def ucs(state): # initialize the frontier frontier = PriorityQueue() node0 = Node(state, None) frontier.push(node0) # record the visited node visited = [] visited.append(node0.state) while True: solution = [] if frontier.isempty(): print("Failure. There is no solution!") return None leafnode = frontier.pop() if leafnode.state == goal_state: print("GOAL!") solution.append(leafnode.state) while leafnode.parent is not None: leafnode = leafnode.parent solution.append(leafnode.state) return solution # add child and traverse the children of leafnode for i in range(2, len(leafnode.state)): childstate = leafnode.flip(i) childnode = Node(childstate, leafnode) leafnode.add_child(childnode) childnode.calculate_priority() childnode.priority = childnode.backCost if not frontier.find(childnode): if not childnode.state in visited: frontier.push(childnode) visited.append(childnode.state) else: node_in_queue = frontier.get_node(childnode) if node_in_queue.priority > childnode.priority: frontier.delete(node_in_queue) frontier.push(childnode)
def getActions(self, start, final): print( "*****************************************************************************************************" ) print("Cel: " + str(final)) actions = [] explored = [] currentState = start currentState.priority = 99 fringe = PriorityQueue() fringe.insert(currentState) while not self.testGoal(currentState, final): currentState = fringe.delete(currentState, self.mapElements) print("Zmieniamy obecny stan") print(str(currentState.position), str(currentState.rotation)) explored.append(currentState) if self.testGoal(currentState, final): ns = currentState while ns.parent is not None: actions = [ns.action] + actions ns = ns.parent return actions #explored.append(currentState) for j in self.getSuccessors(currentState): print("Sprawdzam dany następnik:") x = copy.deepcopy(j[1]) x.action = j[0] x.parent = copy.deepcopy(currentState) x.priority = self.getPriority(x, final) print(str(x.position), str(x.rotation), "priorytet: ", str(x.priority)) if not self.stateValueExists( x, explored) and not self.stateValueExists( x, fringe.queue): fringe.insert(x) print( "Dodano następnik, nie było go ani we fringe ani w explored" ) elif self.stateValueExists(x, fringe.queue): print("Następnik był we fringe") for i in fringe.queue: if x.position == i.position and x.rotation == i.rotation and x.priority < i.priority: i = x #copy.deepcopy(x) print( "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" )
class UCS(Algorithm): def __init__(self, initial_vertex): super().__init__(Graph(initial_vertex)) self.inistial_vertex = initial_vertex = PriorityQueue() self.explored = [] def execute(self): while True: if return False lowest_cost_rubik = if self.goal_test(lowest_cost_rubik): return True self.explored.append(lowest_cost_rubik) children = lowest_cost_rubik.children_nodes() self.update_number_of_nodes_info_after_expanding(len(children)) for child_rubik in children: child_rubik.path_cost = lowest_cost_rubik.path_cost + 1 if not self.visited(child_rubik): print(child_rubik.path_cost) else: self.nodes_in_memory -= 1 for rubik_in_queue in if rubik_in_queue.equal(child_rubik): if rubik_in_queue.path_cost > child_rubik.path_cost: else: break def visited(self, rubik): if self.inside_queue(, rubik): return True if self.inside_queue(self.explored, rubik): return True return False