def main():
    global current_setting
    while True:
        current_lux = SensorsInterface.getAmbientLight()  # Get the current light level to see if it is in range
        sensor_string = "Light: " + str(current_lux)  # Add the light value to the string
        tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(sensor_string, 1)  # Print the completed string to the landscape display
        current_difference = current_lux - desired_lux  # Calculate how different the current and desired levels are
        if current_difference < 0 and abs(current_difference) > lux_per_bright:  # If negative difference, check low
            brightness_notches = math.floor(abs(current_difference) / lux_per_bright)  # Calculate how much to change
            current_setting += brightness_notches  # Increase the current brightness by the calculated amount
            print("Light too low, increasing brightness by " + str(brightness_notches) + " to " + str(current_setting))
            if current_setting > 100:  # If the setting attempts to cross the maximum of 100, set it to 100
                print("Can't go brighter than 100, capping it")
                current_setting = 100  # Cap the setting at the maximum of 100
            CloudTools.ifttt_trigger(IFTTT_KEY, IFTTT_EVENT, IFTTT_TIMEOUT, current_setting)
            wait_for_change(current_lux, "UP")  # Waits until the brightness changes/times out
        elif current_difference > 0 and current_difference > lux_per_bright:  # If positive difference, check high
            brightness_notches = math.floor(current_difference / lux_per_bright)  # Calculate how much to change
            current_setting -= brightness_notches  # Decrease the current brightness by the calculated amount
            print("Light too high, decreasing brightness by " + str(brightness_notches) + " to " + str(current_setting))
            if current_setting < 0:  # If the setting attempts to cross the minimum of 0, set it to 0
                print("Can't go darker than 0, capping it")
                current_setting = 0  # Cap the setting at the minimum of 0
            CloudTools.ifttt_trigger(IFTTT_KEY, IFTTT_EVENT, IFTTT_TIMEOUT, current_setting)  # Change the brightness
            wait_for_change(current_lux, "DOWN")  # Waits until the brightness changes/times out
        time.sleep(3)  # Wait for 3 seconds between each check for brightness
Пример #2
def setup():
    print("Setting up...")
    SensorsInterface.setupSensorian()  # Prepare the sensors on the Sensorian Shield
    time.sleep(2)  # Wait 2 seconds or some sensors won't be ready
    (x, y, z) = SensorsInterface.getMagnetometer()  # Get the current force values of the magnetometer
    sensor_string = "X: " + str(x) + " Y: " + str(y) + " Z: " + str(z)  # Add the magnet values to the string
    tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(sensor_string, 1)  # Print the completed string to the landscape display
Пример #3
 def run(self):
     global TFT_available
     TFT_available = False
     # tft_printer.screen_print(str(self.message))
     tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(str(self.message), self.orientation)
     TFT_available = True
Пример #4
 def run(self):
     global TFT_available
     TFT_available = False
     tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(str(self.message), self.orientation)
     TFT_available = True
Пример #5
def calibrate():
    global xClosed, yClosed, zClosed
    seconds = SECONDS  # The number of seconds to give the user to prepare the device in the door closed position
    while seconds > 0:  # While the user still has time to prepare
        # print("Calibrating door closed state in " + str(seconds))
        calibrating = "Calibrating door closed state in " + str(seconds)
        tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(calibrating, 1)
        time.sleep(1)  # Wait for a second
        seconds -= 1  # Reduce the time remaining for preparation by 1 second
    (xClosed, yClosed, zClosed) = SensorsInterface.getMagnetometer()  # Get the current force values of the magnetometer
    calibrated = "Calibrated door closed state to " + str(TOLERANCE) + " within " + str((xClosed, yClosed, zClosed))
    tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(calibrated, 1)
    time.sleep(3)  # Waits 3 seconds so the user can read the screen
Пример #6
def main():
    global current_setting
    while True:
        current_lux = SensorsInterface.getAmbientLight(
        )  # Get the current light level to see if it is in range
        sensor_string = "Light: " + str(
            current_lux)  # Add the light value to the string
            1)  # Print the completed string to the landscape display
        current_difference = current_lux - desired_lux  # Calculate how different the current and desired levels are
        if current_difference < 0 and abs(
        ) > lux_per_bright:  # If negative difference, check low
            brightness_notches = math.floor(
                abs(current_difference) /
                lux_per_bright)  # Calculate how much to change
            current_setting += brightness_notches  # Increase the current brightness by the calculated amount
            print("Light too low, increasing brightness by " +
                  str(brightness_notches) + " to " + str(current_setting))
            if current_setting > 100:  # If the setting attempts to cross the maximum of 100, set it to 100
                print("Can't go brighter than 100, capping it")
                current_setting = 100  # Cap the setting at the maximum of 100
            CloudTools.ifttt_trigger(IFTTT_KEY, IFTTT_EVENT, IFTTT_TIMEOUT,
                "UP")  # Waits until the brightness changes/times out
        elif current_difference > 0 and current_difference > lux_per_bright:  # If positive difference, check high
            brightness_notches = math.floor(
                current_difference /
                lux_per_bright)  # Calculate how much to change
            current_setting -= brightness_notches  # Decrease the current brightness by the calculated amount
            print("Light too high, decreasing brightness by " +
                  str(brightness_notches) + " to " + str(current_setting))
            if current_setting < 0:  # If the setting attempts to cross the minimum of 0, set it to 0
                print("Can't go darker than 0, capping it")
                current_setting = 0  # Cap the setting at the minimum of 0
            CloudTools.ifttt_trigger(IFTTT_KEY, IFTTT_EVENT, IFTTT_TIMEOUT,
                                     current_setting)  # Change the brightness
                "DOWN")  # Waits until the brightness changes/times out
        time.sleep(3)  # Wait for 3 seconds between each check for brightness
Пример #7
def main():
    door_was_open = False  # A boolean to store whether or not the door was already open if it was detected open again
    while True:
        (x, y, z) = SensorsInterface.getMagnetometer()  # Get the current force values of the magnetometer
        sensor_string = "X: " + str(x) + " Y: " + str(y) + " Z: " + str(z)  # Add the magnet values to the string
        # If any of the sensor values differ from the calibrated closed amount by more than the tolerance, it is open
        if xClosed - TOLERANCE > x or x > xClosed + TOLERANCE or yClosed - TOLERANCE > y or y > yClosed + TOLERANCE or \
                zClosed - TOLERANCE > z or z > zClosed + TOLERANCE:
            if not door_was_open:
                sensor_string += " Door opened!"
                CloudTools.ifttt_trigger(IFTTT_KEY, IFTTT_EVENT, IFTTT_TIMEOUT)
                door_was_open = True
            door_was_open = False
        tft_printer.screen_print_rotated(sensor_string, 1)  # Print the completed string to the landscape display
        time.sleep(1)  # Wait for 1 seconds between each check for magnetic forces
Пример #8
import time
import tft_printer
import SensorsInterface
import PiTools
import CloudTools

__author__ = "Dylan Kauling"
__maintainer__ = "Dylan Kauling"
__status__ = "Development"

SensorsInterface.setupSensorian()  # Prepare the sensors on the Sensorian Shield

SensorsInterface.ledOn()  # Turn on the Sensorian Orange LED

# Print White Hello World to the display in Portrait mode
tft_printer.screen_print_rotated("Hello world!", 0)

time.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before continuing.

# Print a longer black string on a white background to the display in Landscape mode
tft_printer.screen_print_rotated("This is a longer string to demonstrate the wrapping and text background", 1,
                                 colour=(0, 0, 0, 0), background=(255, 255, 255))

time.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before continuing.

sensor_string = ""  # Prepare an empty string to be printed to the screen 

sensor_string += " Light: " + str(SensorsInterface.getAmbientLight())  # Add the light value to the string

sensor_string += " Temp: " + str(SensorsInterface.getTemperature())  # Add the temperature to the string
Пример #9
HOST = ""
PORT = 7778

server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

while True:
	client_socket, client_addr = server_socket.accept()
	data = client_socket.recv(4096)
	data = str(data)
		mode = int(data[0])
		data = data[1:]
		print "Mode not specified. Assuming zero."
		mode = 0
	if mode == 0:
	elif mode == 1:


__author__ = "Michael Lescisin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright Sensorian 2015"
Пример #10
import tft_printer
import SensorsInterface
import PiTools
import CloudTools

__author__ = "Dylan Kauling"
__maintainer__ = "Dylan Kauling"
__status__ = "Development"

)  # Prepare the sensors on the Sensorian Shield

SensorsInterface.ledOn()  # Turn on the Sensorian Orange LED

# Print White Hello World to the display in Portrait mode
tft_printer.screen_print_rotated("Hello world!", 0)

time.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before continuing.

# Print a longer black string on a white background to the display in Landscape mode
    "This is a longer string to demonstrate the wrapping and text background",
    colour=(0, 0, 0, 0),
    background=(255, 255, 255))

time.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before continuing.

sensor_string = ""  # Prepare an empty string to be printed to the screen

sensor_string += " Light: " + str(