    def play_turn(self, wm, turn):
        This method is called once for every turn.
        This specific example solution stores a matrix with the snakes bodies (as 0 or 1, with -1 as empty cell)
        and returns a random valid direction.

            wm   - an instance of the WorldModel class that contains a field called players which is a list of Players.
                   A Player has a field named body which is a list of Coordinates,
                   and which represent the coordinates of the body parts of the snake, in order.
                   A Coordinate has two fields, x and y, of type int.
            turn - an integer, the index of the turn.
                   If you receive twice the same number, don't worry, just ignore it.

            A Command instance - a Command contains a field called direction of type int,
                                 which can be one of the Direction values: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN.
        print len(self.table)

        # Place new heads
        self.table[wm.players[0].body[-1].x][wm.players[0].body[-1].y] = 0
        self.table[wm.players[1].body[-1].x][wm.players[1].body[-1].y] = 1

        # Print the board
        print "Turn", turn
        for i in range(self.width):
            for j in range(self.height):
                if self.table[i][j] == self.me:
                    print 'M',
                elif self.table[i][j] == 1 - self.me:
                    print 'O',
                    print '.',

        command = Command()
        command.direction = Direction.DOWN

        # Randomly choose a direction
        indexes = range(4)
        for i in indexes:
            newx = wm.players[self.me].body[-1].x + dx[i]
            newy = wm.players[self.me].body[-1].y + dy[i]
            if self.isValid(newx, newy) and self.table[newx][newy] == -1:
                command.direction = dirs[i]

        return command
    def play_turn(self, wm, moveList, turn):
        This method is called once for every turn.
        This specific example solution stores a matrix with the snakes bodies (as 0 or 1, with -1 as empty cell)
        and returns a random valid direction.

            wm   - an instance of the WorldModel class that contains a field called players which is a list of Players.
                   A Player has a field named body which is a list of Coordinates,
                   and which represent the coordinates of the body parts of the snake, in order.
                   A Coordinate has two fields, x and y, of type int.
            turn - an integer, the index of the turn.
                   If you receive twice the same number, don't worry, just ignore it.

            A Command instance - a Command contains a field called direction of type int,
                                 which can be one of the Direction values: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN.
        command = Command()
        command.direction = Direction.UP

        if moveList:
            command = choice(moveList)
            print str(turn) + ": " + str(command.direction)

        return command
    def play_turn(self, wm, moveList, turn):
        This method is called once for every turn.
        This specific example solution stores a matrix with the snakes bodies (as 0 or 1, with -1 as empty cell)
        and returns a random valid direction.

            wm   - an instance of the WorldModel class that contains a field called players which is a list of Players.
                   A Player has a field named body which is a list of Coordinates,
                   and which represent the coordinates of the body parts of the snake, in order.
                   A Coordinate has two fields, x and y, of type int.
            turn - an integer, the index of the turn.
                   If you receive twice the same number, don't worry, just ignore it.

            A Command instance - a Command contains a field called direction of type int,
                                 which can be one of the Direction values: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN.
        command = Command()
        command.direction = Direction.UP

        if moveList:
            command = choice(moveList)
            print str(turn) + ": " + str(command.direction)

        return command