class TitleScreen: '''A class for the title screen. attr: menu: Menu object; the start menu of the game title_text: lst; list of tuples (surface, rectangle); title of the game ''' def __init__(self, renderer): '''TitleScreen class constructor. args: renderer: Renderer object ''' self._renderer = renderer options = [('battle', 'battle', 'battle'), ('help', 'help', 'help'), ('quit', 'quit', 'quit')] x = SCREEN_W // 2 y = SCREEN_H // 2 = Menu(options, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, x, y) self._title_text = self._create_title_text() def render(self): '''Renders the title screen.''' for text in self._title_text: self._renderer.blit(text[0], text[1]) def update(self, keys): '''Updates the title screen menu. args: keys: Keys object ''' return def _create_title_text(self): '''Creates rendered text surfaces for the title screen. return: lst; tuples of surfaces and their bounding rectangles ''' top = 'fractured loop:' bottom = 'turn-based battle demo' top_surf = self._renderer.create_text(top, FONT_SIZE * 2) top_rect = top_surf.get_rect(center=(SCREEN_W // 2, SCREEN_H // 4)) bottom_surf = self._renderer.create_text(bottom, FONT_SIZE) bottom_rect = bottom_surf.get_rect(midtop=(SCREEN_W // 2, SCREEN_H // 3)) return [(top_surf, top_rect), (bottom_surf, bottom_rect)]
class Game: def __init__(self, visualMode, towers, gameRecord, collectInnerGameData, deepQagent): self.visualMode = visualMode self.gameRecord = gameRecord self.collectInnerGameData = collectInnerGameData self.innerGameRecords = [] if self.visualMode: self.startBgMusic() ''' Initial window setup ''' self.width = WIN_WIDTH self.height = WIN_HEIGHT self.ticks = 0 if self.visualMode == True: if FULLSCREEN_MODE: = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height), FULLSCREEN | DOUBLEBUF) else: = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) else: = None self.enemies = [] self.towerGrid = [] #Holds all possible locations for a tower to be placed, and whether one is there or not, and the type of tower placed self.score = 0 = 200 self.coinPosition = ((self.width - 150, 35)) self.addedHealth = 0 self.addedSpeed = 0 self.towers = towers self.towers.append(City((1180, 230))) # graphics = Menu((350, 650), TOWER_TYPES) = pygame.image.load(os.path.join("../assets/map", "bg.png")) = pygame.transform.scale(, (self.width, self.height)) #Scale to window (Make sure aspect ratio is the same) self.gameoverImage = pygame.image.load(os.path.join("../assets/other", "gameover.png")) self.gameoverImage = pygame.transform.scale(, (self.width, self.height)) self.clicks = [] #Level & Spawn self.level = 1 self.enemiesSpawnedThisLevel = 0 self.numEnemiesPerLevel = 10 self.remainingEnemies = self.numEnemiesPerLevel self.totalEnemiesKilled = 0 self.spawnChance = 0.005 # this can be throttled for testing self.enemySpawnProbs = [] self.showPathBounds = False #Fonts self.uiFont = pygame.font.SysFont('lucidagrandettc', 24) self.gameoverFont = pygame.font.SysFont('lucidagrandettc', 50) #Path self.pathBounds = [] self.calcPathBounds() self.updateSpawnProbabilities() self.initTowerGrid() # deep Q things self.deepQagent = deepQagent self.dqOldTowerGrid = copy.deepcopy(self.towerGrid) self.dqLastTowerPlaced = None self.dqCurrentReward = 0 # deep Q reward things?? the damage dealt worries me for the igloo self.dqDamageDealt = 0 self.dqDamageTaken = 0 self.dqMaxedTowers = False self.deepDecisions = [] self.isPaused = False self.currSelectedTower = None #Type of tower currently being selected from menu if self.deepQagent == None: self.wallet = Wallet(self.coinPosition, STARTING_COINS) else: self.wallet = Wallet(self.coinPosition, DEEP_STARTING_COINS) # print('Tower length = ' + str(len(self.towers))) # print('Starting Coins = ' + str(self.wallet.coins)) def run(self): ''' Main game loop ''' run = True playerHasQuit = False while run == True and playerHasQuit == False: playerHasQuit = self.handleEvents() if self.isPaused == False: # entry point for GAagent for data collection # if self.collectInnerGameData: # if self.wallet.coins >= BUYING_THRESHOLD and len(self.towers) <= NUMBER_OF_STARTING_TOWERS: # self.chooseNewTowerRandomly() self.spawnEnemies() self.towerHealthCheck() self.towersAttack() self.enemiesAttack() self.enemiesMove(self.ticks) self.removeEnemies() run = self.isAlive() self.ticks += 1 # entry point for the deepQ agent to make decisions and learn from # all game states are the full tower grid of tuples # signature for update model: update(oldGameState, newGameState, reward): # oldGameState is the tower arrangment that is a result of the previous arrangment, # newGameState is the current tower arrangement # signature for next action: getNextAction(currentGameState): towerLength = len(self.towers) if towerLength == NUMBER_OF_STARTING_TOWERS: self.dqMaxedTowers = True if self.deepQagent != None: if len(self.deepQagent.towerPlacements) <= 0: self.dqMaxedTowers = True if self.deepQagent != None and not self.dqMaxedTowers: if self.wallet.coins >= DEEP_BUYING_THRESHOLD and towerLength < NUMBER_OF_STARTING_TOWERS and not self.dqMaxedTowers: # this is returning a tower grid tuple from the agent if len(self.deepQagent.towerPlacements) > 0: newTower = self.deepQagent.getNextTower() # place the model chosen tower if possible taken = False if newTower[2] == -1: taken = True else: for i in range(len(self.towerGrid)): if self.towerGrid[i][0][0] == newTower[0][0] and self.towerGrid[i][0][1] == newTower[0][1]: if self.towerGrid[i][2] != -1: # print('********Taken********') taken = True break else: self.towerGrid[i] = ((self.towerGrid[i][0], True, newTower[2])) # store a copy of the old tower grid state oldTowerGrid = copy.deepcopy(self.towerGrid) if not taken: # should place a tower of the given type between 0-5, and with a position from the model self.dqLastTowerPlaced = self.placeTower(newTower[2], newTower[0], -1) # print('Tower length = ' + str(len(self.towers))) else: # this will be a flag to say that a tower was placed on an existing tower location when we # calculate the results later, or if it tries to place a blank self.dqLastTowerPlaced = None # store a copy of the new grid state # newTowerGrid = copy.deepcopy(self.towerGrid) # self.deepDecisions.append((oldTowerGrid, newTowerGrid, self.dqLastTowerPlaced)) self.deepDecisions.append((oldTowerGrid, self.dqLastTowerPlaced)) self.draw() self.gameover() if self.collectInnerGameData or self.gameRecord != None: return self.gameRecord elif self.deepQagent != None: # return self.deepDecisions return self.deepQagent else: return # Randomly buys a new tower and places it for data collection def chooseNewTowerRandomly(self): while True: towerType = random.randint(0, NUMBER_OF_TOWERS - 1) towerPlacement = random.randint(0, STARTING_POSITIONS - 1) if self.towerGrid[towerPlacement][1] == False: # this will be used to map a tower to its record for data keeping purposes index = len(self.innerGameRecords) # place a random tower type in a random position self.towerGrid[towerPlacement] = ((TOWER_GRID[towerPlacement], True, towerType + 1)) self.placeTower(towerType, TOWER_GRID[towerPlacement], index) # collect data for record newRecord = InnerGameRecord() newRecord.currentScore = self.score newRecord.currentLevel = self.level newRecord.currentEnemiesKilled = self.totalEnemiesKilled newRecord.currentNumberOfEnemies = len(self.enemies) newRecord.currentNumberOfTowers = len(self.towers) newRecord.typeOfTowerPlaced = towerType newRecord.towerX = TOWER_GRID[towerPlacement][0] newRecord.towerY = TOWER_GRID[towerPlacement][1] for i in range(STARTING_POSITIONS): if self.towerGrid[i][1] == False: newRecord.currentTowers.append(0) else: # included a digit in tower grids tuples to include tower type newRecord.currentTowers.append(self.towerGrid[i][2]) # add new record to the list self.innerGameRecords.append(newRecord) break return # goes through and removes dead towers from the list def towerHealthCheck(self): newTowers = [] i = 0 for i in range(len(self.towers)): # add alive towers back into the list if self.towers[i].health > 0: newTowers.append(self.towers[i]) # a dead tower was found, free up its tile else: # if self.collectInnerGameData: # this should update our record keeping to show that a tower that was placed has died # self.innerGameRecords[self.towers[i].indexForRecordTable].died = 1 j = 0 for j in range(len(self.towerGrid)): if self.towerGrid[j][0][0] == (self.towers[i].position[0] - (TOWER_GRID_SIZE / 2)) and self.towerGrid[j][0][1] == (self.towers[i].position[1] - (TOWER_GRID_SIZE / 2)): self.towerGrid[j] = ((self.towerGrid[j][0], False, -1 )) self.towers = newTowers # cycles through all towers attack phase def towersAttack(self): for tower in self.towers: self.enemies = tower.attack(self.enemies, self.ticks) # cycles through any attacking enemies attack phase def enemiesAttack(self): for enemy in self.enemies: if isinstance(enemy, AttackingEnemy): self.towers = enemy.attack(self.towers, self.ticks) def enemiesMove(self, ticks): for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.move(ticks) ''' Handle keyboard and mouse events ''' def handleEvents(self): ''' Handle keyboard and mouse events Returns True if the user quits the game ''' #Check for active pygame events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return True #Quit the game if the user hits the 'Q' key if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.unicode == 'q': return True #Pause and unpause when p key is pushed if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.unicode == 'p': if self.isPaused == True: self.isPaused = False else: self.isPaused = True #Handle mouse hover over events for the menu #Store mouse clicks to determine path for enemies mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: towerType, buttonWasSelected, towerLocation =, self.wallet, self.towerGrid) #Show path bounds if the user is placing a tower if buttonWasSelected == True: self.currSelectedTower = towerType self.showPathBounds = True #If not None, the user has purchased and placed a tower if towerType != None and towerLocation != None: self.placeTower(towerType, towerLocation, -1) #Store & print mouse clicks for path finding and debugging if SHOW_CLICKS: self.clicks.append(mousePosition) print(self.clicks) return False return False ''' Removes enemies that have walked off screen''' def removeEnemies(self): for enemy in self.enemies: if enemy.x > WIN_WIDTH: if <= enemy.initialHealth and >= 0: # Decrease by current health if it's less then the base starting health -= else: # Otherwise just decrease by the initial health -= enemy.initialHealth if <= 0: self.score += enemy.initialHealth self.wallet.coins += enemy.coinReward if enemy.x > WIN_WIDTH or <= 0: self.enemies.remove(enemy) self.remainingEnemies -= 1 if <= 0: self.totalEnemiesKilled += 1 def spawnEnemies(self): ''' Spawns enemies with random chance based on self.spawnChance This value should increase as levels get more difficult Caps number of enemies at once with self.numEnemiesPerLevel ''' shouldSpawn = random.random() #Check if there are still enemies to kill for this level if self.remainingEnemies > 0: #Should we spawn an enemy if shouldSpawn <= self.spawnChance: #Pick an enemy to spawn based on their probabilities randVerticalOffset = random.randint(-Y_MAX_OFFSET, (Y_MAX_OFFSET - int((Y_MAX_OFFSET / 2)))) enemyToSpawn = np.random.choice(ENEMY_INDICES, 1, self.enemySpawnProbs) newEnemy = ENEMY_TYPES[enemyToSpawn[0]](randVerticalOffset) self.enemiesSpawnedThisLevel += 1 self.updateEnemyHealth() self.updateEnemyWalkingSpeed() newEnemy.startingHealth += self.addedHealth += self.addedHealth newEnemy.velocity += self.addedSpeed self.enemies.append(newEnemy) else: #New Level self.level += 1 self.enemiesSpawnedThisLevel = 0 #Increase chance to spawn an enemy by a percentage of the last spawn chance self.spawnChance += GLOBAL_SPAWN_PROB_INC * self.spawnChance self.numEnemiesPerLevel += ENEMY_PROB_INC * self.numEnemiesPerLevel self.remainingEnemies = self.numEnemiesPerLevel self.updateSpawnProbabilities() #Increase spawn chances for each enemy for enemy in self.enemies: newSpawnChance = enemy.spawnChance + ENEMY_SPAWN_INC #Check if we've maxed out spawn limit if newSpawnChance < enemy.spawnChanceLimit: enemy.spawnChance = newSpawnChance else: enemy.spawnChance = enemy.spawnChanceLimit def draw(self): ''' Redraw objects onces per frame. Objects will be rendered sequentially, meaning the code at the end will be rendered above all. ''' if self.visualMode: #Render the background, (0, 0)) #Displays click locations and rectangles where clicked self.showClicks() #Render coin animation self.wallet.draw( #Render UI Text Elements self.displayTextUI( if SHOW_PATH_BOUNDS and self.showPathBounds: self.drawPathBounds( self.drawTowerGrid( self.drawTowerRadius( # have towers fire even in non-visual mode for tower in self.towers: tower.draw(, self.ticks, self.visualMode) #Render enemies for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.draw(, self.ticks, self.visualMode) if self.visualMode: #Update the window pygame.display.update() def placeTower(self, towerType, towerLocation, index): if type(towerType) != int: towerType = TOWER_TYPES.index(towerType) newTowerLocation = (towerLocation[0] + (TOWER_GRID_SIZE / 2), towerLocation[1] + (TOWER_GRID_SIZE / 2)) newTower = TOWER_TYPES[towerType](newTowerLocation) # this is just for the GA newTower.indexForRecordTable = index self.towers.append(newTower) self.showPathBounds = False self.wallet.spendCoins(newTower.cost) return newTower def calcPathBounds(self): ''' Calculates an array of rectangles that describe the enemies path This function assumes that the ENEMY_PATH transitions are all straight lines Stores a list of rectanlges in self.pathBounds ''' i = 0 numPathPoints = len(ENEMY_PATH) for i in range(numPathPoints): if i < numPathPoints - 1: x1, y1 = ENEMY_PATH[i][0], ENEMY_PATH[i][1] x2, y2 = ENEMY_PATH[i+1][0], ENEMY_PATH[i+1][1] #Check what direction the points are moving and construct a rectangle if x1 == x2: #Moving on y-axis if y2 > y1: #Downward rect = pygame.Rect((x1 - PATH_WIDTH_PX, y1 - PATH_WIDTH_PX), (PATH_WIDTH_PX*2, abs(y2 - y1))) else: rect = pygame.Rect((x2 - PATH_WIDTH_PX, y2 + PATH_WIDTH_PX), (PATH_WIDTH_PX*2, abs(y2 - y1))) else: #Moving on x-axis rect = pygame.Rect((x1 - PATH_WIDTH_PX, y1 - PATH_WIDTH_PX), (abs(x2 - x1), PATH_WIDTH_PX*2)) self.pathBounds.append(rect) def drawPathBounds(self, win): ''' Draws rectangles around the path bounds ''' for bound in self.pathBounds: self.bgRect = pygame.Surface((bound.width, bound.height)) self.bgRect.set_alpha(125) self.bgRect.fill((200, 0, 0)) win.blit(self.bgRect, (bound.x, bound.y)) def drawTowerGrid(self, win): for tower in self.towerGrid: #Check if there's already a tower placed there if tower[1] == False: bgRect = pygame.Surface((GRID_DISPLAY_SIZE, GRID_DISPLAY_SIZE)) bgRect.set_alpha(100) bgRect.fill((0, 100, 0)) position = (tower[0][0] + (TOWER_GRID_SIZE - GRID_DISPLAY_SIZE) / 2, tower[0][1] + (TOWER_GRID_SIZE - GRID_DISPLAY_SIZE) / 2), position) def drawTowerRadius(self, win): ''' Draws circle around tower at attack radius ''' if self.currSelectedTower != None: mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() tower = self.currSelectedTower((0,0)) circleSurface = pygame.Surface((tower.attackRadius * 2, tower.attackRadius * 2)) circleSurface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) circleSurface.set_alpha(75), (0, 50, 200), (tower.attackRadius, tower.attackRadius), tower.attackRadius, 0), (mousePosition[0] - tower.attackRadius, mousePosition[1] - tower.attackRadius)) def displayTextUI(self, win, ): ''' Render UI elements above all other graphics ''' #Info about enemies numEnemiesText = "Enemies: " + str(self.enemiesSpawnedThisLevel) + " of " + str(int(self.numEnemiesPerLevel)) numEnemiesPosition = (WIN_WIDTH-260, WIN_HEIGHT-50) self.displayText(numEnemiesText, numEnemiesPosition, self.uiFont, WHITE) self.displayText("Level: " + str(self.level), ((numEnemiesPosition[0] , numEnemiesPosition[1] - 25)), self.uiFont, WHITE) self.displayText("Dead: " + str(self.totalEnemiesKilled), ((numEnemiesPosition[0] , numEnemiesPosition[1] - 50)), self.uiFont, WHITE) self.displayText("Towers: " + str(len(self.towers)), (numEnemiesPosition[0], numEnemiesPosition[1] - 75), self.uiFont, WHITE) #Health healthText = "Health: " + str(int( healthPosition = (self.coinPosition[0] - 15, self.coinPosition[1] + 60) self.displayText(healthText, healthPosition, self.uiFont, self.getHealthColor()) #Score self.displayText("Score: " + str(self.score), (self.coinPosition[0] - 20, self.coinPosition[1] + 30), self.uiFont, (250, 241, 95)) #Paused if self.isPaused == True: self.displayText("PAUSED", ((WIN_WIDTH / 2) - 25, 60), self.uiFont, (200, 0, 0)) def displayText(self, text, position, font, color): ''' Renders text at location using a specific font ''' surface = font.render(text, False, color), position) def updateSpawnProbabilities(self): ''' Initialized list of enemy spawn probabilities ''' for enemy in self.enemies: self.enemySpawnProbs.append(enemy.spawnChance) def updateEnemyWalkingSpeed(self): ''' Bumps up the enemy speed every 2 levels by 1 ''' levelForIncrease = (self.level % NUMBER_LEVELS_SPEED_INCREASE) == 0 if levelForIncrease: self.addedSpeed += SPEED_INCREASE def updateEnemyHealth(self): ''' Bumps up the enemy health every 3 levels by 2 ''' levelForIncrease = (self.level % NUMBER_LEVELS_HEALTH_INCREASE) == 0 if levelForIncrease: self.addedHealth += HEALTH_INCREASE def getHealthColor(self): ''' Changes the text color of the players health ''' if >= 90: return (23, 186, 39) elif >= 75: return (184, 201, 34) elif >= 60: return (201, 151, 34) elif >= 45: return (201, 67, 34) else: return (178, 20, 12) def isAlive(self): return > 0 def initTowerGrid(self): ''' Initializes tower grid based on hard coded values in TOWER_GRID Second value is True if a tower is placed in that location ''' for location in TOWER_GRID: self.towerGrid.append((pygame.Rect(location, (TOWER_GRID_SIZE, TOWER_GRID_SIZE)), False, -1)) def showClicks(self): ''' Displays click locations and rectangles to assist with towerGrid placement and logs coordinates to terminal ''' if SHOW_CLICKS: #Display already placed squares for p in self.clicks:, (255, 0, 0), (p[0], p[1]), 5, 0) bgRect = pygame.Surface((64, 64)) bgRect.set_alpha(180) bgRect.fill((200, 0, 0)), (p[0], p[1])) #Display square on mouse cursor mousePosition = pygame.mouse.get_pos() bgRect = pygame.Surface((64, 64)) bgRect.set_alpha(180) bgRect.fill((0, 0, 200)), (mousePosition[0], mousePosition[1])) # plays our awesome RenFair music def startBgMusic(self): if PLAY_BG_MUSIC and self.visualMode: randSong = random.randint(0, len(BG_MUSIC) - 1)"../assets/music/background/" + BG_MUSIC[randSong]) def gameover(self): print('\nFinal Score: ' + str(self.score)) print('Total Enemies Killed: ' + str(self.totalEnemiesKilled)) print('Final Level: ' + str(self.level)) print('Towers Intact: ' + str(len(self.towers)-1)) print('Coins: ' + str(self.wallet.coins) + '\n') if self.gameRecord != None: self.gameRecord.fitnessScore = self.score self.gameRecord.level = self.level self.gameRecord.enemiesKilled = self.totalEnemiesKilled self.gameRecord.towersRemaining = len(self.towers) - 1 self.gameRecord.earnings = self.wallet.coins # self.gameRecord.randomChoicesMade = self.innerGameRecords if self.deepQagent != None: self.updateDecisions() self.deepQagent.finalScore = self.score self.deepQagent.finalLevel = self.level def updateDecisions(self): # a decision: (oldTowerGrid, newTowerGrid, self.dqLastTowerPlaced) <-- reference to last tower placed for decision in self.deepDecisions: newReward = self.getReward(decision[1]) # update the model # self.deepQagent.update(decision[0], self.towerGrid, newReward) self.deepQagent.deepDecisions.append((decision[0], self.towerGrid, newReward)) def getReward(self, tower): reward = 0 if tower != None: # reward = tower.damageDealtOnTurn * 3 # reward -= tower.damageTakenOnTurn * 2 reward += self.score else: reward += TOWER_POSITION_TAKEN_PENALTY return reward
if argv[2] == "buttons": buttons = [ImageButton(enums.RES + 'ok_button.png', (300, 200), test), TextButton("Start", (300, 100), (0, 0, 0), callback=test)] for btn in buttons: btn.draw(enums.SCREEN) elif argv[2] == "menu": buttons = False mn1 = Menu(("Amazing Cool Game!", (250, 200)), ("Start", "Options", "Quit"), ((310, 300), (310, 340), (310, 380)), (start_game, open_options, quit_game), bg_img=enums.RES + "main_menu.png") mn1.draw(enums.SCREEN) if argv[1] == "scan": btn = TextButton("Print Grid", (100, 200), (255, 0, 0), callback=print_grid) btn2 = TextButton("Print Grid Length", (200, 200), (255, 0, 0), callback=print_grid_len) btn2.draw(enums.SCREEN) btn.draw(enums.SCREEN) elif argv[1] == "ui": hearts = [] org1 = UIElement(enums.RES + "icons/orangebox4.png", (768, 0))