def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, mode, struct, parentPlot, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # skip empty number = 0 for i in range(3): if(parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): number += 1 if (number == 3): return # number of bins to start numberOfBins = 10000 ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots[subStrucut] # plots = [] # initialize histograms for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): plots.append(mpsv_classes.PlotData(mode)) # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo.append(ROOT.TH1F("{0} {1} {2}".format(struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[ i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -1000, 1000)) else: plot.histo.append(ROOT.TH1F("{0} {1} {2}".format(struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[ i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -0.1, 0.1)) plot.histo[i].SetLineColor(6) plot.histo[i].SetStats(0) # add labels plot.title = ROOT.TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "Module: {0} {1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode)) plot.text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) plot.text.SetTextAlign(12) plot.text.SetTextSizePixels(20) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # fill histogram # for line in MillePedeUser: # is module ? if (line.ObjId == 1): for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] # module in struct ? if (subStruct.contains_detid(line.Id)): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].Fill( 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].Fill(line.Par[[i]]) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # find the best range # for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() != 0 and plot.histo[i].GetStdDev() != 0): # use binShift of the hole structure binShift = parentPlot.usedRange[i] # count entries which are not shown anymore # bin 1 to begin of histogram for j in range(1, numberOfBins / 2 - binShift): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # from the end of shown bins to the end of histogram for j in range(numberOfBins / 2 + binShift, plot.histo[i].GetNbinsX()): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # merge bins, ca. 100 should be visible in the resulting plot mergeNumberBins = binShift # skip empty histogram if (mergeNumberBins != 0): # the 2*maxBinShift bins should shrink to 100 bins mergeNumberBins = int( 2. * mergeNumberBins / config.numberofbins) # the total number of bins should be dividable by the bins # shrinked together if (mergeNumberBins == 0): mergeNumberBins = 1 while (numberOfBins % mergeNumberBins != 0 and mergeNumberBins != 1): mergeNumberBins -= 1 # Rebin and save new created histogram and axis plot.histo[i] = plot.histo[i].Rebin(mergeNumberBins) # set view range. it is important to note that the number of bins have changed with the rebinning # the total number and the number of shift must be # corrected with / mergeNumberBins plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetRange(int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) - binShift / mergeNumberBins), int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) + binShift / mergeNumberBins)) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # make the plots # canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("SubStruct_{0}_{1}".format( struct.get_name(), mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) parentPlot.title.Draw() legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) for i in range(3): + 2) # find y maximum maximum = [] if (parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): continue # normalize parent parentPlot.histo[i].Scale(1. / parentPlot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(parentPlot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() > 0): plot.histo[i].Scale(1. / plot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(plot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot # set range and plot parentPlot.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.1 * max(maximum)) parentPlot.histo[i].SetYTitle("normalized") parentPlot.histo[i].Draw() for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber].histo[i] plot.SetLineColorAlpha(subStructNumber + 2, 0.5) plot.Draw("same") if (i == 0): legend.AddEntry(plot, subStruct.get_name(), "l") legend.Draw() # draw identification ident = mpsv_style.identification(config) ident.Draw() canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print( "{0}/plots/pdf/subModules_{1}_{2}.pdf".format(config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # export as png image = ROOT.TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage( "{0}/plots/png/subModules_{1}_{2}.png".format(config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # add to output list output = mpsv_classes.OutputData(plottype="subMod", name=struct.get_name(), number=subStructNumber + 1, parameter=mode, filename="subModules_{0}_{1}".format(mode, struct.get_name())) config.outputList.append(output)
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") alignables.create_list(MillePedeUser) # number of bins to start numberOfBins = 10000 ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots[mode][struct] # plots = [] # loop over mode for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): plots.append([]) # loop over structures for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): plots[modeNumber].append(mpsv_classes.PlotData(mode)) # initialize histograms for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[modeNumber][structNumber] for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo.append(ROOT.TH1F("{0} {1} {2}".format(struct.get_name(),[ i], mode), "", numberOfBins, -1000, 1000)) else: plot.histo.append(ROOT.TH1F("{0} {1} {2}".format(struct.get_name(),[ i], mode), "", numberOfBins, -0.1, 0.1)) if (plot.unit!=""): plot.histo[i].SetXTitle("#Delta"[i]+" ["+plot.unit+"]") else: plot.histo[i].SetXTitle("#Delta"[i]) plot.histo[i].SetYTitle("number of alignables") plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8) plot.histoAxis.append(plot.histo[i].GetXaxis()) # add labels plot.title = ROOT.TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "Module: {0} {1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode)) plot.text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) plot.text.SetTextAlign(12) plot.text.SetTextSizePixels(20) # save copy plots[modeNumber][structNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # fill histogram # for line in MillePedeUser: # is module ? if (line.ObjId == 1): for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[modeNumber][structNumber] # module in struct ? if (struct.contains_detid(line.Id)): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].Fill( 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].Fill(line.Par[[i]]) # save copy plots[modeNumber][structNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # find the best range # for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[modeNumber][structNumber] for i in range(3): # get first and last bin with content and chose the one which # has a greater distance to the center if (abs(numberOfBins / 2 - plot.histo[i].FindFirstBinAbove()) > abs(plot.histo[i].FindLastBinAbove() - numberOfBins / 2)): plot.maxBinShift[i] = abs( numberOfBins / 2 - plot.histo[i].FindFirstBinAbove()) # set the maxShift value plot.maxShift[i] = plot.histo[i].GetBinCenter( plot.histo[i].FindFirstBinAbove()) else: plot.maxBinShift[i] = abs( plot.histo[i].FindLastBinAbove() - numberOfBins / 2) # set the maxShift value plot.maxShift[i] = plot.histo[i].GetBinCenter( plot.histo[i].FindLastBinAbove()) # skip empty histogram if (abs(plot.maxBinShift[i]) == numberOfBins / 2 + 1): plot.maxBinShift[i] = 0 # three types of ranges # 1. multiple of standard dev if (config.rangemode == "stddev"): for i in range(3): if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() != 0 and plot.histo[i].GetStdDev() != 0): # if the plotrange is much bigger than the standard # deviation use config.widthstdev * StdDev als Range if (max(plot.maxShift) / plot.histo[i].GetStdDev() > config.defpeak): # corresponding bin config.widthstdev*StdDev binShift = int(plot.histo[i].FindBin( config.widthstddev * plot.histo[i].GetStdDev()) - numberOfBins / 2) else: binShift = max(plot.maxBinShift) # save used binShift plot.binShift[i] = binShift # 2. show all if (config.rangemode == "all"): for i in range(3): plot.binShift[i] = plot.maxBinShift[i] # 3. use given ranges if (config.rangemode == "given"): for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): valuelist = config.rangexyzM if (mode == "rot"): valuelist = config.rangerotM if (mode == "dist"): valuelist = config.rangedistM for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if (abs(plot.maxShift[i]) < value): binShift = value break # if not possible, force highest if (abs(plot.maxShift[i]) > valuelist[-1]): binShift = valuelist[-1] # calculate binShift plot.binShift[i] = int( binShift / plot.histo[i].GetBinWidth(1)) # all plot the same range if (config.samerange == 1): for i in range(3): plot.binShift[i] = max(plot.binShift) # save used range for i in range(3): plot.usedRange[i] = plot.binShift[i] # count entries which are not shown anymore for i in range(3): # bin 1 to begin of histogram for j in range(1, numberOfBins / 2 - plot.binShift[i]): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # from the end of shown bins to the end of histogram for j in range(numberOfBins / 2 + plot.binShift[i], plot.histo[i].GetNbinsX()): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # apply new range for i in range(3): if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() != 0): # merge bins, ca. 100 should be visible in the resulting # plot mergeNumberBins = plot.binShift[i] # skip empty histogram if (mergeNumberBins != 0): # the 2*maxBinShift bins should shrink to 100 bins mergeNumberBins = int( 2. * mergeNumberBins / config.numberofbins) # the total number of bins should be dividable by the # bins shrinked together if (mergeNumberBins == 0): mergeNumberBins = 1 while (numberOfBins % mergeNumberBins != 0 and mergeNumberBins != 1): mergeNumberBins -= 1 # Rebin and save new created histogram and axis plot.histo[i] = plot.histo[i].Rebin(mergeNumberBins) plot.histoAxis[i] = plot.histo[i].GetXaxis() # set view range. it is important to note that the number of bins have changed with the rebinning # the total number and the number of shift must be # corrected with / mergeNumberBins plot.histoAxis[i].SetRange(int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) - plot.binShift[ i] / mergeNumberBins), int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) + plot.binShift[i] / mergeNumberBins)) # error if shift is bigger than limit limit = config.limit[mode] for i in range(3): # skip empty if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() > 0): if (plot.unit!=""): plot.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2} {2}".format([i], plot.maxShift[i], plot.unit)) if (abs(plot.maxShift[i]) > limit): plot.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1} {2}".format([i], limit, plot.unit)) else: plot.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2}".format([i], plot.maxShift[i])) if (abs(plot.maxShift[i]) > limit): plot.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1}".format([i], limit)) if (plot.hiddenEntries[i] != 0): plot.text.AddText("! {0}: {1} outlier !".format([i], int(plot.hiddenEntries[i]))) # save copy plots[modeNumber][structNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # make the plots # # show the skewness in the legend ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat("emrs") for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[modeNumber][structNumber] canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvasModules{0}_{1}".format( struct.get_name(), mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) plot.title.Draw() plot.text.Draw() # draw identification ident = mpsv_style.identification(config) ident.Draw() # is there any plot? plotNumber = 0 # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): if(plot.histo[i].GetEntries() > 0): plotNumber += 1 + 2) mpsv_style.setstatsize(canvas, plot.histo[i], config) plot.histo[i].DrawCopy() if (plotNumber == 0): break canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print( "{0}/plots/pdf/modules_{1}_{2}.pdf".format(config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # export as png image = ROOT.TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage( "{0}/plots/png/modules_{1}_{2}.png".format(config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # add to output list output = mpsv_classes.OutputData(plottype="mod", name=struct.get_name(), parameter=mode, filename="modules_{0}_{1}".format(mode, struct.get_name())) config.outputList.append(output) ###################################################################### # make plots with substructure # if config.showsubmodule: alignables.create_children_list() for modeNumber, mode in enumerate(["xyz", "rot", "dist"]): for structNumber, struct in enumerate(alignables.structures): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[modeNumber][structNumber] mpsv_subModule.plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, mode, struct, plot, config)
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # more space for labels ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.25) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat("emrs") for mode in ["xyz", "rot"]: big = mpsv_classes.PlotData(mode) # count number of needed bins and max shift for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): if (mode == "xyz"): line.Par[[i]] *= 10000 big.numberOfBins[i] += 1 if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) > abs(big.maxShift[i])): big.maxShift[i] = line.Par[[i]] # initialize histograms for i in range(3): big.histo.append(ROOT.TH1F("Big Structure {0} {1}".format([i], mode), "", big.numberOfBins[i], 0, big.numberOfBins[i])) if (big.unit!=""): big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta"[i]+" ["+big.unit+"]") else: big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta"[i]) big.histo[i].SetStats(0) big.histo[i].SetMarkerStyle(21) big.histoAxis.append(big.histo[i].GetXaxis()) # bigger labels for the text big.histoAxis[i].SetLabelSize(0.06) big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) # add labels big.title = ROOT.TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "High Level Structures {0}".format(mode)) big.text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) big.text.SetTextAlign(12) # error if shift is bigger than limit limit = config.limit[mode] for i in range(3): if (big.unit!=""): big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2} {2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]), big.unit)) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1} {2}".format([i], limit, big.unit)) else: big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]))) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1}".format([i], limit)) # fill histograms with value and name for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # set name of the structure big.histoAxis[i].SetBinLabel( big.binPosition[i], str(line.Name) if len(line.Name) <= 13 else str(line.Name)[:12]+".") # fill with data,[i] xyz or rot data # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): big.histo[i].SetBinContent( big.binPosition[i], 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: big.histo[i].SetBinContent( big.binPosition[i], line.Par[[i]]) big.binPosition[i] += 1 # rotate labels for i in range(3): big.histoAxis[i].LabelsOption("v") # reset y range # two types of ranges # 1. show all if (config.rangemodeHL == "all"): for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = big.maxShift[i] # 2. use given values if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): valuelist = config.rangexyzHL if (mode == "rot"): valuelist = config.rangerotHL # loop over given values # without last value for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) < value): big.usedRange[i] = value break # if not possible, force highest if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > valuelist[-1]): big.usedRange[i] = valuelist[-1] # all the same range if (config.samerangeHL == 1): # apply new range for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = max(map(abs, big.usedRange)) # count outlieres if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): for i in range(3): for binNumber in range(1, big.numberOfBins[i] + 1): if (abs(big.histo[i].GetBinContent(binNumber)) > big.usedRange[i]): big.hiddenEntries[i] += 1 # add number of outlieres to text for i in range(3): if (big.hiddenEntries[i] != 0): big.text.AddText("! {0}: {1} outlier !".format([i], int(big.hiddenEntries[i]))) # create canvas cBig = ROOT.TCanvas("canvasBigStrucutres_{0}".format( mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) cBig.Divide(2, 2) # draw histograms big.title.Draw() big.text.Draw() # draw identification ident = mpsv_style.identification(config) ident.Draw() # TGraph copy to hide outlier copy = 3 * [None] # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): + 2) # option "AXIS" to only draw the axis big.histo[i].SetLineColor(0) big.histo[i].Draw("AXIS") # set new range big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i]), 1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # TGraph object to hide outlier copy[i] = ROOT.TGraph(big.histo[i]) # set the new range copy[i].SetMaximum(1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) copy[i].SetMinimum(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # draw the data copy[i].Draw("PSAME") cBig.Update() # save as pdf cBig.Print( "{0}/plots/pdf/structures_{1}.pdf".format(config.outputPath, mode)) # export as png image = ROOT.TImage.Create() image.FromPad(cBig) image.WriteImage( "{0}/plots/png/structures_{1}.png".format(config.outputPath, mode)) # add to output list output = mpsv_classes.OutputData(plottype="big", parameter=mode, filename="structures_{0}".format(mode)) config.outputList.append(output) # reset BottomMargin ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.1)
def plot(treeFile, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") for mode in ["xyz", "rot"]: time = mpsv_classes.PlotData(mode) # list of all avaible TTrees listMillePedeUser = [] MillePedeUser = [] for i in range(config.firsttree, 101): if (treeFile.GetListOfKeys().Contains( "MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))): listMillePedeUser.append(i) # load MillePedeUser_X TTrees for i in listMillePedeUser: MillePedeUser.append(treeFile.Get("MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))) ###################################################################### # remove TTrees without results # # check if there is a TTree without any results # therefor search for the first alignable first = 0 newlistMillePedeUser = [] # find first alignable for line in MillePedeUser[0]: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any( abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): first = line.Id newlistMillePedeUser.append(config.firsttree) break # check the following TTrees for ttreeNumber, ttree in enumerate(MillePedeUser[1:]): for line in ttree: if (line.Id == first): if (any( abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): # note that the first tree was checked newlistMillePedeUser.append(ttreeNumber + config.firsttree + 1) break listMillePedeUser = newlistMillePedeUser # reload MillePedeUser_X TTrees MillePedeUser = [] for i in listMillePedeUser: MillePedeUser.append(treeFile.Get("MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))) if not listMillePedeUser: logger.error("Timeplots: no TTrees found") return if not MillePedeUser: logger.error("Timeplots: no TTree could be opened") return ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots = [] # objids which were found in the TTree objids = [] obj_names = [] # loop over first tree to initialize for line in MillePedeUser[0]: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any( abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): plots.append(mpsv_classes.PlotData(mode)) # new objid? if (line.ObjId not in objids): objids.append(line.ObjId) obj_names.append(str(line.Name)) # initialize histograms for i in range(3): plots[-1].histo.append( ROOT.TH1F( "Time Structure {0} {1} {2} {3}".format( mode, str(line.Name), len(plots), i), "", len(listMillePedeUser), 0, len(listMillePedeUser))) plots[-1].label = line.Id plots[-1].objid = line.ObjId if (time.unit != ""): plots[-1].histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i] + " [" + time.unit + "]") else: plots[-1].histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i]) plots[-1].histo[i].SetXTitle("IOV") plots[-1].histo[i].SetStats(0) plots[-1].histo[i].SetMarkerStyle(21) # bigger labels for the text plots[-1].histo[i].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.08) plots[-1].histo[i].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) ###################################################################### # fill histogram # # loop over TTrees for treeNumber, tree in enumerate(MillePedeUser): for line in tree: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any( abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): # find the right plot for plot in plots: if (plot.label == line.Id): for i in range(3): # note that the first bin is referenced by 1 plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( treeNumber + 1, str(listMillePedeUser[treeNumber])) # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].SetBinContent( treeNumber + 1, 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].SetBinContent( treeNumber + 1, line.Par[[i]]) ###################################################################### # find maximum/minimum # maximum = [[0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(objids))] minimum = [[0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(objids))] for index, objid in enumerate(objids): for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): for i in range(3): # maximum if (plot.histo[i].GetMaximum() > maximum[index][i]): maximum[index][i] = plot.histo[i].GetMaximum() # minimum if (plot.histo[i].GetMinimum() < minimum[index][i]): minimum[index][i] = plot.histo[i].GetMinimum() ###################################################################### # make the plots # # loop over all objids for index, objid in enumerate(objids): canvas = ROOT.TCanvas( "canvasTimeBigStrucutres_{0}_{1}".format( mode, obj_names[index]), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) # add text title = ROOT.TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "{0} over time {1}".format(obj_names[index], mode)) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) # draw on canvas title.Draw() # draw identification ident = mpsv_style.identification(config) ident.Draw() # TGraph copies to hide outlier copy = [] # reset y range of first plot # two types of ranges for i in range(3): for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): # 1. show all if config.rangemodeHL == "all": plot.usedRange[i] = max(abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) # 2. use given values if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): # loop over coordinates if mode == "xyz": valuelist = config.rangexyzHL if mode == "rot": valuelist = config.rangerotHL # loop over given values # without last value for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if max(abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) < value: plot.usedRange[i] = value break # if not possible, force highest if (max(abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) > valuelist[-1]): plot.usedRange[i] = valuelist[-1] # draw plots on canvas for i in range(3): + i) number = 1 for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): # all the same range if (config.samerangeHL == 1): plot.usedRange[i] = max(map(abs, plot.usedRange)) # set new range plot.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( -1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i]), 1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) plot.histo[i].SetLineColorAlpha(number + 2, 0.5) plot.histo[i].SetMarkerColorAlpha(number + 2, 1) # option "AXIS" to only draw the axis plot.histo[i].SetLineColor(0) plot.histo[i].Draw("PSAME") # TGraph object to hide outlier copy.append(ROOT.TGraph(plot.histo[i])) # set the new range copy[-1].SetMaximum(1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) copy[-1].SetMinimum(-1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) # draw the data copy[-1].SetLineColorAlpha(number + 2, 0.5) copy[-1].Draw("LPSAME") if (i == 0): legend.AddEntry(plot.histo[i], "{0}".format(number)) number += 1 legend.Draw() canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/timeStructures_{1}_{2}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode, obj_names[index])) # export as png image = ROOT.TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/timeStructures_{1}_{2}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode, obj_names[index])) # add to output list output = mpsv_classes.OutputData( plottype="time", name=obj_names[index], parameter=mode, filename="timeStructures_{0}_{1}".format( mode, obj_names[index])) config.outputList.append(output)
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, mode, struct, parentPlot, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # skip empty number = 0 for i in range(3): if (parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): number += 1 if (number == 3): return # number of bins to start numberOfBins = 10000 ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots[subStrucut] # plots = [] # initialize histograms for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): plots.append(PlotData(mode)) # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo.append( TH1F( "{0} {1} {2}".format( struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -1000, 1000)) else: plot.histo.append( TH1F( "{0} {1} {2}".format( struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -0.1, 0.1)) plot.histo[i].SetXTitle(plot.unit) plot.histo[i].SetLineColor(6) plot.histo[i].SetStats(0) # add labels plot.title = TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "Module: {0} {1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode)) plot.text = TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) plot.text.SetTextAlign(12) plot.text.SetTextSizePixels(20) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # fill histogram # for line in MillePedeUser: # is module ? if (line.ObjId == 1): for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] # module in struct ? if (subStruct.contains_detid(line.Id)): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].Fill(10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].Fill(line.Par[[i]]) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # find the best range # for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() != 0 and plot.histo[i].GetStdDev() != 0): # use binShift of the hole structure binShift = parentPlot.usedRange[i] # count entries which are not shown anymore # bin 1 to begin of histogram for j in range(1, numberOfBins / 2 - binShift): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # from the end of shown bins to the end of histogram for j in range(numberOfBins / 2 + binShift, plot.histo[i].GetNbinsX()): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # merge bins, ca. 100 should be visible in the resulting plot mergeNumberBins = binShift # skip empty histogram if (mergeNumberBins != 0): # the 2*maxBinShift bins should shrink to 100 bins mergeNumberBins = int(2. * mergeNumberBins / config.numberofbins) # the total number of bins should be dividable by the bins # shrinked together if (mergeNumberBins == 0): mergeNumberBins = 1 while (numberOfBins % mergeNumberBins != 0 and mergeNumberBins != 1): mergeNumberBins -= 1 # Rebin and save new created histogram and axis plot.histo[i] = plot.histo[i].Rebin(mergeNumberBins) # set view range. it is important to note that the number of bins have changed with the rebinning # the total number and the number of shift must be # corrected with / mergeNumberBins plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetRange( int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) - binShift / mergeNumberBins), int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) + binShift / mergeNumberBins)) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # make the plots # canvas = TCanvas("SubStruct_{0}_{1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) parentPlot.title.Draw() legend = TLegend(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) for i in range(3): + 2) # find y maximum maximum = [] if (parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): continue # normalize parent parentPlot.histo[i].Scale(1. / parentPlot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(parentPlot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() > 0): plot.histo[i].Scale(1. / plot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(plot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot # set range and plot parentPlot.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.1 * max(maximum)) parentPlot.histo[i].Draw() for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber].histo[i] plot.SetLineColorAlpha(subStructNumber + 2, 0.5) plot.Draw("same") if (i == 0): legend.AddEntry(plot, subStruct.get_name(), "l") legend.Draw() # draw identification ident = identification(config) ident.Draw() canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/subModules_{1}_{2}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # export as png image = TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/subModules_{1}_{2}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # add to output list output = OutputData(plottype="subMod", name=struct.get_name(), number=subStructNumber + 1, parameter=mode, filename="subModules_{0}_{1}".format( mode, struct.get_name())) config.outputList.append(output)
def plot(treeFile, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") for mode in ["xyz", "rot"]: time = PlotData(mode) # list of all avaible TTrees listMillePedeUser = [] MillePedeUser = [] for i in range(config.firsttree, 101): if (treeFile.GetListOfKeys().Contains("MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))): listMillePedeUser.append(i) # load MillePedeUser_X TTrees for i in listMillePedeUser: MillePedeUser.append(treeFile.Get("MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))) ###################################################################### # remove TTrees without results # # check if there is a TTree without any results # therefor search for the first alignable first = 0 newlistMillePedeUser = [] # find first alignable for line in MillePedeUser[0]: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any(abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): first = line.Id newlistMillePedeUser.append(config.firsttree) break # check the following TTrees for ttreeNumber, ttree in enumerate(MillePedeUser[1:]): for line in ttree: if (line.Id == first): if (any(abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): # note that the first tree was checked newlistMillePedeUser.append( ttreeNumber + config.firsttree + 1) break listMillePedeUser = newlistMillePedeUser # reload MillePedeUser_X TTrees MillePedeUser = [] for i in listMillePedeUser: MillePedeUser.append(treeFile.Get("MillePedeUser_{0}".format(i))) if not listMillePedeUser: logger.error("Timeplots: no TTrees found") return if not MillePedeUser: logger.error("Timeplots: no TTree could be opened") return ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots = [] # objids which were found in the TTree objids = [] # loop over first tree to initialize for line in MillePedeUser[0]: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any(abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): plots.append(PlotData(mode)) # new objid? if (line.ObjId not in objids): objids.append(line.ObjId) # initialize histograms for i in range(3): plots[-1].histo.append(TH1F("Time Structure {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(mode, alignables.get_name_by_objid( line.ObjId), len(plots), i), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), len(listMillePedeUser), 0, len(listMillePedeUser))) plots[-1].label = line.Id plots[-1].objid = line.ObjId plots[-1].histo[i].SetYTitle(time.unit) plots[-1].histo[i].SetStats(0) plots[-1].histo[i].SetMarkerStyle(21) # bigger labels for the text plots[-1].histo[i].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.06) plots[-1].histo[i].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) ###################################################################### # fill histogram # # loop over TTrees for treeNumber, tree in enumerate(MillePedeUser): for line in tree: if (line.ObjId != 1 and any(abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999 for i in [0, 1, 2])): # find the right plot for plot in plots: if (plot.label == line.Id): for i in range(3): # note that the first bin is referenced by 1 plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( treeNumber + 1, str(listMillePedeUser[treeNumber])) # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].SetBinContent( treeNumber + 1, 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].SetBinContent( treeNumber + 1, line.Par[[i]]) ###################################################################### # find maximum/minimum # maximum = [[0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(objids))] minimum = [[0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(objids))] for index, objid in enumerate(objids): for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): for i in range(3): # maximum if (plot.histo[i].GetMaximum() > maximum[index][i]): maximum[index][i] = plot.histo[i].GetMaximum() # minimum if (plot.histo[i].GetMinimum() < minimum[index][i]): minimum[index][i] = plot.histo[i].GetMinimum() ###################################################################### # make the plots # # loop over all objids for index, objid in enumerate(objids): canvas = TCanvas("canvasTimeBigStrucutres_{0}_{1}".format( mode, alignables.get_name_by_objid(objid)), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) # add text title = TPaveLabel(0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "{0} over time {1}".format( alignables.get_name_by_objid(objid), mode)) legend = TLegend(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) # draw on canvas title.Draw() # draw identification ident = identification(config) ident.Draw() # TGraph copies to hide outlier copy = [] # reset y range of first plot # two types of ranges for i in range(3): for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): # 1. show all if (config.rangemodeHL == "all"): plot.usedRange[i] = max( abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) # 2. use given values if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): # loop over coordinates if (mode == "xyz"): valuelist = config.rangexyzHL if (mode == "rot"): valuelist = config.rangerotHL # loop over given values # without last value for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if (max(abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) < value): plot.usedRange[i] = value break # if not possible, force highest if (max(abs(maximum[index][i]), abs(minimum[index][i])) > valuelist[-1]): plot.usedRange[i] = valuelist[-1] # draw plots on canvas for i in range(3): + i) number = 1 for plot in plots: if (plot.objid == objid): # all the same range if (config.samerangeHL == 1): plot.usedRange[i] = max(map(abs, plot.usedRange)) # set new range plot.histo[i].GetYaxis( ).SetRangeUser(-1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i]), 1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) plot.histo[i].SetLineColorAlpha(number + 2, 0.5) plot.histo[i].SetMarkerColorAlpha(number + 2, 1) # option "AXIS" to only draw the axis plot.histo[i].SetLineColor(0) plot.histo[i].Draw("SAME") # TGraph object to hide outlier copy.append(TGraph(plot.histo[i])) # set the new range copy[-1].SetMaximum(1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) copy[-1].SetMinimum(-1.2 * abs(plot.usedRange[i])) # draw the data copy[-1].Draw("LPSAME") if (i == 0): legend.AddEntry( plot.histo[i], "{0}".format(number)) number += 1 legend.Draw() canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/timeStructures_{1}_{2}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode, alignables.get_name_by_objid(objid))) # export as png image = TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/timeStructures_{1}_{2}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode, alignables.get_name_by_objid(objid))) # add to output list output = OutputData(plottype="time", name=alignables.get_name_by_objid( objid), parameter=mode, filename="timeStructures_{0}_{1}".format(mode, alignables.get_name_by_objid(objid))) config.outputList.append(output)
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # more space for labels gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.25) gStyle.SetOptStat("emrs") for mode in ["xyz", "rot"]: big = PlotData(mode) # count number of needed bins and max shift for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): if (mode == "xyz"): line.Par[[i]] *= 10000 big.numberOfBins[i] += 1 if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) > abs(big.maxShift[i])): big.maxShift[i] = line.Par[[i]] # initialize histograms for i in range(3): big.histo.append( TH1F("Big Structure {0} {1}".format([i], mode), "", big.numberOfBins[i], 0, big.numberOfBins[i])) if (big.unit != ""): big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i] + " [" + big.unit + "]") else: big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i]) big.histo[i].SetStats(0) big.histo[i].SetMarkerStyle(21) big.histoAxis.append(big.histo[i].GetXaxis()) # bigger labels for the text big.histoAxis[i].SetLabelSize(0.06) big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) # add labels big.title = TPaveLabel(0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "High Level Structures {0}".format(mode)) big.text = TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) big.text.SetTextAlign(12) # error if shift is bigger than limit limit = config.limit[mode] for i in range(3): if (big.unit != ""): big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2} {2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]), big.unit)) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1} {2}".format([i], limit, big.unit)) else: big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]))) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1}".format([i], limit)) # fill histograms with value and name for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # set name of the structure big.histoAxis[i].SetBinLabel( big.binPosition[i], alignables.get_name_by_objid(line.ObjId)) # fill with data,[i] xyz or rot data # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): big.histo[i].SetBinContent( big.binPosition[i], 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: big.histo[i].SetBinContent(big.binPosition[i], line.Par[[i]]) big.binPosition[i] += 1 # rotate labels for i in range(3): big.histoAxis[i].LabelsOption("v") # reset y range # two types of ranges # 1. show all if (config.rangemodeHL == "all"): for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = big.maxShift[i] # 2. use given values if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): valuelist = config.rangexyzHL if (mode == "rot"): valuelist = config.rangerotHL # loop over given values # without last value for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) < value): big.usedRange[i] = value break # if not possible, force highest if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > valuelist[-1]): big.usedRange[i] = valuelist[-1] # all the same range if (config.samerangeHL == 1): # apply new range for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = max(map(abs, big.usedRange)) # count outlieres if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): for i in range(3): for binNumber in range(1, big.numberOfBins[i] + 1): if (abs(big.histo[i].GetBinContent(binNumber)) > big.usedRange[i]): big.hiddenEntries[i] += 1 # add number of outlieres to text for i in range(3): if (big.hiddenEntries[i] != 0): big.text.AddText("! {0}: {1} outlier !".format([i], int(big.hiddenEntries[i]))) # create canvas cBig = TCanvas("canvasBigStrucutres_{0}".format(mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) cBig.Divide(2, 2) # draw histograms big.title.Draw() big.text.Draw() # draw identification ident = identification(config) ident.Draw() # TGraph copy to hide outlier copy = 3 * [None] # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): + 2) # option "AXIS" to only draw the axis big.histo[i].SetLineColor(0) big.histo[i].Draw("AXIS") # set new range big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i]), 1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # TGraph object to hide outlier copy[i] = TGraph(big.histo[i]) # set the new range copy[i].SetMaximum(1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) copy[i].SetMinimum(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # draw the data copy[i].Draw("PSAME") cBig.Update() # save as pdf cBig.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/structures_{1}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode)) # export as png image = TImage.Create() image.FromPad(cBig) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/structures_{1}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode)) # add to output list output = OutputData(plottype="big", parameter=mode, filename="structures_{0}".format(mode)) config.outputList.append(output) # reset BottomMargin gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.1)