def getWidgetStateIcons(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "_cached__widget_state_icons"): iconsDir = os.path.join(environ.canvas_install_dir, "icons") QDir.addSearchPath("canvasIcons", os.path.join(environ.canvas_install_dir, "icons/")) info = QPixmap("canvasIcons:information.png") warning = QPixmap("canvasIcons:warning.png") error = QPixmap("canvasIcons:error.png") cls._cached__widget_state_icons = {"Info": info, "Warning": warning, "Error": error} return cls._cached__widget_state_icons
def getWidgetStateIcons(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "_cached__widget_state_icons"): iconsDir = os.path.join(environ.canvas_install_dir, "icons") QDir.addSearchPath( "canvasIcons", os.path.join(environ.canvas_install_dir, "icons/")) info = QPixmap("canvasIcons:information.png") warning = QPixmap("canvasIcons:warning.png") error = QPixmap("canvasIcons:error.png") cls._cached__widget_state_icons = \ {"Info": info, "Warning": warning, "Error": error} return cls._cached__widget_state_icons
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv usage = "usage: %prog [options] [workflow_file]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--no-discovery", action="store_true", help="Don't run widget discovery " "(use full cache instead)") parser.add_option("--force-discovery", action="store_true", help="Force full widget discovery " "(invalidate cache)") parser.add_option("--clear-widget-settings", action="store_true", help="Remove stored widget setting") parser.add_option("--no-welcome", action="store_true", help="Don't show welcome dialog.") parser.add_option("--no-splash", action="store_true", help="Don't show splash screen.") parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", help="Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)", type="int", default=1) parser.add_option("--no-redirect", action="store_true", help="Do not redirect stdout/err to canvas output view.") parser.add_option("--style", help="QStyle to use", type="str", default="plastique") parser.add_option("--stylesheet", help="Application level CSS style sheet to use", type="str", default="orange.qss") parser.add_option("--qt", help="Additional arguments for QApplication", type="str", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) levels = [ logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG ] # Fix streams before configuring logging (otherwise it will store # and write to the old file descriptors) fix_win_pythonw_std_stream() # Try to fix fonts on OSX Mavericks fix_osx_10_9_private_font() # File handler should always be at least INFO level so we need # the application root level to be at least at INFO. root_level = min(levels[options.log_level], logging.INFO) rootlogger = logging.getLogger(orangecanvas.__name__) rootlogger.setLevel(root_level) oasyslogger = logging.getLogger("oasys") oasyslogger.setLevel(root_level) # Standard output stream handler at the requested level stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setLevel(level=levels[options.log_level]) rootlogger.addHandler(stream_handler) oasyslogger.addHandler(stream_handler) config.set_default(conf.oasysconf)"Starting 'OASYS' application.") qt_argv = argv[:1] # if is not None: qt_argv += ["-style",] if options.qt is not None: qt_argv += shlex.split(options.qt) qt_argv += args if options.clear_widget_settings: log.debug("Clearing widget settings") shutil.rmtree(config.widget_settings_dir(), ignore_errors=True) log.debug("Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = %r.", qt_argv) app = CanvasApplication(qt_argv) # NOTE: config.init() must be called after the QApplication constructor config.init() file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=os.path.join( config.log_dir(), "canvas.log"), mode="w") file_handler.setLevel(root_level) rootlogger.addHandler(file_handler) # intercept any QFileOpenEvent requests until the main window is # fully initialized. # NOTE: The QApplication must have the executable ($0) and filename # arguments passed in argv otherwise the FileOpen events are # triggered for them (this is done by Cocoa, but QApplicaiton filters # them out if passed in argv) open_requests = [] def onrequest(url):"Received an file open request %s", url) open_requests.append(url) app.fileOpenRequest.connect(onrequest) settings = QSettings() stylesheet = options.stylesheet stylesheet_string = None if stylesheet != "none": if os.path.isfile(stylesheet): stylesheet_string = open(stylesheet, "rb").read() else: if not os.path.splitext(stylesheet)[1]: # no extension stylesheet = os.path.extsep.join([stylesheet, "qss"]) pkg_name = orangecanvas.__name__ resource = "styles/" + stylesheet if pkg_resources.resource_exists(pkg_name, resource): stylesheet_string = \ pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg_name, resource).decode() base = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg_name, "styles") pattern = re.compile( r"^\s@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?);\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) matches = pattern.findall(stylesheet_string) for prefix, search_path in matches: QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, os.path.join(base, search_path))"Adding search path %r for prefix, %r", search_path, prefix) stylesheet_string = pattern.sub("", stylesheet_string) else:"%r style sheet not found.", stylesheet) # Add the default canvas_icons search path dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(orangecanvas.__file__)) QDir.addSearchPath("canvas_icons", os.path.join(dirpath, "icons")) canvas_window = OASYSMainWindow() canvas_window.setWindowIcon(config.application_icon()) if stylesheet_string is not None: canvas_window.setStyleSheet(stylesheet_string) if not options.force_discovery: reg_cache = cache.registry_cache() else: reg_cache = None widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry() widget_discovery = config.widget_discovery(widget_registry, cached_descriptions=reg_cache) menu_registry = conf.menu_registry() want_splash = \ settings.value("startup/show-splash-screen", True, type=bool) and \ not options.no_splash if want_splash: pm, rect = config.splash_screen() splash_screen = SplashScreen(pixmap=pm, textRect=rect) splash_screen.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) color = QColor("#FFD39F") def show_message(message): splash_screen.showMessage(message, color=color) widget_registry.category_added.connect(show_message)"Running widget discovery process.") cache_filename = os.path.join(config.cache_dir(), "widget-registry.pck") if options.no_discovery: widget_registry = pickle.load(open(cache_filename, "rb")) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry(widget_registry) else: if want_splash: if want_splash: splash_screen.hide() splash_screen.deleteLater() # Store cached descriptions cache.save_registry_cache(widget_discovery.cached_descriptions) with open(cache_filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(WidgetRegistry(widget_registry), f) set_global_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_widget_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_menu_registry(menu_registry) # automatic save automatic_saver_thread = QThread() automatic_saver = SaveWorkspaceObj(canvas_window, ) automatic_saver.moveToThread(automatic_saver_thread) automatic_saver.finished.connect(automatic_saver_thread.quit) automatic_saver_thread.started.connect(automatic_saver.long_running) automatic_saver_thread.finished.connect(app.exit) automatic_saver_thread.start() canvas_window.raise_() want_welcome = True or \ settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) \ and not options.no_welcome # Process events to make sure the canvas_window layout has # a chance to activate (the welcome dialog is modal and will # block the event queue, plus we need a chance to receive open file # signals when running without a splash screen) app.processEvents() app.fileOpenRequest.connect(canvas_window.open_scheme_file) close_app = False if open_requests: if "" in str(open_requests[0].path()): # PyCharm Debugger on open_requests = [] if want_welcome and not args and not open_requests: if not canvas_window.welcome_dialog():"Welcome screen cancelled; closing application") close_app = True elif args:"Loading a scheme from the command line argument %r", args[0]) canvas_window.load_scheme(args[0]) elif open_requests:"Loading a scheme from an `QFileOpenEvent` for %r", open_requests[-1]) canvas_window.load_scheme(open_requests[-1].toLocalFile()) stdout_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stdout", True, type=bool) stderr_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stderr", True, type=bool) # cmd line option overrides settings / no redirect is possible # under ipython if options.no_redirect or running_in_ipython(): stderr_redirect = stdout_redirect = False output_view = canvas_window.output_view() if stdout_redirect: stdout = TextStream() if sys.stdout is not None: # also connect to original fd else: stdout = sys.stdout if stderr_redirect: error_writer = output_view.formated( stderr = TextStream() if sys.stderr is not None: # also connect to original fd else: stderr = sys.stderr if stderr_redirect: sys.excepthook = ExceptHook() sys.excepthook.handledException.connect(output_view.parent().show) if not close_app: with redirect_stdout(stdout), redirect_stderr(stderr):"Entering main event loop.") try: status = app.exec_() except BaseException: log.error("Error in main event loop.", exc_info=True) canvas_window.deleteLater() app.processEvents() app.flush() del canvas_window else: status = False # Collect any cycles before deleting the QApplication instance gc.collect() del app return status
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv usage = "usage: %prog [options] [workflow_file]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--no-discovery", action="store_true", help="Don't run widget discovery " "(use full cache instead)") parser.add_option("--force-discovery", action="store_true", help="Force full widget discovery " "(invalidate cache)") parser.add_option("--clear-widget-settings", action="store_true", help="Remove stored widget setting") parser.add_option("--no-welcome", action="store_true", help="Don't show welcome dialog.") parser.add_option("--no-splash", action="store_true", help="Don't show splash screen.") parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", help="Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)", type="int", default=1) parser.add_option("--no-redirect", action="store_true", help="Do not redirect stdout/err to canvas output view.") parser.add_option("--style", help="QStyle to use", type="str", default=None) parser.add_option("--stylesheet", help="Application level CSS style sheet to use", type="str", default="orange.qss") parser.add_option("--qt", help="Additional arguments for QApplication", type="str", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) levels = [logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] # Fix streams before configuring logging (otherwise it will store # and write to the old file descriptors) fix_win_pythonw_std_stream() # Try to fix fonts on OSX Mavericks fix_osx_10_9_private_font() # File handler should always be at least INFO level so we need # the application root level to be at least at INFO. root_level = min(levels[options.log_level], logging.INFO) rootlogger = logging.getLogger(canvas.__name__) rootlogger.setLevel(root_level) # Initialize SQL query and execution time logger (in SqlTable) sql_level = min(levels[options.log_level], logging.INFO) make_sql_logger(sql_level) # Standard output stream handler at the requested level stream_hander = logging.StreamHandler() stream_hander.setLevel(level=levels[options.log_level]) rootlogger.addHandler(stream_hander)"Starting 'Orange Canvas' application.") qt_argv = argv[:1] if is not None: qt_argv += ["-style",] if options.qt is not None: qt_argv += shlex.split(options.qt) qt_argv += args log.debug("Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = %r.", qt_argv) app = CanvasApplication(qt_argv) # NOTE: config.init() must be called after the QApplication constructor config.init() clear_settings_flag = os.path.join( config.widget_settings_dir(), "DELETE_ON_START") if options.clear_widget_settings or \ os.path.isfile(clear_settings_flag):"Clearing widget settings") shutil.rmtree( config.widget_settings_dir(), ignore_errors=True) file_handler = logging.FileHandler( filename=os.path.join(config.log_dir(), "canvas.log"), mode="w" ) file_handler.setLevel(root_level) rootlogger.addHandler(file_handler) # intercept any QFileOpenEvent requests until the main window is # fully initialized. # NOTE: The QApplication must have the executable ($0) and filename # arguments passed in argv otherwise the FileOpen events are # triggered for them (this is done by Cocoa, but QApplicaiton filters # them out if passed in argv) open_requests = [] def onrequest(url):"Received an file open request %s", url) open_requests.append(url) app.fileOpenRequest.connect(onrequest) settings = QSettings() stylesheet = options.stylesheet stylesheet_string = None if stylesheet != "none": if os.path.isfile(stylesheet): stylesheet_string = open(stylesheet, "rb").read() else: if not os.path.splitext(stylesheet)[1]: # no extension stylesheet = os.path.extsep.join([stylesheet, "qss"]) pkg_name = canvas.__name__ resource = "styles/" + stylesheet if pkg_resources.resource_exists(pkg_name, resource): stylesheet_string = \ pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg_name, resource).decode() base = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg_name, "styles") pattern = re.compile( r"^\s@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?);\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE ) matches = pattern.findall(stylesheet_string) for prefix, search_path in matches: QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, os.path.join(base, search_path))"Adding search path %r for prefix, %r", search_path, prefix) stylesheet_string = pattern.sub("", stylesheet_string) else:"%r style sheet not found.", stylesheet) # Add the default canvas_icons search path dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(canvas.__file__)) QDir.addSearchPath("canvas_icons", os.path.join(dirpath, "icons")) canvas_window = CanvasMainWindow() canvas_window.setWindowIcon(config.application_icon()) if stylesheet_string is not None: canvas_window.setStyleSheet(stylesheet_string) if not options.force_discovery: reg_cache = cache.registry_cache() else: reg_cache = None widget_discovery = qt.QtWidgetDiscovery(cached_descriptions=reg_cache) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry() widget_discovery.found_category.connect( widget_registry.register_category ) widget_discovery.found_widget.connect( widget_registry.register_widget ) want_splash = \ settings.value("startup/show-splash-screen", True, type=bool) and \ not options.no_splash if want_splash: pm, rect = config.splash_screen() splash_screen = SplashScreen(pixmap=pm, textRect=rect) splash_screen.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) color = QColor("#FFD39F") def show_message(message): splash_screen.showMessage(message, color=color) widget_discovery.discovery_start.connect( widget_discovery.discovery_process.connect(show_message) widget_discovery.discovery_finished.connect(splash_screen.hide)"Running widget discovery process.") cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir(), "widget-registry.pck") if options.no_discovery: widget_registry = pickle.load(open(cache_filename, "rb")) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry(widget_registry) else: # Store cached descriptions cache.save_registry_cache(widget_discovery.cached_descriptions) pickle.dump(WidgetRegistry(widget_registry), open(cache_filename, "wb")) set_global_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_widget_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.raise_() want_welcome = \ settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) \ and not options.no_welcome # Process events to make sure the canvas_window layout has # a chance to activate (the welcome dialog is modal and will # block the event queue, plus we need a chance to receive open file # signals when running without a splash screen) app.processEvents() app.fileOpenRequest.connect(canvas_window.open_scheme_file) if want_welcome and not args and not open_requests: canvas_window.welcome_dialog() elif args:"Loading a scheme from the command line argument %r", args[0]) canvas_window.load_scheme(args[0]) elif open_requests:"Loading a scheme from an `QFileOpenEvent` for %r", open_requests[-1]) canvas_window.load_scheme(open_requests[-1].toLocalFile()) stdout_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stdout", True, type=bool) stderr_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stderr", True, type=bool) # cmd line option overrides settings / no redirect is possible # under ipython if options.no_redirect or running_in_ipython(): stderr_redirect = stdout_redirect = False output_view = canvas_window.output_view() if stdout_redirect: stdout = TextStream() if sys.stdout is not None: # also connect to original fd else: stdout = sys.stdout if stderr_redirect: error_writer = output_view.formated( stderr = TextStream() if sys.stderr is not None: # also connect to original fd else: stderr = sys.stderr if stderr_redirect: sys.excepthook = ExceptHook() sys.excepthook.handledException.connect(output_view.parent().show) # If run for the first time, open a browser tab with a survey show_survey = settings.value("startup/show-survey", True, type=bool) if show_survey: question = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Question, 'Orange Survey', 'We would like to know more about how our software is used.\n\n' 'Would you care to fill our short 1-minute survey?', QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) question.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) later = question.addButton('Ask again later', QMessageBox.NoRole) question.setEscapeButton(later) def handle_response(result): if result == QMessageBox.Yes: success = QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl("")); settings.setValue("startup/show-survey", not success) else: settings.setValue("startup/show-survey", result != QMessageBox.No) question.finished.connect(handle_response) with redirect_stdout(stdout), redirect_stderr(stderr):"Entering main event loop.") try: status = app.exec_() except BaseException: log.error("Error in main event loop.", exc_info=True) canvas_window.deleteLater() app.processEvents() app.flush() del canvas_window # Collect any cycles before deleting the QApplication instance gc.collect() del app return status
from PyQt4.QtSql import QSqlQuery from PyQt4 import QtCore, uic from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * import socket, os, re, sys, operator try: import win32gui win32 = True except: win32 = False d = os.path.dirname(__file__) QDir.addSearchPath("alkis", d) ConfBase = uic.loadUiType(os.path.join(d, 'conf.ui'))[0] InfoBase = uic.loadUiType(os.path.join(d, 'info.ui'))[0] AboutBase = uic.loadUiType(os.path.join(d, 'about.ui'))[0] ALKISSearchBase = uic.loadUiType(os.path.join(d, 'search.ui'))[0] class ALKISConf(QDialog, ConfBase): def __init__(self, plugin): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.plugin = plugin s = QSettings("norBIT", "norGIS-ALKIS-Erweiterung") self.leSERVICE.setText(s.value("service", ""))
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv usage = "usage: %prog [options] [scheme_file]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--no-discovery", action="store_true", help="Don't run widget discovery " "(use full cache instead)") parser.add_option("--force-discovery", action="store_true", help="Force full widget discovery " "(invalidate cache)") parser.add_option("--no-welcome", action="store_true", help="Don't show welcome dialog.") parser.add_option("--no-splash", action="store_true", help="Don't show splash screen.") parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", help="Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)", type="int", default=1) parser.add_option("--no-redirect", action="store_true", help="Do not redirect stdout/err to canvas output view.") parser.add_option("--style", help="QStyle to use", type="str", default=None) parser.add_option("--stylesheet", help="Application level CSS style sheet to use", type="str", default="orange.qss") parser.add_option("--qt", help="Additional arguments for QApplication", type="str", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) levels = [logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] logging.basicConfig(level=levels[options.log_level]) fix_win_pythonw_std_stream()"Starting 'Orange Canvas' application.") qt_argv = argv[:1] if is not None: qt_argv += ["-style",] if options.qt is not None: qt_argv += shlex.split(options.qt) qt_argv += args log.debug("Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = %r.", qt_argv) app = CanvasApplication(qt_argv) # intercept any QFileOpenEvent requests until the main window is # fully initialized. # NOTE: The QApplication must have the executable ($0) and filename # arguments passed in argv otherwise the FileOpen events are # triggered for them (this is done by Cocoa, but QApplicaiton filters # them out if passed in argv) open_requests = [] def onrequest(url):"Received an file open request %s", url) open_requests.append(url) app.fileOpenRequest.connect(onrequest) # Note: config.init must be called after the QApplication constructor config.init() settings = QSettings() stylesheet = options.stylesheet stylesheet_string = None if stylesheet != "none": if os.path.isfile(stylesheet): stylesheet_string = open(stylesheet, "rb").read() else: if not os.path.splitext(stylesheet)[1]: # no extension stylesheet = os.path.extsep.join([stylesheet, "qss"]) pkg_name = canvas.__name__ resource = "styles/" + stylesheet if pkg_resources.resource_exists(pkg_name, resource): stylesheet_string = \ pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg_name, resource).decode() base = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg_name, "styles") pattern = re.compile( r"^\s@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?);\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE ) matches = pattern.findall(stylesheet_string) for prefix, search_path in matches: QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, os.path.join(base, search_path))"Adding search path %r for prefix, %r", search_path, prefix) stylesheet_string = pattern.sub("", stylesheet_string) else:"%r style sheet not found.", stylesheet) if stylesheet_string is not None: app.setStyleSheet(stylesheet_string) # Add the default canvas_icons search path dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(canvas.__file__)) QDir.addSearchPath("canvas_icons", os.path.join(dirpath, "icons")) canvas_window = CanvasMainWindow() if not options.force_discovery: reg_cache = cache.registry_cache() else: reg_cache = None widget_discovery = qt.QtWidgetDiscovery(cached_descriptions=reg_cache) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry() widget_discovery.found_category.connect( widget_registry.register_category ) widget_discovery.found_widget.connect( widget_registry.register_widget ) want_splash = \ settings.value("startup/show-splash-screen", True, type=bool) and \ not options.no_splash if want_splash: pm, rect = config.splash_screen() splash_screen = SplashScreen(pixmap=pm, textRect=rect) splash_screen.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) color = QColor("#FFD39F") def show_message(message): splash_screen.showMessage(message, color=color) widget_discovery.discovery_start.connect( widget_discovery.discovery_process.connect(show_message) widget_discovery.discovery_finished.connect(splash_screen.hide)"Running widget discovery process.") cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir(), "widget-registry.pck") if options.no_discovery: widget_registry = pickle.load(open(cache_filename, "rb")) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry(widget_registry) else: # Store cached descriptions cache.save_registry_cache(widget_discovery.cached_descriptions) pickle.dump(WidgetRegistry(widget_registry), open(cache_filename, "wb")) set_global_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_widget_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.raise_() want_welcome = \ settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) \ and not options.no_welcome # Process events to make sure the canvas_window layout has # a chance to activate (the welcome dialog is modal and will # block the event queue, plus we need a chance to receive open file # signals when running without a splash screen) app.processEvents() app.fileOpenRequest.connect(canvas_window.open_scheme_file) if want_welcome and not args and not open_requests: canvas_window.welcome_dialog() elif args:"Loading a scheme from the command line argument %r", args[0]) canvas_window.load_scheme(args[0]) elif open_requests:"Loading a scheme from an `QFileOpenEvent` for %r", open_requests[-1]) canvas_window.load_scheme(open_requests[-1].toLocalFile()) stdout_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stdout", True, type=bool) stderr_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stderr", True, type=bool) # cmd line option overrides settings / no redirect is possible # under ipython if options.no_redirect or running_in_ipython(): stderr_redirect = stdout_redirect = False output_view = canvas_window.output_view() if stdout_redirect: stdout = TextStream() # also connect to original fd else: stdout = sys.stdout if stderr_redirect: error_writer = output_view.formated( stderr = TextStream() # also connect to original fd else: stderr = sys.stderr if stderr_redirect: sys.excepthook = ExceptHook() sys.excepthook.handledException.connect(output_view.parent().show) with redirect_stdout(stdout), redirect_stderr(stderr):"Entering main event loop.") try: status = app.exec_() except BaseException: log.error("Error in main event loop.", exc_info=True) canvas_window.deleteLater() app.processEvents() app.flush() del canvas_window # Collect any cycles before deleting the QApplication instance gc.collect() del app return status
from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * import qgis.gui import socket, os, re, sys, operator try: import win32gui win32 = True except: win32 = False d = os.path.dirname(__file__) QDir.addSearchPath( "alkis", d ) ConfBase = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join( d, 'conf.ui' ) )[0] InfoBase = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join( d, 'info.ui' ) )[0] AboutBase = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join( d, 'about.ui' ) )[0] ALKISSearchBase = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join( d, 'search.ui' ) )[0] def qDebug(s): QgsMessageLog.logMessage( s, u'ALKIS' ) def quote(x,prefix='E'): if type(x)==str: x.replace("'", "''") x.replace("\\", "\\\\") if x.find( "\\" )<0: return u"'%s'" % x else:
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv usage = "usage: %prog [options] [workflow_file]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--no-discovery", action="store_true", help="Don't run widget discovery " "(use full cache instead)") parser.add_option("--force-discovery", action="store_true", help="Force full widget discovery " "(invalidate cache)") parser.add_option("--clear-widget-settings", action="store_true", help="Remove stored widget setting") parser.add_option("--no-welcome", action="store_true", help="Don't show welcome dialog.") parser.add_option("--no-splash", action="store_true", help="Don't show splash screen.") parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", help="Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)", type="int", default=1) parser.add_option("--style", help="QStyle to use", type="str", default=None) parser.add_option("--stylesheet", help="Application level CSS style sheet to use", type="str", default="orange.qss") parser.add_option("--qt", help="Additional arguments for QApplication", type="str", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) levels = [ logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG ] # Fix streams before configuring logging (otherwise it will store # and write to the old file descriptors) fix_win_pythonw_std_stream() # Try to fix fonts on OSX Mavericks fix_osx_10_9_private_font() # File handler should always be at least INFO level so we need # the application root level to be at least at INFO. root_level = min(levels[options.log_level], logging.INFO) rootlogger = logging.getLogger(canvas.__name__) rootlogger.setLevel(root_level) # Initialize SQL query and execution time logger (in SqlTable) sql_level = min(levels[options.log_level], logging.INFO) make_sql_logger(sql_level) # Standard output stream handler at the requested level stream_hander = logging.StreamHandler() stream_hander.setLevel(level=levels[options.log_level]) rootlogger.addHandler(stream_hander)"Starting 'Orange Canvas' application.") qt_argv = argv[:1] if is not None: qt_argv += ["-style",] if options.qt is not None: qt_argv += shlex.split(options.qt) qt_argv += args log.debug("Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = %r.", qt_argv) app = CanvasApplication(qt_argv) # NOTE: config.init() must be called after the QApplication constructor config.init() clear_settings_flag = os.path.join(config.widget_settings_dir(), "DELETE_ON_START") if options.clear_widget_settings or \ os.path.isfile(clear_settings_flag):"Clearing widget settings") shutil.rmtree(config.widget_settings_dir(), ignore_errors=True) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=os.path.join( config.log_dir(), "canvas.log"), mode="w") file_handler.setLevel(root_level) rootlogger.addHandler(file_handler) # intercept any QFileOpenEvent requests until the main window is # fully initialized. # NOTE: The QApplication must have the executable ($0) and filename # arguments passed in argv otherwise the FileOpen events are # triggered for them (this is done by Cocoa, but QApplicaiton filters # them out if passed in argv) open_requests = [] def onrequest(url):"Received an file open request %s", url) open_requests.append(url) app.fileOpenRequest.connect(onrequest) settings = QSettings() stylesheet = options.stylesheet stylesheet_string = None if stylesheet != "none": if os.path.isfile(stylesheet): stylesheet_string = open(stylesheet, "rb").read() else: if not os.path.splitext(stylesheet)[1]: # no extension stylesheet = os.path.extsep.join([stylesheet, "qss"]) pkg_name = canvas.__name__ resource = "styles/" + stylesheet if pkg_resources.resource_exists(pkg_name, resource): stylesheet_string = \ pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg_name, resource).decode() base = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg_name, "styles") pattern = re.compile( r"^\s@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?);\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) matches = pattern.findall(stylesheet_string) for prefix, search_path in matches: QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, os.path.join(base, search_path))"Adding search path %r for prefix, %r", search_path, prefix) stylesheet_string = pattern.sub("", stylesheet_string) else:"%r style sheet not found.", stylesheet) # Add the default canvas_icons search path dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(canvas.__file__)) QDir.addSearchPath("canvas_icons", os.path.join(dirpath, "icons")) canvas_window = CanvasMainWindow() canvas_window.setWindowIcon(config.application_icon()) if stylesheet_string is not None: canvas_window.setStyleSheet(stylesheet_string) if not options.force_discovery: reg_cache = cache.registry_cache() else: reg_cache = None widget_discovery = qt.QtWidgetDiscovery(cached_descriptions=reg_cache) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry() widget_discovery.found_category.connect(widget_registry.register_category) widget_discovery.found_widget.connect(widget_registry.register_widget) want_splash = \ settings.value("startup/show-splash-screen", True, type=bool) and \ not options.no_splash if want_splash: pm, rect = config.splash_screen() splash_screen = SplashScreen(pixmap=pm, textRect=rect) splash_screen.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) color = QColor("#FFD39F") def show_message(message): splash_screen.showMessage(message, color=color) widget_discovery.discovery_start.connect( widget_discovery.discovery_process.connect(show_message) widget_discovery.discovery_finished.connect(splash_screen.hide)"Running widget discovery process.") cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir(), "widget-registry.pck") if options.no_discovery: widget_registry = pickle.load(open(cache_filename, "rb")) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry(widget_registry) else: # Store cached descriptions cache.save_registry_cache(widget_discovery.cached_descriptions) pickle.dump(WidgetRegistry(widget_registry), open(cache_filename, "wb")) set_global_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_widget_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.raise_() want_welcome = \ settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) \ and not options.no_welcome # Process events to make sure the canvas_window layout has # a chance to activate (the welcome dialog is modal and will # block the event queue, plus we need a chance to receive open file # signals when running without a splash screen) app.processEvents() app.fileOpenRequest.connect(canvas_window.open_scheme_file) if want_welcome and not args and not open_requests: canvas_window.welcome_dialog() elif args:"Loading a scheme from the command line argument %r", args[0]) canvas_window.load_scheme(args[0]) elif open_requests:"Loading a scheme from an `QFileOpenEvent` for %r", open_requests[-1]) canvas_window.load_scheme(open_requests[-1].toLocalFile()) # If run for the first time, open a browser tab with a survey show_survey = settings.value("startup/show-survey", True, type=bool) if show_survey: question = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Question, 'Orange Survey', 'We would like to know more about how our software is used.\n\n' 'Would you care to fill our short 1-minute survey?', QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) question.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) later = question.addButton('Ask again later', QMessageBox.NoRole) question.setEscapeButton(later) def handle_response(result): if result == QMessageBox.Yes: success = QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl("")) settings.setValue("startup/show-survey", not success) else: settings.setValue("startup/show-survey", result != QMessageBox.No) question.finished.connect(handle_response) # Tee stdout and stderr into Output dock log_view = canvas_window.log_view() stdout = TextStream() if sys.stdout: stdout.flushed.connect(sys.stdout.flush) stderr = TextStream() error_writer = log_view.formated( if sys.stderr: stderr.flushed.connect(sys.stderr.flush)"Entering main event loop.") try: with patch('sys.excepthook', ExceptHook(stream=stderr, canvas=canvas_window, handledException=ErrorReporting.handle_exception)),\ patch('sys.stderr', stderr),\ patch('sys.stdout', stdout): status = app.exec_() except BaseException: log.error("Error in main event loop.", exc_info=True) canvas_window.deleteLater() app.processEvents() app.flush() del canvas_window # Collect any cycles before deleting the QApplication instance gc.collect() del app return status
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # See for more information. """ Resources for styling some widgets. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from PyQt4.QtCore import QDir QDir.addSearchPath('css', __path__[0]) lcd_screen = """ * { border-width: 4 3 2 4; border-image: url('css:lcd-borders.png') repeat; background-image: url('css:lcd-background.png') repeat; color: #151B19; } """
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv usage = "usage: %prog [options] [scheme_file]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--no-discovery", action="store_true", help="Don't run widget discovery " "(use full cache instead)") parser.add_option("--force-discovery", action="store_true", help="Force full widget discovery " "(invalidate cache)") parser.add_option("--no-welcome", action="store_true", help="Don't show welcome dialog.") parser.add_option("--no-splash", action="store_true", help="Don't show splash screen.") parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", help="Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)", type="int", default=1) parser.add_option("--no-redirect", action="store_true", help="Do not redirect stdout/err to canvas output view.") parser.add_option("--style", help="QStyle to use", type="str", default=None) parser.add_option("--stylesheet", help="Application level CSS style sheet to use", type="str", default="orange.qss") parser.add_option("--qt", help="Additional arguments for QApplication", type="str", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) levels = [ logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG ] logging.basicConfig(level=levels[options.log_level]) fix_win_pythonw_std_stream()"Starting 'Orange Canvas' application.") qt_argv = argv[:1] if is not None: qt_argv += ["-style",] if options.qt is not None: qt_argv += shlex.split(options.qt) qt_argv += args log.debug("Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = %r.", qt_argv) app = CanvasApplication(qt_argv) # intercept any QFileOpenEvent requests until the main window is # fully initialized. # NOTE: The QApplication must have the executable ($0) and filename # arguments passed in argv otherwise the FileOpen events are # triggered for them (this is done by Cocoa, but QApplicaiton filters # them out if passed in argv) open_requests = [] def onrequest(url):"Received an file open request %s", url) open_requests.append(url) app.fileOpenRequest.connect(onrequest) # Note: config.init must be called after the QApplication constructor config.init() settings = QSettings() stylesheet = options.stylesheet stylesheet_string = None if stylesheet != "none": if os.path.isfile(stylesheet): stylesheet_string = open(stylesheet, "rb").read() else: if not os.path.splitext(stylesheet)[1]: # no extension stylesheet = os.path.extsep.join([stylesheet, "qss"]) pkg_name = OrangeCanvas.__name__ resource = "styles/" + stylesheet if pkg_resources.resource_exists(pkg_name, resource): stylesheet_string = \ pkg_resources.resource_string(pkg_name, resource) base = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg_name, "styles") pattern = re.compile( r"^\s@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+?)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?);\s*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) matches = pattern.findall(stylesheet_string) for prefix, search_path in matches: QDir.addSearchPath(prefix, os.path.join(base, search_path))"Adding search path %r for prefix, %r", search_path, prefix) stylesheet_string = pattern.sub("", stylesheet_string) else:"%r style sheet not found.", stylesheet) if stylesheet_string is not None: app.setStyleSheet(stylesheet_string) # Add the default canvas_icons search path dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(OrangeCanvas.__file__)) QDir.addSearchPath("canvas_icons", os.path.join(dirpath, "icons")) canvas_window = CanvasMainWindow() if not options.force_discovery: reg_cache = cache.registry_cache() else: reg_cache = None widget_discovery = qt.QtWidgetDiscovery(cached_descriptions=reg_cache) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry() widget_discovery.found_category.connect(widget_registry.register_category) widget_discovery.found_widget.connect(widget_registry.register_widget) want_splash = \ settings.value("startup/show-splash-screen", True, type=bool) and \ not options.no_splash if want_splash: pm, rect = config.splash_screen() splash_screen = SplashScreen(pixmap=pm, textRect=rect) splash_screen.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) color = QColor("#FFD39F") def show_message(message): splash_screen.showMessage(message, color=color) widget_discovery.discovery_start.connect( widget_discovery.discovery_process.connect(show_message) widget_discovery.discovery_finished.connect(splash_screen.hide)"Running widget discovery process.") cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir(), "widget-registry.pck") if options.no_discovery: widget_registry = cPickle.load(open(cache_filename, "rb")) widget_registry = qt.QtWidgetRegistry(widget_registry) else: # Store cached descriptions cache.save_registry_cache(widget_discovery.cached_descriptions) cPickle.dump(WidgetRegistry(widget_registry), open(cache_filename, "wb")) set_global_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.set_widget_registry(widget_registry) canvas_window.raise_() want_welcome = \ settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) \ and not options.no_welcome # Process events to make sure the canvas_window layout has # a chance to activate (the welcome dialog is modal and will # block the event queue, plus we need a chance to receive open file # signals when running without a splash screen) app.processEvents() app.fileOpenRequest.connect(canvas_window.open_scheme_file) if want_welcome and not args and not open_requests: canvas_window.welcome_dialog() elif args:"Loading a scheme from the command line argument %r", args[0]) canvas_window.load_scheme(args[0]) elif open_requests:"Loading a scheme from an `QFileOpenEvent` for %r", open_requests[-1]) canvas_window.load_scheme(open_requests[-1].toLocalFile()) stdout_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stdout", True, type=bool) stderr_redirect = \ settings.value("output/redirect-stderr", True, type=bool) # cmd line option overrides settings / no redirect is possible # under ipython if options.no_redirect or running_in_ipython(): stderr_redirect = stdout_redirect = False output_view = canvas_window.output_view() if stdout_redirect: stdout = TextStream() # also connect to original fd else: stdout = sys.stdout if stderr_redirect: error_writer = output_view.formated( stderr = TextStream() # also connect to original fd else: stderr = sys.stderr if stderr_redirect: sys.excepthook = ExceptHook() sys.excepthook.handledException.connect(output_view.parent().show) with nested(redirect_stdout(stdout), redirect_stderr(stderr)):"Entering main event loop.") try: status = app.exec_() except BaseException: log.error("Error in main event loop.", exc_info=True) canvas_window.deleteLater() app.processEvents() app.flush() del canvas_window # Collect any cycles before deleting the QApplication instance gc.collect() del app return status