def Run():
    inst_type = _RunSubp(
        "curl -s")
    ami_id = _RunSubp("curl -s")
    public_ip = _RunSubp(
        "curl -s")

    # Get current datetime, hostname, instance type, ebs type
    global _fn_log0, _fn_log1
    _fn_log0 = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (inst_type,
        "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"), ami_id, public_ip)
    _fn_log1 = "../log/ioping/%s" % _fn_log0

    with Cons.MeasureTime("Setting up ..."):
        dn_rand_data = "/mnt/ebs-ssd1/rand-data"
        #Util.RunSubp("rm -rf %s" % dn_rand_data)
        Util.RunSubp("mkdir -p %s" % dn_rand_data)
            "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s/zeros bs=1M count=1000 > /dev/null 2>&1" %
        Util.RunSubp("mkdir -p /mnt/ebs-ssd1/ioping-tmp")
        #Cons.P("Logging to %s" % _fn_log0)

        Util.RunSubp("mkdir -p ../log/ioping")
        Util.RunSubp("touch %s" % _fn_log1)

    fn_rand_data = None

    while True:

        if fn_rand_data == None:
            fn_rand_data = "%s/%s" % (dn_rand_data,
            # Make a new file when the file size becomes too big
            filesize = os.path.getsize(fn_rand_data)
            if filesize > 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
                fn_rand_data = "%s/%s" % (dn_rand_data,

        # /dev/urandom too slow.
        #   dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dn_rand_data/`date +"%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%N"` bs=1M count=20 > /dev/null 2>&1
        # When the device gets full, it raises an exception and terminates.
        # It took 4 days and 12 hours to fill the 16TB EBS SSD volume.
        #   start: 160422-220627
        #   end  : 160427-093745
        cmd = "(openssl enc -aes-256-ctr" \
          " -pass pass:\"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)\" -nosalt" \
          " < %s/zeros >> %s)" \
          " && sync" \
          % (dn_rand_data, fn_rand_data)
def Run():
    with Cons.MeasureTime("Running an EC2 instance ..."):
        global _boto_client
        if _boto_client == None:
            _boto_client = boto3.client("ec2")

        inst_id = _RunEc2InstI2Xlarge()
def _PlotRandW4kLog(fn):
	fn_in = "plot-data/%s" % fn
	fn_out = "plot-data/randw-4k-lat-log-%s.pdf" % fn
	with Cons.MeasureTime("Plotting %s" % fn_out):
		env = os.environ.copy()
		env["FN_IN"] = fn_in
		env["FN_OUT"] = fn_out
		Util.RunSubp("gnuplot %s/randw-4k-log.gnuplot" % os.path.dirname(__file__), env)
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out, os.path.getsize(fn_out)))
def Setup():
    with Cons.MeasureTime("Setting up EBS SSD ..."):
        Util.RunSubp("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ebs-ssd1")
        Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/xvdc || true")

        # TODO: Are EBS volumes come TRIMmed when they are allocated?
        Util.RunSubp("sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -E nodiscard -L ebs-ssd1 /dev/xvdc")

        # -o discard for TRIM
        Util.RunSubp("sudo mount -t ext4 -o discard /dev/xvdc /mnt/ebs-ssd1")
        Util.RunSubp("sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/ebs-ssd1")
def _PlotSeqW100m(fn):
	fn_in = "plot-data/%s" % fn
	fn_out = "plot-data/seqw-100m-lat-%s.pdf" % fn

	with Cons.MeasureTime("Plotting %s" % fn_out):
		env = os.environ.copy()
		env["FN_IN"] = fn_in
		env["FN_OUT"] = fn_out

		Util.RunSubp("gnuplot %s/seqw-100m.gnuplot" % os.path.dirname(__file__), env)
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out, os.path.getsize(fn_out)))
def Setup():
	with Cons.MeasureTime("Setting up local SSD ..."):
		Util.RunSubp("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/local-ssd1")
		Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/xvdb || true")

		# Instance store volumes come TRIMmed when they are allocated.  Without
		# nodiscard, it takes about 80 secs for a 800GB SSD.
		Util.RunSubp("sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -E nodiscard -L local-ssd1 /dev/xvdb")

		# -o discard for TRIM
		Util.RunSubp("sudo mount -t ext4 -o discard /dev/xvdb /mnt/local-ssd1")
		Util.RunSubp("sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/local-ssd1")
def _SetHostnameWithAzPubIp():
    with Cons.MeasureTime("Setting hostname"):
        az = Util.RunSubp(
            "curl -s"
        pub_ip = Util.RunSubp(
            "curl -s")
        hn = "%s-%s" % (az, pub_ip.split(".")[-1])
        Cons.P("hostname: %s" % hn)

        cmd = "sudo sh -c 'echo \"%s\" > /etc/hostname'" % hn
        Util.RunSubp(cmd, shell=True)
        cmd = "sudo sed -i '/^ localhost.*/c\\ localhost %s' /etc/hosts" % hn
        Util.RunSubp(cmd, shell=True)
        cmd = "sudo service hostname restart"
def _GenLocalSsdData(fn):
	fn_plot_data = "plot-data/%s" % fn
	fn_raw = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn

	# Uncompress the raw files if not exist
	if not os.path.isfile(fn_raw):
		with Cons.MeasureTime("file %s doesn't exist. uncompressing from the archive" % fn_raw):
			cmd = "7z x -o../log/ioping %s.7z" % fn_raw

	# Generate one if not exist. Skip for now. It's fast enough.
	#if os.path.isfile(fn_plot_data):
	#	Cons.P("%s already exists" % fn_plot_data)
	#	return

	if not os.path.exists("plot-data"):

	with Cons.MeasureTime("Generating plot data %s" % fn_plot_data):
		with open(fn_raw) as fo_r, open(fn_plot_data, "w") as fo_w:
			fmt = "%13s" \
					" %5.1f" \
					" %3d %3d %5d %4d" \
					" %3d %3d %5d %3d" \
					" %6d"
			fo_w.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt,
				"datetime" \
				" blocks_used_percent" \
				" rr_4k_min rr_4k_avg rr_4k_max rr_4k_sd" \
				" rw_4k_min rw_4k_avg rw_4k_max rw_4k_sd" \
				" seqw_100m"

			# 160425-011752
			# 100 17430 5737 23499713 170 174 211 5
			# 100 14822 6747 27634597 134 148 231 17
			# 1 216553 5 484212179 216553 216553 216553 0
			# Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
			# /dev/xvda1       8115168 2545256   5134636  34% /
			# /dev/xvdb      769018760  173080 768829296   1% /mnt/local-ssd1

			i = 0
			dt = None
			block_used_percent_prev = None
			blocks_total = None
			blocks_used  = None
			rr_4k_min = None
			rr_4k_avg = None
			rr_4k_max = None
			rr_4k_sd  = None
			rw_4k_min = None
			rw_4k_avg = None
			rw_4k_max = None
			rw_4k_sd  = None
			seqw_100m = None
			for line in fo_r.readlines():
				if i == 0:
					dt = line.strip()
				# 4k rand read
				elif i == 1:
					t = line.split()
					if len(t) != 8:
						raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
					# All in us
					rr_4k_min = int(t[4])
					rr_4k_avg = int(t[5])
					rr_4k_max = int(t[6])
					rr_4k_sd  = int(t[7])
				elif i == 2:
					t = line.split()
					if len(t) != 8:
						raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
					# All in us
					rw_4k_min = int(t[4])
					rw_4k_avg = int(t[5])
					rw_4k_max = int(t[6])
					rw_4k_sd  = int(t[7])
				elif i == 3:
					t = line.split()
					if len(t) != 8:
						raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
					# All of the min, avg, max are the same since there is only 1 request
					# at a time.
					seqw_100m = int(t[4])
				elif i == 6:
					t = line.split()
					if (len(t) != 6) or (t[0] != "/dev/xvdb"):
						raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
					blocks_total = int(t[1])
					blocks_used  = int(t[2])

				i += 1
				if i == 7:
					block_used_percent = round(100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total, 1)
					if block_used_percent_prev != block_used_percent:
						fo_w.write((fmt + "\n") % (dt
							, (100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total)
							, rr_4k_min, rr_4k_avg, rr_4k_max, rr_4k_sd
							, rw_4k_min, rw_4k_avg, rw_4k_max, rw_4k_sd
							, seqw_100m
					block_used_percent_prev = block_used_percent
					i = 0
					dt = None
					blocks_total = None
					blocks_used  = None
					rr_4k_min = None
					rr_4k_avg = None
					rr_4k_max = None
					rr_4k_sd  = None
					rw_4k_min = None
					rw_4k_avg = None
					rw_4k_max = None
					rw_4k_sd  = None
					seqw_100m = None
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_plot_data, os.path.getsize(fn_plot_data)))
def _GenEbsSsdData(fn0, fn1):
	fn_plot_data = "plot-data/%s" % fn1
	fn_raw0 = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn0
	fn_raw1 = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn1

	# Generate one if not exist. Skip for now. It's fast enough.
	#if os.path.isfile(fn_plot_data):
	#	Cons.P("%s already exists" % fn_plot_data)
	#	return

	# Uncompress the raw files if not exist
	for fn in [fn_raw0, fn_raw1]:
		if not os.path.isfile(fn):
			with Cons.MeasureTime("file %s doesn't exist. uncompressing from the archive" % fn):
				cmd = "7z x -o../log/ioping %s.7z" % fn

	if not os.path.exists("plot-data"):

	with Cons.MeasureTime("Generating plot data %s" % fn_plot_data):
		with open(fn_plot_data, "w") as fo_w, open(fn_raw0) as fo_r0, open(fn_raw1) as fo_r1:
			fmt = "%13s" \
					" %5.1f" \
					" %3d %4d %5d %4d" \
					" %3d %4d %5d %4d" \
					" %6d"
			fo_w.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt,
				"datetime" \
				" blocks_used_percent" \
				" rr_4k_min rr_4k_avg rr_4k_max rr_4k_sd" \
				" rw_4k_min rw_4k_avg rw_4k_max rw_4k_sd" \
				" seqw_100m"

			#100 68474 1460 5981833 230 685 1631 568
			#100 74883 1335 5469866 495 749 4723 585
			#1 1690975 1 62010142 1690975 1690975 1690975 0
			#Filesystem       1K-blocks       Used   Available Use% Mounted on
			#/dev/xvda1         8115168    2676196     5003696  35% /
			#/dev/xvdc      17111375772 1565491700 15545867688  10% /mnt/ebs-ssd1

			i = 0
			dt = None
			block_used_percent_prev = None
			blocks_total = None
			blocks_used  = None
			rr_4k_min = None
			rr_4k_avg = None
			rr_4k_max = None
			rr_4k_sd  = None
			rw_4k_min = None
			rw_4k_avg = None
			rw_4k_max = None
			rw_4k_sd  = None
			seqw_100m = None

			for fo_r in [fo_r0, fo_r1]:
				for line in fo_r.readlines():
					#Cons.P("%d [%s]" % (i, line.strip()))
					if i == 0:
						dt = line.strip()
					# 4k rand read
					elif i == 1:
						t = line.split()
						if len(t) != 8:
							raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
						# All in us
						rr_4k_min = int(t[4])
						rr_4k_avg = int(t[5])
						rr_4k_max = int(t[6])
						rr_4k_sd  = int(t[7])
					elif i == 2:
						t = line.split()
						if len(t) != 8:
							raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
						# All in us
						rw_4k_min = int(t[4])
						rw_4k_avg = int(t[5])
						rw_4k_max = int(t[6])
						rw_4k_sd  = int(t[7])
					elif i == 3:
						t = line.split()
						if len(t) != 8:
							raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
						# All of the min, avg, max are the same since there is only 1 request
						# at a time.
						seqw_100m = int(t[4])
					elif i == 6:
						t = line.split()
						if (len(t) != 6) or (t[0] != "/dev/xvdc"):
							raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line)
						blocks_total = int(t[1])
						blocks_used  = int(t[2])

					i += 1
					if i == 7:
						block_used_percent = round(100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total, 1)
						if block_used_percent_prev != block_used_percent:
							fo_w.write((fmt + "\n") % (dt
								, (100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total)
								, rr_4k_min, rr_4k_avg, rr_4k_max, rr_4k_sd
								, rw_4k_min, rw_4k_avg, rw_4k_max, rw_4k_sd
								, seqw_100m
						block_used_percent_prev = block_used_percent
						i = 0
						dt = None
						blocks_total = None
						blocks_used  = None
						rr_4k_min = None
						rr_4k_avg = None
						rr_4k_max = None
						rr_4k_sd  = None
						rw_4k_min = None
						rw_4k_avg = None
						rw_4k_max = None
						rw_4k_sd  = None
						seqw_100m = None
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_plot_data, os.path.getsize(fn_plot_data)))