class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})

    def _expandSites(self, sites):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*','.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match, self.allCMSNames.sites))
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" % (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter("Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site, errobj = excasync)
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
        return list(res)

    def _checkSite(self, site):
        if site not in self.allCMSNames.sites:
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS sites %s" % (site, self.allCMSNames.sites), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            jobtype = safe.kwargs.get('jobtype', None)
            if jobtype == 'Analysis':
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("cachefilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            #validate_str("userisburl", param, safe, re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z]*$"), optional=False)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("publishname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=True)
            validate_str("publishdbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            #if publication is set as true both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl are needed
            if safe.kwargs["publication"] and not (bool(safe.kwargs["publishname"]) and bool(safe.kwargs["publishdbsurl"])):
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication")
            #if one and only one between publishDataName and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            if bool(safe.kwargs["publishname"]) != bool(safe.kwargs["publishdbsurl"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication")
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=True)
            validate_str('subresource', param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)

            #parameters of subresources calls has to be put here
            #used by get latest
            validate_num('age', param, safe, optional=True)

            #used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            #used by errors
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            #validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in ['data', 'logs'] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids.")

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)

    def put(self, workflow, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,\
               savelogsflag, publication, publishname, asyncdest, blacklistT1, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup, tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: workflow name requested by the user;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg str userdn: DN of user doing the request;
           :arg str userhn: hyper new name of the user doing the request;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg int blacklistT1: flag enabling or disabling the black listing of Tier-1 sites;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch, inputdata=inputdata,
                                       siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                       cachefilename=cachefilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                       addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                       userhn=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                       publication=publication, publishname=publishname, asyncdest=asyncdest, blacklistT1=blacklistT1,
                                       dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,\
                                       edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis)

    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
        self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
        return [{"result":"ok"}]

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, age, limit, shortformat, exitcode, jobids):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
           :arg int age: max workflow age in days;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow, limit, exitcode, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow, limit, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(cherrypy.request.user['login'], limit, age)

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
        self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
        return [{"result":"ok"}]
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount, centralcfg):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.allPNNNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.centralcfg = centralcfg
        self.Task = getDBinstance(config, 'TaskDB', 'Task')

    def _expandSites(self, sites, pnn=False):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*', '.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match,
                    self.allPNNNames.sites if pnn else self.allCMSNames.sites))
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" % (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter("Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site, errobj = excasync)
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
                self._checkSite(site, pnn)
        return list(res)

    def _checkOutLFN(self, kwargs, username):
        """Check the lfn parameter: it must start with '/store/user/<username>/', '/store/group/groupname/' or '/store/local/something/',
           where username is the one registered in SiteDB (i.e. the one used in the CERN primary account).
           If lfn is not there, default to '/store/user/<username>/'.
        if not kwargs['lfn']:
            ## Default to '/store/user/<username>/' if the user did not specify the lfn parameter.
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/' % (username)
            if not checkOutLFN(kwargs['lfn'], username):
                msg  = "The parameter Data.outLFNDirBase in the CRAB configuration file must start with either"
                msg += " '/store/user/<username>/' or '/store/group/<groupname>/'"
                msg += " (or '/store/local/<something>/' if publication is off),"
                msg += " where username is your username as registered in SiteDB"
                msg += " (i.e. the username of your CERN primary account)."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPublishDataName(self, kwargs, outlfn, requestname, username):
        Validate the (user specified part of the) output dataset name for publication
        using the WMCore.Lexicon method userprocdataset(), which does the same
        validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following github CRABClient
        issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).

        This function will get deprecated in the 1509 release. We are keeping it around
        for backward compatibility but I would like to remove it at some point
        if 'publishname' not in kwargs:
            ## This now can be undefined since new clients use publishname2
            msg  = "Server parameter 'publishname' is not defined."
            msg += " It is possible that old client is being used."
        ## The client defines kwargs['publishname'] = <Data.outputDatasetTag>-<isbchecksum>
        ## if the user defines Data.outputDatasetTag, and kwargs['publishname'] = <isbchecksum> otherwise.
        ## (The PostJob replaces then the isbchecksum by the psethash.)
        ## Here we add the requestname if the user did not specify the publishname
        if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (requestname.replace(':', '_'), kwargs['publishname'])
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s" % (kwargs['publishname'])
        kwargs['publishname'] = outputDatasetTagToCheck #that's what the version earlier than 1509 were putting in the DB
        if 'publishgroupname' in kwargs and int(kwargs['publishgroupname']): #the first half of the if is for backward compatibility
            if not (outlfn.startswith('/store/group/') and outlfn.split('/')[3]):
                msg  = "Parameter 'publishgroupname' is True,"
                msg += " but parameter 'lfn' does not start with '/store/group/<groupname>'."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            group_user_prefix = outlfn.split('/')[3]
            group_user_prefix = username
        outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (group_user_prefix, outputDatasetTagToCheck)
        except AssertionError:
            ## The messages below are more descriptive than if we would use
            ## the message from AssertionError exception.
            if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
                param = 'General.requestName'
                extrastr = 'crab_'
                param = 'Data.outputDatasetTag'
                extrastr = ''
            msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter %s." % (param)
            msg += " The combined string '%s-%s<%s>' should not have more than 166 characters" % (group_user_prefix, extrastr, param)
            msg += " and should match the regular expression %s" % (userProcDSParts['publishdataname'])
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    ## Basically copy and pasted from _checkPublishDataName which will be eventually removed
    def _checkPublishDataName2(self, kwargs, outlfn, requestname, username):
        Validate the (user specified part of the) output dataset name for publication
        using the WMCore.Lexicon method userprocdataset(), which does the same
        validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following github CRABClient
        issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).

        if 'publishname2' not in kwargs or not kwargs['publishname2']:
            ## provide the default publication name if it was not specified in the client
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = requestname.replace(':', '_')
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = kwargs['publishname2']

        ## Add the isbchecksum placeholder
        outputDatasetTagToCheck += "-" + "0" * 32

        #saves that in kwargs since it's what we want
        kwargs['publishname2'] = outputDatasetTagToCheck

        ##Determine if it's a dataset that will go into a group space and therefore the (group)username prefix it will be used
        if 'publishgroupname' in kwargs and int(kwargs['publishgroupname']): #the first half of the if is for backward compatibility
            if not (outlfn.startswith('/store/group/') and outlfn.split('/')[3]):
                msg  = "Parameter 'publishgroupname' is True,"
                msg += " but parameter 'lfn' does not start with '/store/group/<groupname>'."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            group_user_prefix = outlfn.split('/')[3]
            group_user_prefix = username

        outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (group_user_prefix, outputDatasetTagToCheck)
        except AssertionError:
            ## The messages below are more descriptive than if we would use
            ## the message from AssertionError exception.
            if not kwargs['publishname2']:
                param = 'General.requestName'
                extrastr = 'crab_'
                param = 'Data.outputDatasetTag'
                extrastr = ''
            msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter %s." % (param)
            msg += " The combined string '%s-%s<%s>' should not have more than 166 characters" % (group_user_prefix, extrastr, param)
            msg += " and should match the regular expression %s" % (userProcDSParts['publishdataname'])
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPrimaryDataset(self, kwargs, optional=False):
        Validate the primary dataset name using the WMCore.Lexicon method primdataset(),
        which does the same validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following
        github CRABClient issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).
        if 'primarydataset' not in kwargs:
            if optional:
                msg = "Missing 'primarydataset' parameter."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
        except AssertionError:
            ## This message is more descriptive than if we would use the message
            ## from AssertionError exception, but I had to explicitely write the
            ## regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*, which is not nice.
            ## The message from AssertionError exception would be:
            ## "'<kwargs['primarydataset']>' does not match regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+".
            msg  = "Invalid 'primarydataset' parameter."
            msg += " The parameter should not have more than 99 characters"
            msg += " and should match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*"
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkASODestination(self, site):
        self._checkSite(site, pnn=True)
        bannedDestinations = self._expandSites(
            self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('banned-out-destinations', []),
        if site in bannedDestinations:
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site is banned")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The output site you specified in the Site.storageSite parameter (%s) is blacklisted (banned sites: %s)" %\
                            (site, self.centralcfg.centralconfig['banned-out-destinations']), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _getAsoConfig(self, asourl, asodb):
        """ Figures out which asourl and asodb to use. Here some rules:
            1) If ASOURL is set up in the client then use it. If ASODB is None then default to 'asynctransfer' (for old clients).
               If ASODB is defined but ASOURL is not, then give an error (somebody is doing it wrong!).
            2) If ASOURL is not defined in the client then look at the external configuration of the server which looks like:
                "ASOURL" : "https://cmsweb.cern.ch/couchdb",
                "asoConfig" : [
                    {"couchURL" : "https://cmsweb.cern.ch/couchdb", "couchDBName" : "asynctransfer"},
                    {"couchURL" : "https://cmsweb-testbed.cern.ch/couchdb2", "couchDBName" : "asynctransfer1"}

                2.1) The external configuration contains asoConfig (the new and default thing now):
                     Pick up a random element from the list and figures out the asourl and asodb.
                     No validation of the configuration is done,
                     we assume asocConfig is a list that contains dicts (at least one),
                     and each dict has both couchURL and couchDBName.
                     Documentation about the external conf is here:
                2.2) Else if the external configuration contains the old key ASOURL:
                     ASOURL could either be a string (the value for asourl that we need to use) or a list (in which case
                     we will use a random element)
            3) If asourl is not defined in the client nor in the external config give an error.

        ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB = 'asynctransfer'

        #1) The user is trying to pass something to us
        if asourl:
            self.logger.info("ASO url and database defined in the client configuration")
            if not asodb:
                asodb = ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB
        if asodb and not asourl:
            raise ExecutionError("You set up Debug.ASODB but you did not set up Debug.ASOURL. Please specify ASOURL as well or remove ASODB.")

        #2) We need to figure out the values ourselves
        if not asourl: #just checking asourl here because either both asourl and asodb are set, or neither are
            extconf = self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get("backend-urls", {})
            #2.1) Get asourl and asodb from the new extrnal configuration (that's what we usually do for most of the users)
            if 'asoConfig' in extconf:
                asoconf = random.choice(extconf['asoConfig'])
                asourl = asoconf['couchURL']
                asodb = asoconf['couchDBName']
            #2.2) No asoConfig defined, let's look for the old ASOURL.
            elif 'ASOURL' in extconf:
                msg = "You are using the old ASOURL parameter in your external configuration, please use asoConfig instead."
                msg += "\nSee https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/CMSCrabRESTInterface#External_dynamic_configuration"
                if isinstance(extconf['ASOURL'], list):
                    asourl = random.choice(asourl)
                    asourl = extconf['ASOURL']
                asodb = ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB

        #3) Give an error if we cannot figure out aso configuration
        if not (asourl and asodb):
            raise ExecutionError("The server configuration is wrong (asoConfig missing): cannot figure out ASO urls.")

        return asourl, asodb

    def _checkSite(self, site, pnn = False):
        sites = self.allPNNNames.sites if pnn else self.allCMSNames.sites
        if site not in sites:
            excasync = ValueError("A site name you specified is not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS PhEDEx nodes." % (site), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkReleases(self, jobarch, jobsw):
        """ Check if the software needed by the user is available in the tag collector
            Uses allScramArchsAndVersions from WMCore. If an IOError is raised report an error message.
            If the list of releases is empty (reason may be an ExpatError) then report an error message
            If the asked released is not there then report an error message
        msg = False
        goodReleases = {}
            goodReleases = allScramArchsAndVersions()
        except IOError:
            msg = "Error connecting to %s and determine the list of available releases. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                  "Skipping the check of the releases"
            if goodReleases == {}:
                msg = "The list of releases at %s is empty. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                      "Skipping the check of the releases"
            elif jobarch not in goodReleases or jobsw not in goodReleases[jobarch]:
                msg = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                msg += "\nUse config.JobType.allowUndistributedCMSSW = True if you are sure of what you are doing"
                excasync = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases or an error occurred" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                invalidp = InvalidParameter(msg, errobj = excasync)
                setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                raise invalidp

        if msg:
            #Need to log the message in the db for the users

    @conn_handler(services=['sitedb', 'centralconfig'])
    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            username = cherrypy.request.user['login'] # username registered in SiteDB
            requestname = param.kwargs['workflow']
            param.kwargs['workflow'] = generateTaskName(username, requestname)
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("activity", param, safe, RX_ACTIVITY, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            # TODO this should be changed to be non-optional
            validate_str("generator", param, safe, RX_GENERATOR, optional=True)
            validate_str("eventsperlumi", param, safe, RX_LUMIEVENTS, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_num("nonprodsw", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            if not safe.kwargs["nonprodsw"]: #if the user wants to allow non-production releases
                self._checkReleases(safe.kwargs['jobarch'], safe.kwargs['jobsw'])
            validate_num("useparent", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("secondarydata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("cachefilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("debugfilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            validate_str("lfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=True)
            self._checkOutLFN(safe.kwargs, username)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, custom_err="Incorrect 'JobType.outputFiles' parameter. " \
                    "Allowed regexp: '%s'." % RX_ADDFILE.pattern)
            validate_strlist("userfiles", param, safe, RX_USERFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("saveoutput", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("faillimit", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignorelocality", param, safe, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['ignorelocality'] and self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('ign-locality-blacklist', []):
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] += self._expandSites(self.centralcfg.centralconfig['ign-locality-blacklist'])
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=(not bool(safe.kwargs['publication'])))

            ## We might want to remove publishname once the backward compatibility
            ## wont be needed anymore. Then we can just keep publishname2
            ## NB: AFAIK the only client not using the CRABLibrary but direct cutl is HC,
            ## therefore we will need to make sure we do not break it!
            ## The following two lines will be removed in the future once we will
            ## not need backward compatibility anymore
            self._checkPublishDataName(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
            validate_str('publishname', param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            ##And this if as well, just do self._checkPublishDataName2(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
            if not safe.kwargs["publishname"]: #new clients won't define this anymore
                ## The (user specified part of the) publication dataset name must be
                ## specified and must pass DBS validation. Since this is the correct
                ## validation function, it must be done before the
                ## validate_str("publishname", ...) we have below.
                self._checkPublishDataName2(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
                param.kwargs["publishname2"] = safe.kwargs["publishname"]

            ## 'publishname' was already validated above in _checkPublishDataName().
            ## Calling validate_str with a fake regexp to move the param to the
            ## list of validated inputs
            validate_str("publishname2", param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            validate_num("publishgroupname", param, safe, optional=True)

            if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'PrivateMC':
                if param.kwargs['inputdata']:
                    msg  = "Invalid 'inputdata' parameter."
                    msg += " Job type PrivateMC does not take any input dataset."
                    msg += " If you really intend to run over an input dataset, then you must use job type Analysis."
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
                if safe.kwargs['userfiles']:
                    msg  = "Invalid 'userfiles' parameter."
                    msg += " Job type PrivateMC does not take any input files."
                    msg += " If you really intend to run over input files, then you must use job type Analysis."
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)

            ## Client versions < 3.3.1511 may put in the input dataset something that is not
            ## really an input dataset (for PrivateMC or user input files). So the only case
            ## in which we are sure that we have to validate the input dataset is when the
            ## workflow type is Analysis, the workflow does not run on user input files and
            ## an input dataset is defined (scriptExe may not define an input).
            ## Once we don't care anymore about backward compatibility with client < 3.3.1511,
            ## we can uncomment the 1st line below and delete the next 4 lines.
            #validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'Analysis' and not safe.kwargs['userfiles'] and 'inputdata' in param.kwargs:
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            ## The client is not forced to define the primary dataset. So make sure to have
            ## defaults or take it from the input dataset. The primary dataset is needed for
            ## the LFN of the output/log files and for publication. We want to have it well
            ## defined even if publication and/or transfer to storage are off.
            if safe.kwargs['inputdata']:
                param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = safe.kwargs['inputdata'].split('/')[1]
            if not param.kwargs.get('primarydataset', None):
                if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'PrivateMC':
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_PrivateMC"
                elif safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'Analysis' and safe.kwargs['userfiles']:
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_UserFiles"
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_NoInput"
            ## We validate the primary dataset agains DBS rules even if publication is off,
            ## because in the future we may want to give the possibility to users to publish
            ## a posteriori.
            self._checkPrimaryDataset(param.kwargs, optional=False)
            validate_str("primarydataset", param, safe, RX_LFNPRIMDS, optional=False)

            validate_num("nonvaliddata", param, safe, optional=True)
            #if one and only one between outputDatasetTag and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            # We no longer use this attribute, but keep it around for older client compatibility
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("oneEventMode", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES, custom_err="Incorrect tfileoutfiles parameter (TFileService). " \
                    "Allowed regexp: '%s'." % RX_OUTFILES.pattern)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES, custom_err="Incorrect edmoutfiles parameter (PoolOutputModule). " \
                    "Allowed regexp: '%s'." % RX_OUTFILES.pattern)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            #validate_str("scheduler", param, safe, RX_SCHEDULER)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("adduserfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("asodb", param, safe, RX_ASODB, optional=True)
            safe.kwargs["asourl"], safe.kwargs["asodb"] = self._getAsoConfig(safe.kwargs["asourl"], safe.kwargs["asodb"])
            validate_str("scriptexe", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("scriptargs", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_str("scheddname", param, safe, RX_SCHEDD_NAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("collector", param, safe, RX_COLLECTOR, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("extrajdl", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_num("dryrun", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignoreglobalblacklist", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("subresource", param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)
            ## In a resubmission, the site black- and whitelists need to be interpreted
            ## differently than in an initial task submission. If there is no site black-
            ## or whitelist, set it to None and DataWorkflow will use the corresponding
            ## list defined in the initial task submission. If the site black- or whitelist
            ## is equal to the string 'empty', set it to an empty list and don't call
            ## validate_strlist as it would fail.
            if 'siteblacklist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['siteblacklist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['siteblacklist']
                validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            if 'sitewhitelist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['sitewhitelist']
                validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('subresource', param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_str('username', param, safe, RX_USERNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('timestamp', param, safe, RX_DATE, optional=True) ## inserted by eric

            ## Used to determine how much information to return to the client for status.
            ## also used by report to determine if it has to check job states
            validate_num("verbose", param, safe, optional=True)

            ## used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            ## used by errors and report (short format in report means we do not query DBS)
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            ## validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in ['data', 'logs'] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids.")

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)
            validate_str("killwarning", param, safe,  RX_TEXT_FAIL, optional=True)
            #decode killwarning message if present
            if safe.kwargs['killwarning']:
                    safe.kwargs['killwarning'] = b64decode(safe.kwargs['killwarning'])
                except TypeError:
                    raise InvalidParameter("Failure message is not in the accepted format")

    def put(self, workflow, activity, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, primarydataset, nonvaliddata, useparent, secondarydata, generator, eventsperlumi,
                siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, debugfilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,
                savelogsflag, publication, publishname, publishname2, publishgroupname, asyncdest, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup,
                tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis,
                totalunits, adduserfiles, oneEventMode, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, blacklistT1, nonprodsw, lfn, saveoutput,
                faillimit, ignorelocality, userfiles, asourl, asodb, scriptexe, scriptargs, scheddname, extrajdl, collector, dryrun, ignoreglobalblacklist):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: request name defined by the user;
           :arg str activity: workflow activity type, default None;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg str primarydataset: primary dataset;
           :arg str nonvaliddata: allow invalid input dataset;
           :arg int useparent: add the parent dataset as secondary input;
           :arg str secondarydata: optional secondary intput dataset;
           :arg str generator: event generator for MC production;
           :arg str eventsperlumi: how many events to generate per lumi;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str debugfilename: name of the debugFiles tarball inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication; deprecated
           :arg str publishname2: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str publishgroupname: add groupname or username to publishname;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :arg str scheduler: Which scheduler to use, can be 'panda' or 'condor'
           :arg int totalunits: number of MC event to be generated
           :arg int adduserfiles: additional user file to be copied in the cmsRun directory
           :arg int oneEventMode: flag enabling oneEventMode
           :arg int maxjobruntime: max job runtime, in minutes
           :arg int numcores: number of CPU cores required by job
           :arg int maxmemory: maximum amount of RAM required, in MB
           :arg int priority: priority of this task
           :arg int saveoutput: whether to perform stageout for a given output file
           :arg int faillimit: the maximum number of failed jobs which triggers a workflow abort.
           :arg int ignorelocality: whether to ignore file locality in favor of the whitelist.
           :arg str userfiles: The files to process instead of a DBS-based dataset.
           :arg str asourl: ASO url to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration.
           :arg str asodb: ASO db to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration. Default to asynctransfer.
           :arg str scriptexe: script to execute in place of cmsrun.
           :arg str scriptargs: arguments to be passed to the scriptexe script.
           :arg str scheddname: Schedd Name used for debugging.
           :arg str extrajdl: extra Job Description Language parameters to be added.
           :arg str collector: Collector Name used for debugging.
           :arg int dryrun: enable dry run mode (initialize but do not submit request).
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, activity=activity, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch,
                                       inputdata=inputdata, primarydataset=primarydataset, nonvaliddata=nonvaliddata, use_parent=useparent,
                                       secondarydata=secondarydata, generator=generator, events_per_lumi=eventsperlumi,
                                       siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                       cachefilename=cachefilename, debugfilename=debugfilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                       addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                       username=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                       publication=publication, publishname=publishname, publishname2=publishname2, publishgroupname=publishgroupname, asyncdest=asyncdest,
                                       dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,
                                       edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis, totalunits=totalunits, adduserfiles=adduserfiles, oneEventMode=oneEventMode,
                                       maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority, lfn=lfn,
                                       ignorelocality=ignorelocality, saveoutput=saveoutput, faillimit=faillimit, userfiles=userfiles, asourl=asourl, asodb=asodb,
                                       scriptexe=scriptexe, scriptargs=scriptargs, scheddname=scheddname, extrajdl=extrajdl, collector=collector, dryrun=dryrun,
                                       submitipaddr=cherrypy.request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'], ignoreglobalblacklist=ignoreglobalblacklist)

    def post(self, workflow, subresource, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, 
             numcores, priority):
        """Resubmit or continue an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        if not subresource or subresource == 'resubmit':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'resubmit2':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit2(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'proceed':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.proceed(workflow=workflow)

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, username, limit, shortformat, exitcode, jobids, verbose, timestamp):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.
           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
		   :arg str timestamp: max workflow age in hours;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            userdn = cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn']
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, verbose=verbose, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow, limit, exitcode, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow, limit, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'logs2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs2(workflow, limit, jobids)
            elif subresource == 'data2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output2(workflow, limit, jobids)
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report2(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(username or cherrypy.request.user['login'], timestamp)     #eric added timestamp to match username

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force, jobids, killwarning):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, jobids, killwarning, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount, centralcfg):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.allPNNNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.centralcfg = centralcfg
        self.Task = getDBinstance(config, 'TaskDB', 'Task')

    def _expandSites(self, sites):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*','.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match, self.allCMSNames.sites))
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" % (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter("Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site, errobj = excasync)
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
        return list(res)

    def _checkOutLFN(self, kwargs):
        """Check the lfn parameter: it must start with '/store/user/<username>/', '/store/group/groupname/' or '/store/local/something/',
           where username is the one registered in SiteDB (i.e. the one used in the CERN primary account).
           If lfn is not there, default to '/store/user/<username>/'.
        ## This is the username registered in SiteDB.
        username = cherrypy.request.user['login']
        if not kwargs['lfn']:
            ## Default to '/store/user/<username>/' if the user did not specify the lfn parameter.
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/' % (username)
            msg  = "The parameter Data.outLFNDirBase in the CRAB configuration file must start with either"
            msg += " '/store/user/<username>/' or '/store/group/<groupname>/'"
            msg += " (or '/store/local/<something>/' if publication is off),"
            msg += " where username is your username as registered in SiteDB"
            msg += " (i.e. the username of your CERN primary account)."
            if not checkOutLFN(kwargs['lfn'], username):
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPublishDataName(self, kwargs, outlfn):
        Validate the (user specified part of the) output dataset name for publication
        using the WMCore.Lexicon method userprocdataset(), which does the same
        validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following github CRABClient
        issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).
        ## These if statements should actually never evaluate to True, because
        ## the client always defines kwargs['publishname'] and kwargs['workflow'].
        if 'publishname' not in kwargs:
            msg  = "Server parameter 'publishname' is not defined."
            msg += " Unable to validate the publication dataset name."
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)
        if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1 and 'workflow' not in kwargs:
            msg  = "Server parameter 'workflow' is not defined."
            msg += " Unable to validate the publication dataset name."
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)
        ## The client defines kwargs['publishname'] = <Data.publishDataName>-<isbchecksum>
        ## if the user defines Data.publishDataName, and kwargs['publishname'] = <isbchecksum> otherwise.
        ## (The PostJob replaces then the isbchecksum by the psethash.)
        ## In DataWorkflow.py, the publish_name column of the TaskDB is defined
        ## in this way (without "username-"), and that's what is used later by
        ## PostJob to define the output dataset name.
        if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
            publishDataNameToCheck = "%s-%s" % (kwargs['workflow'].replace(':','_'), kwargs['publishname'])
            publishDataNameToCheck = "%s" % (kwargs['publishname'])
        if 'publishgroupname' in kwargs and int(kwargs['publishgroupname']): #the first half of the if is for backward compatibility
            if not (outlfn.startswith('/store/group/') and outlfn.split('/')[3]):
                msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration."
                msg += " Parameter Data.publishWithGroupName is True,"
                msg += " but Data.outLFNDirBase does not start with '/store/group/<groupname>'."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            group_user_prefix = outlfn.split('/')[3]
            username = cherrypy.request.user['login']
            group_user_prefix = username
        publishDataNameToCheck = "%s-%s" % (group_user_prefix, publishDataNameToCheck)
        except AssertionError:
            ## The messages below are more descriptive than if we would use
            ## the message from AssertionError exception.
            if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
                param = 'General.requestName'
                extrastr = 'crab_'
                param = 'Data.publishDataName'
                extrastr = ''
            msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter %s." % (param)
            msg += " The combined string '%s-%s<%s>' should not have more than 166 characters" % (group_user_prefix, extrastr, param)
            msg += " and should match the regular expression %s" % (userProcDSParts['publishdataname'])
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPrimaryDataset(self, kwargs):
        Validate the primary dataset name using the WMCore.Lexicon method primdataset(),
        which does the same validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following
        github CRABClient issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).
        ## This if statement should actually never evaluate to True, because
        ## the client always defines kwargs['inputdata'].
        if 'inputdata' not in kwargs:
            msg  = "Server parameter 'inputdata' is not defined."
            msg += " Unable to validate the primary dataset name."
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            ## The client defines kwargs['inputdata'] = "/<primary-dataset-name>",
            ## i.e. it adds a "/" at the beginning, which we should remove if we
            ## want to do the validation of the primary dataset name only.
            ## (The client puts the primary dataset name in kwargs['inputdata'],
            ## because the PostJob extracts the primary dataset name from this
            ## parameter splitting by "/" and taking the element 1, which is the
            ## right thing to do when kwargs['inputdata'] is the input dataset in
            ## an analysis job type.)
        except AssertionError:
            ## This message is more descriptive than if we would use the message
            ## from AssertionError exception, but I had to explicitely write the
            ## regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*, which is not nice.
            ## The message from AssertionError exception would be:
            ## "'<kwargs['inputdata'][1:]>' does not match regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+".
            msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter Data.primaryDataset."
            msg += " The parameter should not have more than 99 characters"
            msg += " and should match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*"
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkASODestination(self, site):
        self._checkSite(site, pnn = True)
        if site in self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('banned-out-destinations', []):
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site is banned")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The output site you specified in the Site.storageSite parameter (%s) is blacklisted (banned sites: %s)" %\
                            (site, self.centralcfg.centralconfig['banned-out-destinations']), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkSite(self, site, pnn = False):
        sites = self.allPNNNames.sites if pnn else self.allCMSNames.sites
        if site not in sites:
            excasync = ValueError("A site name you specified is not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS sites %s" % (site, sites), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkReleases(self, jobarch, jobsw):
        """ Check if the software needed by the user is available in the tag collector
            Uses allScramArchsAndVersions from WMCore. If an IOError is raised report an error message.
            If the list of releases is empty (reason may be an ExpatError) then report an error message
            If the asked released is not there then report an error message
        msg = False
        goodReleases = {}
            goodReleases = allScramArchsAndVersions()
        except IOError:
            msg = "Error connecting to %s and determine the list of available releases. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                  "Skipping the check of the releases"
            if goodReleases == {}:
                msg = "The list of releases at %s is empty. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                      "Skipping the check of the releases"
            elif jobarch not in goodReleases or jobsw not in goodReleases[jobarch]:
                msg = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                msg += "\nUse config.JobType.allowUndistributedCMSSW = True if you are sure of what you are doing"
                excasync = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases or an error occurred" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                invalidp = InvalidParameter(msg, errobj = excasync)
                setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                raise invalidp

        if msg:
            #Need to log the message in the db for the users

    @conn_handler(services=['sitedb', 'centralconfig'])
    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            validate_str("activity", param, safe, RX_ACTIVITY, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            # TODO this should be changed to be non-optional
            validate_str("generator", param, safe, RX_GENERATOR, optional=True)
            validate_str("eventsperlumi", param, safe, RX_LUMIEVENTS, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_num("nonprodsw", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            if not safe.kwargs["nonprodsw"]: #if the user wants to allow non-production releases
                self._checkReleases(safe.kwargs['jobarch'], safe.kwargs['jobsw'])
            jobtype = safe.kwargs.get('jobtype', None)
            validate_num("useparent", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("cachefilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            validate_str("lfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_strlist("userfiles", param, safe, RX_USERFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("saveoutput", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("faillimit", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignorelocality", param, safe, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['ignorelocality'] and self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('ign-locality-blacklist', []):
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] += self._expandSites(self.centralcfg.centralconfig['ign-locality-blacklist'])
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=(not bool(safe.kwargs['publication'])))
            ## Validations needed in case publication is on.
            if safe.kwargs['publication']:
                ## The (user specified part of the) publication dataset name must be
                ## specified and must pass DBS validation. Since this is the correct
                ## validation function, it must be done before the
                ## validate_str("workflow", ...) and validate_str("publishname", ...)
                ## we have below. Not sure why RX_PUBLISH was introduced in CRAB, but
                ## it is not the correct regular expression for publication dataset
                ## name validation.
                self._checkPublishDataName(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'])
                ## 'publishname' was already validated above in _checkPublishDataName().
                ## But I am not sure if we can skip the validate_str('publishname', ...)
                ## or we need it so that all parameters are moved from param to safe.
                ## Therefore, I didn't remove the validate_str('publishname', ...),
                ## but only changed RX_PUBLISH -> RX_ANYTHING.
                validate_str('publishname', param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=False)
                ## If this is a MC generation job type, the primary dataset name will
                ## be used to define the primary dataset field in the publication
                ## dataset name. Therefore, the primary dataset name must pass DBS
                ## validation. Since in a MC generation job type the primary dataset
                ## name is saved in 'inputdata', _checkPrimaryDataset() actually
                ## validates 'inputdata'. Therefore, this function must come before
                ## the validate_str('inputdata', ...) we have below. OTOH, matching
                ## 'inputdata' agains RX_DATASET is not the correct validation for
                ## the primary dataset name.
                if jobtype == 'PrivateMC':
                ## Not sure if we need to match publishname against RX_PUBLISH...
                validate_str("publishname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=False)
            validate_num("publishgroupname", param, safe, optional=True)
            ## This line must come after _checkPublishDataName()
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            if jobtype == 'Analysis':
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=False)
            ## Added this if, because in this case 'inputdata' was already validated
            ## above in _checkPrimaryDataset(), and I am not sure if we can skip the
            ## validate_str('inputdata', ...) or we need it so that all parameters
            ## are moved from param to safe.
            elif jobtype == 'PrivateMC' and safe.kwargs['publication']:
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=False)
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            validate_num("nonvaliddata", param, safe, optional=True)
            #if one and only one between publishDataName and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            # We no longer use this attribute, but keep it around for older client compatibility
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("oneEventMode", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            #validate_str("scheduler", param, safe, RX_SCHEDULER)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("adduserfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("scriptexe", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("scriptargs", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_str("scheddname", param, safe, RX_SCHEDD_NAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("collector", param, safe, RX_COLLECTOR, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("extrajdl", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_num("dryrun", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_str("subresource", param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            ## In a resubmission, the site black- and whitelists need to be interpreted
            ## differently than in an initial task submission. If there is no site black-
            ## or whitelist, set it to None and DataWorkflow will use the corresponding
            ## list defined in the initial task submission. If the site black- or whitelist
            ## is equal to the string 'empty', set it to an empty list and don't call
            ## validate_strlist as it would fail.
            if 'siteblacklist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['siteblacklist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['siteblacklist']
                validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            if 'sitewhitelist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['sitewhitelist']
                validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=True)
            validate_str('subresource', param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_str('username', param, safe, RX_USERNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('timestamp', param, safe, RX_DATE, optional=True) ## inserted by eric

            ## Used to determine how much information to return to the client for status.
            ## also used by report to determine if it has to check job states
            validate_num("verbose", param, safe, optional=True)

            ## used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            ## used by errors and report (short format in report means we do not query DBS)
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            ## validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in ['data', 'logs'] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids.")

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

    def put(self, workflow, activity, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, nonvaliddata, useparent, generator, eventsperlumi, \
                siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,\
                savelogsflag, publication, publishname, publishgroupname, asyncdest, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup, tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis,\
                totalunits, adduserfiles, oneEventMode, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, blacklistT1, nonprodsw, lfn, saveoutput,
                faillimit, ignorelocality, userfiles, asourl, scriptexe, scriptargs, scheddname, extrajdl, collector, dryrun):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: workflow name requested by the user;
           :arg str activity: workflow activity type, default None;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg str nonvaliddata: allow invalid input dataset;
           :arg int useparent: add the parent dataset as secondary input;
           :arg str generator: event generator for MC production;
           :arg str eventsperlumi: how many events to generate per lumi;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg str userdn: DN of user doing the request;
           :arg str userhn: hyper new name of the user doing the request;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str publishgroupname: add groupname or username to publishname;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :arg str scheduler: Which scheduler to use, can be 'panda' or 'condor'
           :arg int totalunits: number of MC event to be generated
           :arg int adduserfiles: additional user file to be copied in the cmsRun directory
           :arg int oneEventMode: flag enabling oneEventMode
           :arg int maxjobruntime: max job runtime, in minutes
           :arg int numcores: number of CPU cores required by job
           :arg int maxmemory: maximum amount of RAM required, in MB
           :arg int priority: priority of this task
           :arg int saveoutput: whether to perform stageout for a given output file
           :arg int faillimit: the maximum number of failed jobs which triggers a workflow abort.
           :arg int ignorelocality: whether to ignore file locality in favor of the whitelist.
           :arg str userfiles: The files to process instead of a DBS-based dataset.
           :arg str asourl: ASO url to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration.
           :arg str scriptexe: script to execute in place of cmsrun.
           :arg str scriptargs: arguments to be passed to the scriptexe script.
           :arg str scheddname: Schedd Name used for debugging.
           :arg str extrajdl: extra Job Description Language parameters to be added.
           :arg str collector: Collector Name used for debugging.
           :arg int dryrun: enable dry run mode (initialize but do not submit request).
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, activity=activity, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch,
                                       inputdata=inputdata, nonvaliddata=nonvaliddata, use_parent=useparent, generator=generator, events_per_lumi=eventsperlumi,
                                       siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                       cachefilename=cachefilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                       addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                       userhn=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                       publication=publication, publishname=publishname, publishgroupname=publishgroupname, asyncdest=asyncdest,
                                       dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,
                                       edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis, totalunits=totalunits, adduserfiles=adduserfiles, oneEventMode=oneEventMode,
                                       maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority, lfn=lfn,
                                       ignorelocality=ignorelocality, saveoutput=saveoutput, faillimit=faillimit, userfiles=userfiles, asourl=asourl,
                                       scriptexe=scriptexe, scriptargs=scriptargs, scheddname=scheddname, extrajdl=extrajdl, collector=collector, dryrun=dryrun)

    def post(self, workflow, subresource, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, jobids, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, force):
        """Resubmit or continue an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        if not subresource or subresource == 'resubmit':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, \
                                                 siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, jobids=jobids, \
                                                 maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority, force=force, \
        elif subresource == 'proceed':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.proceed(workflow=workflow)

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, username, limit, shortformat, exitcode, jobids, verbose, timestamp):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.
           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
		   :arg str timestamp: max workflow age in hours;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            userdn = cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn']
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, verbose=verbose, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow, limit, exitcode, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow, limit, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(username or cherrypy.request.user['login'], timestamp)     #eric added timestamp to match username

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force, jobids):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, jobids, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount, centralcfg):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.centralcfg = centralcfg
        self.Task = getDBinstance(config, 'TaskDB', 'Task')

    def _expandSites(self, sites):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*','.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match, self.allCMSNames.sites))
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" % (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter("Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site, errobj = excasync)
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
        return list(res)

    def _checkOutLFN(self, kwargs):
        """Check the lfn parameter: it must start with '/store/user/username/' or '/store/group/groupname[/subgroupname]*/username/',
           where username is the one registered in SiteDB (i.e. the one used in the CERN primary account).
           If lfn is not there, default to '/store/user/username/'.
           Handle old clients lfnprefix parameter.
        ## Is this the username registered in SiteDB?
        username = cherrypy.request.user['login']
        if kwargs['lfnprefix']:
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/%s' % (username, kwargs["lfnprefix"])
        elif not kwargs['lfn']:
            ## Default to '/store/user/username/' in case the user did not specify the lfn parameter.
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/' % (username)
            msg  = "The parameter Data.outLFN in the CRAB configuration file must start with either"
            msg += " '/store/user/<username>/' or '/store/group/<groupname>[/<subgroupname>]*/<username>/'"
            msg += " (or '/store/local/' if publication is off),"
            msg += " where username is your username as registered in SiteDB"
            msg += " (i.e. the username of your CERN primary account)."
            if kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/group/'):
                if len(kwargs['lfn'].split('/')) < 5 or kwargs['lfn'].split('/')[3] == username or username not in kwargs['lfn'].split('/'):
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            elif kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/user/'):
                if len(kwargs['lfn'].split('/')) < 4 or kwargs['lfn'].split('/')[3] != username:
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            elif kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/local/'):
                if kwargs['publication']:
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkASODestination(self, site):
        if site in self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('banned-out-destinations', []):
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site is banned")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The output site you specified in the config.Site.storageSite parameter (%s) is blacklisted (banned sites: %s)" %\
                            (site, self.centralcfg.centralconfig['banned-out-destinations']), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkSite(self, site):
        if site not in self.allCMSNames.sites:
            excasync = ValueError("A site name you specified is not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS sites %s" % (site, self.allCMSNames.sites), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkReleases(self, jobarch, jobsw):
        """ Check if the software needed by the user is available in the tag collector
            Uses allScramArchsAndVersions from WMCore. If an IOError is raised report an error message.
            If the list of releases is empty (reason may be an ExpatError) then report an error message
            If the asked released is not there then report an error message
        msg = False
        goodReleases = {}
            goodReleases = allScramArchsAndVersions()
        except IOError:
            msg = "Error connecting to %s and determine the list of available releases. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                  "Skipping the check of the releases"
            if goodReleases == {}:
                msg = "The list of releases at %s is empty. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                      "Skipping the check of the releases"
            elif jobarch not in goodReleases or jobsw not in goodReleases[jobarch]:
                msg = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                msg += "\nUse config.JobType.allowNonProductionCMSSW = True if you are sure of what you are doing"
                excasync = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases or an error occurred" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                invalidp = InvalidParameter(msg, errobj = excasync)
                setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                raise invalidp

        if msg:
            #Need to log the message in the db for the users

    @conn_handler(services=['sitedb', 'centralconfig'])
    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("activity", param, safe, RX_ACTIVITY, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            validate_str("generator", param, safe, RX_GENERATOR, optional=True)
            validate_str("eventsperlumi", param, safe, RX_LUMIEVENTS, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_num("nonprodsw", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            if not safe.kwargs["nonprodsw"]: #if the user wants to allow non-production releases
                self._checkReleases(safe.kwargs['jobarch'], safe.kwargs['jobsw'])
            jobtype = safe.kwargs.get('jobtype', None)
            if jobtype == 'Analysis':
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=False)
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            validate_num("useparent", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("cachefilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            validate_str("lfnprefix", param, safe, RX_LFNPATH, optional=True) #keeping this for compatibility with old clients. Will be converted into a full lfn
            validate_str("lfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_strlist("userfiles", param, safe, RX_USERFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("saveoutput", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("faillimit", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignorelocality", param, safe, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['ignorelocality'] and self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('ign-locality-blacklist', []):
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] += self._expandSites(self.centralcfg.centralconfig['ign-locality-blacklist'])
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("publishname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            #if publication is set as true both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl are needed
            if safe.kwargs["publication"] and not (bool(safe.kwargs["publishname"]) and bool(safe.kwargs["publishdbsurl"])):
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication")
            #if one and only one between publishDataName and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            # We no longer use this attribute, but keep it around for older client compatibility
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("oneEventMode", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            #validate_str("scheduler", param, safe, RX_SCHEDULER)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("adduserfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("scriptexe", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("scriptargs", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_str("scheddname", param, safe, RX_SCHEDD_NAME, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("extrajdl", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=True)
            validate_str('subresource', param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_str('username', param, safe, RX_USERNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('timestamp', param, safe, RX_DATE, optional=True) ## inserted by eric

            ## Used to determine how much information to return to the client for status.
            ## also used by report to determine if it has to check job states
            validate_num("verbose", param, safe, optional=True)

            ## used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            ## used by errors and report (short format in report means we do not query DBS)
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            ## validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in ['data', 'logs'] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids.")

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

    def put(self, workflow, activity, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, useparent, generator, eventsperlumi, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,\
                savelogsflag, publication, publishname, asyncdest, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup, tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis,\
                totalunits, adduserfiles, oneEventMode, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, blacklistT1, nonprodsw, lfnprefix, lfn, saveoutput,
                faillimit, ignorelocality, userfiles, asourl, scriptexe, scriptargs, scheddname, extrajdl):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: workflow name requested by the user;
           :arg str activity: workflow activity type, default None;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg int useparent: add the parent dataset as secondary input;
           :arg str generator: event generator for MC production;
           :arg str eventsperlumi: how many events to generate per lumi;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg str userdn: DN of user doing the request;
           :arg str userhn: hyper new name of the user doing the request;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :arg str scheduler: Which scheduler to use, can be 'panda' or 'condor'
           :arg int totalunits: number of MC event to be generated
           :arg int adduserfiles: additional user file to be copied in the cmsRun directory
           :arg int oneEventMode: flag enabling oneEventMode
           :arg int maxjobruntime: max job runtime, in minutes
           :arg int numcores: number of CPU cores required by job
           :arg int maxmemory: maximum amount of RAM required, in MB
           :arg int priority: priority of this task
           :arg int saveoutput: whether to perform stageout for a given output file
           :arg int faillimit: the maximum number of failed jobs which triggers a workflow abort.
           :arg int ignorelocality: whether to ignore file locality in favor of the whitelist.
           :arg str userfiles: The files to process instead of a DBS-based dataset.
           :arg str asourl: ASO url to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration.
           :arg str scriptexe: script to execute in place of cmsrun.
           :arg str scriptargs: arguments to be passed to the scriptexe script.
           :arg str scheddname: Schedd Name used for debugging.
           :arg str extrajdl: extra Job Description Language parameters to be added.
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, activity=activity, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch,
                                       inputdata=inputdata, use_parent=useparent, generator=generator, events_per_lumi=eventsperlumi,
                                       siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                       cachefilename=cachefilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                       addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                       userhn=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                       publication=publication, publishname=publishname, asyncdest=asyncdest,
                                       dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,
                                       edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis, totalunits=totalunits, adduserfiles=adduserfiles, oneEventMode=oneEventMode,
                                       maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority, lfnprefix=lfnprefix, lfn=lfn,
                                       ignorelocality=ignorelocality, saveoutput=saveoutput, faillimit=faillimit, userfiles=userfiles, asourl=asourl,
                                       scriptexe=scriptexe, scriptargs=scriptargs, scheddname=scheddname, extrajdl=extrajdl)

    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, jobids, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, jobids=jobids, \
                                        maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority,

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, username, limit, shortformat, exitcode, jobids, verbose, timestamp):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.
           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
		   :arg str timestamp: max workflow age in hours;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, verbose=verbose, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow, limit, exitcode, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow, limit, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(username or cherrypy.request.user['login'], timestamp)     #eric added timestamp to match username

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force, jobids):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, jobids, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""
    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})

    def _expandSites(self, sites):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*', '.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match,
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" %
                                  (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter(
                        "Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site,
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
        return list(res)

    def _checkSite(self, site):
        if site not in self.allCMSNames.sites:
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter(
                "The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS sites %s" %
                (site, self.allCMSNames.sites),
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            jobtype = safe.kwargs.get('jobtype', None)
            if jobtype == 'Analysis':
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            #validate_str("userisburl", param, safe, re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z]*$"), optional=False)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("publishname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            #if publication is set as true both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl are needed
            if safe.kwargs["publication"] and not (
                    and bool(safe.kwargs["publishdbsurl"])):
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication"
            #if one and only one between publishDataName and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            if bool(safe.kwargs["publishname"]) != bool(
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication"
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different"

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=True)

            #parameters of subresources calls has to be put here
            #used by get latest
            validate_num('age', param, safe, optional=True)

            #used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            #used by errors
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            #validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in [
                    'data', 'logs'
            ] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids."

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)

    def put(self, workflow, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,\
               savelogsflag, publication, publishname, asyncdest, blacklistT1, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup, tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: workflow name requested by the user;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg str userdn: DN of user doing the request;
           :arg str userhn: hyper new name of the user doing the request;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg int blacklistT1: flag enabling or disabling the black listing of Tier-1 sites;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch, inputdata=inputdata,
                                       siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                       cachefilename=cachefilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                       addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                       userhn=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                       publication=publication, publishname=publishname, asyncdest=asyncdest, blacklistT1=blacklistT1,
                                       dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,\
                                       edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis)

    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
        return [{"result": "ok"}]

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, age, limit, shortformat, exitcode,
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
           :arg int age: max workflow age in days;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            userdn = cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn']
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow,
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow,
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(
                cherrypy.request.user['login'], limit, age)

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
            workflow, force, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
        return [{"result": "ok"}]
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""
    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount, centralcfg):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.centralcfg = centralcfg
        self.Task = getDBinstance(config, 'TaskDB', 'Task')

    def _expandSites(self, sites):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*', '.*'))
                expanded = map(str, filter(sitere.match,
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate" %
                                  (site, expanded))
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter(
                        "Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site,
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
        return list(res)

    def _checkOutLFN(self, kwargs):
        """Check the lfn parameter: it must start with '/store/user/username/' or '/store/group/groupname[/subgroupname]*/username/',
           where username is the one registered in SiteDB (i.e. the one used in the CERN primary account).
           If lfn is not there, default to '/store/user/username/'.
           Handle old clients lfnprefix parameter.
        ## Is this the username registered in SiteDB?
        username = cherrypy.request.user['login']
        if kwargs['lfnprefix']:
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/%s' % (username,
        elif not kwargs['lfn']:
            ## Default to '/store/user/username/' in case the user did not specify the lfn parameter.
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/' % (username)
            msg = "The parameter Data.outLFN in the CRAB configuration file must start with either"
            msg += " '/store/user/<username>/' or '/store/group/<groupname>[/<subgroupname>]*/<username>/'"
            msg += " (or '/store/local/' if publication is off),"
            msg += " where username is your username as registered in SiteDB"
            msg += " (i.e. the username of your CERN primary account)."
            if kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/group/'):
                if len(kwargs['lfn'].split('/')) < 5 or kwargs['lfn'].split(
                )[3] == username or username not in kwargs['lfn'].split('/'):
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            elif kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/user/'):
                if len(kwargs['lfn'].split('/')) < 4 or kwargs['lfn'].split(
                        '/')[3] != username:
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            elif kwargs['lfn'].startswith('/store/local/'):
                if kwargs['publication']:
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkASODestination(self, site):
        if site in self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('banned-out-destinations',
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site is banned")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The output site you specified in the config.Site.storageSite parameter (%s) is blacklisted (banned sites: %s)" %\
                            (site, self.centralcfg.centralconfig['banned-out-destinations']), errobj = excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkSite(self, site):
        if site not in self.allCMSNames.sites:
            excasync = ValueError("A site name you specified is not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter(
                "The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS sites %s" %
                (site, self.allCMSNames.sites),
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkReleases(self, jobarch, jobsw):
        """ Check if the software needed by the user is available in the tag collector
            Uses allScramArchsAndVersions from WMCore. If an IOError is raised report an error message.
            If the list of releases is empty (reason may be an ExpatError) then report an error message
            If the asked released is not there then report an error message
        msg = False
        goodReleases = {}
            goodReleases = allScramArchsAndVersions()
        except IOError:
            msg = "Error connecting to %s and determine the list of available releases. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                  "Skipping the check of the releases"
            if goodReleases == {}:
                msg = "The list of releases at %s is empty. " % TAG_COLLECTOR_URL +\
                      "Skipping the check of the releases"
            elif jobarch not in goodReleases or jobsw not in goodReleases[
                msg = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases" % (
                    jobsw, jobarch)
                msg += "\nUse config.JobType.allowNonProductionCMSSW = True if you are sure of what you are doing"
                excasync = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases or an error occurred" % (
                    jobsw, jobarch)
                invalidp = InvalidParameter(msg, errobj=excasync)
                setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                raise invalidp

        if msg:
            #Need to log the message in the db for the users

    @conn_handler(services=['sitedb', 'centralconfig'])
    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("activity", param, safe, RX_ACTIVITY, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            validate_str("generator", param, safe, RX_GENERATOR, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_num("nonprodsw", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            if not safe.kwargs[
                    "nonprodsw"]:  #if the user wants to allow non-production releases
            jobtype = safe.kwargs.get('jobtype', None)
            if jobtype == 'Analysis':
            validate_num("useparent", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
                "lfnprefix", param, safe, RX_LFNPATH, optional=True
            )  #keeping this for compatibility with old clients. Will be converted into a full lfn
            validate_str("lfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_strlist("userfiles", param, safe, RX_USERFILE)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("saveoutput", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("faillimit", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignorelocality", param, safe, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs[
                    'ignorelocality'] and self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get(
                        'ign-locality-blacklist', []):
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] += self._expandSites(
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            #if publication is set as true both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl are needed
            if safe.kwargs["publication"] and not (
                    and bool(safe.kwargs["publishdbsurl"])):
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "You need to set both publishDataName and publishDbsUrl parameters if you need the automatic publication"
            #if one and only one between publishDataName and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            # We no longer use this attribute, but keep it around for older client compatibility
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("oneEventMode", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            #validate_str("scheduler", param, safe, RX_SCHEDULER)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different"
            validate_strlist("adduserfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("scriptexe", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("scriptargs", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_strlist("extrajdl", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=True)
            validate_str('username', param, safe, RX_USERNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('timestamp', param, safe, RX_DATE,
                         optional=True)  ## inserted by eric

            ## Used to determine how much information to return to the client for status.
            ## also used by report to determine if it has to check job states
            validate_num("verbose", param, safe, optional=True)

            ## used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

            ## used by errors and report (short format in report means we do not query DBS)
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            ## validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in [
                    'data', 'logs'
            ] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids."

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_UNIQUEWF, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_numlist('jobids', param, safe)

    def put(self, workflow, activity, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, useparent, generator, eventsperlumi, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,\
                savelogsflag, publication, publishname, asyncdest, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup, tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis,\
                totalunits, adduserfiles, oneEventMode, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, blacklistT1, nonprodsw, lfnprefix, lfn, saveoutput,
                faillimit, ignorelocality, userfiles, asourl, scriptexe, scriptargs, scheddname, extrajdl):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: workflow name requested by the user;
           :arg str activity: workflow activity type, default None;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg int useparent: add the parent dataset as secondary input;
           :arg str generator: event generator for MC production;
           :arg str eventsperlumi: how many events to generate per lumi;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg str userdn: DN of user doing the request;
           :arg str userhn: hyper new name of the user doing the request;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :arg str scheduler: Which scheduler to use, can be 'panda' or 'condor'
           :arg int totalunits: number of MC event to be generated
           :arg int adduserfiles: additional user file to be copied in the cmsRun directory
           :arg int oneEventMode: flag enabling oneEventMode
           :arg int maxjobruntime: max job runtime, in minutes
           :arg int numcores: number of CPU cores required by job
           :arg int maxmemory: maximum amount of RAM required, in MB
           :arg int priority: priority of this task
           :arg int saveoutput: whether to perform stageout for a given output file
           :arg int faillimit: the maximum number of failed jobs which triggers a workflow abort.
           :arg int ignorelocality: whether to ignore file locality in favor of the whitelist.
           :arg str userfiles: The files to process instead of a DBS-based dataset.
           :arg str asourl: ASO url to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration.
           :arg str scriptexe: script to execute in place of cmsrun.
           :arg str scriptargs: arguments to be passed to the scriptexe script.
           :arg str scheddname: Schedd Name used for debugging.
           :arg str extrajdl: extra Job Description Language parameters to be added.
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(

    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, jobids,
             maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, jobids=jobids, \
                                        maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority,

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, username, limit, shortformat,
            exitcode, jobids, verbose, timestamp):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.
           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
		   :arg str timestamp: max workflow age in hours;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            userdn = cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn']
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow,
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow,
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow,
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow,
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(
                username or cherrypy.request.user['login'],
                timestamp)  #eric added timestamp to match username

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force, jobids):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(
class RESTUserWorkflow(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity for workflows from the user point of view and relative subresources"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount, centralcfg):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("CRABLogger.RESTUserWorkflow")
        self.userworkflowmgr = DataUserWorkflow()
        self.allCMSNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.allPNNNames = CMSSitesCache(cachetime=0, sites={})
        self.centralcfg = centralcfg
        self.Task = getDBinstance(config, 'TaskDB', 'Task')
        self.tagCollector = TagCollector(logger = self.logger, anytype = 1, anyarch = 0)

    def _expandSites(self, sites, pnn=False):
        """Check if there are sites cotaining the '*' wildcard and convert them in the corresponding list
           Raise exception if any wildcard site does expand to an empty list
        res = set()
        for site in sites:
            if '*' in site:
                sitere = re.compile(site.replace('*', '.*'))
                expanded = [str(s) for s in (self.allPNNNames.sites if pnn else self.allCMSNames.sites) if sitere.match(s)]
                self.logger.debug("Site %s expanded to %s during validate", site, expanded)
                if not expanded:
                    excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site not valid")
                    invalidp = InvalidParameter("Cannot expand site %s to anything" % site, errobj=excasync)
                    setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                    raise invalidp
                res = res.union(expanded)
                self._checkSite(site, pnn)
        return list(res)

    def _checkOutLFN(kwargs, username):
        """Check the lfn parameter: it must start with '/store/user/<username>/', '/store/group/groupname/' or '/store/local/something/',
           where username is the one registered in CMS global list (i.e. the one used in the CERN primary account).
           If lfn is not there, default to '/store/user/<username>/'.
        if not kwargs['lfn']:
            ## Default to '/store/user/<username>/' if the user did not specify the lfn parameter.
            kwargs['lfn'] = '/store/user/%s/' % (username)
            if not checkOutLFN(kwargs['lfn'], username):
                msg = "The parameter Data.outLFNDirBase in the CRAB configuration file must start with either"
                msg += " '/store/user/<username>/' or '/store/group/<groupname>/'"
                msg += " (or '/store/local/<something>/' if publication is off),"
                msg += " where username is your username as registered in CMS services"
                msg += " (i.e. the username of your CERN primary account)."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPublishDataName(self, kwargs, outlfn, requestname, username):
        Validate the (user specified part of the) output dataset name for publication
        using the WMCore.Lexicon method userprocdataset(), which does the same
        validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following github CRABClient
        issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).

        This function will get deprecated in the 1509 release. We are keeping it around
        for backward compatibility but I would like to remove it at some point
        if 'publishname' not in kwargs:
            ## This now can be undefined since new clients use publishname2
            msg = "Server parameter 'publishname' is not defined."
            msg += " It is possible that old client is being used."
        ## The client defines kwargs['publishname'] = <Data.outputDatasetTag>-<isbchecksum>
        ## if the user defines Data.outputDatasetTag, and kwargs['publishname'] = <isbchecksum> otherwise.
        ## (The PostJob replaces then the isbchecksum by the psethash.)
        ## Here we add the requestname if the user did not specify the publishname
        if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (requestname.replace(':', '_'), kwargs['publishname'])
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s" % (kwargs['publishname'])
        kwargs['publishname'] = outputDatasetTagToCheck #that's what the version earlier than 1509 were putting in the DB
        if 'publishgroupname' in kwargs and int(kwargs['publishgroupname']): #the first half of the if is for backward compatibility
            if not (outlfn.startswith('/store/group/') and outlfn.split('/')[3]):
                msg = "Parameter 'publishgroupname' is True,"
                msg += " but parameter 'lfn' does not start with '/store/group/<groupname>'."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            group_user_prefix = outlfn.split('/')[3]
            group_user_prefix = username
        outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (group_user_prefix, outputDatasetTagToCheck)
        except AssertionError:
            ## The messages below are more descriptive than if we would use
            ## the message from AssertionError exception.
            if kwargs['publishname'].find('-') == -1:
                param = 'General.requestName'
                extrastr = 'crab_'
                param = 'Data.outputDatasetTag'
                extrastr = ''
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter %s." % (param)
            msg += " The combined string '%s-%s<%s>' should not have more than 166 characters" % (group_user_prefix, extrastr, param)
            msg += " and should match the regular expression %s" % (userProcDSParts['publishdataname'])
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    ## Basically copy and pasted from _checkPublishDataName which will be eventually removed
    def _checkPublishDataName2(kwargs, outlfn, requestname, username):
        Validate the (user specified part of the) output dataset name for publication
        using the WMCore.Lexicon method userprocdataset(), which does the same
        validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following github CRABClient
        issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).

        if 'publishname2' not in kwargs or not kwargs['publishname2']:
            ## provide the default publication name if it was not specified in the client
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = requestname.replace(':', '_')
            outputDatasetTagToCheck = kwargs['publishname2']

        ## Add the isbchecksum placeholder
        outputDatasetTagToCheck += "-" + "0" * 32

        #saves that in kwargs since it's what we want
        kwargs['publishname2'] = outputDatasetTagToCheck

        ##Determine if it's a dataset that will go into a group space and therefore the (group)username prefix it will be used
        if 'publishgroupname' in kwargs and int(kwargs['publishgroupname']): #the first half of the if is for backward compatibility
            if not (outlfn.startswith('/store/group/') and outlfn.split('/')[3]):
                msg = "Parameter 'publishgroupname' is True,"
                msg += " but parameter 'lfn' does not start with '/store/group/<groupname>'."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
            group_user_prefix = outlfn.split('/')[3]
            group_user_prefix = username

        outputDatasetTagToCheck = "%s-%s" % (group_user_prefix, outputDatasetTagToCheck)
        except AssertionError:
            ## The messages below are more descriptive than if we would use
            ## the message from AssertionError exception.
            if not kwargs['publishname2']:
                param = 'General.requestName'
                extrastr = 'crab_'
                param = 'Data.outputDatasetTag'
                extrastr = ''
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration parameter %s." % (param)
            msg += " The combined string '%s-%s<%s>' should not have more than 166 characters" % (group_user_prefix, extrastr, param)
            msg += " and should match the regular expression %s" % (userProcDSParts['publishdataname'])
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkPrimaryDataset(kwargs, optional=False):
        Validate the primary dataset name using the WMCore.Lexicon method primdataset(),
        which does the same validation as DBS (see discussion with Yuyi Guo in following
        github CRABClient issue: https://github.com/dmwm/CRABClient/issues/4257).
        if 'primarydataset' not in kwargs:
            if optional:
                msg = "Missing 'primarydataset' parameter."
                raise InvalidParameter(msg)
        except AssertionError:
            ## This message is more descriptive than if we would use the message
            ## from AssertionError exception, but I had to explicitely write the
            ## regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*, which is not nice.
            ## The message from AssertionError exception would be:
            ## "'<kwargs['primarydataset']>' does not match regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+".
            msg = "Invalid 'primarydataset' parameter."
            msg += " The parameter should not have more than 99 characters"
            msg += " and should match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*"
            raise InvalidParameter(msg)

    def _checkASODestination(self, site):
        """ Check that the ASO destination is correct and not among the banned ones
        self._checkSite(site, pnn=True)
        bannedDestinations = self._expandSites(
            self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('banned-out-destinations', []),
        if site in bannedDestinations:
            excasync = ValueError("Remote output data site is banned")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The output site you specified in the Site.storageSite parameter (%s) is blacklisted (banned sites: %s)" % \
                            (site, self.centralcfg.centralconfig['banned-out-destinations']), errobj=excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _getAsoConfig(self, asourl, asodb):
        """ Figures out which asourl and asodb to use. Here some rules:
            1) If ASOURL is set up in the client then use it. If ASODB is None then default to 'asynctransfer' (for old clients).
               If ASODB is defined but ASOURL is not, then give an error (somebody is doing it wrong!).
            2) If ASOURL is not defined in the client then look at the external configuration of the server which looks like:
                "ASOURL" : "https://cmsweb.cern.ch/couchdb",
                "asoConfig" : [
                    {"couchURL" : "https://cmsweb.cern.ch/couchdb", "couchDBName" : "asynctransfer"},
                    {"couchURL" : "https://cmsweb-testbed.cern.ch/couchdb2", "couchDBName" : "asynctransfer1"}

                2.1) The external configuration contains asoConfig (the new and default thing now):
                     Pick up a random element from the list and figures out the asourl and asodb.
                     No validation of the configuration is done,
                     we assume asocConfig is a list that contains dicts (at least one),
                     and each dict has both couchURL and couchDBName.
                     Documentation about the external conf is here:
                2.2) Else if the external configuration contains the old key ASOURL:
                     ASOURL could either be a string (the value for asourl that we need to use) or a list (in which case
                     we will use a random element)
            3) If asourl is not defined in the client nor in the external config give an error.

        ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB = 'asynctransfer'

        #1) The user is trying to pass something to us
        if asourl:
            self.logger.info("ASO url and database defined in the client configuration")
            if not asodb:
                asodb = ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB
        if asodb and not asourl:
            raise ExecutionError("You set up Debug.ASODB but you did not set up Debug.ASOURL. Please specify ASOURL as well or remove ASODB.")

        #2) We need to figure out the values ourselves
        if not asourl: #just checking asourl here because either both asourl and asodb are set, or neither are
            extconf = self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get("backend-urls", {})
            #2.1) Get asourl and asodb from the new extrnal configuration (that's what we usually do for most of the users)
            if 'asoConfig' in extconf:
                asoconf = random.choice(extconf['asoConfig'])
                asourl = asoconf['couchURL']
                asodb = asoconf['couchDBName']
            #2.2) No asoConfig defined, let's look for the old ASOURL.
            elif 'ASOURL' in extconf:
                msg = "You are using the old ASOURL parameter in your external configuration, please use asoConfig instead."
                msg += "\nSee https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/CMSCrabRESTInterface#External_dynamic_configuration"
                if isinstance(extconf['ASOURL'], list):
                    asourl = random.choice(asourl)
                    asourl = extconf['ASOURL']
                asodb = ASYNC_DEFAULT_DB

        #3) Give an error if we cannot figure out aso configuration
        if not (asourl and asodb):
            raise ExecutionError("The server configuration is wrong (asoConfig missing): cannot figure out ASO urls.")

        return asourl, asodb

    def _checkSite(self, site, pnn=False):
        """ Check a single site like T2_IT_Something against known CMS site names
        sites = self.allPNNNames.sites if pnn else self.allCMSNames.sites
        if site not in sites:
            excasync = ValueError("A site name you specified is not valid")
            invalidp = InvalidParameter("The parameter %s is not in the list of known CMS PhEDEx nodes." % (site), errobj=excasync)
            setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
            raise invalidp

    def _checkReleases(self, jobarch, jobsw):
        """ Check if the software needed by the user is available in the tag collector
            Uses allScramArchsAndVersions from WMCore. If an IOError is raised report an error message.
            If the list of releases is empty (reason may be an ExpatError) then report an error message
            If the asked released is not there then report an error message
        msg = False
        goodReleases = {}
            goodReleases = self.tagCollector.releases_by_architecture()
        except: #pylint: disable=bare-except
            msg = "Error connecting to %s (params: %s) and determining the list of available releases. " % \
                  (self.tagCollector['endpoint'], self.tagCollector.tcArgs) + "Skipping the check of the releases"
            if goodReleases == {}:
                msg = "The list of releases at %s (params: %s) is empty. " % \
                      (self.tagCollector['endpoint'], self.tagCollector.tcArgs) + "Skipping the check of the releases"
            elif jobarch not in goodReleases or jobsw not in goodReleases[jobarch]:
                msg = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                msg += "\nUse config.JobType.allowUndistributedCMSSW = True if you are sure of what you are doing"
                excasync = "ERROR: %s on %s is not among supported releases or an error occurred" % (jobsw, jobarch)
                invalidp = InvalidParameter(msg, errobj=excasync)
                setattr(invalidp, 'trace', '')
                raise invalidp

        if msg:
            #Need to log the message in the db for the users

    @conn_handler(services=['cric', 'centralconfig'])
    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            username = cherrypy.request.user['login'] # username registered in CMS WEB frontend
            requestname = param.kwargs['workflow']
            param.kwargs['workflow'] = generateTaskName(username, requestname)
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("activity", param, safe, RX_ACTIVITY, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobtype", param, safe, RX_JOBTYPE, optional=False)
            # TODO this should be changed to be non-optional
            validate_str("generator", param, safe, RX_GENERATOR, optional=True)
            validate_str("eventsperlumi", param, safe, RX_LUMIEVENTS, optional=True)
            validate_str("jobsw", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_num("nonprodsw", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("jobarch", param, safe, RX_ARCH, optional=False)
            if not safe.kwargs["nonprodsw"]: #if the user wants to allow non-production releases
                self._checkReleases(safe.kwargs['jobarch'], safe.kwargs['jobsw'])
            validate_num("useparent", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("secondarydata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
            safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_str("splitalgo", param, safe, RX_SPLIT, optional=False)
            validate_num("algoargs", param, safe, optional=False)
                validate_num("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            except InvalidParameter:
                validate_real("totalunits", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("cachefilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("debugfilename", param, safe, RX_CACHENAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("cacheurl", param, safe, RX_CACHEURL, optional=False)
            validate_str("lfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=True)
            self._checkOutLFN(safe.kwargs, username)
            validate_strlist("addoutputfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, custom_err="Incorrect 'JobType.outputFiles' parameter. " \
                    "Allowed regexp for each filename: '%s'." % RX_ADDFILE.pattern)
            validate_strlist("userfiles", param, safe, RX_USERFILE, custom_err="Incorrect 'Data.userInputFiles' parameter. " \
                    "Allowed regexp for each filename: '%s'." % RX_USERFILE.pattern)
            validate_num("savelogsflag", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("saveoutput", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("faillimit", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignorelocality", param, safe, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['ignorelocality'] and self.centralcfg.centralconfig.get('ign-locality-blacklist', []):
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] += self._expandSites(self.centralcfg.centralconfig['ign-locality-blacklist'])
            validate_str("vorole", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_str("vogroup", param, safe, RX_VOPARAMS, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=(not bool(safe.kwargs['publication'])))

            ## We might want to remove publishname once the backward compatibility
            ## wont be needed anymore. Then we can just keep publishname2
            ## NB: AFAIK the only client not using the CRABLibrary but direct cutl is HC,
            ## therefore we will need to make sure we do not break it!
            ## The following two lines will be removed in the future once we will
            ## not need backward compatibility anymore
            self._checkPublishDataName(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
            validate_str('publishname', param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            ##And this if as well, just do self._checkPublishDataName2(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
            if not safe.kwargs["publishname"]: #new clients won't define this anymore
                ## The (user specified part of the) publication dataset name must be
                ## specified and must pass DBS validation. Since this is the correct
                ## validation function, it must be done before the
                ## validate_str("publishname", ...) we have below.
                self._checkPublishDataName2(param.kwargs, safe.kwargs['lfn'], requestname, username)
                param.kwargs["publishname2"] = safe.kwargs["publishname"]

            ## 'publishname' was already validated above in _checkPublishDataName().
            ## Calling validate_str with a fake regexp to move the param to the
            ## list of validated inputs
            validate_str("publishname2", param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            validate_num("publishgroupname", param, safe, optional=True)

            if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'PrivateMC':
                if param.kwargs['inputdata']:
                    msg = "Invalid 'inputdata' parameter."
                    msg += " Job type PrivateMC does not take any input dataset."
                    msg += " If you really intend to run over an input dataset, then you must use job type Analysis."
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)
                if safe.kwargs['userfiles']:
                    msg = "Invalid 'userfiles' parameter."
                    msg += " Job type PrivateMC does not take any input files."
                    msg += " If you really intend to run over input files, then you must use job type Analysis."
                    raise InvalidParameter(msg)

            ## Client versions < 3.3.1511 may put in the input dataset something that is not
            ## really an input dataset (for PrivateMC or user input files). So the only case
            ## in which we are sure that we have to validate the input dataset is when the
            ## workflow type is Analysis, the workflow does not run on user input files and
            ## an input dataset is defined (scriptExe may not define an input).
            ## Once we don't care anymore about backward compatibility with client < 3.3.1511,
            ## we can uncomment the 1st line below and delete the next 4 lines.
            #validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
            if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'Analysis' and not safe.kwargs['userfiles'] and 'inputdata' in param.kwargs:
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_DATASET, optional=True)
                validate_str("inputdata", param, safe, RX_ANYTHING, optional=True)

            ## The client is not forced to define the primary dataset. So make sure to have
            ## defaults or take it from the input dataset. The primary dataset is needed for
            ## the LFN of the output/log files and for publication. We want to have it well
            ## defined even if publication and/or transfer to storage are off.
            if safe.kwargs['inputdata']:
                param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = safe.kwargs['inputdata'].split('/')[1]
            if not param.kwargs.get('primarydataset', None):
                if safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'PrivateMC':
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_PrivateMC"
                elif safe.kwargs['jobtype'] == 'Analysis' and safe.kwargs['userfiles']:
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_UserFiles"
                    param.kwargs['primarydataset'] = "CRAB_NoInput"
            ## We validate the primary dataset agains DBS rules even if publication is off,
            ## because in the future we may want to give the possibility to users to publish
            ## a posteriori.
            self._checkPrimaryDataset(param.kwargs, optional=False)
            validate_str("primarydataset", param, safe, RX_LFNPRIMDS, optional=False)

            validate_num("nonvaliddata", param, safe, optional=True)
            #if one and only one between outputDatasetTag and publishDbsUrl is set raise an error (we need both or none of them)
            validate_str("asyncdest", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            # We no longer use this attribute, but keep it around for older client compatibility
            validate_num("blacklistT1", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("oneEventMode", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("dbsurl", param, safe, RX_DBSURL, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("tfileoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES, custom_err="Incorrect tfileoutfiles parameter (TFileService). " \
                    "Allowed regexp: '%s'." % RX_OUTFILES.pattern)
            validate_strlist("edmoutfiles", param, safe, RX_OUTFILES, custom_err="Incorrect edmoutfiles parameter (PoolOutputModule). " \
                    "Allowed regexp: '%s'." % RX_OUTFILES.pattern)
            validate_strlist("runs", param, safe, RX_RUNS)
            validate_strlist("lumis", param, safe, RX_LUMIRANGE)
            if len(safe.kwargs["runs"]) != len(safe.kwargs["lumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("adduserfiles", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE)
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("asodb", param, safe, RX_ASODB, optional=True)
            safe.kwargs["asourl"], safe.kwargs["asodb"] = self._getAsoConfig(safe.kwargs["asourl"], safe.kwargs["asodb"])
            validate_str("scriptexe", param, safe, RX_ADDFILE, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("scriptargs", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_str("scheddname", param, safe, RX_SCHEDD_NAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("collector", param, safe, RX_COLLECTOR, optional=True)
            validate_strlist("extrajdl", param, safe, RX_SCRIPTARGS)
            validate_num("dryrun", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("ignoreglobalblacklist", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("subresource", param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_strlist('jobids', param, safe, RX_JOBID)
            ## In a resubmission, the site black- and whitelists need to be interpreted
            ## differently than in an initial task submission. If there is no site black-
            ## or whitelist, set it to None and DataWorkflow will use the corresponding
            ## list defined in the initial task submission. If the site black- or whitelist
            ## is equal to the string 'empty', set it to an empty list and don't call
            ## validate_strlist as it would fail.
            if 'siteblacklist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['siteblacklist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['siteblacklist']
                validate_strlist("siteblacklist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['siteblacklist'])
            if 'sitewhitelist' not in param.kwargs:
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = None
            elif param.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] == 'empty':
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = []
                del param.kwargs['sitewhitelist']
                validate_strlist("sitewhitelist", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE)
                safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'] = self._expandSites(safe.kwargs['sitewhitelist'])
            validate_num("maxjobruntime", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("maxmemory", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("numcores", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("priority", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num("publication", param, safe, optional=True)

        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('subresource', param, safe, RX_SUBRESTAT, optional=True)
            validate_str('username', param, safe, RX_USERNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str('timestamp', param, safe, RX_DATE, optional=True) ## inserted by eric

            ## Used to determine how much information to return to the client for status.
            ## also used by report to determine if it has to check job states
            validate_num("verbose", param, safe, optional=True)

            ## used by get log, get data
            validate_num('limit', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_num('exitcode', param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_strlist('jobids', param, safe, RX_JOBID)

            ## used by errors and report (short format in report means we do not query DBS)
            validate_num('shortformat', param, safe, optional=True)

            # used by publicationStatus
            validate_str("asourl", param, safe, RX_ASOURL, optional=True)
            validate_str("asodb", param, safe, RX_ASODB, optional=True)

            ## validation parameters
            if not safe.kwargs['workflow'] and safe.kwargs['subresource']:
                raise InvalidParameter("Invalid input parameters")
            if safe.kwargs['subresource'] in ['data', 'logs'] and not safe.kwargs['limit'] and not safe.kwargs['jobids']:
                raise InvalidParameter("You need to specify the number of jobs to retrieve or their ids.")

        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("workflow", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_num("force", param, safe, optional=True)
            validate_str("killwarning", param, safe, RX_TEXT_FAIL, optional=True)
            #decode killwarning message if present
            if safe.kwargs['killwarning']:
                    safe.kwargs['killwarning'] = b64decode(safe.kwargs['killwarning'])
                except TypeError:
                    raise InvalidParameter("Failure message is not in the accepted format")

    def put(self, workflow, activity, jobtype, jobsw, jobarch, inputdata, primarydataset, nonvaliddata, useparent, secondarydata, generator, eventsperlumi,
            siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, splitalgo, algoargs, cachefilename, debugfilename, cacheurl, addoutputfiles,
            savelogsflag, publication, publishname, publishname2, publishgroupname, asyncdest, dbsurl, publishdbsurl, vorole, vogroup,
            tfileoutfiles, edmoutfiles, runs, lumis,
            totalunits, adduserfiles, oneEventMode, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority, blacklistT1, nonprodsw, lfn, saveoutput,
            faillimit, ignorelocality, userfiles, asourl, asodb, scriptexe, scriptargs, scheddname, extrajdl, collector, dryrun, ignoreglobalblacklist):
        """Perform the workflow injection

           :arg str workflow: request name defined by the user;
           :arg str activity: workflow activity type, default None;
           :arg str jobtype: job type of the workflow, usually Analysis;
           :arg str jobsw: software requirement;
           :arg str jobarch: software architecture (=SCRAM_ARCH);
           :arg str inputdata: input dataset;
           :arg str primarydataset: primary dataset;
           :arg str nonvaliddata: allow invalid input dataset;
           :arg int useparent: add the parent dataset as secondary input;
           :arg str secondarydata: optional secondary intput dataset;
           :arg str generator: event generator for MC production;
           :arg str eventsperlumi: how many events to generate per lumi;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str splitalgo: algorithm to be used for the workflow splitting;
           :arg str algoargs: argument to be used by the splitting algorithm;
           :arg str cachefilename: name of the file inside the cache
           :arg str debugfilename: name of the debugFiles tarball inside the cache
           :arg str cacheurl: URL of the cache
           :arg str list addoutputfiles: list of additional output files;
           :arg int savelogsflag: archive the log files? 0 no, everything else yes;
           :arg int publication: flag enabling or disabling data publication;
           :arg str publishname: name to use for data publication; deprecated
           :arg str publishname2: name to use for data publication;
           :arg str publishgroupname: add groupname or username to publishname;
           :arg str asyncdest: CMS site name for storage destination of the output files;
           :arg str dbsurl: dbs url where the input dataset is published;
           :arg str publishdbsurl: dbs url where the output data has to be published;
           :arg str vorole: user vo role
           :arg str vogroup: user vo group
           :arg str tfileoutfiles: list of t-output files
           :arg str edmoutfiles: list of edm output files
           :arg str list runs: list of run numbers
           :arg str list lumis: list of lumi section numbers
           :arg int totalunits: number of MC event to be generated
           :arg int adduserfiles: additional user file to be copied in the cmsRun directory
           :arg int oneEventMode: flag enabling oneEventMode
           :arg int maxjobruntime: max job runtime, in minutes
           :arg int numcores: number of CPU cores required by job
           :arg int maxmemory: maximum amount of RAM required, in MB
           :arg int priority: priority of this task
           :arg int saveoutput: whether to perform stageout for a given output file
           :arg int faillimit: the maximum number of failed jobs which triggers a workflow abort.
           :arg int ignorelocality: whether to ignore file locality in favor of the whitelist.
           :arg str userfiles: The files to process instead of a DBS-based dataset.
           :arg str asourl: ASO url to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration.
           :arg str asodb: ASO db to be used in place of the one in the ext configuration. Default to asynctransfer.
           :arg str scriptexe: script to execute in place of cmsrun.
           :arg str scriptargs: arguments to be passed to the scriptexe script.
           :arg str scheddname: Schedd Name used for debugging.
           :arg str extrajdl: extra Job Description Language parameters to be added.
           :arg str collector: Collector Name used for debugging.
           :arg int dryrun: enable dry run mode (initialize but do not submit request).
           :returns: a dict which contaians details of the request"""

        #print 'cherrypy headers: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers['Ssl-Client-Cert']
        return self.userworkflowmgr.submit(workflow=workflow, activity=activity, jobtype=jobtype, jobsw=jobsw, jobarch=jobarch,
                                           inputdata=inputdata, primarydataset=primarydataset, nonvaliddata=nonvaliddata, use_parent=useparent,
                                           secondarydata=secondarydata, generator=generator, events_per_lumi=eventsperlumi,
                                           siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, splitalgo=splitalgo, algoargs=algoargs,
                                           cachefilename=cachefilename, debugfilename=debugfilename, cacheurl=cacheurl,
                                           addoutputfiles=addoutputfiles, userdn=cherrypy.request.user['dn'],
                                           username=cherrypy.request.user['login'], savelogsflag=savelogsflag, vorole=vorole, vogroup=vogroup,
                                           publication=publication, publishname=publishname, publishname2=publishname2, publishgroupname=publishgroupname, asyncdest=asyncdest,
                                           dbsurl=dbsurl, publishdbsurl=publishdbsurl, tfileoutfiles=tfileoutfiles,
                                           edmoutfiles=edmoutfiles, runs=runs, lumis=lumis, totalunits=totalunits, adduserfiles=adduserfiles, oneEventMode=oneEventMode,
                                           maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority, lfn=lfn,
                                           ignorelocality=ignorelocality, saveoutput=saveoutput, faillimit=faillimit, userfiles=userfiles, asourl=asourl, asodb=asodb,
                                           scriptexe=scriptexe, scriptargs=scriptargs, scheddname=scheddname, extrajdl=extrajdl, collector=collector, dryrun=dryrun,
                                           submitipaddr=cherrypy.request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'], ignoreglobalblacklist=ignoreglobalblacklist)

    def post(self, workflow, subresource, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory,
             numcores, priority):
        """Resubmit or continue an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        if not subresource or subresource == 'resubmit':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'resubmit2':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit2(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'proceed':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.proceed(workflow=workflow)

    def get(self, workflow, subresource, username, limit, shortformat, exitcode, jobids, verbose, timestamp, asourl, asodb):
        """Retrieves the workflow information, like a status summary, in case the workflow unique name is specified.
           Otherwise returns all workflows since (now - age) for which the user is the owner.
           The caller needs to be a valid CMS user.
           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of workflow;
		   :arg str timestamp: max workflow age in hours;
           :arg str subresource: the specific workflow information to be accessed;
           :arg int limit: limit of return entries for some specific subresource;
           :arg int exitcode: exitcode for which the specific subresource is needed (eg log file of a job with that exitcode)
           :retrun: workflow with the relative status summary in case of per user request; or
                    the requested subresource."""
        result = []
        if workflow:
            userdn = cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn']
            # if have the wf then retrieve the wf status summary
            if not subresource:
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.status(workflow, verbose=verbose, userdn=userdn)
            # if have a subresource then it should be one of these
            elif subresource == 'logs':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs(workflow, limit, exitcode, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'data':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output(workflow, limit, jobids, userdn=userdn)
            elif subresource == 'logs2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.logs2(workflow, limit, jobids)
            elif subresource == 'data2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.output2(workflow, limit, jobids)
            elif subresource == 'errors':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.errors(workflow, shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'report2':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.report2(workflow, userdn=userdn, usedbs=shortformat)
            elif subresource == 'publicationstatus':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.publicationStatus(workflow, asourl, asodb, username)
            elif subresource == 'taskads':
                result = self.userworkflowmgr.taskads(workflow)
            # if here means that no valid subresource has been requested
            # flow should never pass through here since validation restrict this
                raise ExecutionError("Validation or method error")
            # retrieve the information about latest worfklows for that user
            # age can have a default: 1 week ?
            cherrypy.log("Found user '%s'" % cherrypy.request.user['login'])
            result = self.userworkflowmgr.getLatests(username or cherrypy.request.user['login'], timestamp)     #eric added timestamp to match username

        return result

    def delete(self, workflow, force, killwarning):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, killwarning, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])