Пример #1
    def produceAlignedImagesStep(self, volumeIsCTFCorrected, fn, images):

        from numpy import array, dot
        fnOut = 'classes_aligned@' + fn
        MDin = MetaData(images)
        MDout = MetaData()
        n = 1
        hasCTF = MDin.containsLabel(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL)
        for i in MDin:
            fnImg = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, i)
            fnImgRef = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, i)
            maxCC = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, i)
            rot = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, i)
            tilt = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, i)
            psi = -1. * MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, i)
            flip = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_FLIP, i)
            if flip:
                psi = -psi
            eulerMatrix = Euler_angles2matrix(0., 0., psi)
            x = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X, i)
            y = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y, i)
            shift = array([x, y, 0])
            shiftOut = dot(eulerMatrix, shift)
            [x, y, z] = shiftOut
            if flip:
                x = -x
            id = MDout.addObject()
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, fnImg, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, fnImgRef, id)
                           "%05d@%s" % (n, self._getExtraPath("diff.stk")), id)
            if hasCTF:
                fnCTF = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, i)
                MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, fnCTF, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, maxCC, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, rot, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, tilt, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, psi, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X, x, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y, y, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_FLIP, flip, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ENABLED, 1, id)
            n += 1
        MDout.write(fnOut, xmipp.MD_APPEND)

        # Actually create the differences
        img = Image()
        imgRef = Image()
        if hasCTF and volumeIsCTFCorrected:
            Ts = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, MDin.firstObject())

        for i in MDout:
            img.readApplyGeo(MDout, i)
            imgRef.read(MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, i))
            if hasCTF and volumeIsCTFCorrected:
                fnCTF = MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, i)
                imgRef.applyCTF(fnCTF, Ts)
            imgDiff = img - imgRef
            imgDiff.write(MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE1, i))
Пример #2
    def produceAlignedImagesStep(self, volumeIsCTFCorrected, fn, images):

        from numpy import array, dot

        fnOut = "classes_aligned@" + fn
        MDin = MetaData(images)
        MDout = MetaData()
        n = 1
        hasCTF = MDin.containsLabel(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL)
        for i in MDin:
            fnImg = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, i)
            fnImgRef = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, i)
            maxCC = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, i)
            rot = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, i)
            tilt = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, i)
            psi = -1.0 * MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, i)
            flip = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_FLIP, i)
            if flip:
                psi = -psi
            eulerMatrix = Euler_angles2matrix(0.0, 0.0, psi)
            x = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X, i)
            y = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y, i)
            shift = array([x, y, 0])
            shiftOut = dot(eulerMatrix, shift)
            [x, y, z] = shiftOut
            if flip:
                x = -x
            id = MDout.addObject()
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, fnImg, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, fnImgRef, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE1, "%05d@%s" % (n, self._getExtraPath("diff.stk")), id)
            if hasCTF:
                fnCTF = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, i)
                MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, fnCTF, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, maxCC, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, rot, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, tilt, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, psi, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X, x, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y, y, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_FLIP, flip, id)
            MDout.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ENABLED, 1, id)
            n += 1
        MDout.write(fnOut, xmipp.MD_APPEND)

        # Actually create the differences
        img = Image()
        imgRef = Image()
        if hasCTF and volumeIsCTFCorrected:
            Ts = MDin.getValue(xmipp.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, MDin.firstObject())

        for i in MDout:
            img.readApplyGeo(MDout, i)
            imgRef.read(MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_REF, i))
            if hasCTF and volumeIsCTFCorrected:
                fnCTF = MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_CTF_MODEL, i)
                imgRef.applyCTF(fnCTF, Ts)
            imgDiff = img - imgRef
            imgDiff.write(MDout.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE1, i))
Пример #3
    def preRun(self):

        self.Iteration_Working_Directory = os.path.join(self.pmprotWorkingDir,'Iter_00'+ str(self.iterationNo))
        self.subtractionDir = self.workingDirPath(self.RunName)
        self.volsDir        = self.workingDirPath(self.volsDir)
        self.referenceDir   = self.workingDirPath(self.referenceDir)
        self.subImgsDir     = self.workingDirPath(self.subImgsDir)
        self.scaledImages   = self.workingDirPath(self.scaledImages)
        self.resultsImagesName = self.workingDirPath(self.resultsImagesName)
        self.localFilenameCurrentAngles = self.workingDirPath(self.localCurrentAngles)
        self.CtfGroupDirectory  = self.workingDirPath(self.CtfGroupDirectoryName)
        tmpCTFname              = join(self.CtfGroupDirectoryName,self.localStackCTFs)
        self.projmatchStackCTFs = join(self.pmprotWorkingDir,tmpCTFname)
        self.localStackCTFs     = self.workingDirPath(tmpCTFname)
        tmpCTFname            = join(self.CtfGroupDirectoryName,self.localDocCTFs)
        self.projmatchDocCTFs = join(self.pmprotWorkingDir,tmpCTFname)
        self.localDocCTFs     = self.workingDirPath(tmpCTFname)
        if(self.MaxChangeInAngles > 100):
        tmpFilename = self.current_angles
        self.filename_currentAngles = os.path.join(self.Iteration_Working_Directory,tmpFilename)
            md = MetaData(self.filename_currentAngles)
            img = Image()
            img.readApplyGeo(md,       1, False, DATA, ALL_IMAGES,False)
            (x,y,z,n) = img.getDimensions()
            factorX = x / self.dimX
            if (self.dimY<0):
                factorY = y / self.dimX
                factorY = y / self.dimY

            self.dRradiusMax = round(self.dRradiusMax/factorX)
            self.dRradiusMin = round(self.dRradiusMin/factorY)