def b2b(self):
        gateway = AfricasTalkingGateway(self.APP_USERNAME, self.API_KEY)

        # Specify the name of your Africa's Talking payment product
        productName = "ABC"
        # The 3-Letter ISO currency code for the checkout amount
        currencyCode = "KES"
        # Specify the amount to transfer
        amount = 100
        # Specify the payment provider. eg. MPESA, ATHENA (AfricasTalking Sandbox), etc
        provider = "myPaymentProvider"
        # Specify partner's business channel
        destinationChannel = "partnerBusinessChannel"
        # Specify partner's business channel account if needed. This is optional
        destinationAccount = "partnerBusinessChannelAccount"
        # Specify the transfer purpose
        transferType = "BusinessToBusinessTransfer"
        # Group providerData in a dict. This is done for convenience
        providerData = {
            'provider': provider,
            'destinationChannel': destinationChannel,
            'destinationAccount': destinationAccount,
            'transferType': transferType
        # Specify the metadata options. These data will be sent to you in a notification when payment has been made
        metadata = {'shopId': "1234", 'itemId': "abcde"}
            response = gateway.mobilePaymentB2BRequest(productName,
                                                       currencyCode, amount,
            print 'Encountered an error while sending: %s' % response['status']
            if (response['status'] == "Queued"):
                print 'transactionId=%s;transactionFee=%s;providerChannel=%s;' % (
                    response['transactionId'], recipient['transactionFee'],
                print 'errorMessage: %s' % response['errorMessage']
        except AfricasTalkingGatewayException, e:
            print 'Received error response: %s' % str(e)