def assign_and_sample_proposals(proposed_boxes, gt_boxes, gt_classes, num_samples_per_image=512, mix_gt_boxes=True, fg_fraction=0.25, fg_iou_thresh=0.5, bg_iou_thresh_hi=0.5, bg_iou_thresh_lo=0.0): """Assigns the proposals with groundtruth classes and performs subsmpling. Given `proposed_boxes`, `gt_boxes`, and `gt_classes`, the function uses the following algorithm to generate the final `num_samples_per_image` RoIs. 1. Calculates the IoU between each proposal box and each gt_boxes. 2. Assigns each proposed box with a groundtruth class and box by choosing the largest IoU overlap. 3. Samples `num_samples_per_image` boxes from all proposed boxes, and returns box_targets, class_targets, and RoIs. Args: proposed_boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N, 4]. N is the number of proposals before groundtruth assignment. The last dimension is the box coordinates w.r.t. the scaled images in [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] format. gt_boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, MAX_NUM_INSTANCES, 4]. The coordinates of gt_boxes are in the pixel coordinates of the scaled image. This tensor might have padding of values -1 indicating the invalid box coordinates. gt_classes: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, MAX_NUM_INSTANCES]. This tensor might have paddings with values of -1 indicating the invalid classes. num_samples_per_image: a integer represents RoI minibatch size per image. mix_gt_boxes: a bool indicating whether to mix the groundtruth boxes before sampling proposals. fg_fraction: a float represents the target fraction of RoI minibatch that is labeled foreground (i.e., class > 0). fg_iou_thresh: a float represents the IoU overlap threshold for an RoI to be considered foreground (if >= fg_iou_thresh). bg_iou_thresh_hi: a float represents the IoU overlap threshold for an RoI to be considered background (class = 0 if overlap in [LO, HI)). bg_iou_thresh_lo: a float represents the IoU overlap threshold for an RoI to be considered background (class = 0 if overlap in [LO, HI)). Returns: sampled_rois: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, K, 4], representing the coordinates of the sampled RoIs, where K is the number of the sampled RoIs, i.e. K = num_samples_per_image. sampled_gt_boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, K, 4], storing the box coordinates of the matched groundtruth boxes of the samples RoIs. sampled_gt_classes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, K], storing the classes of the matched groundtruth boxes of the sampled RoIs. sampled_gt_indices: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, K], storing the indices of the sampled groudntruth boxes in the original `gt_boxes` tensor, i.e. gt_boxes[sampled_gt_indices[:, i]] = sampled_gt_boxes[:, i]. """ with tf.name_scope('sample_proposals'): if mix_gt_boxes: boxes = tf.concat([proposed_boxes, gt_boxes], axis=1) else: boxes = proposed_boxes (matched_gt_boxes, matched_gt_classes, matched_gt_indices, matched_iou, _) = box_matching(boxes, gt_boxes, gt_classes) positive_match = tf.greater(matched_iou, fg_iou_thresh) negative_match = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(matched_iou, bg_iou_thresh_lo), tf.less(matched_iou, bg_iou_thresh_hi)) ignored_match = tf.less(matched_iou, 0.0) # re-assign negatively matched boxes to the background class. matched_gt_classes = tf.where(negative_match, tf.zeros_like(matched_gt_classes), matched_gt_classes) matched_gt_indices = tf.where(negative_match, tf.zeros_like(matched_gt_indices), matched_gt_indices) sample_candidates = tf.logical_and( tf.logical_or(positive_match, negative_match), tf.logical_not(ignored_match)) sampler = ( balanced_positive_negative_sampler.BalancedPositiveNegativeSampler( positive_fraction=fg_fraction, is_static=True)) batch_size, _ = sample_candidates.get_shape().as_list() sampled_indicators = [] for i in range(batch_size): sampled_indicator = sampler.subsample(sample_candidates[i], num_samples_per_image, positive_match[i]) sampled_indicators.append(sampled_indicator) sampled_indicators = tf.stack(sampled_indicators) _, sampled_indices = tf.nn.top_k(tf.cast(sampled_indicators, dtype=tf.int32), k=num_samples_per_image, sorted=True) sampled_indices_shape = tf.shape(sampled_indices) batch_indices = ( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(sampled_indices_shape[0]), axis=-1) * tf.ones([1, sampled_indices_shape[-1]], dtype=tf.int32)) gather_nd_indices = tf.stack([batch_indices, sampled_indices], axis=-1) sampled_rois = tf.gather_nd(boxes, gather_nd_indices) sampled_gt_boxes = tf.gather_nd(matched_gt_boxes, gather_nd_indices) sampled_gt_classes = tf.gather_nd(matched_gt_classes, gather_nd_indices) sampled_gt_indices = tf.gather_nd(matched_gt_indices, gather_nd_indices) return (sampled_rois, sampled_gt_boxes, sampled_gt_classes, sampled_gt_indices)
def _random_bernoulli(shape, probs, dtype=tf.int64, seed=None, name=None): """Returns samples from a Bernoulli distribution.""" with tf1.name_scope(name, "random_bernoulli", [shape, probs]): probs = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=probs) random_uniform = tf.random.uniform(shape, dtype=probs.dtype, seed=seed) return tf.cast(tf.less(random_uniform, probs), dtype)
def one_step(self, current_state, previous_kernel_results, seed=None): """Takes one step of the TransitionKernel. Args: current_state: `Tensor` or Python `list` of `Tensor`s representing the current state(s) of the Markov chain(s). previous_kernel_results: A (possibly nested) `tuple`, `namedtuple` or `list` of `Tensor`s representing internal calculations made within the previous call to this function (or as returned by `bootstrap_results`). seed: Optional, a seed for reproducible sampling. Returns: next_state: `Tensor` or Python `list` of `Tensor`s representing the next state(s) of the Markov chain(s). kernel_results: A (possibly nested) `tuple`, `namedtuple` or `list` of `Tensor`s representing internal calculations made within this function. This inculdes replica states. """ # The code below propagates one step states of shape # [n_replica] + batch_shape + event_shape. # # The step is done in three parts: # 1) Call one_step to transition states via a tempered version of # self.target_log_prob_fn (see _replica_target_log_prob). # 2) Permute values in states # 3) Update state-dependent values, such as log_probs. # # We chose to swap states, rather than temperatures, because... # (i) If swapping temperatures, you *still* have to swap log_probs to # determine acceptance, as well as states (for kernel results). # So it's just as difficult to swap temperatures. # (ii) If swapping temperatures, you have to take care to swap any user- # supplied temperature related things (like step size). # A-priori, we don't know what else will need to be swapped! # (iii)In both cases, the kernel results need to be updated in a non-trivial # we either special-case, or use bootstrap. with tf.name_scope(mcmc_util.make_name(, 'remc', 'one_step')): # Force a read in case the `inverse_temperatures` is a `tf.Variable`. inverse_temperatures = tf.convert_to_tensor( previous_kernel_results.inverse_temperatures, name='inverse_temperatures') target_log_prob_for_inner_kernel = _make_replica_target_log_prob_fn( self.target_log_prob_fn, inverse_temperatures) # Seed handling complexity is due to users possibly expecting an old-style # stateful seed to be passed to `self.make_kernel_fn`, and no seed # expected by `kernel.one_step`. # In other words: # - We try `make_kernel_fn` without a seed first; this is the future. The # kernel will receive a seed later, as part of `one_step`. # - If the user code doesn't like that (Python complains about a missing # required argument), we warn and fall back to the previous behavior. try: inner_kernel = self.make_kernel_fn( # pylint: disable=not-callable target_log_prob_for_inner_kernel) except TypeError as e: if 'argument' not in str(e): raise warnings.warn( 'The `seed` argument to `ReplicaExchangeMC`s `make_kernel_fn` is ' 'deprecated. `TransitionKernel` instances now receive seeds via ' '`one_step`.') inner_kernel = self.make_kernel_fn( # pylint: disable=not-callable target_log_prob_for_inner_kernel, self._seed_stream()) # Now that we've constructed the TransitionKernel instance: # - If we were given a seed, we sanitize it to stateless and pass along # to `kernel.one_step`. If it doesn't like that, we crash and propagate # the error. Rationale: The contract is stateless sampling given # seed, and doing otherwise would not meet it. # - If not given a seed, we don't pass one along. This avoids breaking # underlying kernels lacking a `seed` arg on `one_step`. # TODO(b/159636942): Clean up after 2020-09-20. if seed is not None: seed = samplers.sanitize_seed(seed) inner_seed, swap_seed, logu_seed = samplers.split_seed( seed, n=3, salt='remc_one_step') inner_kwargs = dict(seed=inner_seed) else: if self._seed_stream.original_seed is not None: warnings.warn(mcmc_util.SEED_CTOR_ARG_DEPRECATION_MSG) inner_kwargs = {} swap_seed, logu_seed = samplers.split_seed(self._seed_stream()) [ pre_swap_replica_states, pre_swap_replica_results, ] = inner_kernel.one_step( previous_kernel_results.post_swap_replica_states, previous_kernel_results.post_swap_replica_results, **inner_kwargs) pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob = _get_field( # These are tempered log probs (have been divided by temperature). pre_swap_replica_results, 'target_log_prob') dtype = pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob.dtype replica_and_batch_shape = ps.shape( pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob) batch_shape = replica_and_batch_shape[1:] replica_and_batch_rank = ps.rank(pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob) num_replica = ps.size0(inverse_temperatures) inverse_temperatures = mcmc_util.left_justified_broadcast_to( inverse_temperatures, replica_and_batch_shape) # Now that each replica has done one_step, it is time to consider swaps. # swap.shape = [n_replica], and is a "once only" permutation, meaning it # is achievable by a sequence of pairwise permutations, where each element # is moved at most once. # E.g. if swaps = [1, 0, 2], we will consider swapping temperatures 0 and # 1, keeping 2 fixed. This exact same swap is considered for *every* # batch member. Of course some batch members may accept and some reject. try: swaps = tf.cast( self.swap_proposal_fn( # pylint: disable=not-callable num_replica, batch_shape=batch_shape, seed=swap_seed, step_count=previous_kernel_results.step_count), dtype=tf.int32) except TypeError as e: if 'step_count' not in str(e): raise warnings.warn( 'The `swap_proposal_fn` given to ReplicaExchangeMC did not accept ' 'the `step_count` argument. Falling back to omitting the ' 'argument. This fallback will be removed after 24-Oct-2020.' ) swaps = tf.cast( self.swap_proposal_fn( # pylint: disable=not-callable num_replica, batch_shape=batch_shape, seed=swap_seed), dtype=tf.int32) null_swaps = mcmc_util.left_justified_expand_dims_like( tf.range(num_replica, dtype=swaps.dtype), swaps) swaps = _maybe_embed_swaps_validation(swaps, null_swaps, self.validate_args) # Un-temper the log probs. E.g., for replica k, at point x_k, this is # Log[p(x_k)], and *not* Log[p_x(x_k)] = Log[p(x_k)] * beta_k. untempered_pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob = ( pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob / inverse_temperatures) # Since `swaps` is its own inverse permutation we automatically know the # swap counterpart: range(num_replica). We use this idea to compute the # acceptance in a vectorized manner at the cost of wasting roughly half # our computation. Although we could use `unique` to solve this problem, # we expect the cost of `unique` to be higher than the dozens of wasted # arithmetic calculations. Worse, it'd mean we need dynamic sized Tensors # (eg, using `tf.where(bool)`) and so we wouldn't be able to XLA compile. # Note: diffs would normally be "proposed - current" however energy is # flipped since `energy == -log_prob`. energy_diff = (untempered_pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob - mcmc_util.index_remapping_gather( untempered_pre_swap_replica_target_log_prob, swaps, name='gather_swap_tlp')) swapped_inverse_temperatures = mcmc_util.index_remapping_gather( inverse_temperatures, swaps, name='gather_swap_temps') inverse_temp_diff = swapped_inverse_temperatures - inverse_temperatures # If i and j are swapping, log_accept_ratio[] i and j are equal. log_accept_ratio = (energy_diff * mcmc_util.left_justified_expand_dims_to( inverse_temp_diff, replica_and_batch_rank)) log_accept_ratio = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(log_accept_ratio), log_accept_ratio, tf.constant(-np.inf, dtype=dtype)) # Produce Log[Uniform] draws that are identical at swapped indices. log_uniform = tf.math.log( samplers.uniform(shape=replica_and_batch_shape, dtype=dtype, seed=logu_seed)) anchor_swaps = tf.minimum(swaps, null_swaps) log_uniform = mcmc_util.index_remapping_gather( log_uniform, anchor_swaps) is_swap_accepted_mask = tf.less(log_uniform, log_accept_ratio, name='is_swap_accepted_mask') def _swap_tensor(x): return mcmc_util.choose( is_swap_accepted_mask, mcmc_util.index_remapping_gather(x, swaps), x) post_swap_replica_states = [ _swap_tensor(s) for s in pre_swap_replica_states ] expanded_null_swaps = mcmc_util.left_justified_broadcast_to( null_swaps, replica_and_batch_shape) is_swap_proposed = _compute_swap_notmatrix( # Broadcast both so they have shape [num_replica] + batch_shape. # This (i) makes them have same shape as is_swap_accepted, and # (ii) keeps shape consistent if someday swaps has a batch shape. expanded_null_swaps, mcmc_util.left_justified_broadcast_to(swaps, replica_and_batch_shape)) # To get is_swap_accepted in ordered position, we use # _compute_swap_notmatrix on current and next replica positions. post_swap_replica_position = _swap_tensor(expanded_null_swaps) is_swap_accepted = _compute_swap_notmatrix( post_swap_replica_position, expanded_null_swaps) if self._state_includes_replicas: post_swap_states = post_swap_replica_states else: post_swap_states = [s[0] for s in post_swap_replica_states] post_swap_replica_results = _make_post_swap_replica_results( pre_swap_replica_results, inverse_temperatures, swapped_inverse_temperatures, is_swap_accepted_mask, _swap_tensor) if mcmc_util.is_list_like(current_state): # We *always* canonicalize the states in the kernel results. states = post_swap_states else: states = post_swap_states[0] post_swap_kernel_results = ReplicaExchangeMCKernelResults( post_swap_replica_states=post_swap_replica_states, pre_swap_replica_results=pre_swap_replica_results, post_swap_replica_results=post_swap_replica_results, is_swap_proposed=is_swap_proposed, is_swap_accepted=is_swap_accepted, is_swap_proposed_adjacent=_sub_diag(is_swap_proposed), is_swap_accepted_adjacent=_sub_diag(is_swap_accepted), # Store the original pkr.inverse_temperatures in case its a # `tf.Variable`. inverse_temperatures=previous_kernel_results. inverse_temperatures, swaps=swaps, step_count=previous_kernel_results.step_count + 1, seed=samplers.zeros_seed() if seed is None else seed, ) return states, post_swap_kernel_results
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None): probs = self._probs_parameter_no_checks() new_shape = tf.concat([[n], tf.shape(probs)], 0) uniform = tf.random.uniform(new_shape, seed=seed, dtype=probs.dtype) sample = tf.less(uniform, probs) return tf.cast(sample, self.dtype)
def filter_fn(source): return tf.less(tf.shape(source)[0], max_len + 1)