Пример #1
def get_case_run_status(request, id=None):
    Params:      $case_run_status_id - Integer(Optional): ID of the status to return

    Returns:     Hash: Matching case run status object hash when your specific the case_run_status_id
                       or return all of case run status.
                       It will return error the case run status you specific id not found.

    # Get all of case run status
    >>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status()
    # Get case run status by ID 1
    >>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status(1)
    if id:
        return TestCaseRunStatus.objects.get(id=id).serialize()

    return TestCaseRunStatus.to_xmlrpc()
Пример #2
def get_case_run_status(request, id = None):
    Params:      $case_run_status_id - Integer(Optional): ID of the status to return

    Returns:     Hash: Matching case run status object hash when your specific the case_run_status_id
                       or return all of case run status.
                       It will return error the case run status you specific id not found.

    # Get all of case run status
    >>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status()
    # Get case run status by ID 1
    >>> TestCaseRun.get_case_run_status(1)
    if id:
        return TestCaseRunStatus.objects.get(id = id).serialize()

    return TestCaseRunStatus.to_xmlrpc()
Пример #3
def update_case_run_status(request):
    Update Case Run status.
    error = None
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    data    = request.REQUEST.copy()
    ctype   = data.get("content_type")
    vtype   = data.get('value_type', 'str')
    object_pk_str = data.get("object_pk")
    field     = data.get('field')
    value     = data.get('value')

    object_pk = [int(a) for a in object_pk_str.split(',')]

    if not field or not value or not object_pk or not ctype:
        return say_no('Following fields are required - content_type, object_pk, field and value.')

    # Convert the value type
    # FIXME: Django bug here: update() keywords must be strings
    field = str(field)

    value, error = get_value_by_type(value, vtype)
    if error: return say_no(error)
    has_perms = check_permission(request,ctype)
    if not has_perms: return say_no('Permission Dinied.')

    model = models.get_model(*ctype.split(".", 1))
    targets = model._default_manager.filter(pk__in=object_pk)

    if not targets: return say_no('No record found')
    if not hasattr(targets[0], field):
        return say_no('%s has no field %s' % (ctype, field))

    if hasattr(targets[0], 'log_action'):
        for t in targets:
                    who = request.user,
                    action = 'Field %s changed from %s to %s.' % (
                        field, getattr(t, field), value
            except (AttributeError, User.DoesNotExist):
    objects_update(targets, **{field:value})

    if hasattr(model, 'mail_scene'):
        from tcms.core.utils.mailto import mailto
        mail_context = model.mail_scene(
            objects = targets, field = field, value = value, ctype = ctype, object_pk = object_pk,
        if mail_context:
            mail_context['request'] = request

    # Special hacking for updating test case run status
    # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=658160
    if ctype == 'testruns.testcaserun' and field == 'case_run_status':
        if len(targets) == 1:

        for t in targets:
            field = 'close_date'
                who = request.user,
                action = 'Field %s changed from %s to %s.' % (
                    field, getattr(t, field), now
            if t.tested_by != request.user:
                field = 'tested_by'
                    who = request.user,
                    action = 'Field %s changed from %s to %s.' % (
                        field, getattr(t, field), request.user

            field = 'assignee'
                assignee = t.assginee
                if assignee != request.user:
                        who = request.user,
                        action = 'Field %s changed from %s to %s.' % (
                            field, getattr(t, field), request.user
                    #t.assignee = request.user
            except (AttributeError, User.DoesNotExist):
        targets.update(close_date=now, tested_by=request.user)

    run_status_count = targets[0].run.case_run_status.split(',')
    complete_count = 0
    failed_count = 0
    total_count = 0
    f_ids = TestCaseRunStatus._get_failed_status_ids()
    c_ids = TestCaseRunStatus._get_completed_status_ids()
        for status_count in run_status_count:
            s_id, s_count = status_count.split(':')
            s_id = int(s_id)
            s_count = int(s_count)
            if s_id in c_ids:
                complete_count += s_count
            if s_id in f_ids:
                failed_count += s_count
            total_count += s_count
    except Exception, e:
        return say_no(str(e))