Пример #1
def overall_and_subset_test():
  arr = np.array([
    [0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6],
    [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
  cols = ['a','b','c']
  index = ['one','two','three']
  name = 'test_table'
  t = Table(arr, cols, index, name)

  # test init
  assert(t.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t.arr == arr) and t.cols == cols and t.index == index and t.name == name)

  # test copy
  t2 = t.copy()
  assert(t2.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t2.arr == arr) and t2.cols == cols and t2.index == index and t2.name == name)

  # change values in the copy and make sure original is unmodified
  t2.arr[0,:] = 1
  t2.index[0] = 'one_m'
  t2.cols[0] = 'big A'
  t2.name = 'modified_table'
  assert(t.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t.arr == arr) and t.cols == cols and t.index == index and t.name == name)

  ## subset the first and last rows of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
    [1, 1, 1],
    [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
  index2 = ['one_m','three']
  cols2 = ['big A','b','c']
  name2 = 'modified_table'

  # by list of indices
  t3 = t2.row_subset([0,2])
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr([0,2])
  # by list of names
  t3 = t2.row_subset(['one_m','three'])
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(['one_m','three'])

  # by array of indices
  t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array([0,2]))
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(np.array([0,2]))
  # by array of names
  t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array(['one_m','three']))
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(['one_m','three'])

  # subset just the middle row of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]])
  cols2 = ['big A','b','c']
  index2 = ['two']
  name2 = 'modified_table'
  # by index
  t3 = t2.row_subset(1)
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(1)
  # by name
  t3 = t2.row_subset('two')
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr('two')

  ## subset the first and last columns of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
    [1, 1],
    [0.1, 0.6],
    [0.6, 0.6]])
  index2 = ['one_m','two','three']
  cols2 = ['big A','c']
  name2 = 'modified_table'

  # by list of indices
  t3 = t2.subset([0,2])
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr([0,2])
  # by list of names
  t3 = t2.subset(['big A','c'])
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(['big A','c'])

  # by array of indices
  t3 = t2.subset(np.array([0,2]))
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array([0,2]))
  # by array of names
  t3 = t2.subset(np.array(['big A','c']))
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array(['big A','c']))

  ## subset just the middle column of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
  index2 = ['one_m','two','three']
  cols2 = ['b']
  name2 = 'modified_table'
  # by index
  t3 = t2.subset(1)
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array(['b']))
  # by name
  t3 = t2.subset('b')
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(['b'])

  ## row_subset without index
  t2 = Table(arr, cols, None, name)
  # subset the first and last rows of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
    [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
  index2 = None
  cols2 = ['a','b','c']
  name2 = 'test_table'

  # by list of indices
  t3 = t2.row_subset([0,2])
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr([0,2])

  # by array of indices
  t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array([0,2]))
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(np.array([0,2]))

  ## subset just the middle row of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]])
  cols2 = ['a','b','c']
  name2 = 'test_table'
  # by index
  t3 = t2.row_subset(1)
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(1)

  ## subset just the middle value of t2
  arr2 = np.array([
  cols2 = ['b']
  name2 = 'test_table'
  # by index
  t3 = t2.row_subset(1).subset(1)
  assert(t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2) and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
  t3_arr = t2.row_subset(1).subset_arr(1)
Пример #2
def overall_and_subset_test():
    arr = np.array([[0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
    cols = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    index = ['one', 'two', 'three']
    name = 'test_table'
    t = Table(arr, cols, index, name)

    # test init
    assert (t.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t.arr == arr) and t.cols == cols
            and t.index == index and t.name == name)

    # test copy
    t2 = t.copy()
    assert (t2.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t2.arr == arr) and t2.cols == cols
            and t2.index == index and t2.name == name)

    # change values in the copy and make sure original is unmodified
    t2.arr[0, :] = 1
    t2.index[0] = 'one_m'
    t2.cols[0] = 'big A'
    t2.name = 'modified_table'
    assert (t.shape == arr.shape and np.all(t.arr == arr) and t.cols == cols
            and t.index == index and t.name == name)

    ## subset the first and last rows of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
    index2 = ['one_m', 'three']
    cols2 = ['big A', 'b', 'c']
    name2 = 'modified_table'

    # by list of indices
    t3 = t2.row_subset([0, 2])
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr([0, 2])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))
    # by list of names
    t3 = t2.row_subset(['one_m', 'three'])
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(['one_m', 'three'])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    # by array of indices
    t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))
    # by array of names
    t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array(['one_m', 'three']))
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(['one_m', 'three'])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    # subset just the middle row of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6]])
    cols2 = ['big A', 'b', 'c']
    index2 = ['two']
    name2 = 'modified_table'
    # by index
    t3 = t2.row_subset(1)
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(1)
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))
    # by name
    t3 = t2.row_subset('two')
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr('two')
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2.squeeze()))

    ## subset the first and last columns of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[1, 1], [0.1, 0.6], [0.6, 0.6]])
    index2 = ['one_m', 'two', 'three']
    cols2 = ['big A', 'c']
    name2 = 'modified_table'

    # by list of indices
    t3 = t2.subset([0, 2])
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr([0, 2])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))
    # by list of names
    t3 = t2.subset(['big A', 'c'])
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(['big A', 'c'])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    # by array of indices
    t3 = t2.subset(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))
    # by array of names
    t3 = t2.subset(np.array(['big A', 'c']))
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array(['big A', 'c']))
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    ## subset just the middle column of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[1], [0.3], [0.3]])
    index2 = ['one_m', 'two', 'three']
    cols2 = ['b']
    name2 = 'modified_table'
    # by index
    t3 = t2.subset(1)
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(np.array(['b']))
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2.squeeze()))
    # by name
    t3 = t2.subset('b')
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.subset_arr(['b'])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2.squeeze()))

    ## row_subset without index
    t2 = Table(arr, cols, None, name)
    # subset the first and last rows of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
    index2 = None
    cols2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    name2 = 'test_table'

    # by list of indices
    t3 = t2.row_subset([0, 2])
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr([0, 2])
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    # by array of indices
    t3 = t2.row_subset(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(np.array([0, 2]))
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2))

    ## subset just the middle row of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6]])
    cols2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    name2 = 'test_table'
    # by index
    t3 = t2.row_subset(1)
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset_arr(1)
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == arr2.squeeze()))

    ## subset just the middle value of t2
    arr2 = np.array([[0.3]])
    cols2 = ['b']
    name2 = 'test_table'
    # by index
    t3 = t2.row_subset(1).subset(1)
    assert (t3.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t3.arr == arr2)
            and t3.cols == cols2 and t3.index == index2 and t3.name == name2)
    t3_arr = t2.row_subset(1).subset_arr(1)
    assert (np.all(t3_arr == np.array([0.3])))