def update(self, level = None): VisibleObject.update(self) if self.flip_finished and self.itemclass != "player": = (self.x + self.rect.width / 2 > 0) and (self.y + self.rect.height / 2 > 0) if self.flipping: return if not return if self.gravity: self.dy += GRAVITY self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy if not self.colliding or level == None: return collision_type = self.check_collisions(level) return collision_type
def flip(self, flip_direction=CLOCKWISE): VisibleObject.flip(self, flip_direction) if flip_direction == CLOCKWISE: tempx = self.tilex self.tilex = FULL_TILES_VER - self.tiley - 1 self.tiley = tempx else: tempy = self.tiley self.tiley = FULL_TILES_HOR - self.tilex - 1 self.tilex = tempy
def __init__(self, screen, tilex, tiley, set="brown", tileclass="wall"): x = (tilex - (FULL_TILES_HOR - TILES_HOR) + 0.5) * TILE_DIM y = (tiley - (FULL_TILES_VER - TILES_VER) + 0.5) * TILE_DIM VisibleObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y) self.animations["default"] = Animation(set, tileclass) self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.tilex = tilex self.tiley = tiley self.tileclass = tileclass self.aligned = True return
def to_str(self, verbose = True): string = VisibleObject.to_str(self, False) if self.trigger != None: string += " " + str(self.max_activations) + " " + self.trigger.trigger_type if verbose: log_message("Obj converted to string: " + string) return string
def flip(self, flip_direction = CLOCKWISE): """Make the object flip with the level to either direction""" if VisibleObject.flip(self, flip_direction): if flip_direction == CLOCKWISE: self.initial_x, self.initial_y = -self.initial_y + PLAY_AREA_WIDTH / TILES_HOR * (TILES_HOR*2 - FULL_TILES_HOR), self.initial_x else: self.initial_x, self.initial_y = self.initial_y, -self.initial_x + PLAY_AREA_WIDTH / TILES_HOR * (TILES_HOR*2 - FULL_TILES_HOR) return
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, life = -1, gravity = False, colliding = False): VisibleObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y) self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 self.initial_x = x self.initial_y = y self.gravity = gravity self.colliding = colliding = (self.x + self.rect.width / 2 > 0) and (self.y + self.rect.height / 2 > 0) self.on_ground = False = life self.destructable = True if ( == -1): self.destructable = False return
def __init__(self, screen, x = None, y = None, set = "brown", itemclass = "key", max_activations = 1, trigger_type = None): VisibleObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y) self.animations["default"] = Animation(set, itemclass) try: self.animations["broken"] = Animation(set, itemclass + "_broken") except: self.animations["broken"] = self.animations["default"] self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.itemclass = itemclass self.activated_times = 0 self.max_activations = max_activations self.trigger = None if trigger_type != None: self.trigger = Trigger(trigger_type, x, y) else: self.pickable = True return
def render(self, surface = None, center = None, static_render = False): VisibleObject.render(self, surface, center, static_render) if variables["devmode"] and not self.flipping: VisibleObject.render(self, surface, (self.initial_x, self.initial_y), static_render, 100) return
def update(self, level=None): VisibleObject.update(self) if not self.flipping: self.realign() return