Пример #1
class Robot(object):
    def __init__(self, maze_dim):
        Use the initialization function to set up attributes that your robot
        will use to learn and navigate the maze. Some initial attributes are
        provided based on common information, including the size of the maze
        the robot is placed in.
        self.heading = start_heading
        self.maze_dim = maze_dim
        self.map = Map(self.maze_dim)
        self.start = start
        self.location = self.start
        self.goal = [[maze_dim - 1, maze_dim - 1]]
        self.goal_changed = False
        self.finishing = False
        self.finish_count = len(self.goal)
        self.values = [[99 for row in range(self.maze_dim)] for col in range(self.maze_dim)]
        self.record = []
        self.run = 1
        self.step = 0
        self.path = []
        self.path_previous = []
        self.goto_start = False
        self.shortest = []
        self.shortest_previous = []

        # drawing
        if ifdraw:
            self.draw = Visual(maze_dim)

    def reset(self):
         reset robot's position to the initial state
        self.heading = start_heading
        self.location = [0, 0]
        self.record = []
        self.socre = 0

    def to_rotation(self, direction):
        transfer direction into rotation angles
        return -1 if dir is in behind
        dirs = dir_sensors[self.heading]

        rotations = [-90, 0, 90]
        if direction in dirs:
            return rotations[dirs.index(direction)]
            return -1

    def get_status(self):
        print out the robot's current position and heading
        print 'status is: '
        print self.location, self.heading

    # wall, map and value table

    def get_map(self):
        print out map

    def update_goal(self):
        Find 2 x 2 squres in the middle area of the maze, then return the four corners' position
        of that square

        Although we dont know the goal position exactly, but we have an idea 
        that it should be in the center of the maze, and we know what it should be look like.
        So we start with a rough guess of the position, and then as we update map when we moves, 
        the goal position will become clear.
        if self.goto_start:
            self.goal = [[0, 0]]
            self.finish_count = len(self.goal)
        search = self.maze_dim / 2 - 2
        for i in range(3):
            search_i = search + i
            for j in range(3):
                search_j = search + j
                if self.map.is_goal([search_i, search_j]):
                    x = search + i
                    y = search + j
                    result = [[x, y], [x + 1, y], [x + 1, y - 1], [x, y - 1]]
                    if x != self.goal[0][0] or y != self.goal[0][1]:
                        self.goal_changed = True
                        if ifdraw:
                            if self.goto_start == False:
                        self.finishing = False
                    self.finish_count = len(self.goal)
                    self.goal = result

    def update_map(self, sensors, changed = False):
        pass through the current location, direction, and distance to Map to update walls
        if self.goto_start:
            if len(self.goal) > 2:
        dirs = dir_sensors[self.heading]
        for i in range(len(sensors)):
            update = self.map.update_map(self.location, dirs[i], sensors[i])
            if update:
                changed = True
            # print update
        if changed:
            if ifdraw:
            self.update_value(self.goal, cost)
            if method_2:
                self.path = self.find_path(self.location, self.goal)
                self.path = self.find_path(self.start, self.goal)
            if ifdraw:
                if self.path != self.path_previous:
                    self.path_previous = deepcopy(self.path)
        if self.is_reach_goal():
            self.finishing = True

    def get_value_table(self):
        print out value tables
        for row in self.values:
    def write_value(self, location, value):
        change given position's value table's value to given input
        x = location[0]
        y = self.maze_dim - location[1] - 1
        self.values[y][x] = value

    def get_value(self, location):
        return position's value of the given location
        x = location[0]
        y = self.maze_dim - location[1] - 1
        return self.values[y][x]

    def update_value(self, target, cost):
        update value map based on the target positions as 0 value, and given cost
        self.values = [[99 for row in range(self.maze_dim)] for col in range(self.maze_dim)]
        adjs = ['u', 'r', 'd', 'l']
        changed = True
        while changed:            
            changed = False
            for row in range(self.maze_dim):
                for col in range(self.maze_dim):
                    if [row, col] in target:
                        if self.get_value([row, col]) != 0:
                            self.write_value([row, col], 0)
                            changed = True
                    for neighbour in adjs:
                        util = self.get_value([row, col]) + cost
                        location = [row + dir_move[neighbour][0], col + dir_move[neighbour][1]]
                        if 0 <= location[0] < self.maze_dim and 0 <= location[1] < self.maze_dim:
                            if self.map.is_connect(location, [row, col]):
                                # print util, location, self.values[row][col]
                                if self.get_value([location[0], location[1]]) > util:
                                    self.write_value([location[0], location[1]], util)
                                    changed = True

    #   execution 

    def make_turn(self, degree):
        make a turn based on given inputs
        dirs = dir_sensors[self.heading]
        heading = dirs[degree // 90 + 1]
        return heading

    def turn_around(self):
        turn 180 degrees
        self.heading = dir_reverse[self.heading]

    def take_step(self, location, direction):
        move one step along the direction and return the coodinate
        x = location[0] + dir_move[direction][0]
        y = location[1] + dir_move[direction][1]
        return [x, y]

    def execute(self, rotation, movement):
        robot take turns and then moves ahead based on given movement
        For moves, the robot take a loop movement times of check movable and then move one step 
        For negative movements, the robot turn around first, and then move ahead, and then turn back
        move_back = False
        if movement < 0:
            move_back = True
        self.heading = self.make_turn(rotation)
        if move_back:
        for i in range(abs(movement)):
            if self.map.is_valid_move(self.location, self.heading):
                #self.map.fill_wall(self.location, self.heading)
                if self.reverse == False:
                self.location = self.take_step(self.location, self.heading)
        if move_back:

    # planning and searching

    def random_walk(self):
        return execution input randomly
        rotation = random.choice([-90, 0, 90])
        movement = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3])
        return [rotation, movement]

    def test_walk(self):
        test for debug
        return [0, 1]

    def finish_moves(self):
        when entering the goal area, robot need to comfirm that target is the real goal in maze
        that is move around that area to see any undetected walls inside the area.
        if self.finish_count > 1:
            pos = self.goal.index(self.location)
            self.finish_count -= 1
            x = self.location[0] + dir_move[goal_square_moves[pos]][0]
            y = self.location[1] + dir_move[goal_square_moves[pos]][1]
            return self.find_commond(self.location, [x, y])
            return [0, 0]

    def is_reach_goal(self):
        since there are four goal squares, and we need to check if our robot has reached either one of them.
        if reach goal, then set goal_changed == False, and to see if it changes later.
        if goal_changed flags up, then back to searching status
        if self.location not in self.goal:
            return False
            if self.goal_changed:
                self.goal_changed = False
            return True

    def get_longest_step(self, location, direction, step):
        find the place with the lowest value along the given location along the given direction
        return a list [distance, coordinate]
        util = self.get_value(location)
        for count in range(step):
            location1 = self.take_step(location, direction)
            if 0 <= location1[0] < self.maze_dim and 0 <= location1[1] < self.maze_dim and self.map.is_connect(location, location1):
                util1 = self.get_value(location1)
                if util - cost < util1:
                    return count, location1
                util = util1
                location = location1
                return count, location
        return step, location

    def find_best_neighbour(self, location, step):
        find the place with lowest value in number of steps in four directions to the given location
        Return a list [action commond to there, its coordinate]
        x = location[0]
        y = location[1]
        min_cost = self.get_value([x, y])
        min_move = None
        best = location
        for neighbour in dirs:
            steps, pos = self.get_longest_step(location, neighbour, step)
            if steps > 0:
                if self.get_value(pos) <= min_cost:
                    min_cost = self.get_value(pos)
                    min_move = neighbour, steps
                    best = pos
        return min_move, best

    def find_path(self, start, goal):
        find path from start location to the target location, base on the value table
        target = goal[0]
        path = []
        x = start[0]
        y = start[1]
        while [x, y] not in goal:
            move = self.find_best_neighbour([x, y], 3)[0]
                move[1] == 0
            except Exception as e:
                print 'Maze is bad, no route to the goal'
            for i in range(move[1]):
                x += dir_move[move[0]][0]
                y += dir_move[move[0]][1]
                path.append([x, y])
        return path

    def find_commond(self, start, target):
        x = target[0] - start[0]
        y = target[1] - start[1]
        moves = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]]
        direction = dirs[moves.index([x, y]) % 4]
        rotation = self.to_rotation(direction)
        if rotation == -1:
            return [0, -1]
        return [rotation, 1]

    def find_next_move(self, location, path):
        return the best move direction and steps that along the path
        for i in range(max_step):
            move, pos = self.find_best_neighbour(location, max_step - i)
            if pos in path:
                rotation = self.to_rotation(move[0])
                if rotation == -1:
                    return [rotation, -move[1]]
                return [rotation, move[1]]
        pos = path[path.index(location) + 1]
        return self.find_commond(location, pos)

    def reverse_move(self):
        robot move backwards along the previous actions
        self.reverse = True
        previous = self.record.pop()
        count = 1
        for i in range(2):
            if len(self.record) > 0:
                if previous == self.record[-1]:
                    count += 1
        previous = dir_reverse[previous]
        rotation = self.to_rotation(previous)
        if rotation == -1:
            return [0, -count]
            return [rotation, count]

    def policy_walk(self):
        return execution inputs based on two things, one is the value table, and another is the given path to the goal

        The path might change after the robot sense new walls, as a result two things will happen.

        IF the robot is on the path, then it will follow it. 
        Or it moves back based on its previous moves to the starting point, until it on the path.
        self.reverse = False
        if self.location not in self.path:
            move = self.reverse_move()
            if random.random() < beta:
                return self.random_walk()
            move = self.find_next_move(self.location, self.path)
        return move

    def next_move(self, sensors):
        Use this function to determine the next move the robot should make,
        based on the input from the sensors after its previous move. Sensor
        inputs are a list of three distances from the robot's left, front, and
        right-facing sensors, in that order.

        If the robot wants to end a run (e.g. during the first training run in
        the maze) then returing the tuple ('Reset', 'Reset') will indicate to
        the tester to end the run and return the robot to the start.
        self.reverse = False
        if self.run == 1:
            if self.finishing:
                # self.get_map()
                rotation, movement = self.finish_moves()
                if [rotation, movement] == [0, 0]:
                    if method_2:
                        if self.goto_start == False:
                            self.shortest = self.find_path(self.start, self.goal)
                            if self.shortest == self.shortest_previous:
                                self.run = 2
                                return 'Reset', 'Reset'
                                self.shortest_previous = deepcopy(self.shortest)

                        self.finishing = False
                        if self.goto_start:
                            self.goto_start = False
                            self.goto_start = True
                        self.update_map(sensors, True)
                        if sensors == [0, 0, 0]:
                            rotation, movement = [90, 0]
                            rotation, movement = self.policy_walk()
                        self.run = 2
                        return 'Reset', 'Reset'
                rotation, movement = self.policy_walk()
            if rotation not in [-90, 90]:
                rotation = 0
            if len(self.shortest) != 0:
                self.path = deepcopy(self.shortest)
            rotation, movement = self.policy_walk()
        self.execute(rotation, movement)
        if ifdraw:
            self.draw.draw_trace(rotation, movement, self.run)
        return rotation, movement