Пример #1
def hello():
    x = request.args.get('x')
    y = request.args.get('y')
    Re = float(request.args.get('Re'))
    M = float(request.args.get('M'))
    Alpha = float(request.args.get('Alpha'))
    x = x.split()
    y = y.split()
    ctrlX = [float(ele) for ele in x]
    ctrlY = [float(ele) for ele in y]
    bezierX, bezierY = airfoil(ctrlX, ctrlY, 16)

    xf = XFoil()
    xf.Re = Re
    xf.M = 0
    xf.max_iter = 100
    xf.airfoil = Airfoil(np.array(bezierX), np.array(bezierY))
    aero = xf.a(Alpha)
    xcp, cp = xf.get_cp_distribution()
    y = savgol_filter(cp, 5, 2)
    for i in range(30):
        y = savgol_filter(y, 5, 2)
    LD = aero[0] / aero[1]
    vol = PolyArea(bezierX, bezierY)


    return jsonify(result=str(round(aero[0], 3)) + " " +
                   str(round(aero[1], 3)) + " " + str(round(aero[2], 3)) +
                   " " + str(round(LD, 2)) + " " + str(round(vol, 3)),
    def step(self, action):
        #        assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))
        ''' action 包含 6 個機翼形狀控制參數以及 1 個攻角'''
        angular = action[6]
        k = action[0:6]
        '''將機翼控制座標傳入 airfoil, 並計算翼面之座標'''
        airfoil = construct_airfoil(*k)
        x, y = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(100))
        '''將座標傳入 xfoil '''
        self.xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=x, y=y)
        #        state = self.state
        self.xf.Re = 1e6
        self.xf.M = 0.04
        '''計算 cl, cd, cm, cp 當角度為 angular 時'''
        cl, cd, cm, cp = self.xf.a(angular)
        '''如果結果不穩定, 有無限大之值, 重設 state'''
        if np.isnan(cl) or np.isnan(cd) or np.isnan(cm) or np.isnan(cp):
            reward = -10.0
            #            self.state = self.reset()
            done = 0
            '''如果結果穩定, 結束這個 weight 的計算'''
            reward = cl / cd
            #            reward = cl
            '''從機翼座標裡抽取 11 點當作 state'''
            x1, y1 = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(6))
            '''state : 22 個機翼形狀值, 1 個角度, 1 個 cl, cd'''
            #            self.state = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.append(x1, y1),angular), cl), cd)
            #            self.state = np.append(np.append(x1, y1),angular)
            self.state = np.append(x1, y1)
            done = 1

        return np.array(self.state), reward, done, {}
Пример #3
    def reset(self):
#        (.01, .4), (.05, .4), (1, 3), (0.05, 3), (0.4, 8), (1, 10)
#        0.08813299, 0.28250898, 2.80168427, 2.56204214, 1.48703742, 8.53824561
        '''為了避免 state 有無窮大的值, 所以設定decays範圍'''
#        decays = [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625]
        decays = [1.0, 0.999, 0.995, 0.99, 0.95, 0.9, 0.5]
        for decay in decays:
            tmp1 = self.np_random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=(7,))
#        tmp = tmp * [0.39, 0.35, 2.0, 2.95, 7.6, 9, 10] + [0.01, 0.05, 1, 0.05, 0.4, 1, 0]
#        tmp = tmp * [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 1.0, 5] + [0.08813299, 0.28250898, 2.50168427, 2.56, 1.487, 8.54, 0]

        # k = [0.1584, 0.1565, 2.1241, 1.8255, 3.827, 11.6983]
            tmp1 = tmp1 * decay
            tmp = tmp1 * [0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 5] + [0.1584, 0.1565, 2.1241, 1.8255, 11.6983, 3.827, 6]
            airfoil = construct_airfoil(*tmp)
            x, y = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(100))
            self.xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=x, y=y)
            self.xf.Re = 1e6
            self.xf.M = 0.04
            cl, cd, cm, cp = self.xf.a(tmp[6])
            if not np.isnan(cl):

        x, y = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(6))
        self.xf.Re = 1e6
        self.xf.M = 0.04
#        self.state = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.append(x, y), tmp1[6]), cl), cd)
#        self.state = np.append(np.append(x, y), tmp1[6])
        self.state = np.append(x, y)
        self.steps_beyond_done = None
        return np.array(self.state)
Пример #4
    def step1(self, action):
        #        assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))
        angular = action[6]
        k = action[0:6]
        airfoil = construct_airfoil(*k)
        x, y = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(100))
        x1, y1 = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(6))
        self.xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=x, y=y)
        #        state = self.state
        self.xf.Re = 1e6
        self.xf.M = 0.04
        cl, cd, cm, cp = self.xf.a(angular)
        if np.isnan(cl) or np.isnan(cd) or np.isnan(cm) or np.isnan(cp):
#            reward = np.nan
            reward = -10
#            self.state = self.reset()
            done = 0
#            reward = cl/cd
            reward = cl
            done = 1
#            self.state = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.append(x1, y1),angular), cl), cd)
#            self.state = np.append(np.append(x1, y1),angular)
            self.state = np.append(x1, y1)

        return np.array(self.state), reward, done, x, y
Пример #5
 def airfoil(self):
     """Airfoil: Instance of the Airfoil class."""
     n = self._lib.get_n_coords()
     x = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros(n), dtype=c_float)
     y = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros(n), dtype=c_float)
     self._lib.get_airfoil(x.ctypes.data_as(fptr), y.ctypes.data_as(fptr),
     return Airfoil(x.astype(float), y.astype(float))
Пример #6
def get_cl(coord, xf=None, angle=5):
  if xf is None:
    xf = XFoil()
    xf.print = False

  xf.Re = 3e6
  xf.max_iter = 100
  datax, datay = coord.reshape(2, -1)
  xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=datax, y=datay)
  c = xf.a(angle)
  cl= c[0]
  return cl
Пример #7
    def evaluate(self, individual):
        ratios = self.decoder(individual, self.code_division)
        datlist_list = [fc.read_datfile(file) for file in self.datfiles]
        datlist_shaped_list = [
            fc.shape_dat(datlist) for datlist in datlist_list
        newdat = fc.interpolate_dat(datlist_shaped_list, ratios)

        foil_para = fc.get_foil_para(newdat)

        datx = np.array([ax[0] for ax in newdat])
        daty = np.array([ax[1] for ax in newdat])
        newfoil = Airfoil(x=datx, y=daty)

        mt, mta, mc, mca, s = foil_para

        penalty = 0
        for g, p in zip(self.gs, self.penalties):
            if (not g):
                penalty += p

        xf = XFoil()
        xf.airfoil = newfoil
        xf.Re = self.re
        xf.max_iter = 60

        print(self.assigns, self.datfiles)
        scope = locals()
        exec(self.assigns, scope)
            obj1, obj2, obj3 = [eval(o) for o in self.Os]
        except IndexError as e:
            obj1, obj2, obj3 = [1.0] * self.NOBJ
        except SyntaxError as e:
            raise ValueError("invalid objection")

        if (np.isnan(obj1) or obj1 > 1):
            obj1 = 1
        if (np.isnan(obj2) or obj2 > 1):
            obj2 = 1
        if (np.isnan(obj3) or obj3 > 1):
            obj3 = 1

        obj1 += penalty
        obj2 += penalty
        obj3 += penalty

        return [obj1, obj2, obj3]
    def __init__(self):
        self.xf = XFoil()
        self.min_action = np.array([0.1, 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0.4, 1.0, 0.0])
        self.max_action = np.array([0.4, 0.4, 3.0, 3.0, 8.0, 10.0, 10.0])
        ''' 測試開始, 可省略測試'''
        #        (.01, .4), (.05, .4), (1, 3), (0.05, 3), (0.4, 8), (1, 10)

        #        self.xf.airfoil = naca0012
        #        k = [0.08813299, 0.28250898, 2.80168427, 2.56204214, 1.48703742, 8.53824561]
        #        k = [0.34422, 0.38976, 1.1, 2.9989, 1.6071, 9.9649]
        k = [0.1584, 0.1565, 2.1241, 1.8255, 11.6983, 3.827]  # org
        #        k = [0.1784, 0.1365, 2.1201, 1.8057, 3.8071, 11.7009]
        #        k = [0.1472, 0.1638, 2.1041, 1.8156, 3.8141, 11.6808]
        #        k = [0.1784, 0.1365, 2.1201, 1.8057, 3.8071, 11.7009]
        #        k = [0.1783,  0.1366,  2.1283,  1.8073,  3.8325, 11.7176]
        #        k = [0.25840,  0.14474,  2.22410,  1.92550, 11.59984,  3.92623]
        airfoil = construct_airfoil(*k)
        x, y = get_coords_plain(airfoil._spline(100))
        self.xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=x, y=y)
        #        test_airfoil = NACA4(2, 3, 15)
        #        a = test_airfoil.max_thickness()
        #        self.xf.airfoil = test_airfoil.get_coords()
        self.xf.Re = 1e6
        self.xf.M = 0.04
        self.xf.print = False
        cl, cd, cm, cp = self.xf.a(9)
        x = np.array(x, dtype='float32')
        y = np.array(y, dtype='float32')
        reward = cl / cd
        #        reward = cl
        ''' 測試結束, 可省略測試'''

        #        cl, cd, cm, cp = self.xf.a(12.2357)
        #        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(30)
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(self.min_action,

        #        high = np.array([100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0])
        high = np.array([
            100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
            100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
            100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
            -high, high, dtype=np.float32)  #創建state大小(25,f22機翼,b3cl.cd.aoa)
        self.viewer = None
        self.state = None
        self.steps_beyond_done = None
Пример #9
def analyze_airfoil(x,
    Analyze an airfoil at a given lift coefficient for given Reynolds and Mach numbers using XFoil.

    x : array_like
        Airfoil x-coordinates
    y_u, y_l : array_like
        Airfoil upper and lower curve y-coordinates
    cl : float
        Target lift coefficient
    rey, mach : float
        Reynolds and Mach numbers
    xf : XFoil, optional
        An instance of the XFoil class to use to perform the analysis. Will be created if not given
    pool : multiprocessing.ThreadPool, optional
        An instance of the multiprocessing.Threadpool class used to run the xfoil_worker. Will be created if not given
    show_output : bool, optional
        If True, a debug string will be printed after analyses. False by default.

    cd, cm : float or np.nan
        Drag and moment coefficients of the airfoil at specified conditions, or nan if XFoil did not run successfully
    # If the lower and upper curves swap, this is a bad, self-intersecting airfoil. Return 1e27 immediately.
    if np.any(y_l > y_u):
        return np.nan
        clean_xf = False
        if xf is None:
            xf = XFoil()
            xf.print = show_output
            clean_xf = True

        clean_pool = False
        if pool is None:
            pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)
            clean_pool = True

        xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=np.concatenate((x[-1:0:-1], x)),
                             y=np.concatenate((y_u[-1:0:-1], y_l)))
        xf.Re = rey
        xf.M = mach
        xf.max_iter = 100
        xf.n_crit = 0.1
        cd, cm = pool.apply(xfoil_worker, args=(xf, cl))

    if clean_xf:
        del xf
    if clean_pool:
        del pool

    return cd, cm, None if clean_xf else xf
 def aerofoilModelling(self):
     file_data = self.aerofoilDat()
     self.aerofoilModel = Airfoil(file_data[:, 0], file_data[:, 1])
def cem(n_iterations=140, max_t=1000, gamma=1.0, print_every=10, pop_size=50, elite_frac=0.2, sigma=0.6, loop_no=10):
    """PyTorch implementation of the cross-entropy method.
        n_iterations (int): maximum number of training iterations
        max_t (int): maximum number of timesteps per episode
        gamma (float): discount rate
        print_every (int): how often to print average score (over last 100 episodes)
        pop_size (int): size of population at each iteration
        elite_frac (float): percentage of top performers to use in update
        sigma (float): standard deviation of additive noise

    scores_deque = deque(maxlen=100)
    scores = []
    best_weight = sigma*np.random.randn(agent.get_weights_dim())   # 一組
#    best_weight = 2*np.random.randn(agent.get_weights_dim())
    best_reward = 0
    best_state = agent.set_state()
    g_best_reward = 0

    for i_iteration in range(1, n_iterations+1):
        weights_pop = [best_weight + (sigma*np.random.randn(agent.get_weights_dim())) for i in range(pop_size)]
        sigma = sigma * 0.975
#        sigma = sigma * 0.95
#        rewards = np.array([agent.evaluate(weights, gamma, max_t) for weights in weights_pop])
        rewards = []
        actions = []
        states = []
        bb_reward = 0
        for weights in weights_pop:
            reward, action, state = agent.evaluate(weights, gamma, max_t, best_state)
            if reward > bb_reward:
                bb_reward = reward
        rewards = np.asarray(rewards, dtype=np.float32)
        elite_idxs = rewards.argsort()[-n_elite:]
        elite_weights = [weights_pop[i] for i in elite_idxs]
        mean_weight = np.array(elite_weights).mean(axis=0)
        best_weight = weights_pop[elite_idxs[n_elite-1]]
        best_action = actions[elite_idxs[n_elite-1]]
        best_state = states[elite_idxs[n_elite-1]]
        best_reward = rewards[elite_idxs[n_elite-1]]

        '''如果將上面 best_state 輸入到最好的類神經網路平均權值, 看看是否有更好的 reward'''
        reward, action, x, y, state = agent.evaluate_act(mean_weight, gamma=1.0, action=best_action, state=best_state)
        print(i_iteration, best_reward, reward)
        best_x = x
        best_y = y
        if reward > best_reward:
            best_action = action
            best_reward = reward
            best_x = x
            best_y = y
            best_state = state
            best_weight = np.array(elite_weights).mean(axis=0)

        if best_reward > g_best_reward:
            g_best_action = action
            g_best_reward = best_reward
            g_best_x = best_x
            g_best_y = best_y
            g_best_state = best_state
            g_best_weight = best_weight
#        scores_deque.append(reward)
#        scores.append(reward)

        torch.save(agent.state_dict(), 'checkpoint.pth')
        if i_iteration % print_every == 0:
            print('Episode {}\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_iteration, np.mean(scores_deque)))

        if np.mean(scores_deque)>=190.0:
            print('\nEnvironment solved in {:d} iterations!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_iteration-100, np.mean(scores_deque)))
    print (g_best_action)
    print (g_best_x)
    print (g_best_y)
#    np.savetxt(file_name, best_reward)
#    np.savetxt(file_name, best_reward_list)
#    np.savetxt(file_name, best_action)
    env.env.xf.airfoil = Airfoil(x=g_best_x, y=g_best_y)
    #        test_airfoil = NACA4(2, 3, 15)
    #        a = test_airfoil.max_thickness()
    #        self.xf.airfoil = test_airfoil.get_coords()
    cl, cd, cm, cp = env.env.xf.a(g_best_action[6])

    file_name = "reward"+str(loop_no)+".txt"
    f = open(file_name, 'w')
    f.write("%5.5f\n\n" % g_best_reward)
    f.write("%5.5f\n" % cl)
    f.write("%5.5f\n" % cd)
    f.write("%5.5f\n" % cm)
    f.write("%5.5f\n\n" % cp)
    for i in range(len(g_best_action)):
        f.write("%5.5f\n" % g_best_action[i])
    for i in range(len(scores)):
        if np.isnan(scores[i]):
            f.write("%5.5f\n" % scores[i])


    #        state = self.state
    return scores
Пример #12
    def evaluate(self,individual):

        ratios = self.decoder(individual, self.code_division)

        datlist_list = [fc.read_datfile(file) for file in self.datfiles]
        datlist_shaped_list = [fc.shape_dat(datlist) for datlist in datlist_list]
        newdat = fc.interpolate_dat(datlist_shaped_list,ratios)

        #foilpara == [最大翼厚、最大翼厚位置、最大キャンバ、最大キャンバ位置、S字の強さ]
        foil_para = fc.get_foil_para(newdat)

        datx = np.array([ax[0] for ax in newdat])
        daty = np.array([ax[1] for ax in newdat])
        newfoil = Airfoil(x = datx, y = daty)

        mt, mta, mc, mca, s = foil_para

        penalty = 0
        for g, p in zip(self.gs, self.penalties):
            if(not g):
                penalty += p

        penalty = 0
            print("out of the border")
            penalty -= mc
            print("out of the border")
            penalty += 0.08-mt
            print("out of the border")
            penalty += mt-0.11
        #    print("out of the border")
        #    print("peacock")
        #    print('===================')
        #    return (1.0+(foil_para[4]-0.03),)*NOBJ
            print("out of the border")
            print("Atama Dekkachi!")
            penalty += 0.23 - mta
            print("out of the border")
            print("Oshiri Dekkachi!")
            penalty += mta - 0.3

        xf = XFoil()
        xf.airfoil = newfoil
        xf.Re = self.re
        xf.max_iter = 60
        #scope = locals()
        #var0, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 = [0 if var == None or var == '' else eval(var,scope) for var in self.vars]

        a, cl, cd, cm, cp = xf.cseq(0.4, 1.1, 0.1)
        lr = [l/d for l, d in zip(cl,cd)]
            obj1,obj2,obj3 = [eval(o) for o in Os]
        except Exception as e:

            obj1 = 1/lr[1]
            maxlr = max(lr)
            maxlr_index = lr.index(maxlr)
            obj2 = abs(maxlr - lr[maxlr_index+1])

            obj3 = s
        except Exception as e:

        if (np.isnan(obj1) or obj1 > 1):
            obj1 = 1
        if (np.isnan(obj2) or obj2 > 1):
            obj2 = 1
        if (np.isnan(obj3) or obj3 > 1):
            obj3 = 1

        obj1 += penalty
        obj2 += penalty
        obj3 += penalty

        return [obj1, obj2, obj3]
Пример #13
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 8))

klist = [1]

for k in range(1):
    x = aifoils[k]['x'].values
    y = aifoils[k]['y'].values

    ang_low = -32
    ang_high = 32
    ang_spacing = 2

    xfc = XFoil()
    xfc.airfoil = Airfoil(x, y)
    xfc.Re = re[k]
    xfc.max_iter = 40
    ac, clc, cdc, cmc, cpminc = xfc.aseq(ang_low, ang_high, ang_spacing)

    df = aifoils_cfd[k].where(aifoils_cfd[k]['alpha [deg]'] >= aoa_l)
    df = df.where(aifoils_cfd[k] <= aoa_h)
    df = df.dropna()  #.values

    cl_panel = []
    cdp_panel = []

    for aoa in df['alpha [deg]']:
        data_xy = aifoils[k].values
        CL, CDP, Cp, pp = panel(data_xy[:, :], alfader=aoa)
Пример #14
def evaluate(individual):
    global code_division

    ratios = decoder(individual, code_division)

    datlist_list = [fc.read_datfile(file) for file in datfiles]
    datlist_shaped_list = [fc.shape_dat(datlist) for datlist in datlist_list]
    newdat = fc.interpolate_dat(datlist_shaped_list,ratios)

    #foilpara == [最大翼厚、最大翼厚位置、最大キャンバ、最大キャンバ位置、S字の強さ]
    foil_para = fc.get_foil_para(newdat)

    datx = np.array([ax[0] for ax in newdat])
    daty = np.array([ax[1] for ax in newdat])
    newfoil = Airfoil(x = datx, y = daty)

    mt, mta, mc, mca, s = foil_para

    penalty = 0
        print("out of the border")
        penalty -= mc
        print("out of the border")
        penalty += 0.08-mt
        print("out of the border")
        penalty += mt-0.11
    #    print("out of the border")
    #    print("peacock")
    #    print('===================')
    #    return (1.0+(foil_para[4]-0.03),)*NOBJ
        print("out of the border")
        print("Atama Dekkachi!")
        penalty += 0.23 - mta
        print("out of the border")
        print("Oshiri Dekkachi!")
        penalty += mta - 0.3

    xf = XFoil()
    xf.airfoil = newfoil
    xf.Re = 1.5e5
    xf.max_iter = 60
    xf.repanel(n_nodes = 300)
    xf.print = False
    a, cl, cd, cm, cp = xf.cseq(0.4, 1.1, 0.1)
    lr = [l/d for l, d in zip(cl,cd)]
        obj1 = 1/lr[1]
        maxlr = max(lr)
        maxlr_index = lr.index(maxlr)
        obj2 = abs(maxlr - lr[maxlr_index+1])

        obj3 = foil_para[4]
    except Exception as e:

    if (np.isnan(obj1) or obj1 > 1):
        obj1 = 1
    if (np.isnan(obj2) or obj2 > 1):
        obj2 = 1
    if (np.isnan(obj3) or obj3 > 1):
        obj3 = 1

    obj1 += penalty
    obj2 += penalty
    obj3 += penalty


    return [obj1, obj2, obj3]
Пример #15
    def evaluate(self, individual):
        DELTA = 1e10
        ratios = self.decoder(individual, self.code_division)

        datlist_list = [fc.read_datfile(file) for file in self.datfiles]
        datlist_shaped_list = [
            fc.shape_dat(datlist) for datlist in datlist_list
        newdat = fc.interpolate_dat(datlist_shaped_list, ratios)

        mt, mta, mc, mca, s, crossed, bd, bt, bc, smooth, td = fc.get_foil_para(

        datx = np.array([ax[0] for ax in newdat])
        daty = np.array([ax[1] for ax in newdat])
        newfoil = Airfoil(x=datx, y=daty)

        penalty = 0
        if (mc < 0):
            penalty -= mc
        if (mt < 0.08):
            penalty += 0.08 - mt
        if (mt > 0.11):
            penalty += mt - 0.11
        if (mta < 0.23):
            penalty += 0.23 - mta
        if (mta > 0.3):
            penalty += mta - 0.3

        xf = XFoil()
        xf.airfoil = newfoil
        xf.Re = self.re
        xf.max_iter = 60
        xf.print = False

        a, cl, cd, cm, cp = xf.cseq(0.4, 1.1, 0.1)
            obj1 = 1 / lr[1]

            maxlr = max(lr)
            maxlr_index = lr.index(maxlr)
            obj2 = abs(maxlr - lr[maxlr_index + 1])

            obj3 = s

        except Exception as e:
            obj1, obj2, obj3 = [DELTA] * self.NOBJ

        if (np.isnan(obj1) or obj1 > 1):
            obj1 = DELTA
        if (np.isnan(obj2) or obj2 > 1):
            obj2 = DELTA
        if (np.isnan(obj3) or obj3 > 1):
            obj3 = DELTA

        obj1 += penalty
        obj2 += penalty
        obj3 += penalty

        return [obj1, obj2, obj3]
Пример #16
    def evaluate(self,individual):
        DELTA = 1e10
        x = individual[:int(len(individual)/2)]
        y = individual[int(len(individual)/2):]
        if not (all([u - d > 0 for u, d in zip(y[:int(len(y)/2)], y[int(len(y)/2):])]) or all([u - d < 0 for u, d in zip(y[:int(len(y)/2)], y[int(len(y)/2):])])):
            return [DELTA*10]*self.NOBJ
        newdat = fc.spline_foil(x, y, 200)
        shape_dat = fc.shape_dat([[a, b] for a, b in zip(newdat[0][::-1], newdat[1][::-1])])

        foil_para = fc.get_foil_para(shape_dat)
        mt, mta, mc, mca, s, crossed, bd, bt, bc, smooth, td = foil_para
        # mt: 最大翼厚(百分率)
        # mta: 最大翼厚位置(百分率)
        # mc: 最大キャンバー(百分率)
        # mca: 最大きゃんばー位置(百分率)
        # s: 翼型の下面における、最大y座標-最小y座標
        # crossed: 翼型が交差しているならTrue,それ以外ならFalse
        # bd: 翼型の粗さ(大きいほど粗い)
        # bt: 翼厚分布の粗さ(大きいほど粗い)
        # bc: キャンバー分布の粗さ(大きいほど粗い)
        # smooth: 無視
        # td: 翼厚分布

        if crossed:
            return [DELTA*10]*self.NOBJ

        datx = np.array(newdat[0][::-1])
        daty = np.array(newdat[1][::-1])
        newfoil = Airfoil(x = datx, y = daty)

        penalty = 0
        if not all([t >= 0.0035 for t in td[10:80]]):
            penalty += 100 * (sum([abs(t - 0.0035)*10 for t in td[15:85] if t - 0.0035 < 0]))
        if not all([t <= 0.015 for t in td[:15]]):
            penalty += 100 * (sum([abs(t - 0.015)*10 for t in td[:15] if t > 0.015]))
        if mta > 0.4:
            penalty += 100 * (mta - 0.4)
        if mc < 0.0:
            penalty += 100 * (-mc)
        if datx[0] > 1.002 or datx[0] < 0.998:
            print("invalid foil")
            return [DELTA*10]*self.NOBJ
            xf = XFoil()
            xf.airfoil = newfoil
            xf.Re = self.re
            xf.print = False
            xf.max_iter = 40

            #xf.polar = "polar" + id
            #xf.repanel(n_nodes = 180)
            #result = xf.OneAlpha()
            cl, cd, cm, cp  = xf.a(5.0)
            if cl >= 0:
                obj1 = 1/cl
                obj1 = self.delta
            obj2 = cd

        except Exception as e:

        if (np.isnan(obj1)):
            obj1 = DELTA
        if (np.isnan(obj2)):
            obj2 = DELTA

        return [obj1 + penalty, obj2 + penalty]
Пример #17
def feature_xfoil(cst_u,
                  Minf: float,
    Evaluate by xfoil and extract features.

    cst-u, cst-l:   list of upper/lower CST coefficients of the airfoil. \n
    t:      airfoil thickness or None \n
    Minf:   free stream Mach number for wall Mach number calculation \n
    Re, AoA (deg): flight condition (s), float or list, for Xfoil \n
    n_crit: critical amplification ratio for transition in xfoil \n
    fname:  output file name. If None, then no output \n

    ### Dependencies: cst-modeling3d, xfoil  

    from cst_modeling.foil import cst_foil
    from xfoil import XFoil
    from xfoil.model import Airfoil

    #TODO: Build foil
    #! 201 is the maximum amount of points that xfoil can handle
    #! tail = 0.001 is to avoid point overlap
    xx, yu, yl, t0, R0 = cst_foil(201, cst_u, cst_l, x=None, t=t, tail=0.001)

    #! xfoil do not support leading edge of (0,0) on both upper and lower surface
    x = np.array(list(reversed(xx[1:])) + xx[1:])
    y = np.array(list(reversed(yu[1:])) + yl[1:])
    foil = Airfoil(x, y)

    #TODO: Xfoil
    xf = XFoil()
    xf.print = False
    xf.airfoil = foil
    xf.max_iter = 40

    #* Transition by power law
    xf.n_crit = n_crit

    #TODO: Xfoil calculation
    if not isinstance(Re, list):
        Re = [Re]
        AoA = [AoA]

    n = len(Re)
    for i in range(n):


        if Re[i] is not None:
            xf.Re = Re[i]

        cl, cd, cm, cp = xf.a(AoA[i])
        x, cp = xf.get_cp_distribution()

        print(xf.Re, AoA[i], cl)

        #* Extract features
        fF = PhysicalXfoil(Minf, AoA[i], Re[i])
        fF.setdata(x, y, cp)

        #* Output
        if fname is None:

        if i == 0:
            f = open(fname, 'w')
            f = open(fname, 'a')

        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('Minf', Minf))
        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('AoA', AoA[i]))
        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('Re', Re[i] / 1e6))
        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('CL', cl))
        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('Cd', cd))
        f.write('%10s   %15.6f \n' % ('Cm', cm))

        fF.output_features(fname=fname, append=True)
Пример #18
import os
import math
from xfoil import XFoil
from xfoil.model import Airfoil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# load .dat files
array6409 = np.loadtxt("NACA6409.dat", skiprows=1)
array2412 = np.loadtxt("NACA2412.dat", skiprows=1)
naca6409 = Airfoil(x=1.155 * array6409[:, 0], y=2.541 * array6409[:, 1])
naca2412 = Airfoil(x=1.155 * array2412[:, 0], y=2.541 * array2412[:, 1])

# xf = XFoil()
# xf.airfoil = naca6409
# xf.Re = 1e6
# xf.max_it er = 40
# print(xf.a(10)[0])

# load blade profile - fixed values : pitch, chord_length
base_dir = r'C:\Users\USER\dev\mechanics'
csv_file = 'blade_profile.csv'
csv_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, csv_file)
df = pd.read_csv(csv_dir)

# df to dict
dfdict = df.to_dict(orient="index")
density = 1.225
df_collection = []

import os
import math
from xfoil import XFoil
from xfoil.model import Airfoil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# load .dat files
array6409 = np.loadtxt("NACA6409.dat", skiprows=1)
array2412 = np.loadtxt("NACA2412.dat", skiprows=1)
naca6409 = Airfoil(x=array6409[:, 0], y=array6409[:, 1])
naca2412 = Airfoil(x=array2412[:, 0], y=array2412[:, 1])
# naca6409 = Airfoil(x=1.155*array6409[:, 0], y=2.541*array6409[:, 1])
# naca2412 = Airfoil(x=1.155*array2412[:, 0], y=2.541*array2412[:, 1])
# xf = XFoil()
# xf.airfoil = naca6409
# xf.Re = 1e6
# xf.max_it er = 40
# print(xf.a(10)[0])

# load blade profile - fixed values : pitch, chord_length
base_dir = r'C:\Users\USER\dev\mechanics'
csv_file = 'blade_profile_50-8.csv'
csv_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, csv_file)
df = pd.read_csv(csv_dir)

# df to dict
dfdict = df.to_dict(orient="index")
density = 1.225
# df_collection = []
Пример #20
from xfoil.model import Airfoil

from cfdpost.section.physical import PhysicalXfoil

if __name__ == "__main__":

    t0 = time.perf_counter()

    #TODO: CST airfoil for Xfoil
    cst_u = [ 0.135283,  0.088574,  0.177210,  0.080000,  0.231590,  0.189572,  0.192000]
    cst_l = [-0.101390, -0.007993, -0.240000, -0.129790, -0.147840, -0.000050,  0.221251]
    xx, yu, yl, t0, R0 = cst_foil(101, np.array(cst_u), np.array(cst_l), x=None, t=0.0954, tail=0.002)

    x = np.concatenate((np.flip(xx[1:]), xx[1:]), axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate((np.flip(yu[1:]), yl[1:]), axis=0)
    foil = Airfoil(x, y)

    #TODO: Xfoil
    xf = XFoil()
    xf.print = False
    xf.max_iter = 40
    xf.airfoil = foil
    xf.xtr = [0.0, 0.0]

    Minf = 0.2
    AoA  = 8.0
    Re   = 1e7
    fname = 'feature-xfoil.txt'

    xf.M = Minf
    xf.Re = Re