def handle_best_quote2_drop_stop(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} try: count = int(django_utils.get_from_session(request,s_additional_stops_in_transit_count,0)) for k,v in request.POST.iteritems(): value = django_utils.get_from_session(request,v,None) if (value is not None): del request.session[v] count -= 1 django_utils.put_into_session(request,s_additional_stops_in_transit_count,count) break d = get_best_quote2_stops(request) except: d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot perform the delete stop function at this time.' json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)
def handle_best_quote2_add_stop(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} try: _d_ = get_best_quote2_stops(request) count = len(_d_) composite_select = [] composite_value = [] composite_key = [] for t in __tokens: for k,v in request.POST.iteritems(): if (str(k).endswith(t)): composite_select.append(v) composite_value.append(k) composite_key.append(str(k).replace(t,'').split('_')) break criteria = lambda r,k:any([(k.find(_additional_stops_in_transit_key) == -1) and (k.find(_origin_from_location_driver_assist_load_key) == -1) and (k.find(_destination_to_location_driver_assist_unload_key) == -1) and (k.find('_%s'%(t)) > -1) for t in __tokens]) session_keys = django_utils.collect_from_session_using(request,criteria) criteria_origin = lambda r,k:any([(k.find(_origin_from_location_driver_assist_load_key) > -1) and (k.find('_%s'%(t)) > -1) for t in __tokens]) session_keys_origin = django_utils.collect_from_session_using(request,criteria_origin) criteria_destination = lambda r,k:any([(k.find(_destination_to_location_driver_assist_unload_key) > -1) and (k.find('_%s'%(t)) > -1) for t in __tokens]) session_keys_destination = django_utils.collect_from_session_using(request,criteria_destination) num = 0 cnt_key0 = '0' cnt_keyO = 'O' cnt_keyD = 'D' cnt_keyS = 'S' cnt = {cnt_key0:0,cnt_keyO:0,cnt_keyD:0,cnt_keyS:0} for t in __locale_tokens: tKey = '_%s' % (t) try: aKey = [k for k in session_keys if (k.find(tKey) > -1)][0] except: aKey = None try: aKeyO = [k for k in session_keys_origin if (k.find(tKey) > -1)][0] except: aKeyO = None try: aKeyD = [k for k in session_keys_destination if (k.find(tKey) > -1)][0] except: aKeyD = None if (aKey is not None) or (aKeyO is not None) or (aKeyD is not None): value = django_utils.get_from_session(request,aKey,None) valueO = django_utils.get_from_session(request,aKeyO,None) valueD = django_utils.get_from_session(request,aKeyD,None) val = composite_select[num] if (value == val): cnt[cnt_key0] += 1 elif (valueO == val): cnt[cnt_keyO] += 1 elif (valueD == val): cnt[cnt_keyD] += 1 else: for k,v in _d_.iteritems(): tokens = v.split(',') try: value = tokens[num] except: value = None if (value == val): cnt[cnt_keyS] += 1 num += 1 shortest = 2**16 final_composite_key = [] for a_composite_key in composite_key: shortest = min(len(a_composite_key),shortest) for a_composite_key in composite_key: if (len(a_composite_key) == shortest): final_composite_key = a_composite_key break # check to see if the values that may go into the session are not already in the session... _final_composite_key = 'select_%s'%('_'.join(final_composite_key)) s_final_composite_select = ','.join(composite_select) num = 1 is_found_using0 = (cnt[cnt_key0] == len(__locale_tokens)) is_found_usingO = (cnt[cnt_keyO] == len(__locale_tokens)) is_found_usingD = (cnt[cnt_keyD] == len(__locale_tokens)) is_found_usingS = (cnt[cnt_keyS] == len(__locale_tokens)) is_found = (is_found_using0) or (is_found_usingO) or (is_found_usingD) or (is_found_usingS) if (not is_found): while (1): key = '%s%d'%(_final_composite_key,num) value = django_utils.get_from_session(request,key,None) if (value is None) or (value == s_final_composite_select): if (value == s_final_composite_select): is_found = True break num += 1 if (not is_found): count = num s_final_composite_key = '%s%d'%(_final_composite_key,count) django_utils.put_into_session(request,s_final_composite_key,s_final_composite_select) django_utils.put_into_session(request,s_additional_stops_in_transit_count,count) elif (is_found_using0) or (is_found_usingS): d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot specify an existing destination because it has already been specified as an additional stop.' elif (is_found_usingO): d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot specify an existing destination because it has already been specified as the origin.' elif (is_found_usingD): d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot specify an existing destination because it has already been specified as the destination.' else: d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot process your request at this time due to some kind of system problem.' dd = get_best_quote2_stops(request) for k,v in dd.iteritems(): d[k] = v except: d[__error_symbol] = 'WARNING: Cannot specify an existing destination due to some kind of processing fault.' json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)
def handle_best_quote2(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} for k,v in request.POST.iteritems(): django_utils.put_into_session(request,k,v) json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)
def rest_handle_get_regions(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} regions = models.Cities.objects.exclude(region__isnull=True).filter(country='US') json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)
def handle_best_quote2_drop_stops(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = get_best_quote2_stops(request,is_removing=True) json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)
__error_symbol = 'ERROR' def rest_handle_get_zipcode(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} postalCode = django_utils.get_from_post_or_get(request,'postalCode') if (postalCode): try: city = models.Cities.objects.get(postalCode=postalCode) d = dict([(k,v) for k,v in city.__dict__.iteritems() if (not str(k).startswith('_'))]) #regions = models.Cities.objects.exclude(region__isnull=True).filter('region').order_by('region').values_list('region') #d['regions'] = [str(list(r)[0]) for r in regions] except Exception, ex: pass pass json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype) def rest_handle_get_regions(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} regions = models.Cities.objects.exclude(region__isnull=True).filter(country='US') json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype) def handle_best_quote2(request,parms,browserAnalysis,__air_id__,__apiMap__): d = {} for k,v in request.POST.iteritems(): django_utils.put_into_session(request,k,v) json = dict_to_json(d) return HttpResponse(content=json,mimetype=__jsonMimetype)