Пример #1
def join_gti_tables(gti_table_0, gti_table_1):
    if not gti_table_0:
        logging.warn("join_gti_tables: gti_table_0 is None, returned gti_table_1")
        return gti_table_1

    if not gti_table_1:
        logging.warn("join_gti_tables: gti_table_1 is None, returned gti_table_0")
        return gti_table_0

    gti_0 = get_stingray_gti_from_gti_table (gti_table_0)
    gti_1 = get_stingray_gti_from_gti_table (gti_table_1)
    joined_gti = join_gtis(gti_0, gti_1)

    return get_gti_table_from_stingray_gti(joined_gti)
Пример #2
def join_gti_tables(gti_table_0, gti_table_1):
    if not gti_table_0:
            "join_gti_tables: gti_table_0 is None, returned gti_table_1")
        return gti_table_1

    if not gti_table_1:
            "join_gti_tables: gti_table_1 is None, returned gti_table_0")
        return gti_table_0

    gti_0 = get_stingray_gti_from_gti_table(gti_table_0)
    gti_1 = get_stingray_gti_from_gti_table(gti_table_1)
    joined_gti = join_gtis(gti_0, gti_1)

    return get_gti_table_from_stingray_gti(joined_gti)
Пример #3
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.mjdref != other.mjdref:
            raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")

        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if( self.tstart < other.tstart ):
            first_lc = self
            second_lc = other
            first_lc = other
            second_lc = self

        if len(np.intersect1d(self.time, other.time) > 0):

            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "
            valid_err = False

            if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
                simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                      "We are setting the errors to zero.")

            elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
                valid_err = True
            # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics 
                raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                    " Please use one of these: "

            from collections import Counter
            counts = Counter()
            counts_err = Counter()

            for i, time in enumerate(first_lc.time):
                counts[time] = first_lc.counts[i]
                counts_err[time] = first_lc.counts_err[i]

            for i, time in enumerate(second_lc.time):
                if (counts.get(time) != None): #Common time

                    counts[time] = (counts[time] + second_lc.counts[i]) / 2  #avg
                    counts_err[time] = np.sqrt(( ((counts_err[time]**2) + (second_lc.counts_err[i] **2)) / 2))

                    counts[time] = second_lc.counts[i]
                    counts_err[time] = second_lc.counts_err[i]

            new_time = list(counts.keys())
            new_counts = list(counts.values())
                new_counts_err = list(counts_err.values())
                new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
            del[counts, counts_err]


            new_time = np.concatenate([first_lc.time, second_lc.time])
            new_counts = np.concatenate([first_lc.counts, second_lc.counts])
            new_counts_err = np.concatenate([first_lc.counts_err, second_lc.counts_err])

        new_time = np.asarray(new_time)
        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)
        new_counts_err = np.asarray(new_counts_err)
        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, err=new_counts_err, gti=gti,
                            mjdref=self.mjdref, dt=self.dt)

        return lc_new
Пример #4
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if self.tstart <= other.tstart:
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.time, other.time]))
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([other.time, self.time]))

        if len(new_time) != len(self.time) + len(other.time):
            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "

        new_counts = []

        # For every time stamp, get the individual time counts and add them.
        for time in new_time:
                count1 = self.counts[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count1 = None

                count2 = other.counts[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count2 = None

            if count1 is not None:
                if count2 is not None:
                    # Average the overlapping counts
                    new_counts.append((count1 + count2) / 2)

        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)

        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, gti=gti)

        return lc_new
Пример #5
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if self.tstart <= other.tstart:
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.time, other.time]))
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([other.time, self.time]))

        if len(new_time) != len(self.time) + len(other.time):
            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "

        new_counts = []

        # For every time stamp, get the individual time counts and add them.
        for time in new_time:
                count1 = self.counts[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count1 = None

                count2 = other.counts[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count2 = None

            if count1 is not None:
                if count2 is not None:
                    # Average the overlapping counts
                    new_counts.append((count1 + count2) / 2)

        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)

        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, gti=gti)

        return lc_new
Пример #6
 def test_join_gtis_overlapping(self):
     gti0 = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 8]]
     gti1 = [[7, 8], [10, 11], [12, 13]]
     assert np.all(
         join_gtis(gti0, gti1) == np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 8],
                                            [10, 11], [12, 13]]))
Пример #7
    def join(self, other):
        Join two lightcurves into a single object.

        The new Lightcurve object will contain time stamps from both the
        objects. The count per bin in the resulting object will be the
        individual count per bin, or the average in case of overlapping
        time arrays of both lightcurve objects.

        Good Time intervals are also joined.

        Note : Time array of both lightcurves should not overlap each other.

        other : Lightcurve object
            The other Lightcurve object which is supposed to be joined with.

        lc_new : Lightcurve object
            The resulting lightcurve object.

        >>> time1 = [5, 10, 15]
        >>> count1 = [300, 100, 400]
        >>> time2 = [20, 25, 30]
        >>> count2 = [600, 1200, 800]
        >>> lc1 = Lightcurve(time1, count1)
        >>> lc2 = Lightcurve(time2, count2)
        >>> lc = lc1.join(lc2)
        >>> lc.time
        array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])
        >>> lc.counts
        array([ 300,  100,  400,  600, 1200,  800])
        if self.dt != other.dt:
            utils.simon("The two light curves have different bin widths.")

        if self.tstart <= other.tstart:
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.time, other.time]))
            new_time = np.unique(np.concatenate([other.time, self.time]))

        if len(new_time) != len(self.time) + len(other.time):
            utils.simon("The two light curves have overlapping time ranges. "
                        "In the common time range, the resulting count will "
                        "be the average of the counts in the two light "
                        "curves. If you wish to sum, use `lc_sum = lc1 + "

        new_counts = []
        new_counts_err = []
        # For every time stamp, get the individual time counts and add them.
        for time in new_time:
                count1 = self.counts[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
                count1_err = self.counts_err[np.where(self.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count1 = None
                count1_err = None

                count2 = other.counts[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
                count2_err = other.counts_err[np.where(other.time == time)[0][0]]
            except IndexError:
                count2 = None
                count2_err = None

            if count1 is not None:
                if count2 is not None:
                    # Average the overlapping counts
                    new_counts.append((count1 + count2) / 2)

                    if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
                        simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
                              "We are setting the errors to zero.")
                        new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
                    elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
                        new_counts_err.append(np.sqrt(((count1_err**2) +
                                                      (count2_err**2)) / 2))
                    # More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
                        raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
                                            " Please use one of these: "

        new_counts = np.asarray(new_counts)
        new_counts_err = np.asarray(new_counts_err)

        gti = join_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)

        lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts, err=new_counts_err, gti=gti)

        return lc_new