Пример #1
#initial conditions
v = vector(0, 0, 0.2)
x = vector(x0, 0, 0)
xr = vector(l_rest, 0, 0)
sx0 = vector(-0.8, 0, 0)
offx = vector(0, 0.3, 0)

vp.box(pos=(0, -0.1, 0), length=2.0, width=0.02, height=0.5)  #surface
vp.box(pos=(-.82, .15, 0), length=.04, width=0.50, height=0.3)  #wall
block = vp.cube(pos=x, length=0.2, c='t')
spring = vp.helix(sx0, x, r=.06, thickness=.01, texture='metal1')

pb = ProgressBar(0, 500, c='r')
for i in pb.range():
    F = -k * (x - xr) - b * v  # Force and friction
    a = F / m  # acceleration
    v = v + a * dt  # velocity
    x = x + v * dt + 1 / 2 * a * dt**2  # position

    block.pos(x)  # update block position
    spring.stretch(sx0, x)  # stretch helix accordingly
    trace = vp.point(x + offx, c='r/0.5', r=3)  # leave a red trace

    vp.render(trace)  # add trace to the list of actors and render
    pb.print('Fx=' + str(F[0]))

Пример #2
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, mag
import numpy as np

scene = Plotter(title='Lorenz attractor', axes=2, verbose = 0)

dt = 0.001
y = [25, -10, -7] # Starting point (initial condition)
pts, cols = [], []
scene.point(y, r=20, c='g', alpha=0.3)

for t in np.linspace(0,20, int(20/dt)):
  # Integrate a funny differential equation
  dydt = np.array([-8/3*y[0]+ y[1]*y[2], -10*(y[1]-y[2]), -y[1]*y[0]+28*y[1]-y[2]])
  y = y + dydt * dt

  c = np.clip( [mag(dydt) * 0.005], 0, 1)[0] # color by speed
  cols.append([c,0, 1-c])

scene.points(pts, cols, r=2)

Пример #3
pedestal = vp.box([0,-0.63,0], height=.1, length=.1, width=1, texture='wood5')
pedbase  = vp.box([0,-1.13,0], height=.5, length=.5, width=.05, texture='wood5')
pedpin   = vp.pyramid([0,-.08,0], axis=[0,1,0], s=.05, height=.12, texture='wood5')
formulas = vp.load('data/images/gyro_formulas.png', alpha=.9).scale(.003).pos([-1,-1,-1.1])

# ############################################################ the physics
pb = ProgressBar(0, 4, dt, c='b')
for i, t in enumerate(pb.range()):
    st, ct, sp, cp = sin(x[0]), cos(x[0]), sin(x[1]), cos(x[1])

    thetadot, phidot, psidot = v # unpack
    atheta = st*ct*phidot**2 + (M*g*r*st-I3*(psidot+phidot*ct)*phidot*st)/I1
    aphi = (I3/I1)*(psidot+phidot*ct)*thetadot/st - 2*ct*thetadot*phidot/st
    apsi = phidot*thetadot*st - aphi*ct
    a = vector(atheta, aphi, apsi)

    v += a*dt  # update velocities   
    x += v*dt  # update Lagrangian coordinates

    gaxis = (Lshaft+0.03)*vector(st*sp, ct, st*cp)
    # set orientation along gaxis and rotate it around its axis by psidot*t degrees
    gyro.orientation(gaxis, rotation=psidot*t*57.3) 
    if not i%200: # add trace and render all, every 200 iterations
        trace = vp.point(gaxis, r=3, c='r')
        vp.render(trace, resetcam=1) 


Пример #4
# Example usage of addTrail()
from vtkplotter import Plotter, sin

vp = Plotter(axes=6)

s = vp.sphere(c='green', res=24)
vp.cutPlane(s, [-0.9, 0, 0], showcut=True)  #cut left part of sphere

p = vp.point([1, 1, 1], r=12)

# add a trail to point p with maximum length 0.5 and 50 segments
p.addTrail(c='k', lw=3, maxlength=0.5, n=50)

for i in range(200):
    p.pos([-2 + i / 100., sin(i / 5.) / 15, 0])

Пример #5
shaft = vp.cylinder([[0,0,0], Ls*gaxis], r=0.03, c='dg')
rotor = vp.cylinder([(Ls-0.55)*gaxis, (Ls-0.45)*gaxis], r=R, c='t')
bar   = vp.cylinder([Ls*gaxis/2-R*vector(0,1,0), Ls*gaxis/2+R*vector(0,1,0)], r=R/6, c='r')
gyro  = vp.Assembly([shaft, rotor, bar]) # group actors into a single one

spring= vp.helix(top, gpos, r=0.06, thickness=0.01, c='gray')
vp.box(top, length=0.2, width=0.02, height=0.2, c='gray')
vp.box(pos=(0,.5,0), length=2.2, width=3, height=2.2, c='gray', wire=1, alpha=.2)

# ############################################################ the physics
pb = ProgressBar(0, 5, dt, c='b')
for t in pb.range():
    Fspring = -ks*norm(gpos-top)*(mag(gpos-top)-Lrest)
    torque  = cross(-1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot), Fspring) # torque about center of mass
    Lrot    += torque*dt
    precess += (Fgrav+Fspring)*dt  # momentum of center of mass
    cm      += (precess/M)*dt
    gpos    = cm - 1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot)

    # set orientation along gaxis and rotate it around its axis by omega*t degrees
    gyro.orientation(Lrot, rotation=omega*t*57.3).pos(gpos)
    spring.stretch(top, gpos)
    vp.point(gpos + Ls*norm(Lrot), r=1, c='g') # add trace point to show in the end


Пример #6
# In this example we fit a plane to regions of a surface defined by
# N points that are closest to a given point of the surface.
# For some of these point we show the fitting plane.
# Blue points are the N points used for fitting.
# Green histogram is the distribution of residuals from the fitting.
# Both plane center and normal can be accessed from the
# attribute actor.center and actor.normal (direction is arbitrary).
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter
from vtkplotter.analysis import fitPlane

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk').alpha(0.3).subdivide()  # remesh

variances = []
for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    if i % 100: continue  # skip most points
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=12)  # find the N closest points to p
    plane = fitPlane(pts, bc='r', alpha=0.3)  # find the fitting plane
    vp.points(pts)  # blue points
    vp.point(p, c='red 0.2')  # mark in red the current point
    vp.arrow(plane.center, plane.center + plane.normal / 15, c='g')

vp.histogram(variances, title='variance', c='g')
Пример #7
# by moving the points along the normals to the surface
# and along the radius of a sphere centered at the center of mass.
# At each step we redefine the actor so that the normals are
# recalculated for the underlying polydata.
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, norm, mag
from vtkplotter.utils import centerOfMass, averageSize

vp = Plotter(axes=0)

s = vp.load('data/290.vtk', wire=1)
vp.actors.append(s.clone(c='red 1.0', wire=0))

c = centerOfMass(s)

Niter = 4
for t in range(Niter):
    print('iteration', t)
    coords = s.coordinates()
    normals = s.normals()
    aves = averageSize(s) * 1.5

    for i in range(s.N()):
        n = normals[i]
        p = coords[i]
        q = norm(p - c) * aves + c
        dp = mag(q - p)
        alongn = n * dp
        alongr = q - p  # bias normal
Пример #8
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u
from vtkplotter import printc, ProgressBar, Plotter

N = 10  # nr of particles along axis
s = 0.01  # random step size

scene = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0)
scene.plane(pos=[.44, .44, -.1], texture='wood7')

for i in range(N):  # generate a grid of points
    for j in range(N):
        for k in range(N):
            p = [i / N, j / N, k / N]
            scene.point(p, c=p)  # color point by its own position

pb = ProgressBar(0, 80, c='red')
for t in pb.range():  # loop of 400 steps

    for i in range(1, N * N * N):  # for each particle
        actor = scene.actors[i]
        r = [u(-s, s), u(-s, s), u(-s, s)]  # random step
        p = actor.pos()  # get point position
        q = p + r  # add the noise
        if q[2] < 0: q[2] *= -1  # if bounce on the floor
        actor.pos(q)  # set its new position
Пример #9
    y_eu, v_eu = euler(y_eu, v_eu, t, dt)
    y_rk, v_rk = rk4(y_rk, v_rk, t, dt)
    t += dt
    positions_eu.append(y_eu)  # store result of integration
    pb.print('Integrate: RK-4 and Euler')

# Visualize the result
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=2)  # choose axes type nr.2
vp.ytitle = 'u(x,t)'
vp.ztitle = ''  # will not draw z axis

for i in x:
    vp.point([i, 0, 0], c='green', r=6)
pts_actors_eu = vp.actors  # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_eu[0].legend = 'Euler method'

vp.actors = []  # clean up the list

for i in x:
    vp.point([i, 0, 0], c='red', r=6)
pts_actors_rk = vp.actors  # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_rk[0].legend = 'Runge-Kutta4'

# merge the two lists and set it as the current vtkPlotter actors
vp.actors = pts_actors_eu + pts_actors_rk

# let's also add a fancy background image from wikipedia
vp.load('data/images/wave_wiki.png', alpha=.8).scale(0.4).pos([0, -100, -20])