    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(MobappLiveAudioView, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.streamtool = ILiveStreamUrlUtility(self.subsite)

        self.tubeId = self.cirequest.get('tubeId', None)
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(MobappLiveAudioView, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.streamtool = ILiveStreamUrlUtility(self.subsite)

        self.tubeId = self.cirequest.get('tubeId', None)
class MobappLiveAudioView(MobappBaseView):
    """ Live Audio Streams"""
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(MobappLiveAudioView, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.streamtool = ILiveStreamUrlUtility(self.subsite)

        self.tubeId = self.cirequest.get('tubeId', None)
    def title(self):
        return "Scheduler"
    def program(self):
        streaminfo = self.streamtool.streamingInfo()
        if len(streaminfo) == 0:
            return None
        #select the program that corresponds to tubeId:
        for program in streaminfo:
            if program["channel"]["id"] == self.tubeId:
                break #this is the program we want to display
            return None #there is no stream to display
        program = streaminfo[0]
        channel = program['channel']

        #so you can datemath
        start = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), program['start'])
        end = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), program['end'])        
        #program/@duration Program duration (second)
        duration = (end - start).seconds
        #program/@url URL of the audio file(mp3 file). 
        #This attribute is optional - if it is not specified it 
        #means that prorgam is currently LIVE
        url = None  #we are always live... sort of.
        #Time when the broadcast program was recorded.
        #XXX this should honor the 'rebroadcast' bool,
        #but we have no info on what is actually being broacasted
        #  Therefore, all is 'now, live'
        date = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
        #program/@dateLocal Localized datetime of broadcasting, 
        #with GMT offset included
        #XXX Revisit when subsites have a timezone
        # instead of UTC offset
        offset = pytz.FixedOffset(self.subsite.getTimezoneOffset()*60)
        dateLocal = datetime.datetime.now(offset)
        #program/@timeLeft Remaining time of program (second)
        #This attribute is optional - if it is not specified it means
        #that program is RECORDED or UNKNOWN LIVE PROGRAM ON AIR
        timeLeft = (end - datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)).seconds
        #programTitle = channel['title']
        programTitle = "" #TRAC 604
        programDescription = channel['description'] #XXX get channel description        
        url = channel['url']
        info = {'id':'NoID',
                'url': url,

        return info
    def streamActive(self):
        """Returns a bool representing this stream is up or not"""
        return self.streamtool.isStreaming()
class MobappLiveAudioView(MobappBaseView):
    """ Live Audio Streams"""
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(MobappLiveAudioView, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.streamtool = ILiveStreamUrlUtility(self.subsite)

        self.tubeId = self.cirequest.get('tubeId', None)

    def title(self):
        return "Scheduler"

    def program(self):

        streaminfo = self.streamtool.streamingInfo()

        if len(streaminfo) == 0:
            return None

        #select the program that corresponds to tubeId:
        for program in streaminfo:
            if program["channel"]["id"] == self.tubeId:
                break  #this is the program we want to display
            return None  #there is no stream to display

        program = streaminfo[0]
        channel = program['channel']

        #so you can datemath
        start = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(),
        end = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(),

        #program/@duration Program duration (second)

        duration = (end - start).seconds

        #program/@url URL of the audio file(mp3 file).
        #This attribute is optional - if it is not specified it
        #means that prorgam is currently LIVE

        url = None  #we are always live... sort of.

        #Time when the broadcast program was recorded.
        #XXX this should honor the 'rebroadcast' bool,
        #but we have no info on what is actually being broacasted
        #  Therefore, all is 'now, live'
        date = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)

        #program/@dateLocal Localized datetime of broadcasting,
        #with GMT offset included
        #XXX Revisit when subsites have a timezone
        # instead of UTC offset
        offset = pytz.FixedOffset(self.subsite.getTimezoneOffset() * 60)
        dateLocal = datetime.datetime.now(offset)

        #program/@timeLeft Remaining time of program (second)
        #This attribute is optional - if it is not specified it means
        #that program is RECORDED or UNKNOWN LIVE PROGRAM ON AIR
        timeLeft = (end - datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)).seconds

        #programTitle = channel['title']
        programTitle = ""  #TRAC 604
        programDescription = channel[
            'description']  #XXX get channel description
        url = channel['url']
        info = {
            'id': 'NoID',
            'duration': duration,
            'date': date,
            'datelocal': dateLocal,
            'timeleft': timeLeft,
            'title': programTitle,
            'description': programDescription,
            'url': url,

        return info

    def streamActive(self):
        """Returns a bool representing this stream is up or not"""
        return self.streamtool.isStreaming()