    def __init__(self, dispersion, wvls):
        """Initialize an instance of N_mixture class to store the index of
		refraction of a mixture with constant dispersion
		This method takes 2 arguments:
		  material          an instance of a mixture dispersion class;
		  wvls              the wavelengths at which to calculate the
		                    index of refraction."""

        self.wvls = wvls
        self.dispersion = dispersion
        if isinstance(self.dispersion, constant_mixture):
            self.f_N = self.dispersion.set_N_constant_mixture
            self.f_N_x = self.dispersion.set_N_constant_mixture_by_x
            self.f_dN = self.dispersion.set_dN_constant_mixture
        elif isinstance(self.dispersion, table_mixture):
            self.f_N = self.dispersion.set_N_table_mixture
            self.f_N_x = self.dispersion.set_N_table_mixture_by_x
            self.f_dN = self.dispersion.set_dN_table_mixture
        elif isinstance(self.dispersion, Cauchy_mixture):
            self.f_N = self.dispersion.set_N_Cauchy_mixture
            self.f_N_x = self.dispersion.set_N_Cauchy_mixture_by_x
            self.f_dN = self.dispersion.set_dN_Cauchy_mixture
        elif isinstance(self.dispersion, Sellmeier_mixture):
            self.f_N = self.dispersion.set_N_Sellmeier_mixture
            self.f_N_x = self.dispersion.set_N_Sellmeier_mixture_by_x
            self.f_dN = self.dispersion.set_dN_Sellmeier_mixture
        self.N = N(self.wvls)
        self.dN = N(self.wvls)
        self.length = 0
        self.N_graded = None
    def prepare_N_mixture_graded(self, length):
        """Prepare a mixture index instance to represent graded-index
		This method takes 1 argument:
		  length            the number of index levels to prepare."""

        self.length = length
        self.N_graded = [N(self.wvls) for i in range(self.length)]
    def __init__(self, num, denum=N(1)):
        if isinstance(num, N):
            self.num = num.toZ()
        elif isinstance(num, Z):
            self.num = num
            self.num = Z(num)

        if isinstance(denum, Z):
            if denum.sign:
                self.num = self.num * Z(-1)
            self.denum = abs(denum).toN()
        elif isinstance(denum, N):
            self.denum = denum
            self.denum = N(denum)

        # self.num = num # Числитель.
        # self.denum = denum  # Знаменатель.
        if self.denum == N(0):
            raise ZeroDivisionError("Divided by zero")
	async def _create_welcome(O,member,test_member_number:I=E):
		AR='of ';AQ='Welcome';q=test_member_number;K=member;C=await O.config.guild(K.guild).all();AD=C[g];AE=C[h];AF=C[e];AG=C[f];T=C[Z];AH=C[a];AI=C[b];AJ=C[c];AK=C[d];r=G.truetype(AD,AE);U=G.truetype(AF,AG);s=G.truetype(T,AH);t=G.truetype(T,AI);u=G.truetype(T,AJ);v=G.truetype(T,AK);w=F.open(C[A7]).convert(S);AL=F.open(O.imgpath+'/noimage.png');L=F.new(S,(500,150));L=n.fit(w,(500,150),centering=(0.5,0.5));L.paste(w);L=L.resize((500,150),F.NEAREST);V=F.new('L',(512,512),0);AM=R.Draw(V);AM.ellipse(((0,0),(512,512)),fill=255);i=J(C[A9]);V=V.resize(i,F.ANTIALIAS)
		try:P=m();await K.avatar_url.save(P,seek_begin=A);P=F.open(P).convert(S)
		except A4 as AS:o.error('ImgWelcome error in create_welcome:\n',exc_info=A);P=AL
		except A5:y=J(C[p])
		M=J(C[AA]);z=F.new('L',(512,512),0);AN=R.Draw(z);AN.ellipse((0,0)+(512,512),fill=255,outline=0);X=F.new(S,(512,512));AO=R.Draw(X);AO.ellipse([0,0,512,512],fill=(k[0],k[1],k[2],180),outline=(255,255,255,250));Y=await O._circle_border(i);X=X.resize(Y,F.ANTIALIAS);AP=z.resize(Y,F.ANTIALIAS);A0=7+I((136-Y[0])/2);A1=11+I((136-Y[0])/2);H=R.Draw(L);L.paste(X,(A0,A0),AP);L.paste(j,(A1,A1),j);E=B(K)
		def N(original_position:J,text:B,pixel_displacement:I,font,textoutline):D=textoutline;C=font;B=text;A=original_position;E=pixel_displacement;F=A[0]-E,A[1];G=A[0]+E,A[1];I=A[0],A[1]-E;J=A[0],A[1]+E;H.text(F,B,font=C,fill=D);H.text(G,B,font=C,fill=D);H.text(I,B,font=C,fill=D);H.text(J,B,font=C,fill=D);H.text(A,B,font=C,fill=D)
		if D(E)<=17:N((152,63),E,1,s,M);H.text((152,63),E,font=s,fill=W)
		if D(E)>17:
			if D(E)<=23:N((152,66),E,1,t,M);H.text((152,66),E,font=t,fill=W)
		if D(E)>=24:
			if D(E)<=32:N((152,70),E,1,u,M);H.text((152,70),E,font=u,fill=W)
		if D(E)>=33:N((152,73),E,1,v,M);H.text((152,73),E,font=v,fill=W)
		if not q:
			if not O.bot.intents.members:Q=K.guild.member_count+1
				try:Q=A6(K.guild.members,key=lambda m:m.joined_at).index(K)+1
				except A5:Q=K.guild.member_count+1
		A2=B(Q)+O._get_suffix(Q);A3=B(K.guild.name)+'!'if D(B(K.guild.name))<=28 else B(K.guild.name)[:23]+'...';N((152,96),f"You are the {B(A2)} member",1,U,M);H.text((152,96),f"You are the {B(A2)} member",font=U,fill=x);N((152,116),AR+A3,1,U,M);H.text((152,116),AR+A3,font=U,fill=x);l=m();L.save(l,format='PNG');l.seek(0);return l
def tryReverseOp(a, b, op):
    crutch = {type(N(0)): 1,
              type(Z(0)): 2,
              type(Q(0)): 3,
              type(poly(0)): 4

    # print( type( a ), type( b ) )
    # print( type(N(0)), type(Z(0)), type(Q(0)), type(poly(0)) )
    # print( a, op, b, ": ", type( a ), type( b ) )
    # print( self, "__add__", other, ": ", type( self ), type( other ) )
        if crutch[type(a)] < crutch[type(b)]:
            return eval('type(b)(a)' + op + 'b')
            # print( str( a ) + op + str( eval( "type(a)(b)" ) ) )
            return eval("a" + op + 'type(a)(b)')
        print(a, op, b, ": ", type(a), type(b))
        raise RuntimeError
    async def _create_welcome(O, member, test_member_number: I = E):
        AR = 'to '
        AQ = 'Welcome'
        q = test_member_number
        K = member
        C = await O.config.guild(K.guild).all()
        AD = C[g]
        AE = C[h]
        AF = C[e]
        AG = C[f]
        T = C[Z]
        AH = C[a]
        AI = C[b]
        AJ = C[c]
        AK = C[d]
        r = G.truetype(AD, AE)
        U = G.truetype(AF, AG)
        s = G.truetype(T, AH)
        t = G.truetype(T, AI)
        u = G.truetype(T, AJ)
        v = G.truetype(T, AK)
        w = F.open(C[A7]).convert(S)
        AL = F.open(O.imgpath + '/noimage.png')
        L = F.new(S, (500, 150))
        L = n.fit(w, (500, 150), centering=(0.5, 0.5))
        L = L.resize((500, 150), F.NEAREST)
        V = F.new('L', (512, 512), 0)
        AM = R.Draw(V)
        AM.ellipse(((0, 0), (512, 512)), fill=255)
        i = J(C[A9])
        V = V.resize(i, F.ANTIALIAS)
            P = m()
            await K.avatar_url.save(P, seek_begin=A)
            P = F.open(P).convert(S)
        except A4 as AS:
            o.error('ImgWelcome error in create_welcome:\n', exc_info=A)
            P = AL
        j = n.fit(P, i, centering=(0, 0))
        k = J(C[A8])
        W = J(C[p])
        x = J(C[AB])
            y = J(C[AC])
        except A5:
            y = J(C[p])
        M = J(C[AA])
        z = F.new('L', (512, 512), 0)
        AN = R.Draw(z)
        AN.ellipse((0, 0) + (512, 512), fill=255, outline=0)
        X = F.new(S, (512, 512))
        AO = R.Draw(X)
        AO.ellipse([0, 0, 512, 512],
                   fill=(k[0], k[1], k[2], 180),
                   outline=(255, 255, 255, 250))
        Y = await O._circle_border(i)
        X = X.resize(Y, F.ANTIALIAS)
        AP = z.resize(Y, F.ANTIALIAS)
        A0 = 7 + I((136 - Y[0]) / 2)
        A1 = 11 + I((136 - Y[0]) / 2)
        H = R.Draw(L)
        L.paste(X, (A0, A0), AP)
        L.paste(j, (A1, A1), j)
        E = B(K)

        def N(original_position: J, text: B, pixel_displacement: I, font,
            D = textoutline
            C = font
            B = text
            A = original_position
            E = pixel_displacement
            F = A[0] - E, A[1]
            G = A[0] + E, A[1]
            I = A[0], A[1] - E
            J = A[0], A[1] + E
            H.text(F, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(G, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(I, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(J, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(A, B, font=C, fill=D)

        N((150, 16), AQ, 1, r, M)
        H.text((150, 16), AQ, font=r, fill=y)
        if D(E) <= 17:
            N((152, 63), E, 1, s, M)
            H.text((152, 63), E, font=s, fill=W)
        if D(E) > 17:
            if D(E) <= 23:
                N((152, 66), E, 1, t, M)
                H.text((152, 66), E, font=t, fill=W)
        if D(E) >= 24:
            if D(E) <= 32:
                N((152, 70), E, 1, u, M)
                H.text((152, 70), E, font=u, fill=W)
        if D(E) >= 33:
            N((152, 73), E, 1, v, M)
            H.text((152, 73), E, font=v, fill=W)
        if not q:
            if not O.bot.intents.members: Q = K.guild.member_count + 1
                    Q = A6(K.guild.members,
                           key=lambda m: m.joined_at).index(K) + 1
                except A5:
                    Q = K.guild.member_count + 1
            Q = I(q)
        A2 = B(Q) + O._get_suffix(Q)
        A3 = B(K.guild.name) + '!' if D(B(
            K.guild.name)) <= 28 else B(K.guild.name)[:23] + '...'
        N((152, 109), AR + A3, 1, U, M)
        H.text((152, 109), AR + A3, font=U, fill=x)
        l = m()
        L.save(l, format='PNG')
        return l
-can be used to compute basis set for a general function f by checking all possible frequencies
	-don't have to do it for all phases since any phase can be given by weighted sum of integral with sin and cos

Fourier Transfor, More Formal
-see 2C-L1, video 9

Frequency Spectra
-largely only look at |F(w)|
-power spectra tends to fall off at higher frequency (for any natural signal)

-Fourier transform, F(w) exists if integral from -inf to inf of |f(x)| exists
-if there's an interval T outside of which f is 0, can only do Fourier transform integral on interval

Discrete Fourier Transform
-see 2C-L1, video 12
-discrete frequency k (cycles per image/interval) can only go from -N/2 to N/2 since min period is 2 (1 sample high, 1 sample low) so number of cycles over N (frequency) would be N/2

2D Fourier Transform
-see 2C-L1, video 13

-removing high frequency
	-ringing- ripples from not having high frequency to smooth image
-removing low frequency
	-gives edges
-sharpening filter
	-accentuate high frequencies
-pictures with a lot of angled lines leads to higher magnitude lines in frequency spectrum perpendicular to direction of lines in original image
-essentually assumes that image continues periodically past acutal bouds
	-gives high magnitude line in vertical direction from the Transform "sticking" top and bottom edges together
 def toN(self):
     if (self.isZ() and (self.num // self.denum >= Z(0))):
         return N(str(self.num // self.denum))
         raise RuntimeError("Z", str(self), "cannot be presented as N.")
from N import *
from Z import *
from Q import *
from poly import *

#poly = polynom( [ N([0]), N([3]), N([0]), Z([-1]) ] )
#print( "f(x) =", poly )

print(N([1, 3]))
q1 = Q(Z([2]), N(1))

print("Hello world!")
q1 = Q(Z(-24), N(142))
    async def _create_welcome(R, member, test_member_number: I = E):
        AQ = 'of '
        AP = 'Welcome'
        q = test_member_number
        K = member
        C = await R.config.guild(K.guild).all()
        AC = C[f]
        AD = C[g]
        AE = C[d]
        AF = C[e]
        S = C[Y]
        AG = C[Z]
        AH = C[a]
        AI = C[b]
        AJ = C[c]
        r = G.truetype(AC, AD)
        T = G.truetype(AE, AF)
        s = G.truetype(S, AG)
        t = G.truetype(S, AH)
        u = G.truetype(S, AI)
        v = G.truetype(S, AJ)
        w = F.open(C[A6]).convert(Q)
        AK = F.open(R.imgpath + '/noimage.png')
        L = F.new(Q, (500, 150))
        L = n.fit(w, (500, 150), centering=(0.5, 0.5))
        L = L.resize((500, 150), F.NEAREST)
        U = F.new('L', (512, 512), 0)
        AL = P.Draw(U)
        AL.ellipse(((0, 0), (512, 512)), fill=255)
        h = J(C[A8])
        U = U.resize(h, F.ANTIALIAS)
            O = m()
            await K.avatar_url.save(O, seek_begin=A)
            O = F.open(O).convert(Q)
        except A4 as AR:
            o.error('ImgWelcome error in create_welcome:\n', exc_info=A)
            O = AK
        i = n.fit(O, h, centering=(0, 0))
        j = J(C[A7])
        V = J(C[p])
        x = J(C[AA])
            y = J(C[AB])
        except TypeError:
            y = J(C[p])
        M = J(C[A9])
        z = F.new('L', (512, 512), 0)
        AM = P.Draw(z)
        AM.ellipse((0, 0) + (512, 512), fill=255, outline=0)
        W = F.new(Q, (512, 512))
        AN = P.Draw(W)
        AN.ellipse([0, 0, 512, 512],
                   fill=(j[0], j[1], j[2], 180),
                   outline=(255, 255, 255, 250))
        X = await R._circle_border(h)
        W = W.resize(X, F.ANTIALIAS)
        AO = z.resize(X, F.ANTIALIAS)
        A0 = 7 + I((136 - X[0]) / 2)
        A1 = 11 + I((136 - X[0]) / 2)
        H = P.Draw(L)
        L.paste(W, (A0, A0), AO)
        L.paste(i, (A1, A1), i)
        E = f"{B(K)}"

        def N(original_position: J, text: B, pixel_displacement: I, font,
            D = textoutline
            C = font
            B = text
            A = original_position
            E = pixel_displacement
            F = A[0] - E, A[1]
            G = A[0] + E, A[1]
            I = A[0], A[1] - E
            J = A[0], A[1] + E
            H.text(F, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(G, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(I, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(J, B, font=C, fill=D)
            H.text(A, B, font=C, fill=D)

        N((150, 16), AP, 1, r, M)
        H.text((150, 16), AP, font=r, fill=y)
        if D(E) <= 17:
            N((152, 63), E, 1, s, M)
            H.text((152, 63), E, font=s, fill=V)
        if D(E) > 17:
            if D(E) <= 23:
                N((152, 66), E, 1, t, M)
                H.text((152, 66), E, font=t, fill=V)
        if D(E) >= 24:
            if D(E) <= 32:
                N((152, 70), E, 1, u, M)
                H.text((152, 70), E, font=u, fill=V)
        if D(E) >= 33:
            N((152, 73), E, 1, v, M)
            H.text((152, 73), E, font=v, fill=V)
        if not q:
            k = A5(K.guild.members, key=lambda m: m.joined_at).index(K) + 1
            k = I(q)
        A2 = B(k) + R._get_suffix(k)
        A3 = B(K.guild.name) + '!' if D(B(
            K.guild.name)) <= 28 else B(K.guild.name)[:23] + '...'
        N((152, 96), f"You are the {B(A2)} member", 1, T, M)
        H.text((152, 96), f"You are the {B(A2)} member", font=T, fill=x)
        N((152, 116), AQ + A3, 1, T, M)
        H.text((152, 116), AQ + A3, font=T, fill=x)
        l = m()
        L.save(l, format='PNG')
        return l