def setUp(self): """Setup test fixture for each model test method.""" try: new_attrs = {} new_attrs.update(self.attrs) new_attrs.update(self.do_get_dependencies()) self.obj = self.klass(**new_attrs) DBSession.add(self.obj) DBSession.flush() return self.obj except: DBSession.rollback() raise
def test_query_obj(self): """Model objects can be queried""" obj = DBSession.query(self.klass).one() for key, value in self.attrs.items(): eq_(getattr(obj, key), value)
def tearDown(self): """Tear down test fixture for each model test method.""" DBSession.rollback()
def network(self, network_id, scenario_id): """This method returns a network page, with a list of networks.""" user_id = request.identity['user'].user_id net =, scenario_ids=[int(scenario_id)], **{'user_id':user_id}) if net.projection is not None and net.projection.strip() != "": try: if net.projection == 'WGS84': net_proj = 4326 else: net_proj = net.projection.split(':')[1] source_proj = osr.SpatialReference() source_proj.ImportFromEPSG(int(net_proj)) target_proj = osr.SpatialReference() target_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_proj, target_proj) for n in net.nodes: x = n.node_x y = n.node_y source_point = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT (%s %s)" % (x, y)) source_point.Transform(transform) n.node_x = source_point.GetX() n.node_y = source_point.GetY() except: log.critical("Unable to recognise projection %s"%net.projection) net.projection = None def get_layout_property(resource, prop, default): layout = {} if resource.layout is not None: layout = eval(resource.layout) elif resource.types: if resource.types[0].templatetype.layout is not None: layout = eval(resource.types[0].templatetype.layout) prop_value = default if layout.get(prop) is not None: prop_value = layout[prop] return prop_value json_net = {'nodes':[], 'edges':[]} for node in net.nodes: colour = get_layout_property(node, 'colour', 'red') size = get_layout_property(node, 'size', 1) node_dict = { 'id' : str(node.node_id), 'label': node.node_name, 'x' : float(node.node_x), 'y' : float(node.node_y), 'size' : size, 'color': colour, } json_net['nodes'].append(node_dict) for link in net.links: colour = get_layout_property(link, 'colour', 'red') width = get_layout_property(link, 'line_weight', 5) link_dict = { 'id' : str(link.link_id), 'source': str(link.node_1_id), 'target' : str(link.node_2_id), 'color': colour, 'size':width, 'type':'curve', 'hover_color':'#ccc', } json_net['edges'].append(link_dict) node_coords = {} node_name_map = {} for node in net.nodes: node_coords[node.node_id] = [node.node_y, node.node_x]; node_name_map[node.node_id] = node.node_name link_coords = {} for link in net.links: link_coords[link.link_id] = [node_coords[link.node_1_id], node_coords[link.node_2_id]] attributes = [] rs_dict = {} if scenario_id is not None: network_data = HydraServer.lib.scenario.get_resource_data('NETWORK', network_id, scenario_id, None, **{'user_id':user_id}) for rs in network_data: rs_dict[rs.resource_attr_id] = rs.dataset for a in net.attributes: attr = {} attr['attr_id'] = a.attr_id attr['resource_attr_id'] = a.resource_attr_id attr['is_var'] = a.attr_is_var attr['name'] = a.attr_name attr['value'] = rs_dict.get(a.resource_attr_id) attributes.append(attr) DBSession.expunge_all() return dict(network=net, scenario_id=scenario_id, environment=request.environ, attributes=attributes, link_coords=link_coords, node_coords=node_coords, node_name_map=node_name_map, json_net = json.dumps(json_net), projection = net.projection)