def get_states_b(self): """ Iterates through time/ sequence to get all hidden state """ all_hidden_states, all_memory_states = self.get_states_f() # Reversing the hidden and memory state to get the final hidden and # memory state last_hidden_states = tf.reverse( all_hidden_states, [True, False, False])[0, :, :] last_memory_states = tf.reverse( all_memory_states, [True, False, False])[0, :, :] # For backward pass using the last hidden and memory of the forward # pass initial_hidden = tf.pack([last_hidden_states, last_memory_states]) # Getting all hidden state throuh time all_hidden_memory_states = tf.scan(self.Lstm_b, self.processed_input_rev, initializer=initial_hidden, name='states') # Now reversing the states to keep those in original order all_hidden_states = tf.reverse(all_hidden_memory_states[ :, 0, :, :], [True, False, False]) all_memory_states = tf.reverse(all_hidden_memory_states[ :, 1, :, :], [True, False, False]) return all_hidden_states, all_memory_states
def cummax(x, reverse=False, name=None): """Compute the cumulative maximum of the tensor `x` along `axis`. This operation is similar to the more classic `cumsum`. Only support 1D Tensor for now. Args: x: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `uint16`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `complex128`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`, `half`. axis: A `Tensor` of type `int32` (default: 0). reverse: A `bool` (default: False). name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "Cummax", [x]) as name: x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") # Not very optimal: should directly integrate reverse into tf.scan. if reverse: x = tf.reverse(x, axis=[0]) # 'Accumlating' maximum: ensure it is always increasing. cmax = tf.scan(lambda a, y: tf.maximum(a, y), x, initializer=None, parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False, swap_memory=False) if reverse: cmax = tf.reverse(cmax, axis=[0]) return cmax
def forward(self, x, x_mask=None, context_layer=None): assert not (self.reverse_alternation and x_mask == None) # assert (context_layer == None or # tf.shape(context_layer)[-1] == self.context_state_size) def create_step_fun(gru): def step_fn(prev_state, x): gates_x2d, proposal_x2d = x[0], x[1] new_state = gru.forward(prev_state, gates_x=gates_x2d, proposal_x=proposal_x2d) if len(x) > 2: mask = x[2] new_state *= mask # batch x 1 # first couple of states of reversed encoder should be zero # this is why we need to multiply by mask # this way, when the reversed encoder reaches actual words # the state will be zeros and not some accumulated garbage return new_state return step_fn init_state = tf.zeros(shape=[self.batch_size, self.state_size], dtype=tf.float32) if x_mask != None: x_mask_r = tf.reverse(x_mask, axis=[0]) x_mask_bwd = tf.expand_dims(x_mask_r, axis=[2]) #seqLen x batch x 1 for i, gru in enumerate(self.grus): layer = RecurrentLayer(initial_state=init_state, step_fn=create_step_fun(gru)) if context_layer == None: x2 = x else: x2 = tf.concat([x, context_layer], axis=-1) if not self.alternating: left_to_right = True else: if self.reverse_alternation: left_to_right = (i % 2 == 1) else: left_to_right = (i % 2 == 0) if left_to_right: # Recurrent state flows from left to right in this layer. gates_x, proposal_x = gru.precompute_from_x(x2) h = layer.forward((gates_x, proposal_x)) else: # Recurrent state flows from right to left in this layer. x2_reversed = tf.reverse(x2, axis=[0]) gates_x, proposal_x = gru.precompute_from_x(x2_reversed) h_reversed = layer.forward((gates_x, proposal_x, x_mask_bwd)) h = tf.reverse(h_reversed, axis=[0]) # Compute the word states, which will become the input for the # next layer (or the output of the stack if we're at the top). if i == 0: x = h else: x += h # Residual connection return x
def sparse_transpose(sp_input): transposed_indices = tf.reverse(tf.cast(sp_input.indices, tf.int32), [False, True]) transposed_values = sp_input.values transposed_shape = tf.reverse(tf.cast(sp_input.shape, tf.int32), [True]) sp_output = tf.SparseTensor(tf.cast(transposed_indices, tf.int64), transposed_values, tf.cast(transposed_shape, tf.int64)) sp_output = tf.sparse_reorder(sp_output) return sp_output
def embed_sequences(self, embed_sequence_batch): """Return sentence embeddings as a tensor with with shape [batch_size, hidden_size * 2] """ forward_values = embed_sequence_batch.values forward_mask = embed_sequence_batch.mask backward_values = tf.reverse(forward_values, [False, True, False]) backward_mask = tf.reverse(forward_mask, [False, True]) # Initialize LSTMs self._forward_lstm = LSTM(self.hidden_size, return_sequences=True) self._backward_lstm = LSTM(self.hidden_size, return_sequences=True) # Pass input through the LSTMs # Shape: (batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size) forward_seq = self._forward_lstm(forward_values, forward_mask) forward_seq.set_shape((None, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) backward_seq = self._backward_lstm(backward_values, backward_mask) backward_seq.set_shape((None, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) # Stitch the outputs together --> hidden states (for computing attention) # Final dimension: (batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size * 2) lstm_states = tf.concat(2, [forward_seq, tf.reverse(backward_seq, [False, True, False])]) self._hidden_states = SequenceBatch(lstm_states, forward_mask) # Stitch the final outputs together --> sequence embedding # Final dimension: (batch_size, hidden_size * 2) seq_length = tf.shape(forward_values)[1] forward_final = tf.slice(forward_seq, [0, seq_length - 1, 0], [-1, 1, self.hidden_size]) backward_final = tf.slice(backward_seq, [0, seq_length - 1, 0], [-1, 1, self.hidden_size]) return tf.squeeze(tf.concat(2, [forward_final, backward_final]), [1])
def ndlstm_base_dynamic(inputs, noutput, scope=None, reverse=False): """Run an LSTM, either forward or backward. This is a 1D LSTM implementation using dynamic_rnn and the TensorFlow LSTM op. Args: inputs: input sequence (length, batch_size, ninput) noutput: depth of output scope: optional scope name reverse: run LSTM in reverse Returns: Output sequence (length, batch_size, noutput) """ with tf.variable_scope(scope, "SeqLstm", [inputs]): # TODO(tmb) make batch size, sequence_length dynamic # example: sequence_length = tf.shape(inputs)[0] _, batch_size, _ = _shape(inputs) lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(noutput, state_is_tuple=False) state = tf.zeros([batch_size, lstm_cell.state_size]) sequence_length = int(inputs.get_shape()[0]) sequence_lengths = tf.to_int64(tf.fill([batch_size], sequence_length)) if reverse: inputs = tf.reverse(inputs, [True, False, False]) outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm_cell, inputs, sequence_lengths, state, time_major=True) if reverse: outputs = tf.reverse(outputs, [True, False, False]) return outputs
def random_transformation2(x, y, padding, phase_train, rnd_vflip=True, rnd_hflip=True, rnd_transpose=True, rnd_colour=False): """ Perform random crop, flip, transpose, hue, saturation, brightness, contrast. Args: x: [B, H, W, 3] y: [B, T, H, W] padding: int phase_train: bool """ # Random image transformation layers. phase_train_f = tf.to_float(phase_train) x_shape = tf.shape(x) y_shape = tf.shape(y) num_ex = x_shape[0] inp_height = x_shape[1] inp_width = x_shape[2] inp_depth_x = x_shape[3] inp_depth_y = y_shape[3] # Add padding x_pad = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [padding, padding], [padding, padding], [0, 0]]) y_pad = tf.pad(y, [[0, 0], [padding, padding], [padding, padding], [0, 0]]) # Random crop offset = tf.random_uniform([2], dtype='int32', maxval=padding * 2) x_rand = tf.slice(x_pad, tf.pack([0, offset[0], offset[1], 0]), tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, inp_depth_x])) y_rand = tf.slice(y_pad, tf.pack([0, offset[0], offset[1], 0]), tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, inp_depth_y])) # Center slices (for inference) x_ctr = tf.slice(x_pad, [0, padding, padding, 0], tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, -1])) y_ctr = tf.slice(y_pad, [0, padding, padding, 0], tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, -1])) # Random horizontal & vertical flip & transpose rand_h = tf.random_uniform([1], 1.0 - float(rnd_hflip), 1.0) rand_v = tf.random_uniform([1], 1.0 - float(rnd_vflip), 1.0) mirror = tf.pack([1.0, rand_v[0], rand_h[0], 1.0]) < 0.5 x_rand = tf.reverse(x_rand, mirror) y_rand = tf.reverse(y_rand, mirror) rand_t = tf.random_uniform([1], 1.0 - float(rnd_transpose), 1.0) do_tr = tf.cast(rand_t[0] < 0.5, 'int32') x_rand = tf.transpose(x_rand, tf.pack([0, 1 + do_tr, 2 - do_tr, 3])) y_rand = tf.transpose(y_rand, tf.pack([0, 1 + do_tr, 2 - do_tr, 3])) # Random hue, saturation, brightness, contrast if rnd_colour: x_rand = random_hue(x_rand, 0.1) x_rand = random_saturation(x_rand, 0.9, 1.1) x_rand = tf.image.random_brightness(x_rand, 0.1) x_rand = tf.image.random_contrast(x_rand, 0.9, 1.1) x = (1.0 - phase_train_f) * x_ctr + phase_train_f * x_rand y = (1.0 - phase_train_f) * y_ctr + phase_train_f * y_rand return x, y
def image_distortions(image, distortions): distort_left_right_random = distortions[0] mirror = tf.less(tf.pack([1.0, distort_left_right_random, 1.0]), 0.5) image = tf.reverse(image, mirror) distort_up_down_random = distortions[1] mirror = tf.less(tf.pack([distort_up_down_random, 1.0, 1.0]), 0.5) image = tf.reverse(image, mirror) return image
def _compute_rnn_outputs(self): reversed_inputs = tf.reverse(self.inputs, [False, True, False]) reversed_resets = tf.reverse(self.resets, [False, True, False]) self._rv_lstm = LSTM(reversed_inputs, reversed_resets,, self.num_layers, self.hidden_layer_size, self.init_scale, self.dropout_keep_prob) outputs = tf.reverse(self._rv_lstm.outputs, [False, True, False]) return outputs
def reconstruct(self, inputs, samples=1, sample_static=False, sample_dynamic=False, swap_static=False, swap_dynamic=False, fix_static=False, fix_dynamic=False): """Reconstruct the given input sequences. Args: inputs: A batch of image sequences `x_{1:T}` of shape `[batch_size, timesteps, height, width, channels]`. samples: Number of samples to draw from the latent distributions. sample_static: Boolean for whether or not to randomly sample the static latent variable `f` from its prior distribution. sample_dynamic: Boolean for whether or not to randomly sample the dynamic latent variable `z_{1:T}` from its prior distribution. swap_static: Boolean for whether or not to swap the encodings for the static latent variable `f` between the examples. swap_dynamic: Boolean for whether or not to swap the encodings for the dynamic latent variable `z_{1:T}` between the examples. fix_static: Boolean for whether or not to share the same random sample of the static latent variable `f` from its prior across all examples. fix_dynamic: Boolean for whether or not to share the same random sample of the dynamic latent variable `z_{1:T}` from its prior across all examples. Returns: A batched Independent distribution wrapping a set of Normal distributions over the pixels of the reconstruction of the input, where the Independent distribution has event shape [height, width, channels], batch shape [samples, batch_size, timesteps], and sample shape [sample_shape, samples, batch_size, timesteps, height, width, channels]. """ batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[-5] length = len(tf.unstack(inputs, axis=-4)) # hack for graph mode features = self.compressor(inputs) # (..., batch, timesteps, hidden) if sample_static: static_sample, _ = self.sample_static_prior( samples, batch_size, fix_static) else: static_sample, _ = self.sample_static_posterior(features, samples) if swap_static: static_sample = tf.reverse(static_sample, axis=[1]) if sample_dynamic: dynamic_sample, _ = self.sample_dynamic_prior( samples, batch_size, length, fix_dynamic) else: dynamic_sample, _ = self.sample_dynamic_posterior( features, samples, static_sample) if swap_dynamic: dynamic_sample = tf.reverse(dynamic_sample, axis=[1]) likelihood = self.decoder((dynamic_sample, static_sample)) return likelihood
def __call__(self, cell_output, scores, scores_state, ignore_mask): # apply exponential moving average with interpolation gate weight # to scores from previous time which are equal to probs at this point # different from original NTM where it is applied after softmax i_g = self.inter_gate(cell_output) # scores limited by time scores = tf.concat([i_g * scores[:, :-1] + (1 - i_g) * scores_state, scores[:, -1:]], 1) next_scores_state = scores # create probabilities for attention if self.sparse_attention: probs = tf.contrib.sparsemax.sparsemax(scores) else: probs = tf.nn.softmax(scores) if self.shift_weight is not None: s_w = self.shift_weight(cell_output) # we want to go back in time during convolution conv_probs = tf.reverse(probs, axis=[1]) # preare probs for tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d # [in_width, in_channels=batch] conv_probs = tf.transpose(conv_probs, [1, 0]) # [batch=1, in_height=1, in_width=time+1, in_channels=batch] conv_probs = conv_probs[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :, :] # [filter_height=1, filter_width=2*attn_shift_range+1, # in_channels=batch, channel_multiplier=1] conv_s_w = tf.transpose(s_w, [1, 0]) conv_s_w = conv_s_w[tf.newaxis, :, :, tf.newaxis] # perform 1d convolution # [batch=1, out_height=1, out_width=time+1, out_channels=batch] conv_probs = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d_native(conv_probs, conv_s_w, [1, 1, 1, 1], 'SAME') conv_probs = conv_probs[0, 0, :, :] conv_probs = tf.transpose(conv_probs, [1, 0]) probs = tf.reverse(conv_probs, axis=[1]) # Sharpening g_sh = self.gamma_sharp(cell_output) powed_probs = tf.pow(probs, g_sh) probs = powed_probs / ( tf.reduce_sum(powed_probs, 1, keepdims=True) + 1e-32) # set probs for no intents and action_listens to zero if ignore_mask is not None: probs = tf.concat([tf.where(ignore_mask, tf.zeros_like(probs[:, :-1]), probs[:, :-1]), probs[:, -1:]], 1) return probs, next_scores_state
def discounted_return(reward, length, discount): """Discounted Monte-Carlo returns.""" timestep = tf.range(reward.shape[1].value) mask = tf.cast(timestep[None, :] < length[:, None], tf.float32) return_ = tf.reverse(tf.transpose(tf.scan( lambda agg, cur: cur + discount * agg, tf.transpose(tf.reverse(mask * reward, [1]), [1, 0]), tf.zeros_like(reward[:, -1]), 1, False), [1, 0]), [1]) return tf.check_numerics(tf.stop_gradient(return_), 'return')
def ni_slice(sub_values, last_ind, axis=0): # TODO: Allow both to be negative indexed... ndims = len(shape(sub_values)) im1 = 0 + abs(last_ind) i = [[None, None]] * ndims i[axis] = [im1, None] am = [False] * ndims am[axis] = True sl = [slice(*ii) for ii in i] ti = tf.reverse(sub_values, am)[sl] return tf.reverse(ti, am)
def lambda_advantage(reward, value, length, discount): """Generalized Advantage Estimation.""" timestep = tf.range(reward.shape[1].value) mask = tf.cast(timestep[None, :] < length[:, None], tf.float32) next_value = tf.concat([value[:, 1:], tf.zeros_like(value[:, -1:])], 1) delta = reward + discount * next_value - value advantage = tf.reverse(tf.transpose(tf.scan( lambda agg, cur: cur + discount * agg, tf.transpose(tf.reverse(mask * delta, [1]), [1, 0]), tf.zeros_like(delta[:, -1]), 1, False), [1, 0]), [1]) return tf.check_numerics(tf.stop_gradient(advantage), 'advantage')
def lambda_return(reward, value, length, discount, lambda_): """TD-lambda returns.""" timestep = tf.range(reward.shape[1].value) mask = tf.cast(timestep[None, :] < length[:, None], tf.float32) sequence = mask * reward + discount * value * (1 - lambda_) discount = mask * discount * lambda_ sequence = tf.stack([sequence, discount], 2) return_ = tf.reverse(tf.transpose(tf.scan( lambda agg, cur: cur[0] + cur[1] * agg, tf.transpose(tf.reverse(sequence, [1]), [1, 2, 0]), tf.zeros_like(value[:, -1]), 1, False), [1, 0]), [1]) return tf.check_numerics(tf.stop_gradient(return_), 'return')
def fix_variables(self, sess, pretrained_model): print('Fix Resnet V1 layers..') with tf.variable_scope('Fix_Resnet_V1') as scope: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # fix RGB to BGR conv1_rgb = tf.get_variable("conv1_rgb", [7, 7, 3, 64], trainable=False) restorer_fc = tf.train.Saver({self._resnet_scope + "/conv1/weights": conv1_rgb}) restorer_fc.restore(sess, pretrained_model)['rpn_network/'+self._resnet_scope + '/conv1/weights:0'], tf.reverse(conv1_rgb, [2])))['rfcn_network/'+self._resnet_scope + '/conv1/weights:0'], tf.reverse(conv1_rgb, [2])))
def image_mirroring(img, label): """ Randomly mirrors the images. Args: img: Training image to mirror. label: Segmentation mask to mirror. """ distort_left_right_random = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 1.0, dtype=tf.float32)[0] mirror = tf.less(tf.stack([1.0, distort_left_right_random, 1.0]), 0.5) mirror = tf.boolean_mask([0, 1, 2], mirror) img = tf.reverse(img, mirror) label = tf.reverse(label, mirror) return img, label
def process_reals(x, lod, mirror_augment, drange_data, drange_net): with tf.name_scope('ProcessReals'): with tf.name_scope('DynamicRange'): x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32) x = misc.adjust_dynamic_range(x, drange_data, drange_net) if mirror_augment: with tf.name_scope('MirrorAugment'): s = tf.shape(x) mask = tf.random_uniform([s[0], 1, 1, 1], 0.0, 1.0) mask = tf.tile(mask, [1, s[1], s[2], s[3]]) x = tf.where(mask < 0.5, x, tf.reverse(x, axis=[3])) with tf.name_scope('FadeLOD'): # Smooth crossfade between consecutive levels-of-detail. s = tf.shape(x) y = tf.reshape(x, [-1, s[1], s[2]//2, 2, s[3]//2, 2]) y = tf.reduce_mean(y, axis=[3, 5], keepdims=True) y = tf.tile(y, [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, s[1], s[2], s[3]]) x = tfutil.lerp(x, y, lod - tf.floor(lod)) with tf.name_scope('UpscaleLOD'): # Upscale to match the expected input/output size of the networks. s = tf.shape(x) factor = tf.cast(2 ** tf.floor(lod), tf.int32) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, s[1], s[2], 1, s[3], 1]) x = tf.tile(x, [1, 1, 1, factor, 1, factor]) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, s[1], s[2] * factor, s[3] * factor]) return x
def fastrcnn_training(self, image, rcnn_labels, fg_rcnn_boxes, gt_boxes_per_fg, rcnn_label_logits, fg_rcnn_box_logits): """ Args: image (NCHW): rcnn_labels (n): labels for each sampled targets fg_rcnn_boxes (fg x 4): proposal boxes for each sampled foreground targets gt_boxes_per_fg (fg x 4): matching gt boxes for each sampled foreground targets rcnn_label_logits (n): label logits for each sampled targets fg_rcnn_box_logits (fg x 4): box logits for each sampled foreground targets """ with tf.name_scope('fg_sample_patch_viz'): fg_sampled_patches = crop_and_resize( image, fg_rcnn_boxes, tf.zeros(tf.shape(fg_rcnn_boxes)[0], dtype=tf.int32), 300) fg_sampled_patches = tf.transpose(fg_sampled_patches, [0, 2, 3, 1]) fg_sampled_patches = tf.reverse(fg_sampled_patches, axis=[-1]) # BGR->RGB tf.summary.image('viz', fg_sampled_patches, max_outputs=30) encoded_boxes = encode_bbox_target( gt_boxes_per_fg, fg_rcnn_boxes) * tf.constant(config.FASTRCNN_BBOX_REG_WEIGHTS) fastrcnn_label_loss, fastrcnn_box_loss = fastrcnn_losses( rcnn_labels, rcnn_label_logits, encoded_boxes, fg_rcnn_box_logits) return fastrcnn_label_loss, fastrcnn_box_loss
def final_hidden(self, input_idxes): rnn_hiddens = self.hiddens(input_idxes) # execute our rnn using scan function # extract final timestep's hidden rnn_hiddens_reverse = tf.reverse(rnn_hiddens, [True,False,False]) rnn_final_hidden = rnn_hiddens_reverse[0,:,:] return rnn_final_hidden
def test_flip(self): shape = [3, 4, 5] data = np.random.rand(*shape) var = llo.variable(data, 'var') tf_var = tf.Variable(data) sess = tf.Session() out = age.flip(var, 1) tf_out = tf.reverse(tf_var, [1]) fout = out.evaluate(dtype=np.dtype(float)) tf_fout = self._array_close(tf_fout, fout) var2 = llo.variable(data, 'var2') zero = llo.derive(out, var2) ex = llo.derive(out, var) rej = zero.evaluate() der = ex.evaluate() tf_grad = tf.gradients(tf_fout, [tf_var])[0] self.assertEqual(None, tf_grad) data0 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) data1 = np.ones(shape, dtype=float) self._array_eq(data0, rej) self._array_eq(data1, der)
def compute_states(self): states_list = [] state = self.zero_state() timesteps = xrange(self.esn.n_steps) if self.backwards: timesteps = reversed(timesteps) for i in timesteps: prev_state = state state = (tf.matmul(self.esn.scaled_x[:, i, :], self.w_xh) + tf.matmul(prev_state, self.w_hh, b_is_sparse=True)) state = (1 - self.leakage) * tf.tanh(state) + self.leakage * prev_state states_list.append(state) states = tf.reshape(tf.concat( 1, states_list), [-1, self.esn.n_steps, self.esn.n_hidden]) if self.backwards: states = tf.reverse(states, [False, True, False]) return states
def _conv_2d(X, h, strides=[1,1,1,1]): """ Perform 2d convolution in tensorflow. X will to be manipulated to be of shape [batch, height, width, ch], and h to be of shape [height, width, ch, num]. This function does the necessary reshaping before calling the conv2d function, and does the reshaping on the output, returning Y of shape [batch, height, width] """ # Check the shape of X is what we expect if len(X.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('X needs to be of shape [batch, height, width] ' + 'for conv_2d') # Check the shape of h is what we expect if len(h.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Filter inputs must only have height and width ' + 'for conv_2d') # Add in the unit dimensions for conv X = tf.expand_dims(X, axis=-1) h = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(h, axis=-1),axis=-1) # Have to reverse h as tensorflow 2d conv is actually cross-correlation h = tf.reverse(h, axis=[0,1]) Y = tf.nn.conv2d(X, h, strides=strides, padding='VALID') # Remove the final dimension, returning a result of shape # [batch, height, width] Y = tf.squeeze(Y, axis=-1) return Y
def model(voxels, transform_matrix, params, is_training): """Model transforming the 3D voxels into 2D projections. Args: voxels: A tensor of size [batch, depth, height, width, channel] representing the input of projection layer (tf.float32). transform_matrix: A tensor of size [batch, 16] representing the flattened 4-by-4 matrix for transformation (tf.float32). params: Model parameters (dict). is_training: Set to True if while training (boolean). Returns: A transformed tensor (tf.float32) """ del is_training # Doesn't make a difference for projector # Rearrangement (batch, z, y, x, channel) --> (batch, y, z, x, channel). # By the standard, projection happens along z-axis but the voxels # are stored in a different way. So we need to switch the y and z # axis for transformation operation. voxels = tf.transpose(voxels, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4]) z_near = params.focal_length z_far = params.focal_length + params.focal_range transformed_voxels = perspective_transform.transformer( voxels, transform_matrix, [params.vox_size] * 3, z_near, z_far) views = tf.reduce_max(transformed_voxels, [1]) views = tf.reverse(views, [1]) return views
def bisine_wahwah_wave(frequency): """Emit two sine waves with balance oscillating left and right.""" # # This is clearly intended to build on the bisine wave defined above, # so we can start by generating that. waves_a = bisine_wave(frequency) # # Then, by reversing axis 2, we swap the stereo channels. By mixing # this with `waves_a`, we'll be able to create the desired effect. waves_b = tf.reverse(waves_a, axis=[2]) # # Let's have the balance oscillate from left to right four times. iterations = 4 # # Now, we compute the balance for each sample: `ts` has values # in [0, 1] that indicate how much we should use `waves_a`. xs = tf.reshape(tf.range(_samples(), dtype=tf.float32), [1, _samples(), 1]) thetas = xs / _samples() * iterations ts = (tf.sin(math.pi * 2 * thetas) + 1) / 2 # # Finally, we can mix the two together, and we're done. wave = ts * waves_a + (1.0 - ts) * waves_b # # Alternately, we can make the effect more pronounced by exaggerating # the sample data. Let's emit both variations. exaggerated_wave = wave ** 3.0 return tf.concat([wave, exaggerated_wave], axis=0)
def preprocess_for_test(image, gt_boxes, gt_masks): ih, iw = tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1] ## min size resizing new_ih, new_iw = preprocess_utils._smallest_size_at_least(ih, iw, cfg.FLAGS.image_min_size) image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0) image = tf.image.resize_bilinear(image, [new_ih, new_iw], align_corners=False) image = tf.squeeze(image, axis=[0]) gt_masks = tf.expand_dims(gt_masks, -1) gt_masks = tf.cast(gt_masks, tf.float32) gt_masks = tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(gt_masks, [new_ih, new_iw], align_corners=False) gt_masks = tf.cast(gt_masks, tf.int32) gt_masks = tf.squeeze(gt_masks, axis=[-1]) scale_ratio = tf.to_float(new_ih) / tf.to_float(ih) gt_boxes = preprocess_utils.resize_gt_boxes(gt_boxes, scale_ratio) ## zero mean image image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) image = image / 256.0 image = (image - 0.5) * 2.0 image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) ## rgb to bgr image = tf.reverse(image, axis=[-1]) return image, gt_boxes, gt_masks
def get_test_iterator(src_dataset, src_vocab_table, batch_size, config): src_eos_id = tf.cast(src_vocab_table.lookup(tf.constant(config.eos)), tf.int32) src_dataset = src: tf.string_split([src]).values) src_dataset = src: src[:config.src_max_len]) src_dataset = lambda src: tf.cast(src_vocab_table.lookup(src), tf.int32)) if config.reverse_src: src_dataset = src: tf.reverse(src, axis=[0])) src_dataset = src: (src, tf.size(src))) def batching_func(x): return x.padded_batch( config.batch_size, padded_shapes=(tf.TensorShape([None]), tf.TensorShape([])), padding_values=(src_eos_id, 0)) batched_dataset = batching_func(src_dataset) batched_iter = batched_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() src_ids, src_seq_len = batched_iter.get_next() return BatchedInput( initializer=batched_iter.initializer, source=src_ids, target_input=None, target_output=None, source_sequence_length=src_seq_len, target_sequence_length=None)
def forward_backward(self, obs_prob_seq): """ runs forward backward algorithm on observation sequence Arguments --------- - obs_seq : matrix of size N by S, where N is number of timesteps and S is the number of states Returns ------- - forward : matrix of size N by S representing the forward probability of each state at each time step - backward : matrix of size N by S representing the backward probability of each state at each time step - posterior : matrix of size N by S representing the posterior probability of each state at each time step """ obs_prob_list_for = tf.split(0, self.N, obs_prob_seq) with tf.name_scope('forward_belief_propagation'): # forward belief propagation self._forward(obs_prob_list_for) obs_prob_seq_rev = tf.reverse(obs_prob_seq, [True, False]) obs_prob_list_back = tf.split(0, self.N, obs_prob_seq_rev) with tf.name_scope('backward_belief_propagation'): # backward belief propagation self._backward(obs_prob_list_back)
def _rnd_img_transformation(x, y_gt, padding, phase_train): """ Perform random crop, flip, transpose, hue, saturation, brightness, contrast. """ # Random image transformation layers. phase_train_f = tf.to_float(phase_train) x_shape = tf.shape(x) num_ex = x_shape[0] full_height = x_shape[1] full_width = x_shape[2] inp_height = full_height - 2 * padding inp_width = full_width - 2 * padding inp_depth = x_shape[3] # Random crop offset = tf.random_uniform([2], dtype='int32', maxval=padding * 2) x_rand = tf.slice(x, tf.pack([0, offset[0], offset[1], 0]), tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, inp_depth])) y_rand = tf.slice(y_gt, tf.pack([0, 0, offset[0], offset[1]]), tf.pack([-1, -1, inp_height, inp_width])) # Center slices (for inference) x_ctr = tf.slice(x, [0, padding, padding, 0], tf.pack([-1, inp_height, inp_width, -1])) y_ctr = tf.slice(y_gt, [0, 0, padding, padding], tf.pack([-1, -1, inp_height, inp_width])) # Random horizontal & vertical flip & transpose rand = tf.random_uniform([3], 0, 1.0) mirror_x = tf.pack([1.0, rand[0], rand[1], 1.0]) < 0.5 mirror_y = tf.pack([1.0, 1.0, rand[0], rand[1]]) < 0.5 x_rand = tf.reverse(x_rand, mirror_x) y_rand = tf.reverse(y_rand, mirror_y) do_tr = tf.cast(rand[2] > 0.5, 'int32') x_rand = tf.transpose(x_rand, tf.pack([0, 1 + do_tr, 2 - do_tr, 3])) y_rand = tf.transpose(y_rand, tf.pack([0, 1, 2 + do_tr, 3 - do_tr])) # Random hue, saturation, brightness, contrast # x_rand = img.random_hue(x_rand, 0.5) # x_rand = img.random_saturation(x_rand, 0.5, 2.0) # x_rand = tf.image.random_brightness(x_rand, 0.5) # x_rand = tf.image.random_contrast(x_rand, 0.5, 2.0) x = (1.0 - phase_train_f) * x_ctr + phase_train_f * x_rand y_gt = (1.0 - phase_train_f) * y_ctr + phase_train_f * y_rand return x, y_gt
def reverse(x, axis=-1): '''Apply [::-1] to appropriate axis''' ndim = len(x.get_shape()) dims = [False] * ndim if axis < 0: axis = axis % ndim dims[axis] = True return tf.reverse(x, dims)
(source_int_text, target_int_text), (source_vocab_to_int, target_vocab_to_int), _ = helper.load_preprocess() max_source_sentence_length = max( [len(sentence) for sentence in source_int_text]) train_graph = tf.Graph() with train_graph.as_default(): input_data, targets, lr, keep_prob = model_inputs() sequence_length = tf.placeholder_with_default(max_source_sentence_length, None, name='sequence_length') input_shape = tf.shape(input_data) train_logits, inference_logits = seq2seq_model( tf.reverse(input_data, [-1]), targets, keep_prob, batch_size, sequence_length, len(source_vocab_to_int), len(target_vocab_to_int), encoding_embedding_size, decoding_embedding_size, rnn_size, num_layers, target_vocab_to_int) tf.identity(inference_logits, 'logits') with tf.name_scope("optimization"): # Loss function cost = tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss( train_logits, targets, tf.ones([input_shape[0], sequence_length])) # Optimizer optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr) # Gradient Clipping gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(cost)
def ae_transformer_internal(inputs, targets, target_space, hparams, cache=None, predict_mask=1.0, means=None, ema_count=None, ema_means=None): """AE Transformer, main step used for training.""" # Summaries break with the do_refine cond, turn them off in that case. global _DO_SUMMARIES if hparams.do_refine: _DO_SUMMARIES = False # Prepare. batch_size = common_layers.shape_list(inputs)[0] targets = tf.reshape(targets, [batch_size, -1, 1, hparams.hidden_size]) # Encoder. if inputs is not None: inputs = common_layers.flatten4d3d(inputs) inputs, ed = encode(inputs, target_space, hparams, "input_enc") else: ed = None # Autoencoding. losses = {"extra": tf.constant(0.0), "latent_pred": tf.constant(0.0)} if hparams.do_ae: max_targets_len_from_inputs = tf.concat([inputs, inputs], axis=1) targets, _ = common_layers.pad_to_same_length( targets, max_targets_len_from_inputs, final_length_divisible_by=2**hparams.num_compress_steps) targets_c = compress(targets, inputs, False, hparams, "compress") if hparams.mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: # Compress and bottleneck. latents_dense, latents_discrete, extra_loss, _ = bottleneck( targets_c, hparams, 2 * 2048, "vc", means, ema_count, ema_means) if _DO_SUMMARIES: tf.summary.histogram("b0", tf.reshape(latents_discrete[:, 0, :], [-1])) pc = common_layers.inverse_exp_decay(hparams.startup_steps) pc = pc if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else 1.0 cond = tf.less(tf.random_uniform([batch_size]), pc) latents_dense = tf.where(cond, latents_dense, targets_c) # TODO(lukaszkaiser): return extra losses batchwise, multiply before mean. losses["extra"] = extra_loss * tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(cond)) # Extra loss predicting latent code from input. Discrete only. if hparams.bottleneck_kind not in ["dense", "vae"]: latents_pred = decode_transformer( tf.stop_gradient(inputs), tf.stop_gradient(ed), tf.stop_gradient(latents_dense), hparams, "extra") _, latent_pred_loss = ae_latent_softmax( latents_pred, latents_discrete, hparams) losses["latent_pred"] = tf.reduce_mean( latent_pred_loss * 0.5 * tf.to_float(cond)) else: inputs_c = decode_transformer(inputs, ed, targets_c, hparams, "dec_c") losses["latent_pred"] = tf.reduce_mean((inputs_c - targets_c)**2) * 20 def bn_inputs(): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True): bn, _, _, _ = bottleneck(inputs_c, hparams, 2 * 2048, "vc", means, ema_count, ema_means) return bn pbn = 0.8 if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else 1.0 inputs_c = tf.cond(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([]), pbn), bn_inputs, lambda: inputs_c) ptc = 1.0 - common_layers.inverse_lin_decay(200000) * 0.5 ptc = ptc if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else 1.0 latents_dense = tf.where(tf.less(tf.random_uniform([batch_size]), ptc), latents_dense, inputs_c) else: if hparams.bottleneck_kind in ["dense", "vae"]: inputs_c = decode_transformer(inputs, ed, targets_c, hparams, "dec_c") latents_dense, _, _, _ = bottleneck(inputs_c, hparams, 2 * 2048, "vc", means, ema_count, ema_means) else: latent_len = common_layers.shape_list(targets_c)[1] _, _, _, embed = bottleneck(targets_c, hparams, 2 * 2048, "vc", means, ema_count, ema_means) latents_dense = tf.zeros_like(targets_c[:, :latent_len, :, :]) if cache is None: cache = ae_latent_sample(latents_dense, inputs, ed, embed, 8, hparams) latents_dense = embed(cache) # Postprocess. d = latents_dense pos = tf.get_variable("pos", [1, 1000, 1, hparams.hidden_size]) pos = pos[:, :common_layers.shape_list(latents_dense)[1] + 1, :, :] latents_dense = tf.pad(latents_dense, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) + pos # Masking. if hparams.do_mask: masking = common_layers.inverse_lin_decay(hparams.mask_startup_steps) masking *= common_layers.inverse_exp_decay( hparams.mask_startup_steps // 4) # Not much at start. if not hparams.do_refine: masking -= tf.random_uniform([]) * hparams.unmasked_percentage masking = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(masking, 0.0), 1.0) if hparams.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: masking = predict_mask mask = tf.less(masking, tf.random_uniform( common_layers.shape_list(targets)[:-1])) mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.to_float(mask), 3) for i in xrange(hparams.num_compress_steps): j = hparams.num_compress_steps - i - 1 d = residual_conv(d, 1, (3, 1), hparams, "decompress_rc_%d" % j) if hparams.do_attend_decompress: d = attend(d, inputs, hparams, "decompress_attend_%d" % j) d = decompress_step(d, hparams, i > 0, False, "decompress_%d" % j) targets = mask * targets + (1.0 - mask) * d targets = tf.concat([tf.reverse(latents_dense, [1]), targets], axis=1) res = decode_transformer(inputs, ed, targets, hparams, "decoder") if hparams.do_ae: res = res[:, common_layers.shape_list(latents_dense)[1]:, :, :] if hparams.do_mask and hparams.do_refine: def refine_res(): # return residual_conv(res, 1, (5, 1), hparams, "refine") r, _ = encode(tf.squeeze(res, axis=[2]), target_space, hparams, "refine_enc") return tf.expand_dims(r, axis=2) masked_batches = tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=[1, 2, 3]) all_masked = tf.less(masked_batches, 0.1) res = tf.where(all_masked, refine_res(), res) # We'll start training the extra model of latents after mask_startup_steps. latent_time = tf.less(hparams.mask_startup_steps, tf.to_int32(tf.train.get_global_step())) losses["latent_pred"] *= tf.to_float(latent_time) return res, losses, cache
def rot90(images): return tf.transpose(tf.reverse(images, [2]), [0, 2, 1, 3])
def _parse_eval_(image): image = (image*1.0+1.0)*127.5 image = tf.reverse(image,[-1]) image = tf.clip_by_value(image,0,255) return image
def build_bert_inputs(example): """Convert example <Tensor [30, 70]> into bert inputs.""" k_size = FLAGS.k_size CLS_ID = tf.constant([101], dtype=tf.int64) # pylint: disable=invalid-name SEP_ID = tf.constant([102], dtype=tf.int64) # pylint: disable=invalid-name max_len = tf.constant([FLAGS.max_para_length]) context_size = tf.constant([FLAGS.context_size]) intermediate_examples_tensor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(example), 1) examples_zero_vector = tf.zeros(shape=(1, 1), dtype=tf.int64) examples_bool_mask = tf.squeeze( tf.not_equal(intermediate_examples_tensor, examples_zero_vector)) paragraph_len = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(examples_bool_mask, tf.int32)) start = tf.random.uniform([1], 0, tf.reshape(paragraph_len, []) - tf.reshape(context_size, []) + 1, dtype=tf.int32) # Slice the document into the before, after and context. # Discard the zero padding. sizes = tf.squeeze( tf.concat([[ start, context_size, paragraph_len - context_size - start, max_len - paragraph_len ]], 0)) before, context, after, _ = tf.split(example, sizes, axis=0) # Gather the context removing zero padding at end of sentences. non_zeros = tf.where(tf.not_equal(context, tf.zeros_like(context))) context_gathered = tf.gather_nd(context, non_zeros) # Flip before so we select the 4 sentences closest to target before = tf.reverse(before, axis=[0]) # pad both to longer than needed paddings = tf.constant([[0, 8], [0, 0]]) before = tf.pad(before, paddings) after = tf.pad(after, paddings) # Extend targets to 3 sentences # pad both before_minus_one = before[1:][:k_size] before_minus_two = before[2:][:k_size] after_plus_one = after[1:][:k_size] after_plus_two = after[2:][:k_size] before = before[:k_size] after = after[:k_size] before = tf.concat([before_minus_two, before_minus_one, before], axis=1) after = tf.concat([after, after_plus_one, after_plus_two], axis=1) ############################################################################ # These 8 sentences are the 8 surrounding targets. Some are padding. targets = tf.concat([before, after], axis=0) # Remove the padding from the sourrounding sentences # Eg. if context starts at beginning of paragraph, before is all padding intermediate_tensor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(targets), 1) zero_vector = tf.zeros(shape=(1, 1), dtype=tf.int64) bool_mask = tf.squeeze(tf.not_equal(intermediate_tensor, zero_vector)) bool_mask.set_shape([None]) targets = tf.boolean_mask(targets, bool_mask) # Randomly select 4 targets # We will also select the label_types for each selected target indices = tf.range(0, limit=tf.shape(targets)[0], dtype=tf.int32) shuffled_indices = tf.random.shuffle(indices)[:k_size] targets = tf.gather(targets, shuffled_indices) if k_size == 4: full_labels = tf.concat([tf.range(3, -1, -1), tf.range(4, 8)], axis=0) elif k_size == 3: full_labels = tf.concat([tf.range(2, -1, -1), tf.range(3, 6)], axis=0) elif k_size == 2: full_labels = tf.concat([tf.range(1, -1, -1), tf.range(2, 4)], axis=0) elif k_size == 1: full_labels = tf.concat([tf.range(0, -1, -1), tf.range(1, 2)], axis=0) label_types = tf.boolean_mask(full_labels, bool_mask) label_types = tf.gather(label_types, shuffled_indices) # create inputs bert_inputs = [] input_masks = [] segment_ids = [] # make context ctx_segment_id = tf.concat([ tf.zeros_like(CLS_ID, dtype=tf.int64), tf.zeros_like(context_gathered), tf.zeros_like(SEP_ID, dtype=tf.int64) ], axis=0) ctx_segment_id = pad_and_cut(ctx_segment_id, FLAGS.max_seq_length) segment_ids.append(ctx_segment_id) new_ctx_input = tf.concat([CLS_ID, context_gathered, SEP_ID], axis=0) ctx_input_mask = tf.ones_like(new_ctx_input) ctx_input_mask = pad_and_cut(ctx_input_mask, FLAGS.max_seq_length) input_masks.append(ctx_input_mask) padded_new_ctx_input = pad_and_cut(new_ctx_input, FLAGS.max_seq_length) bert_inputs.append(padded_new_ctx_input) for i in range(k_size): target_non_zero = tf.where( tf.not_equal(targets[i], tf.zeros_like(targets[i]))) targets_stripped = tf.gather_nd(targets[i], target_non_zero) if FLAGS.include_context: segment_id = tf.concat([ tf.zeros_like(CLS_ID, dtype=tf.int64), tf.zeros_like(context_gathered), tf.zeros_like(SEP_ID, dtype=tf.int64), tf.ones_like(targets_stripped), tf.ones_like(SEP_ID, dtype=tf.int64) ], axis=0) else: segment_id = tf.concat([ tf.zeros_like(CLS_ID, dtype=tf.int64), tf.zeros_like(targets_stripped), tf.zeros_like(SEP_ID, dtype=tf.int64) ], axis=0) segment_id = pad_and_cut(segment_id, FLAGS.max_seq_length) segment_ids.append(segment_id) if FLAGS.include_context: new_input = tf.concat( [CLS_ID, context_gathered, SEP_ID, targets_stripped, SEP_ID], axis=0) else: new_input = tf.concat([CLS_ID, targets_stripped, SEP_ID], axis=0) input_mask = tf.ones_like(new_input) input_mask = pad_and_cut(input_mask, FLAGS.max_seq_length) input_masks.append(input_mask) padded_new_input = pad_and_cut(new_input, FLAGS.max_seq_length) bert_inputs.append(padded_new_input) bert_inputs = tf.stack(bert_inputs, axis=0) input_masks = tf.stack(input_masks, axis=0) segment_ids = tf.stack(segment_ids, axis=0) out = Outputs_And_Context(bert_inputs, input_masks, segment_ids, label_types, context_gathered) return out
def tf_flip_slices_2d(dl, ur, ul): flip_dl = tf.reverse(dl, axis=[1]) flip_ur = tf.reverse(ur, axis=[2]) flip_ul = tf.reverse(ul, axis=[1, 2]) return flip_dl, flip_ur, flip_ul
def tf_flip_slices_1d(l): return tf.reverse(l, axis=[1])
learning_rate = 0.001 learning_rate_decay = 0.9 min_learning_rate = 0.0001 keep_probability = 0.5 tf.reset_default_graph() session = tf.InteractiveSession() inputs, targets, lr, keep_prob = model_inputs() sequence_length = tf.placeholder_with_default(25, None, name='sequence_length') input_shape = tf.shape(inputs) training_predictions, test_predictions = seq2seq_model( tf.reverse(inputs, [-1]), targets, keep_prob, batch_size, sequence_length, len(answerswords2int), len(questionswords2int), encoding_embedding_size, decoding_embedding_size, rnn_size, num_layers, questionswords2int) with tf.name_scope("optimization"): loss_error = tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss( training_predictions, targets, tf.ones([input_shape[0], sequence_length])) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_error) clipped_gradients = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad_tensor, -5., 5.), grad_variable) for grad_tensor, grad_variable in gradients if grad_tensor is not None] optimizer_gradient_clipping = optimizer.apply_gradients(clipped_gradients)
def trainSurvivalNet(mat_file_path, n_hidden, num_steps, num_shuffles, penaltyLambdaArray, alphaArray, prefix): """ This function is to train SurvivalNet with Tensorflow. :type mat_file_path: string :param mat_file_path: path to the file that stores data in .mat format :type n_hidden: integer :param n_hidden: number of hidden nodes in a layer :type num_steps: integer :param num_steps: number of iterations to run :type num_shuffles: integer :param num_shuffles: number of shuffles to run :type penaltyLambdaArray: np.float32 array :param penaltyLambdaArray: array of lambda (regularization parameters) to train to model :type alphaArray: np.float32 array :param alphaArray: array of alpha (balancing factor between L1 and L2 in elastic net) to train the model :type prefix: string :param prefix: prefix of output file that stores all results """ p = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mat_file_path) Brain_C = sio.loadmat(p) data = Brain_C['Integ_X'] censor = np.asarray([c[0] for c in Brain_C['Censored']]) survival = np.asarray([t[0] for t in Brain_C['Survival']]) T = np.asarray([t[0] for t in Brain_C['Survival']]) O = 1 - np.asarray([c[0] for c in Brain_C['Censored']]) X = Brain_C['Integ_X'] #Use the whole dataset fotr pretraining pretrain_set = X #foldsize denotes th amount of data used for testing. The same amount #of data is used for model selection. The rest is used for training. fold_size = int(len(X) / 10) train_set = {} test_set = {} final_set = {} #caclulate the risk group for every patient i: patients who die after i sa = SurvivalAnalysis() train_set['X'], train_set['T'], train_set['O'], train_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[0:fold_size * 6, ], T[0:fold_size * 6], O[0:fold_size * 6]) test_set['X'], test_set['T'], test_set['O'], test_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8, ], T[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8], O[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8]) final_set['X'], final_set['T'], final_set['O'], final_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[fold_size * 8:, ], T[fold_size * 8:], O[fold_size * 8:]) ## initialization n_obs = train_set['X'].shape[0] # 302 n_in = train_set['X'].shape[1] # 201 test_obs = test_set['X'].shape[0] # 64 test_in = test_set['X'].shape[1] # 201 n_out = 1 #### tensorflow implementation def cumsum(x, observations): x = tf.reshape(x, (1, observations)) values = tf.split(1, x.get_shape()[1], x) out = [] prev = tf.zeros_like(values[0]) for val in values: s = prev + val out.append(s) prev = s cumsum = tf.concat(1, out) cumsum = tf.reshape(cumsum, (observations, 1)) return cumsum with tf.device('/gpu:1'): ## dropout keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) ## penaltyLambda penaltyLambda = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) ## alpha alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) ## data input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [n_obs, n_in]) at_risk = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [ n_obs, ]) observed = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [ n_obs, ]) # testing data test_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [test_obs, test_in]) prediction_at_risk = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [ test_obs, ]) prediction_observed = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [ test_obs, ]) ## layer_1 w_1 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_in, n_hidden], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output_layer1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(input, w_1)) output_layer1_drop = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer1, keep_prob) prediciton_layer1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(test_input, w_1)) ## layer_2 w_2 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_hidden], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output_layer2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(output_layer1_drop, w_2)) output_layer2_drop = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer2, keep_prob) prediciton_layer2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(prediciton_layer1, w_2)) ## layer_3 w_3 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_hidden], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output_layer3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(output_layer2_drop, w_3)) output_layer3_drop = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer3, keep_prob) prediciton_layer3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(prediciton_layer2, w_3)) ## layer_4 w_4 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_hidden], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output_layer4 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(output_layer3_drop, w_4)) output_layer4_drop = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer4, keep_prob) prediciton_layer4 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(prediciton_layer3, w_4)) # layer_5 w_5 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_hidden], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output_layer5 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(output_layer4_drop, w_5)) output_layer5_drop = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer5, keep_prob) prediciton_layer5 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(prediciton_layer4, w_5)) ## output layer w_6 = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_out], dtype=tf.float32) / 20) output = tf.matmul(output_layer5_drop, w_6) prediction_output = tf.matmul(prediciton_layer5, w_6) exp = tf.reverse(tf.exp(output), dims=[True, False]) partial_sum_a = cumsum(exp, n_obs) partial_sum = tf.reverse(partial_sum_a, dims=[True, False]) + 1 log_at_risk = tf.log( tf.gather(partial_sum, tf.reshape(at_risk, [-1])) + 1e-50) diff = tf.sub(output, log_at_risk) times = tf.reshape(diff, [-1]) * observed cost = -(tf.reduce_sum(times)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_6)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_5)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_4)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_3)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_3)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_2)) + alpha * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.nn.l2_loss(w_1) ) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_6)) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_5) ) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_4) ) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_3) ) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_3) ) + (1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_2)) + ( 1 - alpha) * tf.reduce_sum( penaltyLambda * tf.abs(w_1)) weightSize = tf.nn.l2_loss(w_1) + tf.nn.l2_loss(w_2) + tf.nn.l2_loss( w_3) + tf.nn.l2_loss(w_4) + tf.nn.l2_loss(w_5) + tf.nn.l2_loss(w_6) ### prediction prediction_exp = tf.reverse(tf.exp(prediction_output), dims=[True, False]) prediction_partial_sum_a = cumsum(prediction_exp, test_obs) prediction_partial_sum = tf.reverse(prediction_partial_sum_a, dims=[True, False]) + 1 prediction_log_at_risk = tf.log( tf.gather(prediction_partial_sum, tf.reshape(prediction_at_risk, [-1])) + 1e-50) prediction_diff = tf.sub(prediction_output, prediction_log_at_risk) prediction_times = tf.reshape(prediction_diff, [-1]) * prediction_observed prediction_cost = -(tf.reduce_sum(prediction_times)) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) starter_learning_rate = 0.0001 learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step, 100000, 0.989, staircase=True) # optimizer optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost) for alphaArrayIndex in range(len(alphaArray)): print("alpha: " + str(alphaArray[alphaArrayIndex])) for penaltyLambdaIndex in range(len(penaltyLambdaArray)): print("lambda: " + str(penaltyLambdaArray[penaltyLambdaIndex])) targetFile = prefix + ".lambda." + str( penaltyLambdaArray[penaltyLambdaIndex]) + ".alpha." + str( alphaArray[alphaArrayIndex]) + ".txt" target = open(targetFile, "w") finalTestingAcc = np.zeros(num_shuffles) testingAcc = np.zeros(num_shuffles) bestAccInOneShuffle = np.zeros(num_steps) session = tf.InteractiveSession() header = prefix + ".lambda." + str( penaltyLambdaArray[penaltyLambdaIndex]) + ".alpha." + str( alphaArray[alphaArrayIndex]) for shuffle in range(num_shuffles): outputFile = header + "." + str(shuffle) + ".txt" outputFH = open(outputFile, "w") outputFH.write("trainCost" + "\t" + "testCost" + "\t" + "trainCIndex" + "\t" + "testCIndex" + "\t" + "weightSize" + "\n") tf.initialize_all_variables().run() index = np.arange(data.shape[0]) random.shuffle(index) X = X[index, :] O = O[index] T = T[index] fold_size = int(len(X) / 10) train_set = {} test_set = {} final_set = {} sa = SurvivalAnalysis() train_set['X'], train_set['T'], train_set['O'], train_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[0:fold_size * 6, ], T[0:fold_size * 6], O[0:fold_size * 6]) test_set['X'], test_set['T'], test_set['O'], test_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8, ], T[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8], O[fold_size * 6:fold_size * 8]) final_set['X'], final_set['T'], final_set['O'], final_set[ 'A'] = sa.calc_at_risk(X[fold_size * 8:fold_size * 10, ], T[fold_size * 8:fold_size * 10], O[fold_size * 8:fold_size * 10]) number_of_range = 0 sum_of_test_c_index = np.zeros(15) for step in range(num_steps): feed_dict = { input: train_set['X'], at_risk: train_set['A'], observed: train_set['O'], test_input: test_set['X'], prediction_at_risk: test_set['A'], prediction_observed: test_set['O'], keep_prob: 1, penaltyLambda: penaltyLambdaArray[penaltyLambdaIndex], alpha: alphaArray[alphaArrayIndex] } timesV, _, test_outputV, outputV, costV, expV, partialV, logV, diffV, w1V, costTestV, weightSizeV = [ times, optimizer, prediction_output, output, cost, exp, partial_sum, log_at_risk, diff, w_1, prediction_cost, weightSize ], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_c_index = _naive_concordance_index( train_set['T'], -outputV, train_set['O']) test_c_index = _naive_concordance_index( test_set['T'], -test_outputV, test_set['O']) bestAccInOneShuffle[step] = test_c_index outputFH.write( str(costV) + "\t" + str(costTestV) + "\t" + str(train_c_index) + "\t" + str(test_c_index) + "\t" + str(weightSizeV) + "\n") if (step % 10 == 0): print("step: " + str(step) + ", cost: " + str(costV)) print("train cIndex: " + str(train_c_index) + ", test cIndex: " + str(test_c_index)) if (step == num_steps - 1): print("best result: " + str(np.max(bestAccInOneShuffle))) feed_dict = { input: train_set['X'], at_risk: train_set['A'], observed: train_set['O'], test_input: final_set['X'], keep_prob: 1, penaltyLambda: penaltyLambdaArray[penaltyLambdaIndex], alpha: alphaArray[alphaArrayIndex] } final_outputV =, feed_dict=feed_dict) final_c_index = _naive_concordance_index( final_set['T'], -final_outputV, final_set['O']) finalTestingAcc[shuffle] = final_c_index testingAcc[shuffle] = test_c_index outputFH.close() target.write("final mean: " + str(np.mean(finalTestingAcc)) + "\n") target.write("final sd: " + str(np.std(finalTestingAcc)) + "\n") target.write("---\n") target.write("validation mean: " + str(np.mean(testingAcc)) + "\n") target.write("validation sd: " + str(np.std(testingAcc)) + "\n") target.close()
def tf_discount_rewards(tf_r): # tf_r ~ [game_steps,1] discount_f = lambda a, v: a * gamma + v tf_r_reverse = tf.scan(discount_f, tf.reverse(tf_r, [True, False])) tf_discounted_r = tf.reverse(tf_r_reverse, [True, False]) return tf_discounted_r
def pixel_wise_softmax(output_map): exponential_map = tf.exp(output_map) evidence = tf.add(exponential_map, tf.reverse(exponential_map, [False, False, False, True])) return tf.div(exponential_map, evidence, name="pixel_wise_softmax")
# Defining a session tf.reset_default_graph() session = tf.InteractiveSession() # Loading the model inputs inputs, targets, lr, keep_prob = model_inputs() # Setting the sequence length sequence_length = tf.placeholder_with_default(25, None, name = 'sequence_length') # Getting the shape of the inputs tensor input_shape = tf.shape(inputs) # Getting the training and test predictions training_predictions, test_predictions = seq2seq_model(tf.reverse(inputs, [-1]), targets, keep_prob, batch_size, sequence_length, len(answerswords2int), len(questionswords2int), encoding_embedding_size, decoding_embedding_size, rnn_size, num_layers, questionswords2int) # Setting up the Loss Error, the Optimizer and Gradient Clipping with tf.name_scope("optimization"): loss_error = tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss(training_predictions,