def run():

    asm = PASM([0, 1], 1000)
    allLines = []
    pts = []
    for f in files:
        with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT, f), "r") as infile:

            allLines = infile.readlines()
            if len(allLines) > 0:
                cleanLines = [x.strip().split('\t') for x in allLines]
                ptList = [Point(x[0], x[1]) for x in cleanLines]
                print len(ptList)

def run():

    asm = PASM([0,1], 1000 )
    allLines = []
    pts = []
    for f in files:
        with open( os.path.join( OUTPUT, f), "r" ) as infile:
            allLines = infile.readlines()
            if len(allLines) > 0:
                cleanLines = [ x.strip().split('\t') for x in allLines]
                ptList = [ Point( x[0], x[1]) for x in cleanLines ]
                print len( ptList ) 
                asm.addShape( Shape( ptList ) )

def setup( ):
    s1 = Shape( [ Point(200,340), Point( 0, 200), Point( 350,200) ] )
    s2 = Shape( [ Point(210,320), Point( 5, 205), Point( 340,190) ] )
    s3 = Shape( [ Point(205,300), Point( 10, 190), Point( 344,204) ] )
    s4 = Shape( [ Point(199,380), Point( -5, 205), Point( 333,203) ] )
    s5 = Shape( [ Point(190,290), Point( 0, 190), Point( 351,201) ] )

    asm = PASM( [0,1], 10 )

    asm.addShape( s1 )
    asm.addShape( s2 )
    asm.addShape( s3 )
    asm.addShape( s4 )
    asm.addShape( s5 )
    return asm