Пример #1
    def __init__(self,

        store: An instance of `store.Store` or a path. If a path
                Ramp will default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path
                if PyTables is installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise.
                Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: a pandas DataFrame. If all data has been precomputed this
                may not be required.
        train_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in training. Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        prep_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = store if isinstance(store,
                                             Store) else default_store(store)
        self.data = data
        self.train_index = train_index if train_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
        self.prep_index = prep_index if prep_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
Пример #2
def main():
    store = MemoryStore()

    for host in ('www.google.com', 'www.amazon.com'):
        print('{0}: {1}'.format(
            host, store.lookup(socket.gethostbyname(host), 'ipv4').cc
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,

        store: string or ramp.store.Store object, default None
            An instance of `ramp.store.Store` or a path. If a path, Ramp will
            default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path if PyTables is
            installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise. Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: Pandas DataFrame, default None
            Dataframe of data. If all data has been precomputed this
            may not be required.
        train_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be used in training.
            Stored results will be cached against this.If not provided, the
            entire index of the 'data' parameter will be used.
        prep_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
            used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached
            against this. If not provided, the entire index of `data`
            keyword arg will be used.
        train_once: boolean
            If True, train and predict indexes will not be used as part of key
            hashes, meaning the values from the first run with this context
            will be stored permanently.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = (store if isinstance(store, Store) else
        self.data = data
        if train_index is not None:
            self.train_index = train_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.train_index = self.data.index
            self.train_index = None

        if prep_index is not None:
            self.prep_index = prep_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.prep_index = self.data.index
            self.prep_index = None
        self.train_once = train_once
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, store=None, data=None, train_index=None,
                 prep_index=None, train_once=False):

        store: string or ramp.store.Store object, default None
            An instance of `ramp.store.Store` or a path. If a path, Ramp will
            default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path if PyTables is
            installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise. Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: Pandas DataFrame, default None
            Dataframe of data. If all data has been precomputed this
            may not be required.
        train_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be used in training.
            Stored results will be cached against this.If not provided, the
            entire index of the 'data' parameter will be used.
        prep_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
            used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached
            against this. If not provided, the entire index of `data`
            keyword arg will be used.
        train_once: boolean
            If True, train and predict indexes will not be used as part of key
            hashes, meaning the values from the first run with this context
            will be stored permanently.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = (store if isinstance(store, Store)
                          else default_store(store))
        self.data = data
        if train_index is not None:
            self.train_index = train_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.train_index = self.data.index
            self.train_index = None

        if prep_index is not None:
            self.prep_index = prep_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.prep_index = self.data.index
            self.prep_index = None
        self.train_once = train_once
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, store=None, data=None, train_index=None, prep_index=None):

        store: An instance of `store.Store` or a path. If a path
                Ramp will default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path
                if PyTables is installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise.
                Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: a pandas DataFrame. If all data has been precomputed this
                may not be required.
        train_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in training. Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        prep_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = store if isinstance(store, Store) else default_store(store)
        self.data = data
        self.train_index = train_index if train_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
        self.prep_index = prep_index if prep_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
Пример #6
import urltools
from flask import Flask, request
from flask.helpers import make_response
from flask.json import jsonify

from store import MemoryStore

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['JSON_AS_ASCII'] = False  # encode utf-8

store = MemoryStore()

def show_tags(page_id):
    page = store.get_page(int(page_id))
    if page:
        return jsonify(page.to_json())
    return make_response('Not Found', 404)

@app.route('/stories', methods=['POST'])
def register_url():
    url_param = request.args.get('url')
    if not url_param:
        return make_response("url param is missing", 400)  # bad request

    # TODO: advanced input validation
    # https://validators.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#module-validators.url
    # https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/core/validators.py#L74
Пример #7
        trace_activity = Activity(
            name="on_turn_error Trace",
        # Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in Bot Framework Emulator
        await context.send_activity(trace_activity)

ADAPTER.on_turn_error = on_error

# Create the Bot
STORAGE = MemoryStore()
# Use BlobStore to test with Azure Blob storage.
DIALOG = RootDialog()

# Listen for incoming requests on /api/messages
async def messages(req: Request) -> Response:
    # Main bot message handler.
    if "application/json" in req.headers["Content-Type"]:
        body = await req.json()
        return Response(status=415)

    activity = Activity().deserialize(body)
Пример #8
class DataContext(object):
    The DataContext is the data storage environment for the Ramp analysis.
    For a given store and pandas index value, Ramp will consider the data
    immutable, and will not check for changes in the data.
    def __init__(self,

        store: string or ramp.store.Store object, default None
            An instance of `ramp.store.Store` or a path. If a path, Ramp will
            default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path if PyTables is
            installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise. Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: Pandas DataFrame, default None
            Dataframe of data. If all data has been precomputed this
            may not be required.
        train_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be used in training.
            Stored results will be cached against this.If not provided, the
            entire index of the 'data' parameter will be used.
        prep_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
            used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached
            against this. If not provided, the entire index of `data`
            keyword arg will be used.
        train_once: boolean
            If True, train and predict indexes will not be used as part of key
            hashes, meaning the values from the first run with this context
            will be stored permanently.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = (store if isinstance(store, Store) else
        self.data = data
        if train_index is not None:
            self.train_index = train_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.train_index = self.data.index
            self.train_index = None

        if prep_index is not None:
            self.prep_index = prep_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.prep_index = self.data.index
            self.prep_index = None
        self.train_once = train_once

    def key_on_indices(self):
        return not self.train_once

    def copy(self):
        """Make a shallow copy of the DataContext"""
        return copy.copy(self)

    def create_key(self):
        """Create hex key using MD5 algorithm."""
        if not self.key_on_indices():
            return ''
        return md5('%s--%s' % (get_np_hashable(
            self.train_index), get_np_hashable(self.prep_index))).hexdigest()

    def save_context(self, name, config=None):
        Saves this context (specifically it's train and prep indices)
        to it's store with the given name, along with the config, if provided.
        ctx = {
            'train_index': self.train_index,
            'prep_index': self.prep_index,
            'config': config
        self.store.save('context__%s' % name, ctx)

    def load_context(self, name):
        Loads a previously saved context with given name,
        assigning the stored training and prep indices
        and returning any stored config.
        ctx = self.store.load('context__%s' % name)
        self.train_index = ctx['train_index']
        self.prep_index = ctx['prep_index']
        return ctx['config']
Пример #9
class DataContext(object):
    All Ramp analyses require a DataContext.
    A DataContext represents the environment of the
    analysis. Most importantly this means for a given store
    and pandas index value, Ramp will consider the data immutable --
    it will not check the data again to see if it has changed.
    def __init__(self, store=None, data=None, train_index=None, prep_index=None):

        store: An instance of `store.Store` or a path. If a path
                Ramp will default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path
                if PyTables is installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise.
                Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: a pandas DataFrame. If all data has been precomputed this
                may not be required.
        train_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in training. Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        prep_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = store if isinstance(store, Store) else default_store(store)
        self.data = data
        self.train_index = train_index if train_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
        self.prep_index = prep_index if prep_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None

    def copy(self):
        return copy.copy(self)

    def create_key(self):
        return md5('%s--%s' % (get_np_hashable(self.train_index),

    def save_context(self, name, config=None):
        Saves this context (specifically it's train and prep indices)
        to it's store with the given
        name, along with the config, if provided.
        ctx = {'train_index':self.train_index,
        self.store.save('context__%s' % name, ctx)

    def load_context(self, name):
        Loads a previously saved context with given name,
        assigning the stored training and prep indices
        and returning any stored config.
        ctx = self.store.load('context__%s' % name)
        self.train_index = ctx['train_index']
        self.prep_index = ctx['prep_index']
        return ctx['config']
Пример #10
class DataContext(object):
    The DataContext is the data storage environment for the Ramp analysis.
    For a given store and pandas index value, Ramp will consider the data
    immutable, and will not check for changes in the data.
    def __init__(self, store=None, data=None, train_index=None,

        store: string or ramp.store.Store object, default None
            An instance of `ramp.store.Store` or a path. If a path, Ramp will
            default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path if PyTables is
            installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise. Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: Pandas DataFrame, default None
            Dataframe of data. If all data has been precomputed this
            may not be required.
        train_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be used in training.
            Stored results will be cached against this.If not provided, the
            entire index of the 'data' parameter will be used.
        prep_index: Pandas DataFrame Index, default None
            Pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
            used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached
            against this. If not provided, the entire index of `data`
            keyword arg will be used.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = (store if isinstance(store, Store)
                          else default_store(store))
        self.data = data
        if train_index is not None:
            self.train_index = train_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.train_index = self.data.index
            self.train_index = None

        if prep_index is not None:
            self.prep_index = prep_index
        elif self.data is not None:
            self.prep_index = self.data.index
            self.prep_index = None

    def copy(self):
        """Make a shallow copy of the DataContext"""
        return copy.copy(self)

    def create_key(self):
        """Create hex key using MD5 algorithm."""
        return md5('%s--%s' % (get_np_hashable(self.train_index),

    def save_context(self, name, config=None):
        Saves this context (specifically it's train and prep indices)
        to it's store with the given name, along with the config, if provided.
        ctx = {'train_index': self.train_index,
               'prep_index': self.prep_index,
               'config': config}
        self.store.save('context__%s' % name, ctx)

    def load_context(self, name):
        Loads a previously saved context with given name,
        assigning the stored training and prep indices
        and returning any stored config.
        ctx = self.store.load('context__%s' % name)
        self.train_index = ctx['train_index']
        self.prep_index = ctx['prep_index']
        return ctx['config']
Пример #11
class DataContext(object):
    All Ramp analyses require a DataContext.
    A DataContext represents the environment of the
    analysis. Most importantly this means for a given store
    and pandas index value, Ramp will consider the data immutable --
    it will not check the data again to see if it has changed.
    def __init__(self,

        store: An instance of `store.Store` or a path. If a path
                Ramp will default to an `HDFPickleStore` at that path
                if PyTables is installed, a `PickleStore` otherwise.
                Defaults to MemoryStore.
        data: a pandas DataFrame. If all data has been precomputed this
                may not be required.
        train_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in training. Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        prep_index: a pandas Index specifying the data instances to be
                used in prepping ("x" values). Stored results will be cached against this.
                If not provided, the entire index of `data` will be used.
        if store is None:
            self.store = MemoryStore()
            self.store = store if isinstance(store,
                                             Store) else default_store(store)
        self.data = data
        self.train_index = train_index if train_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None
        self.prep_index = prep_index if prep_index is not None else self.data.index if self.data is not None else None

    def copy(self):
        return copy.copy(self)

    def create_key(self):
        return md5('%s--%s' % (get_np_hashable(
            self.train_index), get_np_hashable(self.prep_index))).hexdigest()

    def save_context(self, name, config=None):
        Saves this context (specifically it's train and prep indices)
        to it's store with the given
        name, along with the config, if provided.
        ctx = {
            'train_index': self.train_index,
            'prep_index': self.prep_index,
            'config': config
        self.store.save('context__%s' % name, ctx)

    def load_context(self, name):
        Loads a previously saved context with given name,
        assigning the stored training and prep indices
        and returning any stored config.
        ctx = self.store.load('context__%s' % name)
        self.train_index = ctx['train_index']
        self.prep_index = ctx['prep_index']
        return ctx['config']