def checkout(self):
        gateway = AfricasTalkingGateway(self.APP_USERNAME, self.API_KEY)

        # Specify the name of your Africa's Talking payment product
        productName = "ABC"
        # The phone number of the customer checking out
        phoneNumber = "+25471XXXXXX"
        # The 3-Letter ISO currency code for the checkout amount
        currencyCode = "KES"
        # The checkout amount
        amount = 100.50
        # Any metadata that you would like to send along with this request
        # This metadata will be  included when we send back the final payment notification
        metadata = {"agentId": "654", "productId": "321"}
        # The provider channel the payment will be initiated from e.g a paybill number
        providerChannel = None

            # Initiate the checkout. If successful, you will get back a transactionId
            transactionId = gateway.initiateMobilePaymentCheckout(
                productName, phoneNumber, currencyCode, amount, metadata,
            print "The transactionId is " + transactionId
        except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
            print 'Received error response: %s' % str(e)