Пример #1
# Intersect a vtkImageData (voxel dataset) with planes
from vtkplotter import Plotter, vtkio, analysis, vector

vp = Plotter(axes=4)

img = vtkio.loadImageData('data/embryo.slc')

pos = img.GetCenter()

lines = []
for i in range(60):  # probe scalars on 60 parallel lines
    step = (i - 30) * 2
    p1, p2 = pos + vector(-100, step, step), pos + vector(100, step, step)
    a = analysis.probeLine(img, p1, p2, res=200)
    #print(a.scalars(0)) # numpy scalars can be access here
    #print(a.scalars('vtkValidPointMask')) # the mask of valid points

Пример #2
# Shrink the triangulation of a mesh to make the inside visible
from vtkplotter import Plotter, sphere

vp = Plotter()




Пример #3
Show a cube for each available color name
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Cube, Text
from vtkplotter.colors import colors, getColor
from operator import itemgetter

# sorting by hex color code:
sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
# or by name:
# sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(0))

vp = Plotter(N=len(sorted_colors), axes=0, size="fullscreen", bg='w')

for i, sc in enumerate(sorted_colors):
    cname = sc[0]
    rgb = getColor(cname)
    cb = Cube(c=rgb)
    tname = Text(cname, pos=3)
    vp.show(cb, tname, at=i)


print("click on any cube and press i")
allarr = Arrows(apos.points(), warped.points())

set1 = [apos, warped, src, trs, arr, __doc__]
vp = show([set1, allarr], N=2, bg='bb')  # returns the Plotter class

################################################# RBF
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf

x, y, z = sources[:, 0], sources[:, 1], sources[:, 2]
dx, dy, dz = deltas[:, 0], deltas[:, 1], deltas[:, 2]

itrx = Rbf(x, y, z, dx)  # Radial Basis Function interpolator:
itry = Rbf(x, y, z, dy)  #  interoplate the deltas in each separate
itrz = Rbf(x, y, z, dz)  #  cartesian dimension

positions_x = itrx(xr, yr, zr) + xr
positions_y = itry(xr, yr, zr) + yr
positions_z = itrz(xr, yr, zr) + zr
positions_rbf = np.vstack([positions_x, positions_y, positions_z])

warped_rbf = Points(positions_rbf, r=2).alpha(0.4).color("lg").pointSize(10)
allarr_rbf = Arrows(apos.points(), warped_rbf.points())

arr = Arrows(sources, sources + deltas)

vp2 = Plotter(N=2, pos=(200, 300), bg='bb')
vp2.camera = vp.camera  # share the same camera with previous Plotter
vp2.show(apos, warped_rbf, src, trs, arr, "Radial Basis Function", at=0)
vp2.show(allarr_rbf, at=1, interactive=1)
Пример #5
or as a reference to an external already existing function.
Red points indicate where the function does not exist.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fxy, sin, cos

def my_z(x, y):
    return sin(2 * x * y) * cos(3 * y) / 2

vp = Plotter(shape=(2, 2), sharecam=False, bg='snow')

# draw at renderer nr.0 the first actor, show it with a texture
# an existing function z(x,y) can be passed:
f1 = fxy(my_z)
vp.show(f1, at=0)

# c=None shows the original z-scalar color scale. No z-level lines.
f2 = fxy(lambda x, y: sin(x * y), c=None, zlevels=None, texture=None, wire=1)
vp.show(f2, at=1)

# red dots are shown where the function does not exist (y>x):
# if vp is set to verbose, sympy calculates derivatives and prints them:
f3 = fxy('sin(3*x)*log(x-y)/3')
vp.show(f3, at=2)

# specify x and y ranges and z vertical limits:
f4 = fxy('log(x**2+y**2 - 1)', x=[-2, 2], y=[-2, 2], zlimits=[-1, 1.5])
vp.show(f4, at=3, axes=2, interactive=1)
Пример #6
import numpy as np
from vtkplotter import Plotter, fitLine, fitPlane, Points, Text

# declare the class instance
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, title="linear fitting")

# draw 500 fit lines superimposed and very transparent
for i in range(500):

    x = np.linspace(-2, 5, 20)  # generate each time 20 points
    y = np.linspace(1, 9, 20)
    z = np.linspace(-5, 3, 20)
    data = np.array(list(zip(x, y, z)))
    data += np.random.normal(size=data.shape) * 0.8  # add gauss noise

    vp += fitLine(data).lw(4).alpha(0.03)  # fit a line

# 'data' still contains the last iteration points
vp += Points(data, r=10, c="yellow")

# the first fitted slope direction is stored
# in actor.info['slope] and actor.info['normal]
print("Line Fit slope = ", vp.actors[0].info["slope"])

plane = fitPlane(data)  # fit a plane
print("Plan Fit normal=", plane.info["normal"])

vp += [plane, Text(__doc__)]

Пример #7
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u

from vtkplotter import Plotter, procrustes, Text, Points

vp = Plotter(shape=[1, 2], verbose=0, axes=2, sharecam=0, bg='w')

N = 15  # number of points
x = 1.  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x)+i) for i in range(N)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x)+3, u(0, x)+i/2+2, u(0, x)+i+1) for i in range(N)]
pts3 = [(u(0, x)+4, u(0, x)+i/4-3, u(0, x)+i-2) for i in range(N)]

act1 = Points(pts1, c='r').legend('set1')
act2 = Points(pts2, c='g').legend('set2')
act3 = Points(pts3, c='b').legend('set3')

vp.show([act1, act2, act3], at=0)

# find best alignment among the n sets of Points,
# return an Assembly formed by the aligned sets
aligned = procrustes([act1, act2, act3])

# print(aligned.info['transform'])

vp.show([aligned, Text(__doc__)], at=1, interactive=1)

Пример #8
# Show a cube for each available color name
from vtkplotter import Plotter, cube, text
from vtkplotter.colors import colors, getColor
from operator import itemgetter

# sorting by hex color code:
sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
# or by name:
# sorted_colors = sorted(colors.items(), key=itemgetter(0))

vp = Plotter(N=len(sorted_colors), axes=0, size='fullscreen')

for i, sc in enumerate(sorted_colors):
    cname = sc[0]
    rgb = getColor(cname)
    cb = cube(c=rgb)
    tname = text(cname, pos=3)
    vp.show([cb, tname], at=i)

print('click on any cube and press i')
vp.show(zoom=1.1, interactive=1)
Пример #9
# Extract the mesh region that has the largest connected surface
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, extractLargestRegion

vp = Plotter(shape=(2,1))

act1 = vp.load('data/embryo.slc', c='y')
printc('area1 =', act1.area(), c='y')

act2 = extractLargestRegion(act1).color('b')
printc('area2 =', act2.area(), c='b')

vp.show(act1, at=0)
vp.show(act2, at=1, zoom=1.2, interactive=1)
Пример #10
# generate two random sets of points as 2 actors
# and align them using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.
from __future__ import division
from random import uniform as u
from vtkplotter import Plotter, align, arrow

vp = Plotter(shape=[1, 2], verbose=0, axes=2)

N1 = 15  # number of points of first set
N2 = 15  # number of points of second set
x = 1.  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x) + i) for i in range(N1)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x) + 3, u(0, x) + i / 2 + 2, u(0, x) + i + 1) for i in range(N2)]

act1 = vp.points(pts1, r=8, c='b', legend='source')
act2 = vp.points(pts2, r=8, c='r', legend='target')


# find best alignment between the 2 sets of points, e.i. find
# how to move act1 to best match act2
alpts1 = align(act1, act2).coordinates()
vp.points(alpts1, r=8, c='b')

for i in range(N1):  #draw arrows to see where points end up
    vp.add(arrow(pts1[i], alpts1[i], c='k', s=0.007, alpha=.1))

vp.show(at=1, interactive=1)
Пример #11
    for colony in colonies:

        newcells = []
        for cell in colony.cells:

            if cell.dieAt(t):
            if cell.divideAt(t):
                newc = cell.split()  # make daughter cell
                vp += Line(cell.pos, newc.pos, c="k", lw=3, alpha=0.5)
        colony.cells = newcells

        pts = [c.pos for c in newcells]  # draw all points at once
        vp += Points(pts, c=colony.color, r=5, alpha=0.80)   # nucleus
        vp += Points(pts, c=colony.color, r=15, alpha=0.05)  # halo
        msg += str(len(colony.cells)) + ","

    pb.print(msg + str(int(t)))

# draw the oriented ellipsoid that contains 50% of the cells
for colony in colonies:
    pts = [c.pos for c in colony.cells]
    a = pcaEllipsoid(pts, pvalue=0.5, pcaAxes=0)
    a.legend("1/rate=" + str(colony.cells[0].tdiv) + "h")
    vp += a
vp.show(resetcam=0, interactive=1)
Пример #12
        pcmi = p[i] - ptot * mi / mtot  # transform momenta to cm frame
        pcmj = p[j] - ptot * mj / mtot
        rrel = versor(pos[j] - pos[i])
        pcmi = pcmi - 2 * np.dot(pcmi, rrel) * rrel  # bounce in cm frame
        pcmj = pcmj - 2 * np.dot(pcmj, rrel) * rrel
        p[i] = pcmi + ptot * mi / mtot  # transform momenta back to lab frame
        p[j] = pcmj + ptot * mj / mtot
        pos[i] = pos[i] + (p[i] / mi) * deltat  # move forward deltat in time
        pos[j] = pos[j] + (p[j] / mj) * deltat

    # Bounce off the boundary of the torus
    for j in range(Natoms):
        poscircle[j] = versor(pos[j]) * RingRadius * [1, 1, 0]
    outside = np.greater_equal(mag(poscircle - pos), RingThickness - 2 * Ratom)

    for k in range(len(outside)):
        if outside[k] == 1 and np.dot(p[k], pos[k] - poscircle[k]) > 0:
            p[k] = reflection(p[k], pos[k] - poscircle[k])

    # then update positions of display objects
    for i in range(Natoms):
        Atoms[i].pos(pos[i])  ### <--
    outside = np.greater_equal(mag(pos), RingRadius + RingThickness)

    vp.show()  ### <--

Пример #13
# Work with vtkVolume objects and surfaces.
from vtkplotter import vtkio, Plotter
from vtkplotter.actors import Volume

vp = Plotter()

# Load a 3D voxel dataset (returns a vtkImageData object):
img = vtkio.loadImageData('data/embryo.slc', spacing=[1, 1, 1])

# Build a vtkVolume object.
# A set of transparency values - of any length - can be passed
# to define the opacity transfer function in the range of the scalar.
#  E.g.: setting alphas=[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] would make visible
#  only voxels with value close to 98.5 (see print output).
vol = Volume(img, c='green', alphas=[0, 0.4, 0.9, 1])  # vtkVolume

# can relocate volume in space:
#vol.scale(0.3).pos([10,100,0]).rotate(90, axis=[0,1,1])

sph = vp.sphere(pos=[100, 100, 100], r=20)  # add a dummy surface

vp.show([vol, sph], zoom=1.4)  # show both vtkVolume and vtkActor
Пример #14
            th = (90 - ilat) / 57.3
            ph = ilong / 57.3
            r = value + rbias
            p = np.array([sin(th) * cos(ph), sin(th) * sin(ph), cos(th)]) * r
    return pts

vp = Plotter(shape=[2, 2], verbose=0, axes=3, interactive=0)

shape1 = Sphere(alpha=0.2)
shape2 = vp.load(datadir + "shapes/icosahedron.vtk").normalize().lineWidth(1)

agrid1, actorpts1 = makeGrid(shape1, N)

vp.show(shape1, actorpts1, at=0)

agrid2, actorpts2 = makeGrid(shape2, N)
vp.show(shape2, actorpts2, at=1)

vp.interactive = False

clm1 = pyshtools.SHGrid.from_array(agrid1).expand()
clm2 = pyshtools.SHGrid.from_array(agrid2).expand()
# clm1.plot_spectrum2d()  # plot the value of the sph harm. coefficients
# clm2.plot_spectrum2d()

for t in arange(0, 1, 0.005):
    act21 = Points(morph(clm2, clm1, t, lmax), c="r", r=4)
    act12 = Points(morph(clm1, clm2, t, lmax), c="g", r=4)
Пример #15
# Intersect a vtkImageData (voxel dataset) with planes
from vtkplotter import Plotter, vtkio, analysis, vector

vp = Plotter(axes=4)

img = vtkio.loadImageData('data/embryo.slc')

for i in range(6):
    print('probing slice plane #',i)
    pos = img.GetCenter() + vector(0,0,(i-3)*25.)
    a = analysis.probePlane(img, origin=pos, normal=(0,0,1)).alpha(0.2)
    #print(max(a.scalars(0))) # access scalars this way, 0 means first
from vtkplotter import Plotter, colorMap
from vtkplotter.analysis import smoothMLS2D
import numpy as np

vp1 = Plotter(shape=(1,4), axes=4)

act = vp1.load('data/shapes/bunny.obj', c='k 0.05', wire=1).normalize().subdivide()
pts = act.coordinates(copy=True)      # pts is a copy of the points not a reference
pts += np.random.randn(len(pts),3)/40 # add noise, will not mess up the original points

#################################### smooth cloud with MLS
# build the points actor
s0 = vp1.points(pts, c='blue', r=3, legend='point cloud') 
vp1.show(s0, at=0) 

s1 = s0.clone(c='dg')                 # a dark green copy of s0

# project s1 points into a smooth surface of points 
# return a demo actor showing 30 regressions at random points
mls1 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.5, showNPlanes=30) # first pass
vp1.show(mls1, at=1, legend='first pass') 

mls2 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.3, showNPlanes=30) # second pass
vp1.show(mls2, at=2, legend='second pass') 

mls3 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.1)                 # third pass
vp1.show(s1,   at=3, legend='third pass', zoom=1.3) 

Пример #17
vp.xtitle = ""
vp.ytitle = "Psi^2(x,t)"
vp.ztitle = ""

bck = vp.load(datadir + "images/schrod.png",
              alpha=0.3).scale(0.0255).pos([0, -5, -0.1])
barrier = Line(list(zip(x, V * 15, [0] * len(x))), c="black", lw=2)

lines = []
for i in range(0, Nsteps):
    for j in range(500):
        Psi += d_dt(Psi) * dt  # integrate for a while before showing things
    A = np.real(Psi * np.conj(Psi)) * 1.5  # psi squared, probability(x)
    coords = list(zip(x, A, [0] * len(x)))
    Aline = Line(coords, c="db", lw=3)
    vp.show([Aline, barrier, bck])
    lines.append([Aline, A])  # store objects

# now show the same lines along z representing time
vp.actors = []

for i in range(Nsteps):
    p = [0, 0, size * i / Nsteps]  # shift along z
    l, a = lines[i]
    # l.pointColors(a, cmap='rainbow')
    l.pointColors(-a, cmap="gist_earth")  # inverted gist_earth
    vp += [l.pos(p), barrier.clone().alpha(0.3).pos(p)]
Пример #18
Mirror a mesh along one of the Cartesian axes.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Text, datadir

vp = Plotter(axes=2)

myted1 = vp.load(datadir + "teddy.vtk")

myted2 = myted1.clone().mirror("y").pos([0, 3, 0]).color("green")

vp.show(myted1, myted2, Text(__doc__), viewup="z")
Пример #19
from vtkplotter.utils import clean
from vtkplotter.analysis import smoothMLS1D
import numpy as np

N = 9  # nr. of iterations

# build some initial cloud of noisy points along a line
#pts = [ (sin(6*x), sin(2*x)/(x+1), cos(9*x)) for x in arange(0,1, .001)]
#pts = [ (0, sin(x), cos(x)) for x in arange(0,6, .002) ]
pts = [(sqrt(x), sin(x), x / 10) for x in arange(0, 16, .01)]

pts += np.random.randn(len(pts), 3) / 10  # add noise
np.random.shuffle(pts)  # make sure points are not ordered

vp = Plotter(N=N, axes=5)
a = vp.points(pts)
vp.show(a, at=0, legend='cloud')

for i in range(1, N):
    a = a.clone().color(i)
    smoothMLS1D(a, f=0.2)

    # at last iteration make sure points are separated by tol
    if i == N - 1:
        clean(a, tol=.01)

    print('iteration', i, '#points:', len(a.coordinates()))
    vp.show(a, at=i, legend='iter #' + str(i))

Пример #20
        R12 = Pos[s2] - Pos[s1]
        nR12 = np.linalg.norm(R12)
        d12 = Radius[s1] + Radius[s2] - nR12
        tau = R12 / nR12
        DR0 = d12 * tau
        x1 = Mass[s1] / (Mass[s1] + Mass[s2])
        x2 = 1 - x1  # x2 = Mass[s2]/(Mass[s1]+Mass[s2])
        Pos[s1] -= x2 * DR0
        Pos[s2] += x1 * DR0
        DV0 = 2 * dot(Vel[s2] - Vel[s1], tau) * tau
        Vel[s1] += x2 * DV0
        Vel[s2] -= x1 * DV0

    # Update the location of the spheres
    for s in range(Nsp):
        Spheres[s].pos([Pos[s][0], Pos[s][1], 0])

    if not int(i) % 10:  # every ten steps:
        rsp = [Pos[0][0], Pos[0][1], 0]
        rsv = [Vel[0][0], Vel[0][1], 0]
        p = vp.ring(pos=rsp,
                    r=Rb / 4,
                    thickness=Rb / 40,
                    alpha=0.05)  # leave an oriented trace
        vp.render(p)  # add actor p and render scene
    pb.print('#actors=' + str(len(vp.actors)))

Пример #21
# (values can be copied in the code by pressing C in the rendering window)
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0, interactive=0)
vp.camera.SetPosition(962, -239, 1034)
vp.camera.SetFocalPoint(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
vp.camera.SetViewUp(-0.693, -0.479, 0.539)

pb = ProgressBar(0,nc, c='g') # a green progress bar
for t1 in pb.range():  # for each time point
    if t1==nc-1: t2=t1 # avoid index overflow with last time point
    vp.actors=[]       # clean up the list of actors at each iteration
    vp.cylinder([0,0,-15], r=260, height=10, texture='marble', res=60)
    vp.cylinder([0,0, 10], r=260, height=50, wire=1, c='gray', res=60)

    pts, cols = [],[]    
    for i,p in enumerate(mesh): # for each vertex in the mesh
        c1, c2 = conc[t1,i], conc[t2,i]
        cgrad = abs(c2-c1)*cgradfac     # intensity of variation
        gx, gy, gz = np.random.randn(3) # make points wiggle a bit
        pts.append(p + vector(gx/4, gy/4, gz + c1*20))
        cols.append([0, c1, cgrad])     # RGB color

    vp.points(pts, c=cols, alpha=1.0, r=6)  # points actor
    vp.points(pts, c=cols, alpha=0.1, r=30) # halos actor
    vp.camera.Azimuth(60/nc) # rotate camera by a fraction
    vp.show() # show the four new actors at each iteration

Пример #22
"""Generate 3 random sets of points and align
them using Procrustes method.
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u

from vtkplotter import Plotter, alignProcrustes, Points

vp = Plotter(shape=[1, 2], axes=2, sharecam=0)

N = 15  # number of points
x = 1.0  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x) + i) for i in range(N)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x) + 3, u(0, x) + i / 2 + 2, u(0, x) + i + 1) for i in range(N)]
pts3 = [(u(0, x) + 4, u(0, x) + i / 4 - 3, u(0, x) + i - 2) for i in range(N)]

vpts1 = Points(pts1, c="r").legend("set1")
vpts2 = Points(pts2, c="g").legend("set2")
vpts3 = Points(pts3, c="b").legend("set3")

vp.show(vpts1, vpts2, vpts3, __doc__, at=0)

# find best alignment among the n sets of Points,
# return an Assembly object formed by the aligned sets
aligned = alignProcrustes([vpts1, vpts2, vpts3])

# print(aligned.info['transform'])

vp.show(aligned, at=1, interactive=1)
Пример #23
# 1. An object is loaded and noise is added to its vertices.
# 2. the point cloud is smoothened with MLS (see moving_least_squares.py)
# 3. clean(actor) imposes a minimum distance among mesh points where
#    'tol' is the fraction of the actor size.
# 4. a triangular mesh is extracted from this set of sparse points
#    'bins' is the number of voxels of the subdivision
# NB: recoSurface only works with vtk version >7
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, recoSurface, smoothMLS2D
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(shape=(1, 4), axes=0)

act = vp.load('data/shapes/pumpkin.vtk')
vp.show(act, at=0)

noise = np.random.randn(act.N(), 3) * 0.05

act_pts0 = vp.points(act.coordinates() + noise, r=3)  #add noise
act_pts1 = act_pts0.clone()  #make a copy to modify
vp.show(act_pts0, at=1, legend='noisy cloud')

smoothMLS2D(act_pts1, f=0.4)  #smooth cloud, input actor is modified

print('Nr of points before cleaning polydata:', act_pts1.N())
act_pts1.clean(tol=0.01)  #impose a min distance among mesh points
print('             after  cleaning polydata:', act_pts1.N())

vp.show(act_pts1, at=2, legend='smooth cloud')
Пример #24

def d_dt(psi):  # find Psi(t+dt)-Psi(t) /dt with 4th order Runge-Kutta method
    k1 = f(psi)
    k2 = f(psi + dt / 2 * k1)
    k3 = f(psi + dt / 2 * k2)
    k4 = f(psi + dt * k3)
    return (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6

vp = Plotter(bg="white", interactive=0, axes=2, verbose=0)
vp.xtitle = ""
vp.ytitle = "Psi^2(x,t)"
vp.ztitle = ""

bck = vp.load(datadir + "images/schrod.png").scale(0.012).pos([0, 0, -0.5])
barrier = Line(list(zip(x, V * 15)), c="dr", lw=3)

lines = []
for j in range(150):
    for i in range(500):
        Psi += d_dt(Psi) * dt  # integrate for a while

    A = np.real(Psi * np.conj(Psi)) * 1.5  # psi squared, probability(x)
    coords = list(zip(x, A, [0] * len(x)))
    Aline = Tube(coords, c="db", r=0.08)
    vp.show(Aline, barrier, bck)

Пример #25
Mesh smoothing with two different VTK methods.

See also analogous Plotter method smoothMLS2D()
in exammples/advanced/moving_least_squares2D.py
from vtkplotter import Plotter, datadir

vp = Plotter(shape=(1, 3), axes=4)

# Load a mesh and show it
a0 = vp.load(datadir+"embryo.tif", c="v")
vp.show(a0, at=0)

# Adjust mesh using Laplacian smoothing
a1 = a0.clone().smoothLaplacian().color("crimson").alpha(1).legend("laplacian")
vp.show(a1, at=1)

# Adjust mesh using a windowed sinc function interpolation kernel
a2 = a0.clone().smoothWSinc().color("seagreen").alpha(1).legend("window sinc")
vp.show(a2, at=2)

vp.renderers[0].SetBackground(0.8, 1, 1)  # set first renderer color
vp.show(zoom=1.4, interactive=True)
Пример #26
Modify mesh vertex positions.
(vtkActor transformation matrix is reset when mesh is modified)
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Disc, Text
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(axes=4, interactive=0)

dsc = Disc()

coords = dsc.coordinates()

for i in range(50):
    noise = np.random.randn(len(coords), 3) * 0.02
    noise[:, 0] = 0  # only perturb z
    noise[:, 1] = 0
    dsc.setPoints(coords + noise)  # modify mesh
    vp.show(dsc, elevation=-1)


Пример #27
    See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutherford_scattering
    vp = Plotter(title='Particle Simulator',
    vp.camera.Elevation(20)  # Initial camera position

    vp.cube(wire=True, c='white')  # a wireframe cube

    sim = ParticleSim(dt=5e-6, iterations=200)
    sim.add_particle((-0.4, 0, 0),
                     fixed=True)  # the target

    positions = np.random.randn(500,
                                3) / 60  # generate a beam of 500 particles
    for p in positions:
        p[0] = -0.5  # Fix x position. Their charge are small/negligible compared to target:
                         vel=(1000, 0, 0),

    vp.show(interactive=True, resetcam=False)
Пример #28
# Example of reading a vtk file containing vtkStructuredPoints data
# (representing the orbitals of the electron in the hydrogen atom).
# The dataset contains an existing scalar array named 'probability_density'
# which is transformed into a color map.
# The list of existing arrays can be found by selecting an actor and
# pressing i in the rendering window.
import numpy as np
from vtkplotter import Plotter, vtkio

vp = Plotter(axes=4)

actor = vtkio.loadStructuredPoints('data/hydrogen.vtk')


scals = actor.scalars('probability_density')  # retrieve the array
scals[scals < 0.1] = 0.0  # put to zero low values (noise)
print('scalars min, max =', np.min(scals), np.max(scals))

# minus sign inverts color map
actor.pointColors(-scals, cmap='hot', alpha=0.05)

Пример #29
 pos = position corner number: horizontal [1-4] or vertical [11-14]
from vtkplotter import Plotter, datadir

vp = Plotter(axes=0, bg="w")

mesh = vp.load(datadir + "magnolia.vtk", c=0)

def slider1(widget, event):
    value = widget.GetRepresentation().GetValue()

def slider2(widget, event):
    value = widget.GetRepresentation().GetValue()

vp.addSlider2D(slider1, -9, 9, value=0, pos=4, title="color number")

               title="alpha value (opacity)")
Пример #30
class VirtualKeyboard:
    def __init__(self, songname=''):

        self.KB = dict()
        self.vp = None
        self.rightHand = None
        self.leftHand = None
        self.vpRH = None
        self.vpLH = None
        self.playsounds = True
        self.verbose = True
        self.songname = songname
        self.t0 = 0  # keep track of how many seconds to play
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.speedfactor = 1
        self.engagedfingersR = [False] * 6  # element 0 is dummy
        self.engagedfingersL = [False] * 6
        self.engagedkeysR = []
        self.engagedkeysL = []


    def makeHandActor(self, f=1):
        a1, a2, a3, c = (10 * f, 0, 0), (0, 7 * f, 0), (0, 0, 3 * f), (.7, 0.3,
        palm = Ellipsoid(pos=(0, -3, 0),
        wrist = Box(pos=(0, -9, 0),
                    length=6 * f,
        arm = Assembly([palm, wrist])
        self.vp.actors.append(arm)  # add actor to internal list
        f1 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((-2, 1.5, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=5, r=.8 * f, c=c))
        f2 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((-1, 3, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6, r=.7 * f, c=c))
        f3 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((0, 4, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6.2, r=.75 * f, c=c))
        f4 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((1, 3.5, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=6.1, r=.7 * f, c=c))
        f5 = self.vp.add(
            Cylinder((2, 2, 0), axis=(0, 1, 0), height=5, r=.6 * f, c=c))
        return [arm, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5]

    def build_RH(self, hand):
        if self.verbose: print('Building Right Hand..')
        self.rightHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpRH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpRH:  # initial x positions are superseded later
            limb.x(limb.x() * 2.5)
            limb.addPos([16.5 * 5 + 1, -7.5,
                         3])  # vtkplotter < 8.7.1 was addpos()

    def build_LH(self, hand):  #########################
        if self.verbose: print('Building Left Hand..')
        self.leftHand = hand
        f = utils.handSizeFactor(hand.size)
        self.vpLH = self.makeHandActor(f)
        for limb in self.vpLH:
            limb.x(limb.x() * 2.5)
            limb.addPos([16.5 * 3 + 1, -7.5,
                         3])  # vtkplotter < 8.7.1 was addpos()

    def build_keyboard(self):

        if self.verbose: print('Building Keyboard..')
        nts = ("C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B")
        tol = 0.12
        keybsize = 16.5  # in cm, span of one octave
        wb = keybsize / 7
        nr_octaves = 7
        span = nr_octaves * wb * 7

        self.vp = Plotter(title='PianoPlayer ' + __version__,
                          size=(700, 1400),

        #wooden top and base
            Box(pos=(span / 2 + keybsize, 6, 1),
                length=span + 1,
                width=5).texture('wood5'))  #top
            Box(pos=(span / 2 + keybsize, 0, -1),
                length=span + 1,
            Text('PianoPlayer ' + __version__,
                 pos=(18, 5.5, 2),
                 pos=(105, 4.8, 2),
        leggio = self.vp.add(
            Box(pos=(span / 1.55, 8, 10),
                length=span / 2,
                height=span / 8,
                c=(1, 1, 0.9)))
            Text('Playing\n\n' + self.songname, pos=[0, 0, 0], s=1.2,
                 c='k').rotateX(70).pos([49, 7, 9]))

        for ioct in range(nr_octaves):
            for ik in range(7):  #white keys
                x = ik * wb + (ioct + 1) * keybsize + wb / 2
                tb = self.vp.add(
                    Box(pos=(x, -2, 0),
                        length=wb - tol,
                self.KB.update({nts[ik] + str(ioct + 1): tb})
                if not nts[ik] in ("E", "B"):  #black keys
                    tn = self.vp.add(
                        Box(pos=(x + wb / 2, 0, 1),
                            length=wb * .6,
                    self.KB.update({nts[ik] + "#" + str(ioct + 1): tn})

    def play(self):
        printc('Press [0-9] to proceed by one note or for more seconds', c=1)
        printc('Press Esc to exit.', c=1)
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = self.runTime  # enable observer

        if self.rightHand:
            self.engagedkeysR = [False] * len(self.rightHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersR = [False] * 6  # element 0 is dummy
        if self.leftHand:
            self.engagedkeysL = [False] * len(self.leftHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersL = [False] * 6

        t = 0.0
        while True:
            if self.rightHand: self._moveHand(1, t)
            if self.leftHand: self._moveHand(-1, t)
            if t > 1000: break
            t += self.dt  # absolute time flows

        if self.verbose: printc('End of note sequence reached.')
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = None  # disable observer

    def _moveHand(self, side, t):  ############# runs inside play() loop
        if side == 1:
            c1, c2 = 'tomato', 'orange'
            engagedkeys = self.engagedkeysR
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersR
            H = self.rightHand
            vpH = self.vpRH
            c1, c2 = 'purple', 'mediumpurple'
            engagedkeys = self.engagedkeysL
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersL
            H = self.leftHand
            vpH = self.vpLH

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):  #####################
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time + n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str): continue
            if f and stop <= t <= stop + self.dt and engagedkeys[
                    i]:  #release key
                engagedkeys[i] = False
                engagedfingers[f] = False
                name = nameof(n)

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):  #####################
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time + n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str):
                print('Warning: cannot understand lyrics:', f, 'skip note', i)
            if f and start <= t < stop and not engagedkeys[
                    i] and not engagedfingers[f]:  #press key
                if i >= len(H.fingerseq): return
                engagedkeys[i] = True
                engagedfingers[f] = True
                name = nameof(n)

                if t > self.t0 + self.vp.clock:
                    self.t0 = t
                    self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=True)

                for g in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
                    vpH[g].x(side * H.fingerseq[i][g])
                         )  # index 0 is arm, put it where middle finger is

                fpress(vpH[f], c1)
                kpress(self.KB[name], c2)
                self.vp.show(zoom=2, interactive=False)

                if self.verbose:
                    msg = 'meas.' + str(n.measure) + ' t=' + str(round(t, 2))
                    if side == 1:
                        printc(msg, '\t\t\t\tRH.finger', f, 'hit', name, c='b')
                        printc(msg, '\tLH.finger', f, 'hit', name, c='m')

                if self.playsounds:
                    playSound(n, self.speedfactor)
                    time.sleep(n.duration * self.speedfactor)

    def runTime(self, key):
        secs = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
        if key not in secs: return
        printc('Will execute score for ' + key + ' seconds')
        self.vp.interactive = False
        self.vp.clock = int(key)