# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Exception.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_Identity_ice
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('ApplicationNotExistException'):
    _M_IceGrid.ApplicationNotExistException = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ApplicationNotExistException(Ice.UserException):
        '''This exception is raised if an application does not exist.'''
        def __init__(self, name=''):
            self.name = name

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `ObjectFactory.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule("Ice")
__name__ = "Ice"

if not _M_Ice.__dict__.has_key("ObjectFactory"):
    _M_Ice.ObjectFactory = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ObjectFactory(object):
        """A factory for objects. Object factories are used in several
places, for example, when receiving "objects by value" and
when Freeze restores a persistent object. Object factories
must be implemented by the application writer, and registered
with the communicator."""

        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Ice.ObjectFactory:
                raise RuntimeError("Ice.ObjectFactory is an abstract class")
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `WorldState.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module WorldStateTopic
_M_WorldStateTopic = Ice.openModule('WorldStateTopic')
__name__ = 'WorldStateTopic'

if not _M_WorldStateTopic.__dict__.has_key('Position'):
    _M_WorldStateTopic.Position = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Position(object):
        def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y

        def __hash__(self):
            _h = 0
            _h = 5 * _h + __builtin__.hash(self.x)
            _h = 5 * _h + __builtin__.hash(self.y)
            return _h % 0x7fffffff
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Geocloud.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module geocloud
_M_geocloud = Ice.openModule('geocloud')
__name__ = 'geocloud'

if not _M_geocloud.__dict__.has_key('AlreadyExists'):
    _M_geocloud.AlreadyExists = Ice.createTempClass()
    class AlreadyExists(Ice.UserException):
        def __init__(self, key=''):
            self.key = key

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)

        __repr__ = __str__

        _ice_name = 'geocloud::AlreadyExists'
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Plugin.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_LoggerF_ice
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Ice
__name__ = 'Ice'

if not _M_Ice.__dict__.has_key('Plugin'):
    _M_Ice.Plugin = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Plugin(object):
        '''A communicator plug-in. A plug-in generally adds a feature to a
communicator, such as support for a protocol.

The communicator loads its plug-ins in two stages: the first stage
creates the plug-ins, and the second stage invokes Plugin.initialize on
each one.'''
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Ice.Plugin:
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SRTcontrol.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module SRTControl
_M_SRTControl = Ice.openModule('SRTControl')
__name__ = 'SRTControl'

if not _M_SRTControl.__dict__.has_key('telescope'):
    _M_SRTControl.telescope = Ice.createTempClass()
    class telescope(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_SRTControl.telescope:
                raise RuntimeError('SRTControl.telescope is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::SRTControl::telescope')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::SRTControl::telescope'
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `Printer.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module Demo
_M_Demo = Ice.openModule('Demo')
__name__ = 'Demo'

if not _M_Demo.__dict__.has_key('Printer'):
    _M_Demo.Printer = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Printer(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Demo.Printer:
                raise RuntimeError('Demo.Printer is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Demo::Printer', '::Ice::Object')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::Demo::Printer'
文件: BridgeLib.py 项目: rmd13/Imaris
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab smartindent:

import numpy
import ImarisLib
import Ice
import sys
import time

#make tType available
_M_Imaris = Ice.openModule('Imaris')
tType = _M_Imaris.tType

imaris_types = {
    'eTypeUInt8': numpy.uint8,
    'eTypeUInt16': numpy.uint16,
    'eTypeFloat': numpy.float32

DEBUG = False

## Helper functions
def Reconnect(newId):
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `knltcp.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice
import img_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Included module IMG
_M_IMG = Ice.openModule('IMG')

# Start of module KTService
_M_KTService = Ice.openModule('KTService')
__name__ = 'KTService'

if '_t_BinaryStream' not in _M_KTService.__dict__:
    _M_KTService._t_BinaryStream = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::KTService::BinaryStream', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if 'Token' not in _M_KTService.__dict__:
    _M_KTService.Token = Ice.createTempClass()
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `DynamicExample.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import HelperTypes_ice

# Included module HelperTypes
_M_HelperTypes = Ice.openModule('HelperTypes')

# Start of module DynamicExample
_M_DynamicExample = Ice.openModule('DynamicExample')
__name__ = 'DynamicExample'

_M_DynamicExample._t_DynamicInvocations = IcePy.defineValue(
    '::DynamicExample::DynamicInvocations', Ice.Value, -1, (), False, True,
    None, ())

if 'DynamicInvocationsPrx' not in _M_DynamicExample.__dict__:
    _M_DynamicExample.DynamicInvocationsPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class DynamicInvocationsPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def groupByKey(self, seq, context=None):
            return _M_DynamicExample.DynamicInvocations._op_groupByKey.invoke(
# Ice version 3.7.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `server.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module demo
_M_demo = Ice.openModule('demo')
__name__ = 'demo'

_M_demo._t_math = IcePy.defineValue('::demo::math', Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                    True, None, ())

if 'mathPrx' not in _M_demo.__dict__:
    _M_demo.mathPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class mathPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def add(self, x, y, context=None):
            return _M_demo.math._op_add.invoke(self, ((x, y), context))

        def addAsync(self, x, y, context=None):
            return _M_demo.math._op_add.invokeAsync(self, ((x, y), context))
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `InstrumentationF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')
__name__ = 'Ice'

# Start of module Ice.Instrumentation
_M_Ice.Instrumentation = Ice.openModule('Ice.Instrumentation')
__name__ = 'Ice.Instrumentation'

if 'Observer' not in _M_Ice.Instrumentation.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.Instrumentation._t_Observer = IcePy.declareClass('::Ice::Instrumentation::Observer')

if 'CommunicatorObserver' not in _M_Ice.Instrumentation.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.Instrumentation._t_CommunicatorObserver = IcePy.declareClass('::Ice::Instrumentation::CommunicatorObserver')

# End of module Ice.Instrumentation

__name__ = 'Ice'
# Ice version 3.6.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `agent.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module DataPool
_M_DataPool = Ice.openModule('DataPool')
__name__ = 'DataPool'

if '_t_StringSeq' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool._t_StringSeq = IcePy.defineSequence('::DataPool::StringSeq',
                                                    (), IcePy._t_string)

if '_t_StringMap' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool._t_StringMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::DataPool::StringMap',
                                                      (), IcePy._t_string,

_M_DataPool.rpcPortDataServer = 21000

if 'InitParamManager' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool.InitParamManager = Ice.createTempClass()
# Ice version 3.5.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Net.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module x10
_M_x10 = Ice.openModule('x10')
__name__ = 'x10'

if 'Net' not in _M_x10.__dict__:
    _M_x10.Net = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Net(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_x10.Net:
                raise RuntimeError('x10.Net is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::x10::Net')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::x10::Net'
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Control.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module ControlTopic
_M_ControlTopic = Ice.openModule("ControlTopic")
__name__ = "ControlTopic"

if not _M_ControlTopic.__dict__.has_key("Control"):
    _M_ControlTopic.Control = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Control(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_ControlTopic.Control:
                raise RuntimeError("ControlTopic.Control is an abstract class")

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ("::ControlTopic::Control", "::Ice::Object")

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return "::ControlTopic::Control"
# Ice version 3.6.4
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `install.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module InstallModule
_M_InstallModule = Ice.openModule('InstallModule')
__name__ = 'InstallModule'

if 'InstallInterface' not in _M_InstallModule.__dict__:
    _M_InstallModule.InstallInterface = Ice.createTempClass()

    class InstallInterface(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_InstallModule.InstallInterface:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'InstallModule.InstallInterface is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::InstallModule::InstallInterface')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `IceStorm.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_SliceChecksumDict_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceStorm
_M_IceStorm = Ice.openModule('IceStorm')
__name__ = 'IceStorm'
_M_IceStorm.__doc__ = '''A messaging service with support for federation. In contrast to
most other messaging or event services, IceStorm supports typed
events, meaning that broadcasting a message over a federation is as
easy as invoking a method on an interface.'''

if not _M_IceStorm.__dict__.has_key('Topic'):
    _M_IceStorm._t_Topic = IcePy.declareClass('::IceStorm::Topic')
    _M_IceStorm._t_TopicPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceStorm::Topic')

if not _M_IceStorm.__dict__.has_key('LinkInfo'):
    _M_IceStorm.LinkInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `redirect.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module rd
_M_rd = Ice.openModule('rd')
__name__ = 'rd'

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_HashValueSet'):
    _M_rd._t_HashValueSet = IcePy.defineDictionary('::rd::HashValueSet', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_ReturnValueT'):
    _M_rd._t_ReturnValueT = IcePy.defineDictionary('::rd::ReturnValueT', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_StreamDataT'):
    _M_rd._t_StreamDataT = IcePy.defineSequence('::rd::StreamDataT', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_StringListT'):
    _M_rd._t_StringListT = IcePy.defineSequence('::rd::StringListT', (), IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_HashValueListT'):
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Registry.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import IceGrid_Exception_ice
import IceGrid_Session_ice
import IceGrid_Admin_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule("Ice")

# Included module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule("IceGrid")

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule("Glacier2")

# Start of module IceGrid
__name__ = "IceGrid"

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key("Registry"):
    _M_IceGrid.Registry = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Registry(Ice.Object):
        """The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions
# Ice version 3.7.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `nat.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module CONE
_M_CONE = Ice.openModule('CONE')
__name__ = 'CONE'

_M_CONE._t_Peer = IcePy.defineValue('::CONE::Peer', Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                    True, None, ())

if 'PeerPrx' not in _M_CONE.__dict__:
    _M_CONE.PeerPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class PeerPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def ping(self, peerID, context=None):
            return _M_CONE.Peer._op_ping.invoke(self, ((peerID, ), context))

        def pingAsync(self, peerID, context=None):
            return _M_CONE.Peer._op_ping.invokeAsync(self,
                                                     ((peerID, ), context))
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `guitar.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module guitarlib
_M_guitarlib = Ice.openModule('guitarlib')
__name__ = 'guitarlib'

if not _M_guitarlib.__dict__.has_key('Widget'):
    _M_guitarlib._t_Widget = IcePy.declareClass('::guitarlib::Widget')
    _M_guitarlib._t_WidgetPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::guitarlib::Widget')

if not _M_guitarlib.__dict__.has_key('Action'):
    _M_guitarlib.Action = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Action(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_guitarlib.Action:
                raise RuntimeError('guitarlib.Action is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::guitarlib::Action')
# Ice version 3.7.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `types.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Smarthouse
_M_Smarthouse = Ice.openModule('Smarthouse')
__name__ = 'Smarthouse'

if 'State' not in _M_Smarthouse.__dict__:
    _M_Smarthouse.State = Ice.createTempClass()

    class State(Ice.EnumBase):
        def __init__(self, _n, _v):
            Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)

        def valueOf(self, _n):
            if _n in self._enumerators:
                return self._enumerators[_n]
            return None

        valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `GazeListener.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import Common_ice

# Included module echoes
_M_echoes = Ice.openModule('echoes')

# Start of module echoes
__name__ = 'echoes'

if not _M_echoes.__dict__.has_key('GazeListener'):
    _M_echoes.GazeListener = Ice.createTempClass()
    class GazeListener(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_echoes.GazeListener:
                raise RuntimeError('echoes.GazeListener is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::echoes::GazeListener')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
# Ice version 3.6.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `FinancialNews.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module FinancialNews
_M_FinancialNews = Ice.openModule('FinancialNews')
__name__ = 'FinancialNews'

if 'Currency' not in _M_FinancialNews.__dict__:
    _M_FinancialNews.Currency = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Currency(Ice.EnumBase):

        def __init__(self, _n, _v):
            Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)

        def valueOf(self, _n):
            if _n in self._enumerators:
                return self._enumerators[_n]
            return None
        valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SSLInfo.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('SSLInfo'):
    _M_Glacier2.SSLInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
    class SSLInfo(object):
        '''Information taken from an SSL connection used for permissions
        def __init__(self, remoteHost='', remotePort=0, localHost='', localPort=0, cipher='', certs=None):
            self.remoteHost = remoteHost
            self.remotePort = remotePort
            self.localHost = localHost
            self.localPort = localPort
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `FileServer.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import IcePatch2.FileInfo_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module IcePatch2
_M_IcePatch2 = Ice.openModule('IcePatch2')

# Start of module IcePatch2
__name__ = 'IcePatch2'
_M_IcePatch2.__doc__ = """
IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and
efficient manner. Checksums ensure file integrity, and data is
compressed before downloading.

if '_t_ByteSeqSeq' not in _M_IcePatch2.__dict__:
    _M_IcePatch2._t_ByteSeqSeq = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::IcePatch2::ByteSeqSeq', (), _M_Ice._t_ByteSeq)
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `ITypes.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import omero_ModelF_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `simple.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import base_ice

# Included module Base
_M_Base = Ice.openModule('Base')

# Start of module SimpleService
_M_SimpleService = Ice.openModule('SimpleService')
__name__ = 'SimpleService'

if 'Simple' not in _M_SimpleService.__dict__:
    _M_SimpleService.Simple = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Simple(_M_Base.BaseService):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_SimpleService.Simple:
                raise RuntimeError('SimpleService.Simple is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Base::BaseService', '::Ice::Object',
   **   Generated by blitz/templates/resouces/combined.vm
   **   Copyright 2007, 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
   **   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
import Ice
import IceImport
import omero
from omero.rtypes import rlong
_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_model = Ice.openModule("omero.model")
__name__ = "omero.model"
class PixelsOriginalFileMapI(_omero_model.PixelsOriginalFileMap):

      PARENT =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_parent"
      CHILD =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_child"
      DETAILS =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_details"
      def errorIfUnloaded(self):
          if not self._loaded:
              raise _omero.UnloadedEntityException("Object unloaded:"+str(self))

      def throwNullCollectionException(self,propertyName):
          raise _omero.UnloadedEntityException(""+
          "Error updating collection:" + propertyName +"\n"+
          "Collection is currently null. This can be seen\n" +
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Pressure.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_model_Units_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module omero.model.enums
_M_omero.model.enums = Ice.openModule('omero.model.enums')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'

# Start of module omero.model
__name__ = 'omero.model'

if 'Pressure' not in _M_omero.model.__dict__:
    _M_omero.model.Pressure = Ice.createTempClass()
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `TouchListener.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module echoes
_M_echoes = Ice.openModule("echoes")
__name__ = "echoes"

if not _M_echoes.__dict__.has_key("TouchListener"):
    _M_echoes.TouchListener = Ice.createTempClass()

    class TouchListener(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_echoes.TouchListener:
                raise RuntimeError("echoes.TouchListener is an abstract class")

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ("::Ice::Object", "::echoes::TouchListener")

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return "::echoes::TouchListener"
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Session.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import Glacier2_Session_ice
import IceGrid_Exception_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')

# Start of module IceGrid
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if 'Session' not in _M_IceGrid.__dict__:
    _M_IceGrid.Session = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Session(_M_Glacier2.Session):
        '''A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `ObjectCache.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import Util_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Start of module MyUtil
__name__ = 'MyUtil'

if not _M_MyUtil.__dict__.has_key('_t_ObjectMap'):
    _M_MyUtil._t_ObjectMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::MyUtil::ObjectMap', (), IcePy._t_long, IcePy._t_Object)

if not _M_MyUtil.__dict__.has_key('ObjectResult'):
    _M_MyUtil.ObjectResult = Ice.createTempClass()
    class ObjectResult(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, data=None):
            self.data = data

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::MyUtil::ObjectResult')
# Ice version 3.7.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SmartHome.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module SmartHome
_M_SmartHome = Ice.openModule('SmartHome')
__name__ = 'SmartHome'

if 'DeviceException' not in _M_SmartHome.__dict__:
    _M_SmartHome.DeviceException = Ice.createTempClass()

    class DeviceException(Ice.UserException):
        def __init__(self):

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)

        __repr__ = __str__

        _ice_id = '::SmartHome::DeviceException'
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `IceBox.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice
import Ice_CommunicatorF_ice
import Ice_PropertiesF_ice
import Ice_SliceChecksumDict_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceBox
_M_IceBox = Ice.openModule('IceBox')
__name__ = 'IceBox'
_M_IceBox.__doc__ = '''IceBox is an application server specifically for Ice
applications. IceBox can easily run and administer Ice services
that are dynamically loaded as a DLL, shared library, or Java

if not _M_IceBox.__dict__.has_key('FailureException'):
    _M_IceBox.FailureException = Ice.createTempClass()
    class FailureException(Ice.LocalException):
        '''This exception is a general failure notification. It is thrown
for errors such as a service encountering an error during
initialization, or the service manager being unable
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Exporter.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_ServerErrors_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `visualization.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import common_ice
import primitives_ice

# Included module jderobot
_M_jderobot = Ice.openModule('jderobot')

# Start of module jderobot
__name__ = 'jderobot'

if 'Color' not in _M_jderobot.__dict__:
    _M_jderobot.Color = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Color(object):
        def __init__(self, r=0.0, g=0.0, b=0.0):
            self.r = r
            self.g = g
            self.b = b

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if other is None:
                return False
# Ice version 3.7.4
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Comunication.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Comunication
_M_Comunication = Ice.openModule('Comunication')
__name__ = 'Comunication'

_M_Comunication._t_Birateral = IcePy.defineValue('::Comunication::Birateral',
                                                 Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                                 True, None, ())

if 'BirateralPrx' not in _M_Comunication.__dict__:
    _M_Comunication.BirateralPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class BirateralPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def comunicationBilateral(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Comunication.Birateral._op_comunicationBilateral.invoke(
                self, ((s, ), context))

        def comunicationBilateralAsync(self, s, context=None):
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `IMGateForPhone.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import TalkCommon_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Included module com
_M_com = Ice.openModule('com')

# Included module com.xiaonei
_M_com.xiaonei = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei')

# Included module com.xiaonei.talk
_M_com.xiaonei.talk = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei.talk')

# Included module com.xiaonei.talk.common
_M_com.xiaonei.talk.common = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei.talk.common')

# Start of module com
__name__ = 'com'
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `file_backup_logic.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Start of module FileBackup
_M_FileBackup = Ice.openModule('FileBackup')
__name__ = 'FileBackup'

if 'Logic' not in _M_FileBackup.__dict__:
    _M_FileBackup.Logic = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Logic(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_FileBackup.Logic:
                raise RuntimeError('FileBackup.Logic is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::FileBackup::Logic', '::Ice::Object')
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `ReplicaCluster.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import SubjectObserver_ice
import Util_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Start of module xce
_M_xce = Ice.openModule('xce')
__name__ = 'xce'

# Start of module xce.serverstate
_M_xce.serverstate = Ice.openModule('xce.serverstate')
__name__ = 'xce.serverstate'

if not _M_xce.serverstate.__dict__.has_key('ServerStateInfo'):
    _M_xce.serverstate.ServerStateInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
    class ServerStateInfo(_M_MyUtil.SbjState):
        def __init__(self, servername='', identity='', prx=None, cluster=0, mod=0, status=0, newset=False):
            self.servername = servername
# Ice version 3.7.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Printer.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Demo
_M_Demo = Ice.openModule('Demo')
__name__ = 'Demo'

_M_Demo._t_Printer = IcePy.defineValue('::Demo::Printer', Ice.Value, -1, (),
                                       False, True, None, ())

if 'PrinterPrx' not in _M_Demo.__dict__:
    _M_Demo.PrinterPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class PrinterPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def printString(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Demo.Printer._op_printString.invoke(
                self, ((s, ), context))

        def printStringAsync(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Demo.Printer._op_printString.invokeAsync(
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `OnlineStatusService.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module xiaonei
_M_xiaonei = Ice.openModule("xiaonei")
__name__ = "xiaonei"

# Start of module xiaonei.talk
_M_xiaonei.talk = Ice.openModule("xiaonei.talk")
__name__ = "xiaonei.talk"

# Start of module xiaonei.talk.service
_M_xiaonei.talk.service = Ice.openModule("xiaonei.talk.service")
__name__ = "xiaonei.talk.service"

if not _M_xiaonei.talk.service.__dict__.has_key("OnlineStatusService"):
    _M_xiaonei.talk.service.OnlineStatusService = Ice.createTempClass()

    class OnlineStatusService(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `AWG.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
from . import device_repo_ice

# Included module device_repo_ice
_M_device_repo_ice = Ice.openModule('device_repo.device_repo_ice')

# Start of module device_repo_ice
__name__ = 'device_repo.device_repo_ice'

if '_t_RawWaveform' not in _M_device_repo_ice.__dict__:
    _M_device_repo_ice._t_RawWaveform = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::device_repo_ice::RawWaveform', (), IcePy._t_double)

_M_device_repo_ice._t_AWG = IcePy.defineValue('::device_repo_ice::AWG',
                                              Ice.Value, -1, (), False, True,
                                              None, ())

if 'AWGPrx' not in _M_device_repo_ice.__dict__:
    _M_device_repo_ice.AWGPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Locator.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_Locator_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Registry'):
    _M_IceGrid._t_Registry = IcePy.declareClass('::IceGrid::Registry')
    _M_IceGrid._t_RegistryPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceGrid::Registry')

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Query'):
    _M_IceGrid._t_Query = IcePy.declareClass('::IceGrid::Query')
    _M_IceGrid._t_QueryPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceGrid::Query')

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Locator'):
    _M_IceGrid.Locator = Ice.createTempClass()
# **********************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `RouterF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('Router'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_Router = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::Router')
    _M_Glacier2._t_RouterPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::Router')

# End of module Glacier2
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `MKS_Server.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key( '_struct_marker' ):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module MksIce
_M_MksIce = Ice.openModule( 'MksIce' )
__name__ = 'MksIce'

if not _M_MksIce.__dict__.has_key( 'Management' ):
    _M_MksIce.Management = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Management( Ice.Object ):
        def __init__( self ):
            if __builtin__.type( self ) == _M_MksIce.Management:
                raise RuntimeError( 'MksIce.Management is an abstract class' )

        def ice_ids( self, current = None ):
            return ( '::Ice::Object', '::MksIce::Management' )

        def ice_id( self, current = None ):
            return '::MksIce::Management'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import Ice.CommunicatorF_ice
import Ice.ServantLocatorF_ice
import Ice.Locator_ice
import Ice.FacetMap_ice
import Ice.Endpoint_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Ice
__name__ = 'Ice'

if 'ObjectAdapter' not in _M_Ice.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.ObjectAdapter = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ObjectAdapter(object):
        The object adapter provides an up-call interface from the Ice
        run time to the implementation of Ice objects.
        The object adapter is responsible for receiving requests
        from endpoints, and for mapping between servants, identities, and
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `fs.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module FS
_M_FS = Ice.openModule('FS')
__name__ = 'FS'

if not _M_FS.__dict__.has_key('Example'):
    _M_FS.Example = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Example(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, apilevel=0):
            self.apilevel = apilevel

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::FS::Example', '::Ice::Object')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::FS::Example'

        def ice_staticId():
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `base.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import exceptions_ice

# Included module Base
_M_Base = Ice.openModule('Base')

# Start of module Base
__name__ = 'Base'

if 'TBaseEntity' not in _M_Base.__dict__:
    _M_Base.TBaseEntity = Ice.createTempClass()

    class TBaseEntity(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, id=0, isValid=True, updateTime=0, createTime=0):
            self.id = id
            self.isValid = isValid
            self.updateTime = updateTime
            self.createTime = createTime

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
import platform
import threading
import Queue
import time
import path as pathModule

import omero
import omero.cli
import omero.rtypes

import Ice
import IceGrid
import Glacier2

import omero_FS_ice
monitors = Ice.openModule('omero.grid.monitors')

from omero.clients import ObjectFactory
from omero.util import make_logname, ServerContext, Resources
from omero.util.decorators import remoted, locked, perf
from omero.util.import_candidates import as_dictionary
from omero.util.concurrency import Timer, get_event
from omero.util.temp_files import create_path, remove_path

class MonitorState(object):
    Concurrent state which is tracked by a MonitorClientI

    class Entry(object):
   **   Generated by blitz/resources/templates/combined.vm
   **   Copyright 2007, 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
   **   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
import Ice
import IceImport
import omero
from omero.rtypes import rlong
from collections import namedtuple
_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_model = Ice.openModule("omero.model")
__name__ = "omero.model"

class ProjectI(_omero_model.Project):

    # Property Metadata
    _field_info_data = namedtuple("FieldData", ["wrapper", "nullable"])
    _field_info_type = namedtuple("FieldInfo", [
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `PermissionsVerifierF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('PermissionsVerifier'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_PermissionsVerifier = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier')
    _M_Glacier2._t_PermissionsVerifierPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier')

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('SSLPermissionsVerifier'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_SSLPermissionsVerifier = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::SSLPermissionsVerifier')
    _M_Glacier2._t_SSLPermissionsVerifierPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::SSLPermissionsVerifier')

# End of module Glacier2
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_model_IObject_ice
import omero_RTypes_ice
import omero_model_RTypes_ice
import omero_System_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'
 *   $Id$
 *   Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 *   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

import sys

import Ice
import omero
from omero.rtypes import *

_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_sys = Ice.openModule("omero.sys")
__name__ = "omero.sys"

class ParametersI(omero.sys.Parameters):
    Helper subclass of omero.sys.Parameters for simplifying method
    parameter creation.

    def __init__(self, parammap = None):
        If no argument is provided, creates an instance to prevent later
        NoneType exceptions. To save memory, it is possible to pass None
        as the first argument. 
# Ice version 3.6.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `sonars.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module jderobot
_M_jderobot = Ice.openModule('jderobot')
__name__ = 'jderobot'

if 'Time' not in _M_jderobot.__dict__:
    _M_jderobot.Time = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Time(object):
        def __init__(self, seconds=0, useconds=0):
            self.seconds = seconds
            self.useconds = useconds

        def __hash__(self):
            _h = 0
            _h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.seconds)
            _h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.useconds)
            return _h % 0x7fffffff
# Ice version 3.5.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `MediaFile.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module MediaFile
_M_MediaFile = Ice.openModule('MediaFile')
__name__ = 'MediaFile'

if '_t_ByteString' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile._t_ByteString = IcePy.defineSequence('::MediaFile::ByteString', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if '_t_FFMPEGParamsMap' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile._t_FFMPEGParamsMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::MediaFile::FFMPEGParamsMap', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if 'FileTransfer' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile.FileTransfer = Ice.createTempClass()
    class FileTransfer(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_MediaFile.FileTransfer:
                raise RuntimeError('MediaFile.FileTransfer is an abstract class')
# Generated from file `MetadataStore.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice
import omero_ModelF_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice
import omero_Scripts_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
# Generated from file `Reagent.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import omero_model_IObject_ice
import omero_RTypes_ice
import omero_System_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `cproxy.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Start of module CProxy
_M_CProxy = Ice.openModule('CProxy')
__name__ = 'CProxy'

if 'EndPoint' not in _M_CProxy.__dict__:
    _M_CProxy.EndPoint = Ice.createTempClass()

    class EndPoint(object):
        def __init__(self, Index=0, IpAddress='', Port=0):
            self.Index = Index
            self.IpAddress = IpAddress
            self.Port = Port

        def __hash__(self):