def log_progress(sequence, every=None, size=None): from ipywidgets import IntProgress, HTML, VBox from IPython.display import display is_iterator = False if size is None: try: size = len(sequence) except TypeError: is_iterator = True if size is not None: if every is None: if size <= 200: every = 1 else: every = size / 200 # every 0.5% else: assert every is not None, 'sequence is iterator, set every' if is_iterator: progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=1, value=1) progress.bar_style = 'info' else: progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=size, value=0) label = HTML() box = VBox(children=[label, progress]) display(box) index = 0 try: for index, record in enumerate(sequence, 1): if index == 1 or index % every == 0: if is_iterator: label.value = '{index} / ?'.format(index=index) else: progress.value = index label.value = u'{index} / {size}'.format( index=index, size=size ) yield record except: progress.bar_style = 'danger' raise else: progress.bar_style = 'success' progress.value = index label.value = str(index or '?')
def _repr_html_(self): graph = HTML( self.get_html() ) return graph._repr_html_()
th_iter = x_plot[iter, 2] p_cart.set_data(x_iter, 0.1 + H / 2) p_pend.set_data(x_iter+np.array([0,L*np.sin(th_iter)]),\ 0.1+H/2+np.array([0,-L*np.cos(th_iter)])) return p_pend anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(t_plot), interval=50, blit=False, repeat=False) HTML(anim.to_jshtml()) plot_labels = ('x', 'v', 'theta', 'omega') [plt.plot(tspan, x[:, j], linewidth=2, label=plot_labels[j]) for j in range(4)] plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('State') plt.legend() #%% Compare with many examples of Pole Placement JLQR = np.zeros(len(tspan)) for k in range(len(tspan)): JLQR[k] = (x[k, :] - wr) @ Q @ (x[k, :] - wr) + (u(x[k, :])**2) * R t_plot = tspan[::50]
def printSampleDataList(self): display( HTML( self.env.getTemplate("sampleData.html").render( dataDefs = iteritems(self.dataDefs) ) ))
def style_notebook(): style = open("./resources/style.css", "r").read() return HTML(style)
def setUp(): display( HTML('<style>{}</style>'.format( formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight'))))
def show_help(cls): """Display Documentation for class.""" display(HTML(cls.get_help()))
def plot_anim(frame_gen, xlim=(0,5), ylim=(-10,10), n=1000, delay=20, max_frames=1000, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, gif=False): """Produce an animation from a frame-generating function. Works in two modes: - Return a Jupyter HTML5 wrapper around a rendered mp4 video of the animation - Create an animated gif file of the animation The first mode is default and recommended for in-notebook rendering. Args: frame_gen : Generator that takes domain array of points and yields successive range arrays of points to plot as frames. The frames will continue until the generator is exhausted. xlim = (xmin,xmax) : Horizontal plot range [default (0,5)] ylim = (ymin,ymax) : Vertical plot range [default (-10,10)] n : Number of domain points delay : number of ms between frames max_frames : maximum number of saved frame [default 1000] title : plot title (optional) xlabel : plot x axis label (optional) ylabel : plot y axis label (optional) gif : Boolean, if true render gif file instead of outputting HTML5 (default false) Returns: HTML object containing mp4 video of animation (when gif false) Effects: Saves a gif file containing the animation (when gif true) """ # Define domain points that remain fixed x = np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],n) g = frame_gen(x) # Create empty plot set to desired fixed zoom fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if title: plt.title(title) if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel) # Draw an empty line and save the handle to update later line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2) # Define how to generate a blank frame def init_frame(): line.set_data([],[]) return (line,) # Define how to update a frame from a range input def animate(y): line.set_data(x,y) return (line,) # Define animation object using frame generator # Use blit to redraw only the changes that were made anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init_frame, save_count=max_frames, frames=g, interval=delay, blit=True) # Tidy up stray plot within the notebook itself plt.close() if gif: # Render animation as animated gif file'.gif', writer='imagemagick') else: # Make sure that animation renders to HTML5 by default rc('animation', html='html5') # Convert animation to HTML5 and return return HTML(anim.to_html5_video())
nx.draw_planar(G, node_color="lightblue", edge_color="gray", font_size=24, width=2, with_labels=False, node_size=3500) list(nx.all_shortest_paths(G, source="MED", target='BOG ')) nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, node_color='lightgreen') #'s_algorithm print("Dijkstra's algorithm") HTML( '<img src="">' ) # instruccion para calcular la ruta mas corta list(nx.all_shortest_paths(G, source="BOG ", target='AGH')) list(nx.all_shortest_paths(G, source="MED", target='BOG ')) #all_shortest_paths(G, source, target, weight=None, method='dijkstra') list(nx.all_shortest_paths(G, source="BOG ", target='MED', weight=None)) #Devuelve una lista de nodos en la ruta más corta entre el origen y el destino utilizando el algoritmo A * ("A-star"). list(nx.astar_path(G, ("BOG "), ("MED"), weight='precio')) list(nx.dijkstra_path(G, ("MED"), ("BOG "), weight='precio'))
# Create Reports --------------------------------------------------------------- d = { 'Forward Bearing': round(forwardInitialBearing, 4), 'Backward Bearing': round(backwardInitialBearing, 4), 'Distance': round(cumulativeOffset, 4) } html = "<b> Linear Misclosure</b>" html += """<table border="1"> <tr><th>Pass 1 Bearing [degrees]</th><th>Pass 2 Bearing [degrees] </th><th>Cumulative Offset [m]</th></tr>""" html += "<tr><td>{}</td>".format(d['Forward Bearing']) html += "<td>{}</td>".format(d['Backward Bearing']) html += "<td>{}</td>".format(d['Distance']) html += "</tr></table>" html += "<small><small> Bearings are relative to True North </small></small>" display(HTML(html)) # OOS Verification d = { 'Run': pd.Series([run for run in runs]), 'KP From': pd.Series(["{0:.4f}".format(kpFrom) for kpFrom in kpFroms]), 'KP To': pd.Series([round(kpTo, 4) for kpTo in kpTos]), 'HOOS Sigma': pd.Series([round(hoosSigma, 3) for hoosSigma in hoosSigmas]), 'HOOS 2Sigma': pd.Series([round(hoos2Sigma, 3) for hoos2Sigma in hoos2Sigmas]), 'VOOS Sigma': pd.Series([round(voosSigma, 3) for voosSigma in voosSigmas]), 'VOOS 2Sigma': pd.Series([round(voos2Sigma, 3) for voos2Sigma in voos2Sigmas]) } df = pd.DataFrame(d)
# coding: utf-8 # In[5]: import AnuLibrary, writeFact from IPython.display import HTML # path = '/home/kishori/rule1E_tmp/2.1/' relation_df = AnuLibrary.create_dataframe('hindi_dep_parser_original.dat') relation_df HTML(relation_df.to_html(classes='table table-condensed'))
plt.ylabel("Loss") plt.legend() # %%capture fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.axis("off") ims = [[plt.imshow(np.transpose(i, (1, 2, 0)), animated=True)] for i in img_list] ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=1000, repeat_delay=1000, blit=True) HTML(ani.to_jshtml()) # Grab a batch of real images from the dataloader real_batch = next(iter(train_loader)) # Plot the real images plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Real Images") plt.imshow( np.transpose( vutils.make_grid(real_batch[0].to(device)[:64], padding=5, normalize=True).cpu(), (1, 2, 0)))
source_img = io.imread(source_img_paths[nframe]) ax1.imshow(source_img) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) target_label = io.imread(target_label_paths[nframe]) ax2.imshow(target_label) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) target_synth = io.imread(target_synth_paths[nframe]) ax3.imshow(target_synth) ax3.set_xticks([]) ax3.set_yticks([]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(target_label_paths), interval=1000 / 24) plt.close() js_anim = HTML(anim.to_jshtml())"output.gif", writer="imagemagick")
# # Introduction to 4 Tone CfL # # In this experiment, we increase the number of tonal parameter from 1 to 2 per plane. The first parameter is applied to positive values while the second is used on negative values # In[ ]: from IPython.display import HTML HTML('''<script> code_show=true; function code_toggle() { if (code_show){ $('div.input').hide(); $('#toggle').attr('value', 'Show code') } else { $('div.input').show(); $('#toggle').attr('value', 'Hide code') } code_show = !code_show } $( document ).ready(code_toggle); </script> <form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" id="toggle" value="Show code"></form>''' ) # # Prologue # # Let's start with the usual dependencies # In[1]: get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
# reprinting the output again for clarity: # # <html><p>file1 = ../resources/idffiles/V_7_2/constructions.idf</p><p>file2 = ../resources/idffiles/V_7_2/constructions_diff.idf</p><table border="1"><tr><th>Object Key</th><th> Object Name</th><th> Field Name</th><th> file1</th><th> file2</th></tr><tr><td>MATERIAL</td><td>F08 Metal surface</td><td></td><td>not here</td><td>is here</td></tr><tr><td>MATERIAL</td><td>F08 Metal surface haha</td><td></td><td>is here</td><td>not here</td></tr><tr><td>MATERIAL</td><td>G05 25mm wood</td><td>Conductivity</td><td>0.15</td><td>0.155</td></tr><tr><td>CONSTRUCTION</td><td>Exterior Door</td><td>Outside Layer</td><td>F08 Metal surface</td><td>F08 Metal surface haha</td></tr></table></html> # <markdowncell> # It does look like html :-). We need to redirect this output to a file and then open the file in a browser to see what it looks like. Displayed below is the html file # <codecell> from eppy.useful_scripts import ( doc_images, ) # no need to know this code, it just shows the image below from IPython.display import HTML h = HTML(open(doc_images.idfdiff_path, "r").read()) h # <markdowncell> # Pretty straight forward. Scroll up and look at the origin text files, and see how understands the difference # <markdowncell> # Now let us try the same thin in csv format # <codecell> # %%bash # python idd file1 file2 os.system(
def display_html(html_string): display(HTML(html_string))
import seaborn as sns import ast import re import scipy.stats as stats import datetime from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor import statsmodels.api as sm from collections import Counter import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import itertools plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 from IPython.display import HTML, Math display( HTML("<script src='" "latest.js?config=default'></script>")) Math(r"e^\alpha") ### Load Data train_adj_d = pd.read_csv('train_adj_r10_t01_d.csv') val_adj_d = pd.read_csv('test_adj_r10_t01_d.csv') print "---" print "Q: What is the size of train_adj_d?" print train_adj_d.shape print "---" ## Split data into train and test train_split_adj_d, test_split_adj_d = train_test_split(train_adj_d, test_size=0.1)
def _display(html): return display(HTML(html))
def manim(line, cell): #Include manimlib imports if the user forgot to include them. if 'from manimlib.imports import *' not in cell: cell = 'from manimlib.imports import *\n' + cell #A temporary file to store current cell's code #This file and thus it's output media files #will be overwritten each time you execute the #cell. So, if you want to save a file use the #-o option. file_name = '' #parse the specified arguments. "parse_args" is #slightly modified manim function "manimlib.config.parse_cli()". #It takes an additional argument -v or --verbose. args = parse_args(line.strip().split()) #if file name is provided using --file option then use #that name instead. if not args.file: args.file = file_name else: args.file += '.py' #display output cell beside input cell if args.no_split == False if not args.no_split: split_screen() #write to the file with open(args.file, 'w') as new_file: new_file.write(cell) #io.capture_output() suppress output until its #closed. So if args.verbose == true, then suppress #the output. if not args.verbose: capture_output = io.capture_output(stderr=args.quiet) capture_output.__enter__() #manim functions config = manimlib.config.get_configuration(args) manimlib.constants.initialize_directories(config) #end io.capture_output() if it was opened if not args.verbose: capture_output.__exit__(None, None, None) #es.main is a modified version of manimlib.extract_scene.main() #It takes the usual argument "config", plus an additional #argument arg.verbose. It is explicitly given args.verbose #because we don't want to suppress the list of scene class #which is displayed on the output when multiple classes are #present in the code. all_scene_objects = es.main(config, verbose=args.verbose, quiet=args.quiet) #this contain the html attributes to render, like the video #and images of the output file html_to_render = '' #default height and width of output screen height = 300 width = 480 #if resolution is explicitly provided then use provided values instead if args.frame_size: try: height, width = [ int(x) for x in args.frame_size.strip().split(',') ] except Exception as e: print(e, '\nFrame size should have a format, height,width', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) #loop through all the scene class objects to find the #location of their respective output media files. #Use their location to generate appropriate html code #and append it to "html_to_render". for x in all_scene_objects: dictionary = x.__dict__['file_writer'].__dict__ if args.save_last_frame: html_to_render += get_image(dictionary['image_file_path'], width=width, height=height) if dictionary['write_to_movie']: html_to_render += get_video(dictionary['movie_file_path'], width=width, height=height) #finally display rendered HTML return HTML(html_to_render)
def code(string): assert isinstance(string, str) return HTML(f"<code>{escape(string)}</code>")
def display_df(df): "Display `df` in a notebook or defaults to print" try: from IPython.display import display, HTML except: return print(df) display(HTML(df.to_html()))
def well(s): s = safe(s)._repr_html_() return HTML('<div class="jupyter-extra-info">' + s + '</div>')
def play_mp3(file): return HTML('<audio src="'+file+'" controls><p>If you are reading this, it is because your browser does not support the audio element</p></audio>')
def in_f(k, v): if k == 'headers': return HTML(html_formatter_for_mapping(v, open=False)) else: return v
def show_video_file(url,width,height): return HTML('<video width="900" height="600" controls autoplay><source src="resources/MapBox-Isochrone-Continuous.ogg"</video>')
def plot(self): print("Reading data") # Vemos cual es la extensión exten = self.file.split('.') extension = exten[len(exten) - 1] # Leemos los archivos .tsv if extension == 'tsv': df = pd.read_table(self.file) df = df.drop( list(df)[-1], 1 ) #Para los archivos .tsv eliminamos la última columna que se suele leer y no tiene nada # Calculamos los índices para poder hacer los plots print("Calculate indexes") par = list(df) # Añadimos los índices df[len(par)] = df.index # Establecemos nombres a las columnas df.columns = ["Strike", "TC", "SP", "Index"] # Damos opción para indicar tags diferentes if self.tags != None: dfd = self.tags dfd.append("Indice") if (len(dfd) == len(list(df))): df.columns = dfd else: raise Exception("Number of tags: " + str(len(dfd) - 1) + " missmatched column length --> " + str(len(list(df)) - 1)) # Leemos archivos que acepta read_csv elif (extension == 'csv' or extension == 'txt'): df = pd.read_csv(self.file) name_data_frame = list(df) if self.normalization == True: print("Normalizing data") # Eliminamos temporalmente ultima columna num = df[list(df)[-1]] df = df.drop(list(df)[-1], 1) # Normalizamos los datos x = df.values # returns a numpy array min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() x_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x) df = pd.DataFrame(x_scaled) # Volvemos a añadir el dataFrame df[len(list(df))] = num df.columns = name_data_frame print("Calculating best ranges") # Inicializamos las variables max_range_values = [] min_range_values = [] final_max_value = 0 final_min_value = 0 #Creamos una lista con los nombres de las columnas pared = list(df) for l in range(0, len(pared) - 1): max1 = max(df[pared[l]]) min1 = min(df[pared[l]]) if l < len(pared) - 3: max2 = max(df[pared[l + 1]]) min2 = min(df[pared[l + 1]]) max_range_values.append(max(int(max1 * 2), int(max2 * 1.2))) min_range_values.append(min(min1 - 1, min2 - 1)) if l == len(pared) - 2: max_range_values.append(max(df[pared[l]] * 1.2)) min_range_values.append(min(df[pared[l]])) final_max_value = max(max_range_values) final_min_value = min(min_range_values) print("Plotting data") if self.library == 'pyplot': division = list(df)[-1] # Limpiamos la figura en caso de que tuviesemos algo plt.close() plt.figure() plt.clf() # Ofrece la opción de plotear de un solo color if self.color_unique == True: fig = parallel_coordinates(df, division, color=('#556270')) elif self.color_unique == False: fig = parallel_coordinates(df, division) # Ofrece la opcion de eliminar la leyenda if (self.remove_legend == True): plt.gca().legend_.remove() # Ofrece la opcion de guardar la gráfica if self.autosave == True: plt.savefig(self.save_file_name) # Mostramos la gráfica fig = df elif self.library == 'plotly': # Vamos a generar unos indices para poder identificar las columnas en forma de ids levels = df[pared[-1]].unique() new_column = [] for o in range(0, len(df[pared[-1]])): for q in range(0, len(levels)): if df[pared[-1]][o] == levels[q]: new_column.insert(o, q) df[len(list(df))] = new_column df = df.rename(columns={len(list(df)) - 1: "autoIndexes"}) print(len(list(df))) if len(list(df)) == 8: data = [ go.Parcoords( # Añadimos el id y los colores que vamos a usar line=dict(color=df['autoIndexes'], colorscale=[[0, '#D7C16B'], [0.5, '#23D8C3'], [1, '#F3F10F']]), dimensions=list([ # Vamos a añadiendo las diferentes subplots que se añaden al final dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[0], values=df[pared[0]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[1], values=df[pared[1]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[2], values=df[pared[2]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[3], values=df[pared[3]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[4], values=df[pared[4]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[5], values=df[pared[5]]) ])) ] #Tenemos esto para diferente numero de colimnas if len(list(df)) == 7: data = [ go.Parcoords( line=dict(color=df['autoIndexes'], colorscale=[[0, '#D7C16B'], [0.5, '#23D8C3'], [1, '#F3F10F']]), dimensions=list([ dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[0], values=df[pared[0]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[1], values=df[pared[1]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[2], values=df[pared[2]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[3], values=df[pared[3]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[4], values=df[pared[4]]) ])) ] if len(list(df)) == 6: data = [ go.Parcoords( line=dict(color=df['autoIndexes'], colorscale=[[0, '#D7C16B'], [0.5, '#23D8C3'], [1, '#F3F10F']]), dimensions=list([ dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[0], values=df[pared[0]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[1], values=df[pared[1]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[2], values=df[pared[2]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[3], values=df[pared[3]]) ])) ] if len(list(df)) == 5: data = [ go.Parcoords( line=dict(color=df['autoIndexes'], colorscale=[[0, '#D7C16B'], [0.5, '#23D8C3'], [1, '#F3F10F']]), dimensions=list([ dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], constraintrange=[4, 8], label=pared[0], values=df[pared[0]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[1], values=df[pared[1]]), dict(range=[final_min_value, final_max_value], label=pared[2], values=df[pared[2]]) ])) ] # Coloreamos el fondo de la figura layout = go.Layout(plot_bgcolor='#E5E5E5', paper_bgcolor='#E5E5E5') # Utilizamos la librería offline de plotly para hacer el gráfico fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if self.autosave == True: off = offline.plot(fig, image='png', output_type='file', image_filename=self.save_file_name, filename=self.save_file_name) if self.autosave == False: off = offline.iplot(fig) display(HTML(off)) elif self.library == 'bokeh': plots = [] nombres = list(df) count = 0 df.sort_values(nombres[1]) colourname = [] for i in range(0, len(nombres) - 2): # Generamos la figura p = figure(x_range=(1, 5), x_axis_label=nombres[i] + ' ' + nombres[i + 1], y_range=(final_min_value, final_max_value), plot_width=400, plot_height=400) xs = [] ys = [] # Coloreamos 25%-25%-25%-25% for j in range(0, len(df[nombres])): if i == 0: if j < len(df[nombres[i]]) / 4: colourname.append(colors[1]) elif j >= len(df[nombres[i]]) / 4 and j < ( 2 * len(df[nombres[i]]) / 4): colourname.append(colors[2]) elif j >= 2 * len(df[nombres[i]]) / 4 and j < 3 * len( df[nombres[i]]) / 4: colourname.append(colors[3]) elif j >= 3 * len(df[nombres[i]]) / 4 and j < 4 * len( df[nombres[i]]) / 4: colourname.append(colors[4]) # Añadimos los valores xs.append([1, 5]) ys.append([df[nombres[i]][j], df[nombres[i + 1]][j]]) count += 1 # Generamos el plot if self.color_unique == True: p.multi_line(xs, ys, line_width=4) else: p.multi_line(xs, ys, color=colourname, line_width=4) p.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), LassoSelectTool()) plots.append(p) # Añadimos las diferentes gráficas generadas fig = gridplot([plots], sizing_mode='stretch_both') if self.autosave == True: save(fig) export_png(fig, filename=self.save_file_name) # Mostramos el total de las gráficas generadas show(fig) return fig
"""BERT Score * Precision: 0.8866757232634748 * Recall : 0.8992083258316165 * F-1: 0.8926650442060877 ### Show Text Embedding on 2D """ display_sents = [] print(KPOriginal) print(ArgumentsOriginal[keys[0]]) print("===========") for i, s in enumerate(ArgumentsOriginal): line = '<font color="#CD5C5C"><strong>' + s + '</strong></font>' if i in keys else s display_sents.append(line) HTML(' '.join(display_sents)) # plot mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed") embs = np.concatenate((doc_emb, sent_embs), 0) dist_matrix = cosine_distances(embs, embs) pns = mds.fit_transform(dist_matrix) fixed_pns = pns - pns[0] keys_idx = [idx + 1 for idx in keys] other_idx = [idx for idx in range(1, len(ArgumentsOriginal)+1) if idx not in keys_idx] plt.scatter(fixed_pns[0,0], fixed_pns[0,1], color='green', marker='*', s=150, label='document') plt.scatter(fixed_pns[keys_idx,0], fixed_pns[keys_idx, 1], color='blue', label='key sentences') plt.scatter(fixed_pns[other_idx,0], fixed_pns[other_idx, 1], color='white', edgecolors='black', label='other sentences') plt.xlim(-0.7, 0.7) plt.ylim(-0.7, 0.7)
def display_css(widget, css_text): # this should still work in jupyterlab as of last attempt :) styletext = "<style>\n%s\n</style>" % css_text display(HTML(styletext))
def jquploader(self, line): """ Bring up an html cell with JQuery UI PLUpload widget that supports drag and drop Note that this is a demonstration prototype! """ return HTML(biokbase.narrative.upload_handler.JQUERY_UI_EXAMPLE)
def pretty_print(df): return display(HTML(df.to_html().replace("\\n", "<br>")))
df_rank_expanded = df_rank_expanded.interpolate() labels = df_expanded.columns return df_expanded, df_rank_expanded, labels if __name__ == '__main__': # 处理mpl中文字体问题 mpl.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] mpl.rcParams["axes.unicode_minus"] = False # 连接hive读数据并数据预处理 conn = hive.Connection(host='', port=10000, auth='CUSTOM', username='******', password='******') df = pd.read_sql( sql="SELECT c_day,team_name,ten_days_buy_amt FROM data_market.ads_team_controlrates_monitor_so where c_day < '2020-08-24'", con=conn) data_res = df.set_index(['c_day', 'team_name']).unstack().fillna(0).head(11) # 去除一级行索引 data_res1 = data_res.droplevel(level=0, axis=1) # 挑选几只战队和适当时间比较 data_res1 = data_res1[['178战队', '698战队', 'Avenger战队', '众志战队', '传奇战队', '先锋战队', '光芒战队', '凌霄战队', '利刃战队', '北斗战队']] data_res2 = data_res1.loc['2020-08-13':'2020-08-23'] # 平滑过渡 df_expanded, df_rank_expanded, labels = prepare_data(data_res2) # 动画 fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(6, 3.5), dpi=144) ax = fig.add_subplot() anim = FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=len(df_expanded), interval=200, repeat=False) # 展示 html = anim.to_html5_video() HTML(html)
def create(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template('create.html') else: a = request.form.get("indexs") b = request.form.get("columns") c = request.form.get("values") btn1 = request.form.get("btn1") btn2 = request.form.get("btn2") on = False btn1 = btn1.strip() btn2 = btn2.strip() on = False if len(btn2) >= 1: on = True a3, b3 = [], [] a2 = a.split(',') b2 = b.split(",") for aa in a2: if a == "": break a3.append(aa) for bb in b2: if b == "": break b3.append(bb) f = [] d = c.strip().split(",") for i in d: f.append(i) f = np.array(f) len(b3) a3_size = len(a3) b3_size = len(b3) if on == True: f = np.array(f).reshape(int(f.size / int(btn2)), int(btn2)) elif b3_size > 1 and on == False: f = np.array(f).reshape(int(f.size / b3_size), b3_size) else: f = np.array(f) a3_size if a3_size < 1 and b3_size < 1: c2 = pd.DataFrame(f, columns=None, index=None) elif b3_size > 0 and a3_size < 1: c2 = pd.DataFrame(f, columns=b3, index=None) else: c2 = pd.DataFrame(f, columns=b3, index=a3) if a3_size < 1 and b3_size < 1: c2.to_excel('static/excelfolder/to_csv.xlsx', index=False, header=False) if a3_size < 1 and b3_size > 0: c2.to_excel('static/excelfolder/to_csv.xlsx', index=False) if a3_size > 0 and b3_size > 0: c2.to_excel('static/excelfolder/to_csv.xlsx') ANS = HTML(c2.to_html()) return render_template('create.html', posts=ANS)