Пример #1
Verify that all example run scripts work correctly

import sys
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call
import unittest
import pytest
from vunit.sim_if.common import has_simulator, simulator_check

ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent

    not has_simulator()
    or simulator_check(lambda simclass: not simclass.supports_vhpi()),
    "A simulator/backend that supports interfacing with external C code is required",
class TestExamples(unittest.TestCase):
    Verify that example projects run correctly
    def setUp(self):
        self.output_path = str(Path(__file__).parent / "examples_run_out")
        self.report_file = str(Path(self.output_path) / "xunit.xml")

    def check(self, run_file, args=None, vhdl_standard="2008", exit_code=0):
        Run external run file and verify exit code
Пример #2
Acceptance test of VUnit end to end functionality

import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from os import environ
from subprocess import call
import sys
from tests.common import check_report
from vunit.sim_if.common import has_simulator, simulator_is

ROOT = Path(__file__).parent

@unittest.skipUnless(has_simulator(), "Requires simulator")
class TestVunitArtificial(unittest.TestCase):
    Acceptance test of VUnit end to end functionality using
    artificial test benches.
    def setUp(self):
        if simulator_is("activehdl"):
            self.output_path = str(ROOT / "artificial_out")
            # Spaces in path intentional to verify that it is supported
            self.output_path = str(ROOT / "artificial _out")

        self.report_file = str(Path(self.output_path) / "xunit.xml")
        self.artificial_run_vhdl = str(ROOT / "artificial" / "vhdl" / "run.py")
        self.artificial_run_verilog = str(ROOT / "artificial" / "verilog" /
Пример #3
from vunit import ROOT as RSTR
from vunit.builtins import VHDL_PATH
from vunit.sim_if.common import has_simulator, simulator_is, simulator_check


def simulator_supports_verilog():
    Returns True if simulator supports Verilog
    return simulator_is("modelsim", "incisive")

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
@mark.skipif(not has_simulator(), reason="Requires simulator")
class TestExternalRunScripts(TestCase):
    Verify that example projects run correctly

    @mark.skipif(not simulator_supports_verilog(), reason="Requires a Verilog simulator")
    def test_verilog_user_guide_example_project(self):
        self.check(ROOT / "examples/verilog/user_guide/run.py", exit_code=1)
                ("passed", "lib.tb_example_basic.all"),
                ("passed", "lib.tb_example.Test that a successful test case passes"),