a[i+1] - a[i]
    df_diff = np.diff(df_vect)
    # массив с лагами, где max_lag - число "сдвигов" вниз
    df_diff_all = sm.tsa.lagmat(df_diff[:, None],
    df_size = df_diff_all.shape[0]  # количество столбцов в массиве лагов
    # заменяем первый столбец df_diff_all на df_vect
    df_diff_all[:, 0] = df_vect[-df_size - 1:-1]
    df_diff_short = df_diff[-df_size:]  # оставляем последние df_size элементов
    df_diff_full = df_diff_all
    start_lag = df_diff_full.shape[1] - \
        df_diff_all.shape[1] + 1  # начальный лаг
    best_inf_crit, best_lag = get_lag(sm.OLS, df_diff_short, df_diff_full,
                                      start_lag, max_lag, autolag)
    best_lag -= start_lag  # оптимальное значение лага
    # массив с лагами, но уже при оптимальном значении лага
    df_diff_all = sm.tsa.lagmat(df_diff[:, None],
    df_size = df_diff_all.shape[0]
    # заменяем первый столбец df_diff_all на df_vect
    df_diff_all[:, 0] = df_vect[-df_size - 1:-1]
    df_diff_short = df_diff[-df_size:]
    use_lag = best_lag
    # аппроксимация ряда методом наименьших квадратов
    resols = sm.OLS(df_diff_short,
                    sm.tsa.add_trend(df_diff_all[:, :use_lag + 1],
    adfstat = resols.tvalues[0]  # получение необходимой статистики
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, regression=regression, N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=regression, nobs=df_size)
    if adfstat < critvalues[1]:
        print("Time series is stationary with crit value ", adfstat)
        return True
        print("Time series is not stationary with crit value ", adfstat)
        return False
Пример #8
def _outer_cointegration_loop(prices_df: pd.DataFrame,
                              molecule: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
    This function calculates the Engle-Granger test for each pair in the molecule. Uses the Total
    Least Squares approach to take into consideration the variance of both price series.

    :param prices_df: (pd.DataFrame) Price Universe
    :param molecule: (list) Indices of pairs
    :return: (pd.DataFrame) Cointegration statistics

    cointegration_results = []

    for pair in molecule:
        maxlag = None
        autolag = "aic"
        trend = "c"

        y0 = prices_df.loc[:, pair[0]]
        y1 = prices_df.loc[:, pair[1]]

        def f(B, x):
            return B[0] * x + B[1]

        linear = Model(f)
        mydata = RealData(y0, y1)
        myodr = ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=[1., 2.])
        res_co = myodr.run()

        res_adf = adfuller(res_co.delta - res_co.eps,

        pval_asy = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression=trend)

            (res_adf[0], pval_asy, res_co.beta[0], res_co.beta[1]))

    return pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['coint_t', 'pvalue', 'hedge_ratio', 'constant'])
Пример #9
def coint(y0, y1, trend='c', method='aeg', maxlag=None, autolag='aic',
    """Test for no-cointegration of a univariate equation

    The null hypothesis is no cointegration. Variables in y0 and y1 are
    assumed to be integrated of order 1, I(1).

    This uses the augmented Engle-Granger two-step cointegration test.
    Constant or trend is included in 1st stage regression, i.e. in
    cointegrating equation.

    y1 : array_like, 1d
        first element in cointegrating vector
    y2 : array_like
        remaining elements in cointegrating vector
    trend : str {'c', 'ct'}
        trend term included in regression for cointegrating equation
        * 'c' : constant
        * 'ct' : constant and linear trend
        * also available quadratic trend 'ctt', and no constant 'nc'

    method : string
        currently only 'aeg' for augmented Engle-Granger test is available.
        default might change.
    maxlag : None or int
        keyword for `adfuller`, largest or given number of lags
    autolag : string
        keyword for `adfuller`, lag selection criterion.
    return_results : bool
        for future compatibility, currently only tuple available.
        If True, then a results instance is returned. Otherwise, a tuple
        with the test outcome is returned.
        Set `return_results=False` to avoid future changes in return.

    coint_t : float
        t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate, asymptotic p-value based on MacKinnon (1994)
    crit_value : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels based on regression curve. This depends on the number of

    The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative
    hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is
    small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there
    is no cointegrating relationship.

    P-values and critical values are obtained through regression surface
    approximation from MacKinnon 1994 and 2010.

    TODO: We could handle gaps in data by dropping rows with nans in the
    auxiliary regressions. Not implemented yet, currently assumes no nans
    and no gaps in time series.

    MacKinnon, J.G. 1994  "Approximate Asymptotic Distribution Functions for
        Unit-Root and Cointegration Tests." Journal of Business & Economics
        Statistics, 12.2, 167-76.
    MacKinnon, J.G. 2010.  "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."
        Queen's University, Dept of Economics Working Papers 1227.

    trend = trend.lower()
    if trend not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("trend option %s not understood" % trend)
    y0 = np.asarray(y0)
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    if y1.ndim < 2:
        y1 = y1[:, None]
    nobs, k_vars = y1.shape
    k_vars += 1   # add 1 for y0

    if trend == 'nc':
        xx = y1
        xx = add_trend(y1, trend=trend, prepend=False)

    res_co = OLS(y0, xx).fit()

    if res_co.rsquared < 1 - np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.double).eps):
        res_adf = adfuller(res_co.resid, maxlag=maxlag, autolag=None,
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("y0 and y1 are perfectly colinear.  Cointegration test "
                      "is not reliable in this case.")
        # Edge case where series are too similar
        res_adf = (0,)

    # no constant or trend, see egranger in Stata and MacKinnon
    if trend == 'nc':
        crit = [np.nan] * 3  # 2010 critical values not available
        crit = mackinnoncrit(N=k_vars, regression=trend, nobs=nobs - 1)
        #  nobs - 1, the -1 is to match egranger in Stata, I don't know why.
        #  TODO: check nobs or df = nobs - k

    pval_asy = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression=trend, N=k_vars)
    return res_adf[0], pval_asy, crit
Пример #10
def adfuller(x, maxlag=None, regression="c", autolag='AIC',
             store=False, regresults=False):
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test

    The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used to test for a unit root in a
    univariate process in the presence of serial correlation.

    x : array_like, 1d
        data series
    maxlag : int
        Maximum lag which is included in test, default 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4}
    regression : {'c','ct','ctt','nc'}
        Constant and trend order to include in regression

        * 'c' : constant only (default)
        * 'ct' : constant and trend
        * 'ctt' : constant, and linear and quadratic trend
        * 'nc' : no constant, no trend
    autolag : {'AIC', 'BIC', 't-stat', None}
        * if None, then maxlag lags are used
        * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen
          to minimize the corresponding information criterion
        * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag.  Starts with maxlag and drops a
          lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant
          using a 5%-sized test
    store : bool
        If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to
        the adf statistic. Default is False
    regresults : bool, optional
        If True, the full regression results are returned. Default is False

    adf : float
        Test statistic
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010)
    usedlag : int
        Number of lags used
    nobs : int
        Number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of
        the critical values
    critical values : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010)
    icbest : float
        The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None.
    resstore : ResultStore, optional
        A dummy class with results attached as attributes

    The null hypothesis of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit
    root, with the alternative that there is no unit root. If the pvalue is
    above a critical size, then we cannot reject that there is a unit root.

    The p-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994, but using the updated 2010 tables. If the p-value is close
    to significant, then the critical values should be used to judge whether
    to reject the null.

    The autolag option and maxlag for it are described in Greene.

    See example notebook

    .. [*] W. Green.  "Econometric Analysis," 5th ed., Pearson, 2003.

    .. [*] Hamilton, J.D.  "Time Series Analysis".  Princeton, 1994.

    .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.

    .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."  Queen's
        University, Dept of Economics, Working Papers.  Available at

    if regresults:
        store = True

    trenddict = {None: 'nc', 0: 'c', 1: 'ct', 2: 'ctt'}
    if regression is None or isinstance(regression, (int, long)):
        regression = trenddict[regression]
    regression = regression.lower()
    if regression not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("regression option %s not understood") % regression
    x = np.asarray(x)
    nobs = x.shape[0]

    if maxlag is None:
        #from Greene referencing Schwert 1989
        maxlag = int(np.ceil(12. * np.power(nobs / 100., 1 / 4.)))

    xdiff = np.diff(x)
    xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], maxlag, trim='both', original='in')
    nobs = xdall.shape[0]  # pylint: disable=E1103

    xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
    xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]

    if store:
        resstore = ResultsStore()
    if autolag:
        if regression != 'nc':
            fullRHS = add_trend(xdall, regression, prepend=True)
            fullRHS = xdall
        startlag = fullRHS.shape[1] - xdall.shape[1] + 1  # 1 for level  # pylint: disable=E1103
        #search for lag length with smallest information criteria
        #Note: use the same number of observations to have comparable IC
        #aic and bic: smaller is better

        if not regresults:
            icbest, bestlag = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag,
                                       maxlag, autolag)
            icbest, bestlag, alres = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag,
                                              maxlag, autolag,
            resstore.autolag_results = alres

        bestlag -= startlag  # convert to lag not column index

        #rerun ols with best autolag
        xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], bestlag, trim='both', original='in')
        nobs = xdall.shape[0]   # pylint: disable=E1103
        xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
        xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]
        usedlag = bestlag
        usedlag = maxlag
        icbest = None
    if regression != 'nc':
        resols = OLS(xdshort, add_trend(xdall[:, :usedlag + 1],
        resols = OLS(xdshort, xdall[:, :usedlag + 1]).fit()

    adfstat = resols.tvalues[0]
#    adfstat = (resols.params[0]-1.0)/resols.bse[0]
    # the "asymptotically correct" z statistic is obtained as
    # nobs/(1-np.sum(resols.params[1:-(trendorder+1)])) (resols.params[0] - 1)
    # I think this is the statistic that is used for series that are integrated
    # for orders higher than I(1), ie., not ADF but cointegration tests.

    # Get approx p-value and critical values
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, regression=regression, N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=regression, nobs=nobs)
    critvalues = {"1%" : critvalues[0], "5%" : critvalues[1],
                  "10%" : critvalues[2]}
    if store:
        resstore.resols = resols
        resstore.maxlag = maxlag
        resstore.usedlag = usedlag
        resstore.adfstat = adfstat
        resstore.critvalues = critvalues
        resstore.nobs = nobs
        resstore.H0 = ("The coefficient on the lagged level equals 1 - "
                       "unit root")
        resstore.HA = "The coefficient on the lagged level < 1 - stationary"
        resstore.icbest = icbest
        resstore._str = 'Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results'
        return adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore
        if not autolag:
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues, icbest
Пример #11
def coint(y0, y1, trend='c', method='aeg', maxlag=None, autolag='aic',
    """Test for no-cointegration of a univariate equation

    The null hypothesis is no cointegration. Variables in y0 and y1 are
    assumed to be integrated of order 1, I(1).

    This uses the augmented Engle-Granger two-step cointegration test.
    Constant or trend is included in 1st stage regression, i.e. in
    cointegrating equation.

    y1 : array_like, 1d
        first element in cointegrating vector
    y2 : array_like
        remaining elements in cointegrating vector
    trend : str {'c', 'ct'}
        trend term included in regression for cointegrating equation
        * 'c' : constant
        * 'ct' : constant and linear trend
        * also available quadratic trend 'ctt', and no constant 'nc'

    method : string
        currently only 'aeg' for augmented Engle-Granger test is available.
        default might change.
    maxlag : None or int
        keyword for `adfuller`, largest or given number of lags
    autolag : string
        keyword for `adfuller`, lag selection criterion.
    return_results : bool
        for future compatibility, currently only tuple available.
        If True, then a results instance is returned. Otherwise, a tuple
        with the test outcome is returned.
        Set `return_results=False` to avoid future changes in return.

    coint_t : float
        t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate, asymptotic p-value based on MacKinnon (1994)
    crit_value : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels based on regression curve. This depends on the number of

    The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative
    hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is
    small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there
    is no cointegrating relationship.

    P-values and critical values are obtained through regression surface
    approximation from MacKinnon 1994 and 2010.

    TODO: We could handle gaps in data by dropping rows with nans in the
    auxiliary regressions. Not implemented yet, currently assumes no nans
    and no gaps in time series.

    MacKinnon, J.G. 1994  "Approximate Asymptotic Distribution Functions for
        Unit-Root and Cointegration Tests." Journal of Business & Economics
        Statistics, 12.2, 167-76.
    MacKinnon, J.G. 2010.  "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."
        Queen's University, Dept of Economics Working Papers 1227.

    trend = trend.lower()
    if trend not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("trend option %s not understood" % trend)
    y0 = np.asarray(y0)
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    if y1.ndim < 2:
        y1 = y1[:, None]
    nobs, k_vars = y1.shape
    k_vars += 1   # add 1 for y0

    if trend == 'nc':
        xx = y1
        xx = add_trend(y1, trend=trend, prepend=False)

    res_co = OLS(y0, xx).fit()

    res_adf = adfuller(res_co.resid, maxlag=maxlag, autolag=None,
    # no constant or trend, see egranger in Stata and MacKinnon
    if trend == 'nc':
        crit = [np.nan] * 3  # 2010 critical values not available
        crit = mackinnoncrit(N=k_vars, regression=trend, nobs=nobs - 1)
        #  nobs - 1, the -1 is to match egranger in Stata, I don't know why.
        #  TODO: check nobs or df = nobs - k

    pval_asy = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression=trend, N=k_vars)
    return res_adf[0], pval_asy, crit
Пример #12
def adfuller(x, maxlag=None, regression="c", autolag='AIC',
             store=False, regresults=False):
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test

    The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used to test for a unit root in a
    univariate process in the presence of serial correlation.

    x : array_like, 1d
        data series
    maxlag : int
        Maximum lag which is included in test, default 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4}
    regression : {'c','ct','ctt','nc'}
        Constant and trend order to include in regression

        * 'c' : constant only (default)
        * 'ct' : constant and trend
        * 'ctt' : constant, and linear and quadratic trend
        * 'nc' : no constant, no trend
    autolag : {'AIC', 'BIC', 't-stat', None}
        * if None, then maxlag lags are used
        * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen
          to minimize the corresponding information criterion
        * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag.  Starts with maxlag and drops a
          lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant
          using a 5%-sized test
    store : bool
        If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to
        the adf statistic. Default is False
    regresults : bool, optional
        If True, the full regression results are returned. Default is False

    adf : float
        Test statistic
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010)
    usedlag : int
        Number of lags used
    nobs : int
        Number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of
        the critical values
    critical values : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010)
    icbest : float
        The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None.
    resstore : ResultStore, optional
        A dummy class with results attached as attributes

    The null hypothesis of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit
    root, with the alternative that there is no unit root. If the pvalue is
    above a critical size, then we cannot reject that there is a unit root.

    The p-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994, but using the updated 2010 tables. If the p-value is close
    to significant, then the critical values should be used to judge whether
    to reject the null.

    The autolag option and maxlag for it are described in Greene.

    See example notebook

    .. [1] W. Green.  "Econometric Analysis," 5th ed., Pearson, 2003.

    .. [2] Hamilton, J.D.  "Time Series Analysis".  Princeton, 1994.

    .. [3] MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.

    .. [4] MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."  Queen's
        University, Dept of Economics, Working Papers.  Available at

    if regresults:
        store = True

    trenddict = {None: 'nc', 0: 'c', 1: 'ct', 2: 'ctt'}
    if regression is None or isinstance(regression, (int, long)):
        regression = trenddict[regression]
    regression = regression.lower()
    if regression not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("regression option %s not understood") % regression
    x = np.asarray(x)
    nobs = x.shape[0]

    if maxlag is None:
        #from Greene referencing Schwert 1989
        maxlag = int(np.ceil(12. * np.power(nobs / 100., 1 / 4.)))

    xdiff = np.diff(x)
    xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], maxlag, trim='both', original='in')
    nobs = xdall.shape[0]  # pylint: disable=E1103

    xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
    xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]

    if store:
        resstore = ResultsStore()
    if autolag:
        if regression != 'nc':
            fullRHS = add_trend(xdall, regression, prepend=True)
            fullRHS = xdall
        startlag = fullRHS.shape[1] - xdall.shape[1] + 1  # 1 for level  # pylint: disable=E1103
        #search for lag length with smallest information criteria
        #Note: use the same number of observations to have comparable IC
        #aic and bic: smaller is better

        if not regresults:
            icbest, bestlag = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag,
                                       maxlag, autolag)
            icbest, bestlag, alres = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag,
                                              maxlag, autolag,
            resstore.autolag_results = alres

        bestlag -= startlag  # convert to lag not column index

        #rerun ols with best autolag
        xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], bestlag, trim='both', original='in')
        nobs = xdall.shape[0]   # pylint: disable=E1103
        xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
        xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]
        usedlag = bestlag
        usedlag = maxlag
        icbest = None
    if regression != 'nc':
        resols = OLS(xdshort, add_trend(xdall[:, :usedlag + 1],
        resols = OLS(xdshort, xdall[:, :usedlag + 1]).fit()

    adfstat = resols.tvalues[0]
#    adfstat = (resols.params[0]-1.0)/resols.bse[0]
    # the "asymptotically correct" z statistic is obtained as
    # nobs/(1-np.sum(resols.params[1:-(trendorder+1)])) (resols.params[0] - 1)
    # I think this is the statistic that is used for series that are integrated
    # for orders higher than I(1), ie., not ADF but cointegration tests.

    # Get approx p-value and critical values
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, regression=regression, N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=regression, nobs=nobs)
    critvalues = {"1%" : critvalues[0], "5%" : critvalues[1],
                  "10%" : critvalues[2]}
    if store:
        resstore.resols = resols
        resstore.maxlag = maxlag
        resstore.usedlag = usedlag
        resstore.adfstat = adfstat
        resstore.critvalues = critvalues
        resstore.nobs = nobs
        resstore.H0 = ("The coefficient on the lagged level equals 1 - "
                       "unit root")
        resstore.HA = "The coefficient on the lagged level < 1 - stationary"
        resstore.icbest = icbest
        resstore._str = 'Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results'
        return adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore
        if not autolag:
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues, icbest
Пример #13
    def run(self, x, regression='c', trunclag=None):
        Phillips-Perron unit-root test

        The Phillips-Perron test (1998) can be used to test for a unit root in
        a univariate process.

        x : array_like, 1d
            data series
        regression : {'nc', 'c', 'ct'}
            constant and trend order to include in regression
            * 'nc' : no constant, no trend
            * 'c'  : constant only (default)
            * 'ct' : constant and trend
        trunclag : {int, None}
            number of truncation lags, default=int(sqrt(nobs)/5) (SAS, 2015)

        tau : float
            Z-tau test statistic
        tau_pv : float
            Z-tau p-value based on MacKinnon (1994) regression surface model
        lags : int
            number of truncation lags used for covariance estimation
        nobs : int
            number of observations used in regression
        tau_cvdict : dict
            critical values for the Z-tau test statistic at 1%, 5%, 10%
        rho : float
            Z-rho test statistic
        rho_pv : float
            Z-rho p-value based on interpolated simulation-derived critical
        rho_cvdict : dict
            critical values for the Z-rho test statistic at 1%, 5%, 10%

        H0 = series has a unit root (i.e., non-stationary)

        Basic process is to fit the time series under test with an AR(1) model
        using heteroscedasticity- and autocorrelation-consistent residual
        covariance estimation in order to generate the Phillips-Perron Z-rho
        and Z-tau statistics (1988) which are asymptotically equivalent to the
        Dickey-Fuller (1979, 1981) rho/tau statistics. Z-tau p-values are
        calculated using the statsmodel implementation of MacKinnon's (1994,
        2010) regression surface model. Z-rho p-values are interpolated from
        Monte-Carlo derived critical values.

        Dickey, D.A., and Fuller, W.A. (1979). Distribution of the estimators
        for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Journal of the
        American Statistical Association, 74: 427-431.

        Dickey, D.A., and Fuller, W.A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for
        autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica, 49:

        MacKinnon, J.G. (1994). Approximate asymptotic distribution functions
        for unit-root and cointegration tests. Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics, 12: 167-176.

        MacKinnon, J.G. (2010). Critical values for cointegration tests.
        Working Paper 1227, Queen's University, Department of Economics.
        Retrieved from
        URL: https://www.econ.queensu.ca/research/working-papers.

        Newey, W.K., and West, K.D. (1994). A simple, positive semi-definite,
        heteroscedasticity- and autocorrelation-consistent covariance matrix.
        Econometrica, 20: 73-103.

        Phillips, P.C.B, and Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time
        series regression. Biometrika, 75: 335-346.

        SAS Institute Inc. (2015). SAS/ETS 14.1 User's Guide. Cary, NC: SAS
        Institute Inc.

        Schwert, G.W. (1987). Effects of model specification on tests for unit
        roots in macroeconomic data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 20: 73-103.

        Seabold, S., and Perktold, J. (2010). Statsmodels: econometric and
        statistical modeling with python. In S. van der Walt and J. Millman
        (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference (pp.
        if regression not in ['nc', 'c', 'ct']:
            raise ValueError(
                'PP: regression option \'{}\' not understood'.format(
        if x.ndim > 2 or (x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] != 1):
            raise ValueError(
                'PP: x must be a 1d array or a 2d array with a single column')
        nobs = x.shape[0] - 1
        if trunclag is not None and (trunclag < 0
                                     or trunclag > x.shape[0] - 2):
            raise ValueError(
                'PP: trunclags must be in range [0, {}]'.format(x.shape - 2))
        # set up exog matrix
        x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))
        if regression == 'nc':
            exog = np.ones(shape=(nobs, 1))
        elif regression == 'c':
            exog = np.ones(shape=(nobs, 2))
            exog = np.ones(shape=(x.shape[0] - 1, 3))
            exog[:, 1] = np.arange(1, nobs + 1).reshape(nobs, )
        exog[:, -1] = x[:-1].reshape(nobs, )
        # set up endog vector
        endog = x[1:].reshape(nobs, 1)
        # run auxiliary regression
        ols = OLS(endog, exog).fit()
        # save the coefficient of the AR(1) term
        rho_hat = ols.params[-1]
        # save the standard error of the AR(1) term
        se = ols.bse[-1]
        # calculate bandwidth for Bartlett kernel. if trunclag
        # is not provided, calculate according to SAS 9.4 (2015)
        # methodology.
        if trunclag is None:
            lags = np.amax([1, int(np.sqrt(nobs) / 5)])
            lags = trunclag
        bw = lags + 1
        # get the residual self variances and covariances
        var, cov = self._sigma_est_pp(ols.resid, nobs, bw)
        s_hat = var + cov
        mse = var * nobs / (nobs - exog.shape[1])
        tau1 = np.sqrt(var / s_hat) * (rho_hat - 1) / se
        tau2 = 0.5 * cov * nobs * se / (np.sqrt(s_hat) * np.sqrt(mse))
        tau = tau1 - tau2
        rho = nobs * (rho_hat - 1) - \
            tau2 * np.sqrt(s_hat) * nobs * se / np.sqrt(mse)
        # get Z-tau p-value and critical values using
        # MacKinnon (1994, 2010) response surface model
        # from statsmodels (2010)
        tau_pv = mackinnonp(tau, regression=regression)
        tau_cvs = mackinnoncrit(regression=regression, nobs=nobs)
        tau_cvdict = {'1%': tau_cvs[0], '5%': tau_cvs[1], '10%': tau_cvs[2]}
        # get Z-rho p-value and critical values using
        # simulation-derived critical values
        rho_crit = self.__pp_crit(rho, regression)
        rho_pv = rho_crit[0]
        rho_cvdict = rho_crit[1]
        return tau, tau_pv, tau_cvdict, rho, rho_pv, rho_cvdict, lags, nobs
Пример #14
def coint(y0,
    """Test for no-cointegration of a univariate equation

    The null hypothesis is no cointegration. Variables in y0 and y1 are
    assumed to be integrated of order 1, I(1).

    This uses the augmented Engle-Granger two-step cointegration test.
    Constant or trend is included in 1st stage regression, i.e. in
    cointegrating equation.

    **Warning:** The autolag default has changed compared to statsmodels 0.8.
    In 0.8 autolag was always None, no the keyword is used and defaults to
    'aic'. Use `autolag=None` to avoid the lag search.

    y1 : array_like, 1d
        first element in cointegrating vector
    y2 : array_like
        remaining elements in cointegrating vector
    trend : str {'c', 'ct'}
        trend term included in regression for cointegrating equation

        * 'c' : constant
        * 'ct' : constant and linear trend
        * also available quadratic trend 'ctt', and no constant 'nc'

    method : string
        currently only 'aeg' for augmented Engle-Granger test is available.
        default might change.
    maxlag : None or int
        keyword for `adfuller`, largest or given number of lags
    autolag : string
        keyword for `adfuller`, lag selection criterion.

        * if None, then maxlag lags are used without lag search
        * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen
          to minimize the corresponding information criterion
        * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag.  Starts with maxlag and drops a
          lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant
          using a 5%-sized test

    return_results : bool
        for future compatibility, currently only tuple available.
        If True, then a results instance is returned. Otherwise, a tuple
        with the test outcome is returned.
        Set `return_results=False` to avoid future changes in return.

    coint_t : float
        t-statistic of unit-root test on residuals
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate, asymptotic p-value based on MacKinnon (1994)
    crit_value : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels based on regression curve. This depends on the number of

    The Null hypothesis is that there is no cointegration, the alternative
    hypothesis is that there is cointegrating relationship. If the pvalue is
    small, below a critical size, then we can reject the hypothesis that there
    is no cointegrating relationship.

    P-values and critical values are obtained through regression surface
    approximation from MacKinnon 1994 and 2010.

    If the two series are almost perfectly collinear, then computing the
    test is numerically unstable. However, the two series will be cointegrated
    under the maintained assumption that they are integrated. In this case
    the t-statistic will be set to -inf and the pvalue to zero.

    TODO: We could handle gaps in data by dropping rows with nans in the
    auxiliary regressions. Not implemented yet, currently assumes no nans
    and no gaps in time series.

    MacKinnon, J.G. 1994  "Approximate Asymptotic Distribution Functions for
        Unit-Root and Cointegration Tests." Journal of Business & Economics
        Statistics, 12.2, 167-76.
    MacKinnon, J.G. 2010.  "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."
        Queen's University, Dept of Economics Working Papers 1227.
    trend = trend.lower()
    if trend not in ['c', 'nc', 'ct', 'ctt']:
        raise ValueError("trend option %s not understood" % trend)
    y0 = np.asarray(y0)
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    if y1.ndim < 2:
        y1 = y1[:, None]
    nobs, k_vars = y1.shape
    k_vars += 1  # add 1 for y0

    if trend == 'nc':
        xx = y1
        xx = add_trend(y1, trend=trend, prepend=False)

    res_co = OLS(y0, xx).fit()
    OLS_params = res_co.params

    if res_co.rsquared < 1 - 100 * SQRTEPS:
        res_adf = adfuller(res_co.resid,
        # Edge case where series are too similar
        res_adf = (-np.inf, )

    pval_asy = mackinnonp(res_adf[0], regression=trend, N=k_vars)
    return res_adf[0], pval_asy, OLS_params
Пример #15
def adfuller(
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test.

    The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used to test for a unit root in a
    univariate process in the presence of serial correlation.

    x : array_like, 1d
        The data series to test.
    maxlag : int
        Maximum lag which is included in test, default 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4}.
    regression : {"c","ct","ctt","nc"}
        Constant and trend order to include in regression.

        * "c" : constant only (default).
        * "ct" : constant and trend.
        * "ctt" : constant, and linear and quadratic trend.
        * "nc" : no constant, no trend.

    autolag : {"AIC", "BIC", "t-stat", None}
        Method to use when automatically determining the lag length among the
        values 0, 1, ..., maxlag.

        * If "AIC" (default) or "BIC", then the number of lags is chosen
          to minimize the corresponding information criterion.
        * "t-stat" based choice of maxlag.  Starts with maxlag and drops a
          lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant
          using a 5%-sized test.
        * If None, then the number of included lags is set to maxlag.
    store : bool
        If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to
        the adf statistic. Default is False.
    regresults : bool, optional
        If True, the full regression results are returned. Default is False.

    adf : float
        The test statistic.
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010).
    usedlag : int
        The number of lags used.
    nobs : int
        The number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation
        of the critical values.
    critical values : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010).
    icbest : float
        The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None.
    resstore : ResultStore, optional
        A dummy class with results attached as attributes.

    The null hypothesis of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit
    root, with the alternative that there is no unit root. If the pvalue is
    above a critical size, then we cannot reject that there is a unit root.

    The p-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994, but using the updated 2010 tables. If the p-value is close
    to significant, then the critical values should be used to judge whether
    to reject the null.

    The autolag option and maxlag for it are described in Greene.

    .. [1] W. Green.  "Econometric Analysis," 5th ed., Pearson, 2003.

    .. [2] Hamilton, J.D.  "Time Series Analysis".  Princeton, 1994.

    .. [3] MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.

    .. [4] MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."  Queen"s
        University, Dept of Economics, Working Papers.  Available at

    See example notebook
    x = array_like(x, "x")
    maxlag = int_like(maxlag, "maxlag", optional=True)
    regression = string_like(regression,
                             options=("c", "ct", "ctt", "nc"))
    autolag = string_like(autolag,
                          options=("aic", "bic", "t-stat"))
    store = bool_like(store, "store")
    regresults = bool_like(regresults, "regresults")

    if regresults:
        store = True

    trenddict = {None: "nc", 0: "c", 1: "ct", 2: "ctt"}
    if regression is None or isinstance(regression, int):
        regression = trenddict[regression]
    regression = regression.lower()
    nobs = x.shape[0]

    ntrend = len(regression) if regression != "nc" else 0
    if maxlag is None:
        # from Greene referencing Schwert 1989
        maxlag = int(np.ceil(12.0 * np.power(nobs / 100.0, 1 / 4.0)))
        # -1 for the diff
        maxlag = min(nobs // 2 - ntrend - 1, maxlag)
        if maxlag < 0:
            raise ValueError("sample size is too short to use selected "
                             "regression component")
    elif maxlag > nobs // 2 - ntrend - 1:
        raise ValueError("maxlag must be less than (nobs/2 - 1 - ntrend) "
                         "where n trend is the number of included "
                         "deterministic regressors")
    xdiff = np.diff(x)
    xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], maxlag, trim="both", original="in")
    nobs = xdall.shape[0]

    xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
    xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]

    if store:
        from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import ResultsStore

        resstore = ResultsStore()
    if autolag:
        if regression != "nc":
            fullRHS = add_trend(xdall, regression, prepend=True)
            fullRHS = xdall
        startlag = fullRHS.shape[1] - xdall.shape[1] + 1
        # 1 for level
        # search for lag length with smallest information criteria
        # Note: use the same number of observations to have comparable IC
        # aic and bic: smaller is better

        if not regresults:
            icbest, bestlag = _autolag(OLS, xdshort, fullRHS, startlag, maxlag,
            icbest, bestlag, alres = _autolag(
            resstore.autolag_results = alres

        bestlag -= startlag  # convert to lag not column index

        # rerun ols with best autolag
        xdall = lagmat(xdiff[:, None], bestlag, trim="both", original="in")
        nobs = xdall.shape[0]
        xdall[:, 0] = x[-nobs - 1:-1]  # replace 0 xdiff with level of x
        xdshort = xdiff[-nobs:]
        usedlag = bestlag
        usedlag = maxlag
        icbest = None
    if regression != "nc":
        resols = OLS(xdshort, add_trend(xdall[:, :usedlag + 1],
        resols = OLS(xdshort, xdall[:, :usedlag + 1]).fit()

    adfstat = resols.tvalues[0]
    #    adfstat = (resols.params[0]-1.0)/resols.bse[0]
    # the "asymptotically correct" z statistic is obtained as
    # nobs/(1-np.sum(resols.params[1:-(trendorder+1)])) (resols.params[0] - 1)
    # I think this is the statistic that is used for series that are integrated
    # for orders higher than I(1), ie., not ADF but cointegration tests.

    # Get approx p-value and critical values
    pvalue = mackinnonp(adfstat, regression=regression, N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression=regression, nobs=nobs)
    critvalues = {
        "1%": critvalues[0],
        "5%": critvalues[1],
        "10%": critvalues[2],
    if store:
        resstore.resols = resols
        resstore.maxlag = maxlag
        resstore.usedlag = usedlag
        resstore.adfstat = adfstat
        resstore.critvalues = critvalues
        resstore.nobs = nobs
        resstore.H0 = ("The coefficient on the lagged level equals 1 - "
                       "unit root")
        resstore.HA = "The coefficient on the lagged level < 1 - stationary"
        resstore.icbest = icbest
        resstore._str = "Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results"
        return adfstat, pvalue, critvalues, resstore
        if not autolag:
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues
            return adfstat, pvalue, usedlag, nobs, critvalues, icbest
Пример #16
def test_shape(series, maxlag=None):
    """Get series and return the p-value and the t-stat of the coefficient"""
    if maxlag is None:
        n = int(12 * ((len(series) / 100)**(1. / 4)))
    elif maxlag < 1:
        n = 1
        n = maxlag

    # Putting the X values on a Tensor with Double as type
    X = torch.tensor(series)
    X = X.type(torch.DoubleTensor)

    # Generating the lagged tensor to calculate the difference
    X_1 = X.narrow(0, 1, X.shape[0] - 1)

    # Re-sizing the x values to get the difference
    X = X.narrow(0, 0, X.shape[0] - 1)
    dX = X_1 - X
    expanded_dX = toeplitz_like(dX, n)
    X = torch.cat(
        (X.narrow(0, 0, expanded_dX.shape[0]).unsqueeze(1), expanded_dX),
    '''# Generating the lagged difference tensors
    # and concatenating the lagged tensors into a single one
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        lagged_n = dX.narrow(0, n - i, (dX.shape[0] - n))
        lagged_reshape = torch.reshape(lagged_n, (lagged_n.shape[0], 1))
        if i == 1:
            lagged_tensors = lagged_reshape
            lagged_tensors = torch.cat((lagged_tensors, lagged_reshape), 1)

    # Reshaping the X and the difference tensor
    # to match the dimension of the lagged ones
    X = X.narrow(0, 0, X.shape[0] - n)

    X = torch.cat((torch.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], 1)), lagged_tensors), 1)'''
    dX = dX.narrow(0, n, dX.shape[0] - n).unsqueeze(0).t()
    ones_columns = torch.ones((X.shape[0], 1))
    X_ = torch.cat((X, torch.ones_like(ones_columns, dtype=torch.float64)), 1)

    nobs = X_.shape[0]

    # Xb = y -> Xt.X.b = Xt.y -> b = (Xt.X)^-1.Xt.y
    coeff = torch.mm(
        torch.mm(torch.inverse(torch.mm(torch.t(X_), X_)), torch.t(X_)), dX)

    std_error = get_std_error(X_, dX, coeff)
    coeff_std_err = get_coeff_std_error(X_, std_error, coeff)[0]
    t_stat = coeff[0] / coeff_std_err

    p_value = mackinnonp(t_stat.item(), regression="c", N=1)
    critvalues = mackinnoncrit(N=1, regression="c", nobs=nobs)
    critvalues = {
        "1%": critvalues[0],
        "5%": critvalues[1],
        "10%": critvalues[2]

    return t_stat.item(), p_value, n, nobs, critvalues