Пример #1
def calcAverageOfDayNight_filter(dayDir, nightDir, outDir, patterns, logger=None):
    # find file from pattern
    day_pattern = patterns[0]
    night_pattern = patterns[1]
    average_pattern = patterns[2]
    day_list = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(base_dir=dayDir, filter=day_pattern)
    night_list = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(base_dir=nightDir, filter=night_pattern)
    if logger:
        logger.debug("Day files: %s", day_list)
        logger.debug("Night files: %s", night_list)

    for fl in day_list:
        # find matching night file
        # find date stamp in day file
        _r_in = re.compile(day_pattern)
        _r_in_night = re.compile(night_pattern)
        f = os.path.basename(fl)
        _m = _r_in.match(f)
        year = 0
        dayofyear = 0
        if 'year' in _m.groupdict():
            year = _m.groupdict()['year']
        if 'dayofyear' in _m.groupdict():
            dayofyear = _m.groupdict()['dayofyear']

        for nfl in night_list:
            _mn = _r_in_night.match(os.path.basename(nfl))
            if 'year' in _mn.groupdict() and _mn.groupdict()['year'] == year:
                # matched year
                if 'dayofyear' in _mn.groupdict() and _mn.groupdict()['dayofyear'] == dayofyear:
                    # matched day of year
                    avg_fl = filenameUtils.generateOutputFilename(os.path.basename(fl), day_pattern, average_pattern)
                    calcAverageOfDayNight(fl, nfl, os.path.join(outDir, avg_fl))
    return 0
Пример #2
def matchDayNightFiles(dayPath, nightPath, outPath, patterns = (None, None), open_src = False, gdal_path=None):
#    dayFiles = list(os.listdir(dayPath))
    nightFiles = set(os.listdir(nightPath))
    if patterns[0]:
        if not os.path.isdir(dayPath):
            dayFiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(os.path.dirname(dayPath), patterns[0])
            dayFiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(dayPath, patterns[0])
        dayFiles = list(os.listdir(dayPath))
    print "Day files: ", dayFiles
    print "Night files: ", nightFiles

    for fl in dayFiles:
        # find matching night file
        d_fl, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(fl)))
        if (ext == '.tif'):
            d_t = d_fl.rpartition('.')
            n_fl = d_t[0] + d_t[1] + 'LST_Night_CMG' + ext
            if (n_fl) in nightFiles:
                avg_fl = os.path.join(outPath, d_t[0] + d_t[1] + 'avg' + ext)
                dp = os.path.join(dayPath, d_fl+ext)
                np = os.path.join(nightPath, n_fl)
                if open_src:
                    calcAverageOfDayNight_os(dp, np, avg_fl, gdal_path)
                    calcAverageOfDayNight(dp, np, avg_fl)
    return 0
Пример #3
def calcAverageOfDayNight_dir(output_dir, dayDir, nightDir, patterns = (None, None)):
    print "calcAverage of Day & Night for directory: ", dayDir, nightDir
    #an empty array/vector in which to store the different bands
    if patterns[0]:
        all_dayfiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(os.path.dirname(dayDir), patterns[0])
        all_dayfiles = directoryUtils.buildFileList(os.path.dirname(dayDir), '.tif')
    if patterns[0]:
        all_nightfiles = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(os.path.dirname(nightDir), patterns[0])
        all_nightfiles = directoryUtils.buildFileList(os.path.dirname(nightDir), '.tif')
#    for df in all_dayfiles:

    return 0
Пример #4
def extractSubset(base_path, output_path, tools_path,
                  patterns, subset, subset_name, overwrite = False, nodata=None, logger = None):
    _all_files = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(base_path, patterns[0])
    if not _all_files:
        print 'No files found in ' + base_path + ', please check directory and try again'
        return -1
#    _pfl = os.path.join(base_path, 'fileslist' + ".prm")
    new_files = []
#    _params = [subset]
    for _ifl in _all_files:
        # generate parameter file
        _nfl = filenameUtils.generateOutputFilename(os.path.basename(_ifl), patterns[0], patterns[1])
        _ofl = os.path.join(output_path, _nfl)
        _checkfl = "{0}.{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(_ofl)[0], subset_name, os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1])
        if not os.path.exists(_checkfl) or overwrite == True:
                src_ds = gdal.Open(_ifl)
            except RuntimeError, e:
                if logger: logger.debug('Unable to open file')
                return None
            sds = src_ds.GetSubDatasets()
            if logger: logger.debug("Number of bands: %s",src_ds.RasterCount)
#            generateParamFile(base_path, _pfl, _ifl, _ofl, _params)
#            reprojectMosaic(_pfl, tools_path)
            convertToTiff(_ifl, _ofl, tools_path, nodata)
#            ss = [1]
            for idx, sbs in enumerate(sds): #range(src_ds.RasterCount):
                if logger: logger.debug("Subdataset: %s", sbs[0])
                # get subset name (without spaces)
                _n = (sbs[0].rsplit(':', 1)[1]).replace(' ', '_')
#                _n = _n.replace(' ', '_')
                _rf = "{0}.{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_ofl))[0], _n, os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1])
#                _cf = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_ofl))[0], str(idx+1).zfill(2), os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1])
                # GDAL 1.10
                _cf = "{0}{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_ofl))[0], os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1], str(idx+1).zfill(1))
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, _cf)):
                    _cf = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_ofl))[0], str(idx+1), os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1])
                if idx+1 not in subset:
                    # remove un-needed files (including .aux & .aux.xml)
                    os.remove(os.path.join(output_path, _cf))
                    _aux_f = os.path.join(output_path,"{0}.aux.xml".format(_cf))
                    if os.path.exists(_aux_f):
#            for i in range(2,18):
#                rf = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_ofl))[0], str(i).zfill(2), os.path.splitext(_ofl)[1])
#                os.remove(os.path.join(output_path, rf))
                    # keep this file - rename with subset name
                    os.rename(os.path.join(output_path, _cf), os.path.join(output_path, _rf))
                    _aux_f = os.path.join(output_path,"{0}.aux.xml".format(_cf))
                    if os.path.exists(_aux_f):
                        os.rename(_aux_f, os.path.join(output_path, "{0}.aux.xml".format(_rf)))
Пример #5
def reprojectMODISFile(base_path, outWks, patterns, toolDir):
    # reproject mosaic to GEO projection
    if not patterns:
        patterns = (modis_patterns['reproject_in'], modis_patterns['reproject_out'])
    _all_files = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(base_path, patterns[0])
    if not _all_files:
        print 'No files found in ' + base_path + ', please check directory and try again'
        return -1
    for f in _all_files:
        param_file = os.path.join(outWks, os.path.basename(f) + ".prm")
        outputname = os.path.join(outWks, '{0}_r{1}'.format(os.path.basename(f), os.path.splitext(f)[1]))
        generateParamFile(outWks, param_file, f, outputname)
        reprojectMosaic(param_file, os.path.normpath(toolDir))
        # remove temp file
        os.remove(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outWks, f)))
        os.rename(outputname, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outWks, f)))
Пример #6
def calcLongTermAverageTemp(base_path, output_path, functionList = [], filenames = ('idn_cli_MOD11C3', '.tif'), pattern = None):
    # png_cli_MOD11C3.A2000061.005.2007177231646.avg
    ext = filenames[1]
    all_files = directoryUtils.getMatchingFiles(base_path, pattern)
#    all_files = directoryUtils.buildFileList(base_path, ext)
    # do all - get all files, work out what years are included
    yrs = []
    days = []
    daysOfYear = defaultdict(list)
    for fl in all_files:
        # fl includes directory, get just filename
        fn = os.path.basename(fl)
        ydoy = getMODISYrAndDoY(fn)
        y = int(ydoy[1:5])
        d = int(ydoy[-3:])
        if y%4 == 0 and d>60: # leap year and day after Feb 29, subtract one from day
            d = d-1

    years = set(yrs)
    syr = min(years) #1981
    eyr = max(years)
    numyrs = eyr - syr

    for dd in daysOfYear.keys():
#        newfilename = '{0}.{1}-{2}.{3}.{4}yrs'.format(filenames[0], syr, eyr, dd, str(numyrs))
        mth = getMonthFromDayOfYear(int(dd), 2001)
        newfilename = '{0}.{1}-{2}.{3}.{4}yrs'.format(filenames[0], syr, eyr, mth, str(numyrs))
        if not functionList:
            # default is to calculate the minimum and maximum
        performCalculations(daysOfYear[dd], newfilename, output_path, functionList)

    return 0