def test_03_api( self ): """ DataLoggingDB API :param self: self reference """ lfns = [ '/Test/00001234/File1', '/Test/00001234/File2' ] fileTuples = tuple( [ ( lfn, "TestStatus", "MinorStatus", Time.toString(), Time.dateTime(), "Somewhere" ) for lfn in lfns ] ) result = self.__db.addFileRecord( lfns, "TestStatus", date = '2012-04-28 09:49:02.545466' ) self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True ) self.assertEqual( result["Value"], 2 ) self.assertEqual( result["lastRowId"], 2 ) result = self.__db.addFileRecords( fileTuples ) self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True ) result = self.__db.getFileLoggingInfo( lfns[0] ) self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True ) self.assertEqual( len( result["Value"] ), 2 ) result = self.__db.getFileLoggingInfo( lfns[1] ) self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True ) self.assertEqual( len( result["Value"] ), 2 ) result = self.__db.getUniqueStates() self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True ) self.assertEqual( result["Value"], [ "TestStatus" ] ) result = self.__db._update( 'DROP TABLE `%s`' % self.__db.tableName ) self.assertEqual( result["OK"], True )
def getToken( key ): ''' Function that gets the userName from the proxy ''' proxyInfo = getProxyInfo() if not proxyInfo[ 'OK' ]: error( str( proxyInfo ) ) if key.lower() == 'owner': userName = proxyInfo[ 'Value' ][ 'username' ] tokenOwner = S_OK( userName ) if not tokenOwner[ 'OK' ]: error( tokenOwner[ 'Message' ] ) return tokenOwner[ 'Value' ] elif key.lower() == 'expiration': expiration = proxyInfo[ 'Value' ][ 'secondsLeft' ] tokenExpiration = S_OK( expiration ) if not tokenExpiration[ 'OK' ]: error( tokenExpiration[ 'Message' ] ) now = Time.dateTime() #datetime.datetime.utcnow() expirationDate = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds=tokenExpiration['Value'] ) expirationDate = Time.toString( expirationDate ) expirationDate = expirationDate.split('.')[0] return expirationDate
def web_getHistoryValues(self): try: dbVars = [ str(f) for f in json.loads(self.request.arguments[ 'vars' ][0]) ] except: dbVars = [ 'Load', 'Jobs', 'TransferredFiles' ] try: timespan = int(self.request.arguments[ 'timespan' ][0]) except: timespan = 86400 rpcClient = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/VirtualMachineManager") result = rpcClient.getHistoryValues(3600, {}, dbVars, timespan) if not result[ 'OK' ]: callback = {"success":"false", "error":result[ 'Message' ]} return self.write(callback) svcData = result[ 'Value' ] data = [] olderThan = Time.toEpoch() - 400 for record in svcData[ 'Records' ]: rL = [] for iP in range(len(svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ])): param = svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ][iP] if param == 'Update': rL.append(Time.toEpoch(record[iP])) else: rL.append(record[iP]) if rL[0] < olderThan: data.append(rL) callback = {"success":"true", 'data': data, 'fields' : svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ]} return self.write(callback)
def getToken(key): """ Function that gets the userName from the proxy """ proxyInfo = getProxyInfo() if not proxyInfo["OK"]: error(str(proxyInfo)) if key.lower() == "owner": userName = proxyInfo["Value"]["username"] tokenOwner = S_OK(userName) if not tokenOwner["OK"]: error(tokenOwner["Message"]) return tokenOwner["Value"] elif key.lower() == "expiration": expiration = proxyInfo["Value"]["secondsLeft"] tokenExpiration = S_OK(expiration) if not tokenExpiration["OK"]: error(tokenExpiration["Message"]) now = Time.dateTime() # datetime.datetime.utcnow() expirationDate = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tokenExpiration["Value"]) expirationDate = Time.toString(expirationDate) expirationDate = expirationDate.split(".")[0] return expirationDate
def export_removeRegisters(self, entriesList): """ Remove a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict["clientSetup"] expectedTypes = [basestring, datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, list] for entry in entriesList: if len(entry) != 4: return S_ERROR("Invalid records") for i in range(len(entry)): if not isinstance(entry[i], expectedTypes[i]): return S_ERROR("%s field in the records should be %s" % (i, expectedTypes[i])) ok = 0 for entry in entriesList: startTime = int(Time.toEpoch(entry[1])) endTime = int(Time.toEpoch(entry[2])) record = entry[3] result = self.__acDB.deleteRecord( setup, entry[0], startTime, endTime, record ) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,no-member if not result["OK"]: return S_OK(ok) ok += 1 return S_OK(ok)
def getPlotData( self ): retVal = self.__parseFormParams() if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: c.error = retVal[ 'Message' ] return render( "/error.mako" ) params = retVal[ 'Value' ] repClient = ReportsClient( rpcClient = getRPCClient( "Accounting/ReportGenerator" ) ) retVal = repClient.getReport( *params ) if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: c.error = retVal[ 'Message' ] return render( "/error.mako" ) rawData = retVal[ 'Value' ] groupKeys = rawData[ 'data' ].keys() groupKeys.sort() if 'granularity' in rawData: granularity = rawData[ 'granularity' ] data = rawData['data'] tS = int( Time.toEpoch( params[2] ) ) timeStart = tS - tS % granularity strData = "epoch,%s\n" % ",".join( groupKeys ) for timeSlot in range( timeStart, int( Time.toEpoch( params[3] ) ), granularity ): lineData = [ str( timeSlot ) ] for key in groupKeys: if timeSlot in data[ key ]: lineData.append( str( data[ key ][ timeSlot ] ) ) else: lineData.append( "" ) strData += "%s\n" % ",".join( lineData ) else: strData = "%s\n" % ",".join( groupKeys ) strData += ",".join( [ str( rawData[ 'data' ][ k ] ) for k in groupKeys ] ) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s.csv"' % md5( str( params ) ).hexdigest() response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( strData ) return strData
def export_ping( self ): dInfo = {} dInfo[ 'version' ] = DIRAC.version dInfo[ 'time' ] = Time.dateTime() #Uptime try: oFD = file( "/proc/uptime" ) iUptime = long( float( oFD.readline().split()[0].strip() ) ) oFD.close() dInfo[ 'host uptime' ] = iUptime except: pass startTime = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'serviceStartTime' ] dInfo[ 'service start time' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'serviceStartTime' ] serviceUptime = Time.dateTime() - startTime dInfo[ 'service uptime' ] = serviceUptime.days * 3600 + serviceUptime.seconds #Load average try: oFD = file( "/proc/loadavg" ) sLine = oFD.readline() oFD.close() dInfo[ 'load' ] = " ".join( sLine.split()[:3] ) except: pass dInfo[ 'name' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'serviceName' ] stTimes = os.times() dInfo[ 'cpu times' ] = { 'user time' : stTimes[0], 'system time' : stTimes[1], 'children user time' : stTimes[2], 'children system time' : stTimes[3], 'elapsed real time' : stTimes[4] } return S_OK( dInfo )
def getHistoryValues( self ): try: dbVars = [ str( f ) for f in simplejson.loads( request.params[ 'vars' ] ) ] except: dbVars = [ 'Load', 'Jobs', 'TransferredFiles' ] try: timespan = int( request.params[ 'timespan' ] ) except: timespan = 86400 rpcClient = getRPCClient( "WorkloadManagement/VirtualMachineManager" ) result = rpcClient.getHistoryValues( 3600, {}, dbVars, timespan ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return S_ERROR( result[ 'Message' ] ) svcData = result[ 'Value' ] data = [] olderThan = Time.toEpoch() - 400 for record in svcData[ 'Records' ]: rL = [] for iP in range( len( svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ] ) ): param = svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ][iP] if param == 'Update': rL.append( Time.toEpoch( record[iP] ) ) else: rL.append( record[iP] ) if rL[0] < olderThan: data.append( rL ) return S_OK( { 'data': data, 'fields' : svcData[ 'ParameterNames' ] } )
def web_getRunningInstancesHistory(self): try: bucketSize = int(self.request.arguments[ 'bucketSize' ][0]) except: bucketSize = 900 try: timespan = int(self.request.arguments[ 'timespan' ][0]) except: timespan = 86400 rpcClient = RPCClient("WorkloadManagement/VirtualMachineManager") result = rpcClient.getRunningInstancesHistory(timespan, bucketSize) if not result[ 'OK' ]: callback = {"success":"false", "error":result[ 'Message' ]} return self.write(callback) svcData = result[ 'Value' ] data = [] olderThan = Time.toEpoch() - 400 rL = [] for record in svcData: eTime = Time.toEpoch(record[0]) if eTime < olderThan: rL = [ eTime, int(record[1]) ] data.append(rL) callback = {"success":"true", 'data': data, "timespan": timespan} return self.write(callback)
def setExecutionTime(self,time): """ Set the execution time to the current data and time """ if time.lower() == "now": self.attributes['ExecutionTime'] = Time.toString(Time.dateTime()) else: self.attributes['ExecutionTime'] = time
def export_commit( self, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ): """ Add a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ] startTime = int( Time.toEpoch( startTime ) ) endTime = int( Time.toEpoch( endTime ) ) return self.__acDB.insertRecordThroughQueue( setup, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ) #pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,no-member
def export_remove( self, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ): """ Remove a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ] startTime = int( Time.toEpoch( startTime ) ) endTime = int( Time.toEpoch( endTime ) ) return self.__acDB.deleteRecord( setup, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ) #pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,no-member
def export_commit( self, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ): """ Add a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ] startTime = int( Time.toEpoch( startTime ) ) endTime = int( Time.toEpoch( endTime ) ) return self.__acDB.insertRecordThroughQueue( setup, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList )
def export_remove( self, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ): """ Remove a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ] startTime = int( Time.toEpoch( startTime ) ) endTime = int( Time.toEpoch( endTime ) ) return self.__acDB.deleteRecord( setup, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList )
def export_remove( self, typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList ): """ Remove a record for a type """ setup = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ] typeName = "%s_%s" % ( setup, typeName ) startTime = int( Time.toEpoch( startTime ) ) endTime = int( Time.toEpoch( endTime ) ) return gAccountingDB.deleteRecord( typeName, startTime, endTime, valuesList )
def bulk_index(self, indexprefix, doc_type, data, mapping=None, period=None): """ :param str indexPrefix: index name. :param str doc_type: the type of the document :param list data: contains a list of dictionary :paran dict mapping: the mapping used by elasticsearch :param str period: We can specify which kind of indices will be created. Currently only daily and monthly indexes are supported. """"%d records will be insert to %s" % (len(data), doc_type)) if mapping is None: mapping = {} indexName = generateFullIndexName(indexprefix, period) gLogger.debug("inserting datat to %s index" % indexName) if not self.exists(indexName): retVal = self.createIndex(indexprefix, mapping, period) if not retVal['OK']: return retVal docs = [] for row in data: body = { '_index': indexName, '_type': doc_type, '_source': {} } body['_source'] = row if 'timestamp' not in row: gLogger.warn("timestamp is not given! Note: the actual time is used!") # if the timestamp is not provided, we use the current utc time. timestamp = row.get('timestamp', int(Time.toEpoch())) try: if isinstance(timestamp, datetime): body['_source']['timestamp'] = int(timestamp.strftime('%s')) * 1000 elif isinstance(timestamp, basestring): timeobj = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') body['_source']['timestamp'] = int(timeobj.strftime('%s')) * 1000 else: # we assume the timestamp is an unix epoch time (integer). body['_source']['timestamp'] = timestamp * 1000 except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: # in case we are not able to convert the timestamp to epoch time.... gLogger.error("Wrong timestamp", e) body['_source']['timestamp'] = int(Time.toEpoch()) * 1000 docs += [body] try: res = bulk(self.__client, docs, chunk_size=self.__chunk_size) except BulkIndexError as e: return S_ERROR(e) if res[0] == len(docs): # we have inserted all documents... return S_OK(len(docs)) else: return S_ERROR(res) return res
def addLoggingRecord(self, jobID, status='idem', minor='idem', application='idem', date='', source='Unknown'): """ Add a new entry to the JobLoggingDB table. One, two or all the three status components (major, minor, application) can be specified. Optionally the time stamp of the status can be provided in a form of a string in a format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' or as datetime.datetime object. If the time stamp is not provided the current UTC time is used. """ event = 'status/minor/app=%s/%s/%s' % (status, minor, application)"Adding record for job " + str(jobID) + ": '" + event + "' from " + source) if not date: # Make the UTC datetime string and float _date = Time.dateTime() epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER time_order = round(epoc, 3) else: try: if isinstance(date, basestring): # The date is provided as a string in UTC _date = Time.fromString(date) epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER time_order = round(epoc, 3) elif isinstance(date, Time._dateTimeType): _date = date epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) + _date.microsecond / 1000000. - \ MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER # pylint: disable=no-member time_order = round(epoc, 3) else: self.gLogger.error('Incorrect date for the logging record') _date = Time.dateTime() epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER time_order = round(epoc, 3) except BaseException: self.gLogger.exception('Exception while date evaluation') _date = Time.dateTime() epoc = time.mktime(_date.timetuple()) - MAGIC_EPOC_NUMBER time_order = round(epoc, 3) cmd = "INSERT INTO LoggingInfo (JobId, Status, MinorStatus, ApplicationStatus, " + \ "StatusTime, StatusTimeOrder, StatusSource) VALUES (%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s',%f,'%s')" % \ (int(jobID), status, minor, application[:255], str(_date), time_order, source) return self._update(cmd)
def _checkJobLastUpdateTime( self, joblist , StalledDays ): timeLimitToConsider = Time.dateTime() - * StalledDays ret = False for JobID in joblist: result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(int(JobID)) if result['OK']: if result['Value'].has_key('LastUpdateTime'): LastUpdateTime = result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] if Time.fromString(LastUpdateTime) > timeLimitToConsider: ret = True self.log.debug('Since '+str(JobID)+' updates LastUpdateTime on '+str(LastUpdateTime)+', this does not to need to be deleted.') break else: self.log.error("Error taking job info. from DB:%s" % str( result['Message'] ) ) return ret
def _checkJobLastUpdateTime( self, joblist , StalledDays ): timeLimitToConsider = Time.dateTime() - * StalledDays ret = False for jobID in joblist: result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( int( jobID ) ) if result['OK']: if 'LastUpdateTime' in result['Value']: lastUpdateTime = result['Value']['LastUpdateTime'] if Time.fromString( lastUpdateTime ) > timeLimitToConsider: ret = True self.log.debug( 'Since %s updates LastUpdateTime on %s this does not to need to be deleted.' % ( str( jobID ), str( lastUpdateTime ) ) ) break else: self.log.error( "Error taking job info from DB", result['Message'] ) return ret
def __consolidateMarks( self, allData ): """ Copies all marks except last step ones and consolidates them """ consolidatedMarks = {} remainderMarks = {} for key in self.activitiesMarks: if allData: lastStepToSend = int( Time.toEpoch() ) else: lastStepToSend = self.__UTCStepTime( key ) consolidatedMarks[ key ] = {} remainderMarks [ key ] = {} for markTime in self.activitiesMarks[ key ]: markValue = self.activitiesMarks[ key ][ markTime ] if markTime >= lastStepToSend: remainderMarks[ key ][ markTime ] = markValue else: consolidatedMarks[ key ][ markTime ] = markValue # Consolidate the copied ones totalValue = 0 for mark in consolidatedMarks[ key ][ markTime ]: totalValue += mark if self.activitiesDefinitions[ key ][ 'type' ] == self.OP_MEAN: totalValue /= len( consolidatedMarks[ key ][ markTime ] ) consolidatedMarks[ key ][ markTime ] = totalValue if len( consolidatedMarks[ key ] ) == 0: del( consolidatedMarks[ key ] ) self.activitiesMarks = remainderMarks return consolidatedMarks
def submit(self): pagestart = time() RPC = getRPCClient("WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring") user = str(credentials.getUsername()) result = RPC.getOwners() if result["OK"]: defaultGroup = gConfig.getValue("/Registry/DefaultGroup","") if defaultGroup == "": return {"success":"false","error":"Option /Registry/DefaultGroup is undefined, please set the default group in the CS"} group = str(credentials.getSelectedGroup()) groupProperty = credentials.getProperties(group) if user not in result["Value"] and ( "JobAdministrator" or "JobSharing" ) not in groupProperty: c.result = {"success":"false","error":"You don't have any jobs in the DIRAC system"} return c.result else: c.result = {"success":"false","error":result["Message"]} return c.result req = self.__request() gLogger.always("getJobPageSummaryWeb(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (req,globalSort,pageNumber,numberOfJobs)) result = RPC.getJobPageSummaryWeb(req,globalSort,pageNumber,numberOfJobs) gLogger.always(" - REZ: " %result) if result["OK"]: result = result["Value"]"ReS",result) if result.has_key("TotalRecords"): if result["TotalRecords"] > 0: if result.has_key("ParameterNames") and result.has_key("Records"): if len(result["ParameterNames"]) > 0: if len(result["Records"]) > 0: c.result = [] jobs = result["Records"] head = result["ParameterNames"] headLength = len(head) for i in jobs: tmp = {} for j in range(0,headLength): tmp[head[j]] = i[j] c.result.append(tmp) total = result["TotalRecords"] timestamp = Time.dateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M [UTC]") if result.has_key("Extras"): st = self.__dict2string(req) extra = result["Extras"] c.result = {"success":"true","result":c.result,"total":total,"extra":extra,"request":st,"date":timestamp} else: c.result = {"success":"true","result":c.result,"total":total,"date":timestamp} else: c.result = {"success":"false","result":"","error":"There are no data to display"} else: c.result = {"success":"false","result":"","error":"ParameterNames field is missing"} else: c.result = {"success":"false","result":"","error":"Data structure is corrupted"} else: c.result = {"success":"false","result":"","error":"There were no data matching your selection"} else: c.result = {"success":"false","result":"","error":"Data structure is corrupted"} else: c.result = {"success":"false","error":result["Message"]}"\033[0;31mJOB SUBMIT REQUEST:\033[0m %s" % (time() - pagestart)) return c.result
def _getHistoryData(self, timeSpan, groupToUse): """Get history data from ElasticSearch Monitoring database :param int timeSpan: time span :param str groupToUse: requested user group :return: dictionary with history data """ monitoringClient = MonitoringClient() reportCondition = {"Status": ["Running"]} if not groupToUse: reportGrouping = "UserGroup" reportCondition["grouping"] = ["UserGroup"] else: reportGrouping = "User" reportCondition["UserGroup"] = groupToUse reportCondition["grouping"] = ["User"] now = Time.dateTime() result = monitoringClient.getReport( "WMSHistory", "AverageNumberOfJobs", now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeSpan), now, reportCondition, reportGrouping, {"lastSeconds": timeSpan}, ) return result
def execute( self ): """ Remove jobs in various status """ #Delete jobs in "Deleted" state result = self.removeJobsByStatus( { 'Status' : 'Deleted' } ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result #Get all the Job types that can be cleaned result = self.__getAllowedJobTypes() if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result # No jobs in the system subject to removal if not result['Value']: return S_OK() baseCond = { 'JobType' : result[ 'Value' ] } # Remove jobs with final status for status in self.removeStatusDelay: delay = self.removeStatusDelay[ status ] condDict = dict( baseCond ) condDict[ 'Status' ] = status delTime = str( Time.dateTime() - delay * ) result = self.removeJobsByStatus( condDict, delTime ) if not result['OK']: gLogger.warn( 'Failed to remove jobs in status %s' % status ) return S_OK()
def filterOngoing( selectOutput ): ''' Selects all the ongoing downtimes ''' downtimes = selectOutput downtimesFiltered = [] currentDate = Time.toEpoch( Time.dateTime() ) for dt in downtimes: dtStart = Time.toEpoch( dt[ 'startDate' ] ) dtEnd = Time.toEpoch( dt[ 'endDate' ] ) if ( dtStart <= currentDate ) and ( dtEnd >= currentDate ): downtimesFiltered.append( dt ) return downtimesFiltered
def export_getCurrentPilotCounters(cls, attrDict={}): """Get pilot counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for the last day. """ result = cls.pilotAgentsDB.getCounters("PilotAgents", ["Status"], attrDict, timeStamp="LastUpdateTime") if not result["OK"]: return result last_update = Time.dateTime() - resultDay = cls.pilotAgentsDB.getCounters( "PilotAgents", ["Status"], attrDict, newer=last_update, timeStamp="LastUpdateTime" ) if not resultDay["OK"]: return resultDay resultDict = {} for statusDict, count in result["Value"]: status = statusDict["Status"] resultDict[status] = count if status in PilotStatus.PILOT_FINAL_STATES: resultDict[status] = 0 for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay["Value"]: if status == statusDayDict["Status"]: resultDict[status] = ccount break return S_OK(resultDict)
def registerActivity(self, sourceId, acName, acDict): """ Register an activity. :type sourceId: string :param sourceId: The source id. :type acName: string :param acName: name of the activity. :type acDict: dictionary :param acDict: The activity dictionary containing information about 'category', 'description', 'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit'. :return: a list of values. """ m = hashlib.md5() acDict['name'] = acName acDict['sourceId'] = sourceId m.update(str(acDict).encode()) retList = self.__select("filename", "activities", acDict) if len(retList) > 0: return retList[0][0] else: acDict['lastUpdate'] = int(Time.toEpoch() - 86000) filePath = m.hexdigest() filePath = "%s/%s.rrd" % (filePath[:2], filePath)"Registering activity", str(acDict)) # This is basically called by the ServiceInterface inside registerActivities method and then all the activity # information is stored in the sqlite3 db using the __insert method. if self.__insert("activities", { 'id': 'NULL', 'filename': "'%s'" % filePath, }, acDict) == 0: return -1 return self.__select("filename", "activities", acDict)[0][0]
def storeHashTagById( self, userIds, tagName, hashTag = False, connObj = False ): """ Set a data entry for a profile """ if not hashTag: hashTag = md5.md5() hashTag.update( "%s;%s;%s" % ( Time.dateTime(), userIds, tagName ) ) hashTag = hashTag.hexdigest() hashTagUnescaped = hashTag result = self._escapeString( hashTag ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result hashTag = result[ 'Value' ] result = self._escapeString( tagName ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result tagName = result[ 'Value' ] insertSQL = "INSERT INTO `up_HashTags` ( UserId, GroupId, VOId, TagName, HashTag ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )" % ( userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[2], tagName, hashTag ) result = self._update( insertSQL, conn = connObj ) if result[ 'OK' ]: return S_OK( hashTagUnescaped ) #If error and not duplicate -> real error if result[ 'Message' ].find( "Duplicate entry" ) == -1: return result updateSQL = "UPDATE `up_HashTags` set HashTag=%s WHERE UserId = %s AND GroupId = %s AND VOId = %s AND TagName = %s" % ( hashTag, userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[2], tagName ) result = self._update( updateSQL, conn = connObj ) if not result[ 'OK' ]: return result return S_OK( hashTagUnescaped )
def initialize( self, request ): """ Set default values to attributes and parameters """ if type( request ) == NoneType: # Set some defaults for name in self.attributeNames: self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown' self.attributes['CreationTime'] = str( Time.dateTime() ) self.attributes['Status'] = "New" result = getProxyInfo() if result['OK']: proxyDict = result[ 'Value' ] self.attributes['OwnerDN'] = proxyDict[ 'identity' ] if 'group' in proxyDict: self.attributes['OwnerGroup'] = proxyDict[ 'group' ] self.attributes['DIRACSetup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown' ) elif isinstance( request, RequestContainer ): for attr in self.attributeNames: self.attributes[attr] = request.attributes[attr] # initialize request from an XML string if type( request ) in StringTypes: for name in self.attributeNames: self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown' self.parseRequest( request ) # Initialize request from another request elif isinstance( request, RequestContainer ): self.subRequests = copy.deepcopy( request.subrequests )
def __init__(self, serviceData): """ Init the variables for the service :param serviceData: dict with modName, standalone, loadName, moduleObj, classObj. e.g.: {'modName': 'Framework/serviceName', 'standalone': True, 'loadName': 'Framework/serviceName', 'moduleObj': <module 'serviceNameHandler' from '/home/DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/Service/serviceNameHandler.pyo'>, 'classObj': <class 'serviceNameHandler.serviceHandler'>} Standalone is true if there is only one service started If it's false, every service is linked to a different MonitoringClient """ self._svcData = serviceData self._name = serviceData["modName"] self._startTime = Time.dateTime() self._validNames = [serviceData["modName"]] if serviceData["loadName"] not in self._validNames: self._validNames.append(serviceData["loadName"]) self._cfg = ServiceConfiguration(list(self._validNames)) self._standalone = serviceData["standalone"] self.__monitorLastStatsUpdate = time.time() self._stats = {"queries": 0, "connections": 0} self._authMgr = AuthManager( "%s/Authorization" % PathFinder.getServiceSection(serviceData["loadName"])) self._transportPool = getGlobalTransportPool() self.__cloneId = 0 self.__maxFD = 0
def export_getCurrentPilotCounters(cls, attrDict={}): """ Get pilot counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for the last day. """ result = PilotAgentsDB().getCounters('PilotAgents', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime') if not result['OK']: return result last_update = Time.dateTime() - resultDay = PilotAgentsDB().getCounters('PilotAgents', ['Status'], attrDict, newer=last_update, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime') if not resultDay['OK']: return resultDay resultDict = {} for statusDict, count in result['Value']: status = statusDict['Status'] resultDict[status] = count if status in FINAL_STATES: resultDict[status] = 0 for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']: if status == statusDayDict['Status']: resultDict[status] = ccount break return S_OK(resultDict)
def _mbReceivedMsg(self, trid, msgObj): result = self._authorizeProposal( ("Message", msgObj.getName()), trid, self._transportPool.get(trid).getConnectingCredentials()) if not result["OK"]: return result result = self._instantiateHandler(trid) if not result["OK"]: return result handlerObj = result["Value"] response = handlerObj._rh_executeMessageCallback(msgObj) if self.activityMonitoring and response["OK"]: self.activityMonitoringReporter.addRecord({ "timestamp": int(Time.toEpoch()), "host": Network.getFQDN(), "componentType": "service", "component": "_".join(self._name.split("/")), "componentLocation": self._cfg.getURL(), "ServiceResponseTime": response["Value"][1], }) if response["OK"]: return response["Value"][0] else: return response
def __getLoggingInfo(self, transid): callback = {} tsClient = TransformationClient() result = tsClient.getTransformationLogging(transid) if result["OK"]: result = result["Value"] if len(result) > 0: callback = [] resultUser = gConfig.getSections("/Security/Users") if resultUser["OK"]: users = resultUser["Value"] dndb = {} for j in users: dndb[gConfig.getValue("/Security/Users/%s/DN" % j)] = j else: dndb = {} for i in result: DN = i["AuthorDN"] if DN in dndb: i["AuthorDN"] = dndb[DN] else: i["AuthorDN"] = DN # "Owner Unknown" date = Time.toString(i["MessageDate"]) callback.append([i["Message"], date, i["AuthorDN"]]) callback = {"success": "true", "result": callback} else: callback = {"success": "false", "error": "Nothing to display"} else: callback = {"success": "false", "error": result["Message"]}"PRODUCTION LOG:", id) return callback
def export_getCurrentJobCounters(attrDict=None): """ Get job counters per Status with attrDict selection. Final statuses are given for the last day. """ if not attrDict: attrDict = {} result = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime') if not result['OK']: return result last_update = Time.dateTime() - resultDay = gJobDB.getCounters('Jobs', ['Status'], attrDict, newer=last_update, timeStamp='LastUpdateTime') if not resultDay['OK']: return resultDay resultDict = {} for statusDict, count in result['Value']: status = statusDict['Status'] resultDict[status] = count if status in FINAL_STATES: resultDict[status] = 0 for statusDayDict, ccount in resultDay['Value']: if status == statusDayDict['Status']: resultDict[status] = ccount break return S_OK(resultDict)
def clearWaitingPilots(self, condDict): """ Clear pilots in the faulty Waiting state """ last_update = Time.dateTime() - MAX_WAITING_STATE_LENGTH * Time.hour clearDict = { "Status": "Waiting", "OwnerDN": condDict["OwnerDN"], "OwnerGroup": condDict["OwnerGroup"], "GridType": condDict["GridType"], "Broker": condDict["Broker"], } result = self.pilotDB.selectPilots(clearDict, older=last_update) if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed to get the Pilot Agents fpr Waiting state") return result if not result["Value"]: return S_OK() refList = result["Value"] for pilotRef in refList:"Setting Waiting pilot to Aborted: %s" % pilotRef) result = self.pilotDB.setPilotStatus(pilotRef, "Stalled", statusReason="Exceeded max waiting time") return S_OK()
def am_createStopAgentFile(self): try: fd = open(self.am_getStopAgentFile(), 'w') fd.write('Dirac site agent Stopped at %s' % Time.toString()) fd.close() except Exception: pass
def getActivitiesList( self ): try: start = int( request.params[ 'start' ] ) except: start = 0 try: limit = int( request.params[ 'limit' ] ) except: limit = 0 try: sortField = str( request.params[ 'sortField' ] ).replace( "_", "." ) sortDir = str( request.params[ 'sortDirection' ] ) sort = [ ( sortField, sortDir ) ] except: sort = [] rpcClient = getRPCClient( "Framework/Monitoring" ) retVal = rpcClient.getActivitiesContents( {}, sort, start, limit ) if not retVal[ 'OK' ]: return retVal svcData = retVal[ 'Value' ] data = { 'numActivities' : svcData[ 'TotalRecords' ], 'activities' : [] } now = Time.toEpoch() for record in svcData[ 'Records' ]: formatted = {} for i in range( len( svcData[ 'Fields' ] ) ): formatted[ svcData[ 'Fields' ][i].replace( ".", "_" ) ] = record[i] if 'activities_lastUpdate' in formatted: formatted[ 'activities_lastUpdate' ] = now - int( formatted[ 'activities_lastUpdate' ] ) data[ 'activities' ].append( formatted ) return data
def plotView( self ): """ Plot a saved view """ plotRequest = {} try: webRequest = simplejson.loads( request.params[ 'plotRequest' ] ) if 'id' not in webRequest: return S_ERROR( "Missing viewID in plot request" ) plotRequest[ 'id' ] = webRequest[ 'id' ] if 'size' not in webRequest: return S_ERROR( "Missing plotsize in plot request" ) plotRequest[ 'size' ] = webRequest[ 'size' ] if 'time' not in webRequest: return S_ERROR( "Missing time span in plot request" ) timeReq = webRequest[ 'time' ] if timeReq[ 'timespan' ] < 0: toSecs = self.__dateToSecs( str( timeReq[ 'toDate' ] ) ) fromSecs = self.__dateToSecs( str( timeReq[ 'fromDate' ] ) ) else: toSecs = int( Time.toEpoch() ) fromSecs = toSecs - timeReq[ 'timespan' ] plotRequest[ 'fromSecs' ] = fromSecs plotRequest[ 'toSecs' ] = toSecs if 'varData' in webRequest: plotRequest[ 'varData' ] = webRequest[ 'varData' ] except Exception, e: return self.__translateToExpectedExtResult( S_ERROR( "Error while processing plot parameters: %s" % str( e ) ) )
def setJobStatus(self, status='', minorStatus='', applicationStatus='', sendFlag=True, minor=None, application=None): """ Send job status information to the JobState service for jobID """ # Backward compatibility # FIXME: to remove in next version if minor or application: gLogger.warn("Use deprecated argument to setJobStatus()", "minor=%s, application=%s" % (minor, application)) if minor is not None: minorStatus = minor if application is not None: applicationStatus = application timeStamp = Time.toString() # add job status record self.jobStatusInfo.append( (status.replace("'", ''), minorStatus.replace("'", ''), timeStamp)) if applicationStatus: self.appStatusInfo.append( (applicationStatus.replace("'", ''), timeStamp)) if sendFlag and self.jobID: # and send return self.sendStoredStatusInfo() return S_OK()
def tryView( self ): """ Try plotting graphs for a view """ try: plotRequest = simplejson.loads( request.params[ 'plotRequest' ] ) if 'timeLength' in request.params: timeLength = str( request.params[ 'timeLength' ] ) toSecs = int( Time.toEpoch() ) if timeLength == "hour": fromSecs = toSecs - 3600 elif timeLength == "day": fromSecs = toSecs - 86400 elif timeLength == "month": fromSecs = toSecs - 2592000 elif fromSecs == "year": fromDate = toSecs - 31104000 else: return S_ERROR( "Time length value not valid" ) else: fromDate = str( request.params[ 'fromDate' ] ) toDate = str( request.params[ 'toDate' ] ) fromSecs = self.__dateToSecs( fromDate ) toSecs = self.__dateToSecs( toDate ) except Exception, e: return S_ERROR( "Error while processing plot parameters: %s" % str( e ) )
def storeHashTagById(self, userIds, tagName, hashTag=False, connObj=False): """ Set a data entry for a profile """ if not hashTag: hashTag = md5.md5() hashTag.update("%s;%s;%s" % (Time.dateTime(), userIds, tagName)) hashTag = hashTag.hexdigest() hashTagUnescaped = hashTag result = self._escapeString(hashTag) if not result['OK']: return result hashTag = result['Value'] result = self._escapeString(tagName) if not result['OK']: return result tagName = result['Value'] insertSQL = "INSERT INTO `up_HashTags` ( UserId, GroupId, VOId, TagName, HashTag ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )" % ( userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[2], tagName, hashTag) result = self._update(insertSQL, conn=connObj) if result['OK']: return S_OK(hashTagUnescaped) #If error and not duplicate -> real error if result['Message'].find("Duplicate entry") == -1: return result updateSQL = "UPDATE `up_HashTags` set HashTag=%s WHERE UserId = %s AND GroupId = %s AND VOId = %s AND TagName = %s" % ( hashTag, userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[2], tagName) result = self._update(updateSQL, conn=connObj) if not result['OK']: return result return S_OK(hashTagUnescaped)