Пример #1
    def __init__(self, action=NONE, pkt=None):

        @param action NONE (default), DROP, GET, FLOOD
        @param packet dpkt parsed packet
        packet.__init__(self, pkt)
        self.match = pyof.ofp_match()
        ##Idle timeout
        self.idle_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        ##Hard timeout
        self.hard_timeout = pyof.OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT
        self.priority = pyof.OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY
        ##Out port
        self.out_port = pyof.OFPP_NONE
        self.flags = 0

        if action == flow_entry.GET:
        elif action == flow_entry.FLOOD:
Пример #2
def get_ofp_match(in_port, packet):
    """Generate ofp_match from raw packet

    Note that OpenFlow uses outermost Ethertype, while dokt provides
    the innermost one.  And VLAN tag parsing is manually done.

    @param in_port input port of packet
    @param packet raw packet
    @return (ofp match, dpkt's packet)
    ofm = pyof.ofp_match()
    pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(packet)
    #In Port
    ofm.in_port = in_port

    #Get Ethernet
    ofm.dl_src = pu.byte_str2array(pkt.src)
    ofm.dl_dst = pu.byte_str2array(pkt.dst)
    ofm.dl_type = struct.unpack('>H',packet[12:14])[0]

    #802.1Q VLAN
    if (ofm.dl_type == dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_8021Q):
        ofm.dl_vlan = pkt.tag & VLAN_ID_MASK
        ofm.dl_vlan_pcp = (pkt.tag & VLAN_PRIORITY_MASK) >> VLAN_PRIORITY_SHIFT

    #Get IP if any
    if (isinstance(pkt.data, dpkt.ip.IP)):
        __get_ip_ofp_match(ofm, pkt.data)
    elif (isinstance(pkt.data, dpkt.arp.ARP)):
        __get_arp_ofp_match(ofm, pkt.data)

    return (ofm, pkt)