def main(): pyqtRemoveInputHook() QDir(QDir.homePath()).mkdir(".ricodebug") app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName("ricodebug") Icons() # We use all kinds of loggers here: # * a CriticalLogHandler that will abort the program whenever a critical error is received # * a FileHandler writing to a log in the home directory (all messages, for debugging) # * a LogViewHandler to have the log available in the GUI # * a ErrorLabelHandler that visually notifies the user of an error or a warning logger = logging.getLogger() formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)-8s] : %(filename)15s:%(lineno)4d/%(funcName)-20s : %(message)s') filehandler = logging.FileHandler(filename='%s/.ricodebug/ricodebug.log' % str(QDir.homePath())) filehandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(filehandler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(criticalloghandler.CriticalLogHandler()) window = MainWindow() logger.addHandler(window.logviewhandler) logger.addHandler(window.notificationFrameHandler) if (len(sys.argv) > 1): window.debugController.openExecutable(sys.argv[1]) logging.shutdown() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def __init__(self, canvas, fileName="Unknown", parent=None): """ Initialize the dialog. """ super(ExportBitmapDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self._determine_image_formats() self._add_image_formats_to_gui() if fileName: self.fullPath = QDir.homePath() + "/" + \ QFileInfo(fileName).baseName() else: self.fullPath = QDir.homePath() + "/" extension = self.selected_file_extension() self.fileNameEdit.setText(self.fullPath + "." + extension) # NOTE: This has to come first since we rely on them # to syncronize the widgets self._set_up_connections() self.canvas = canvas self.currentUnit = 0 self.unitSelector.setCurrentIndex(self.currentUnit) self.defaultDPI = 300 self.update_dimensions() self.dpiSpinner.setValue(self.defaultDPI)
def linux(self): if not self.aBaslat.isChecked(): setting.setValue("ContextMenu/AcilistaBaslat", False) dosyaYolu = os.path.join(str(QDir.homePath()), ".kde", "Autostart", "Virux.desktop") if os.path.isfile(dosyaYolu): os.remove(dosyaYolu) else: setting.setValue("ContextMenu/AcilistaBaslat", True) dosyaYolu = os.path.join(str(QDir.homePath()), ".kde", "Autostart", "Virux.desktop") desktop = """[Desktop Entry] Comment[tr]=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Comment=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Exec=python %s/ GenericName[tr]=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması GenericName=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Icon=%s Type=Application Name[tr]=Virux Name=Virux Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false """ % ( mainPath, os.path.join(mainPath, "data", "logo.png"), ) yaz = open(dosyaYolu, "w") yaz.write(desktop) yaz.close()
def linux(self): if not self.aBaslat.isChecked(): setting.setValue("ContextMenu/AcilistaBaslat", False) dosyaYolu = os.path.join(str(QDir.homePath()), ".kde", "Autostart", "Virux.desktop") if os.path.isfile(dosyaYolu): os.remove(dosyaYolu) else: setting.setValue("ContextMenu/AcilistaBaslat", True) dosyaYolu = os.path.join(str(QDir.homePath()), ".kde", "Autostart", "Virux.desktop") desktop = """[Desktop Entry] Comment[tr]=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Comment=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Exec=python %s/ GenericName[tr]=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması GenericName=Platform bağımsız bir antivirüs uygulaması Icon=%s Type=Application Name[tr]=Virux Name=Virux Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false """ % (mainPath, os.path.join(mainPath, "data", "logo.png")) yaz = open(dosyaYolu, "w") yaz.write(desktop) yaz.close()
def __init__(self, canvas, fileName="Unknown", parent=None): """ Initialize the dialog. """ super(ExportBitmapDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self._determine_image_formats() self._add_image_formats_to_gui() if fileName: self.fullPath = QDir.homePath() + "/" + QFileInfo(fileName).baseName() else: self.fullPath = QDir.homePath() + "/" extension = self.selected_file_extension() self.fileNameEdit.setText(self.fullPath + "." + extension) # NOTE: This has to come first since we rely on them # to syncronize the widgets self._set_up_connections() self.canvas = canvas self.currentUnit = 0 self.unitSelector.setCurrentIndex(self.currentUnit) self.defaultDPI = 300 self.update_dimensions() self.dpiSpinner.setValue(self.defaultDPI)
def s_browse(self): directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,QDir.homePath(), QDir.homePath()) if directory!="": path = check_repository(directory) if path[0]: self.ui.Source_lineEdit.clear() self.ui.Source_lineEdit.insert(directory) else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "That directory is not a git repository", QMessageBox.Ok)
def pdfPathSelected(self): if self.typeName == 'A': self.fileDir = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Directory", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") self.pdfCounter = 1 if self.typeName == 'B': self.fileDirB = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Directory", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") self.pdfCounterB = 1 self.labelSelectedPath.setText('<b>%s</b>' % str(self.fileDirB))
def urlListSelected(self): if self.typeName == 'A': self.fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Select Text File", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") if self.typeName == 'B': self.fileNameB = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Select Text File", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") self.labelSelectedUrl.setText('<b>%s</b>' % str(self.fileNameB))
def browse(self): directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, QDir.homePath(), QDir.homePath()) if directory!="": if check_repository(directory): if not db_adapter.exists_repository(directory): name = QInputDialog().getText(self, 'Name', 'Put your repository name:', text=basename(directory)) if name[1]: self.add_to_database(name[0], directory) self.add_to_list(name[0], directory) else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "This repository is already added", QMessageBox.Ok) else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "That directory is not a git repository", QMessageBox.Ok)
def select_git_directory(): settings = QSettings("majerti", "gitbuster") settings.beginGroup("Last run") filepath = '/' last_directory = settings.value("directory", QVariant(QDir.homePath())) dirs_list = settings.value("recent directories", QStringList()).toStringList() custom_entries = settings.value("custom entries", QStringList()).toStringList() recent_dirs_urls = [QUrl.fromLocalFile(dir) for dir in dirs_list] home_url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(QDir.homePath()) custom_entries_urls = [QUrl.fromLocalFile(dir) for dir in custom_entries] while not is_top_git_directory(unicode(filepath)): file_dialog = QFileDialog(None, "Open git repository", last_directory.toString()) file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) file_dialog.setOptions(QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) if recent_dirs_urls: file_dialog.setSidebarUrls( [home_url,] + custom_entries_urls + recent_dirs_urls[-6:] ) ret = file_dialog.exec_() custom_entries = QStringList() custom_entries_urls = [] for url in file_dialog.sidebarUrls(): if url not in recent_dirs_urls and url != home_url: custom_entries.append(QString(url.path())) custom_entries_urls.append(url) settings.setValue("custom entries", custom_entries) if ret: filepath = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0] else: return ret if not filepath: return filepath if not dirs_list.contains(filepath): dirs_list.append(filepath) settings.setValue("recent directories", dirs_list) settings.setValue("directory", filepath) settings.endGroup() settings.sync() return unicode(filepath)
def pdfPathSelected(self): if self.typeName == 'A': self.fileDir = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Select Directory", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") self.pdfCounter = 1 if self.typeName == 'B': self.fileDirB = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Select Directory", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") self.pdfCounterB = 1 self.labelSelectedPath.setText('<b>%s</b>' % str(self.fileDirB))
def getHomeDir(): """ Function to get a users home directory @return home directory (string) """ return unicode(QDir.homePath())
def saveSettings(self, filename=None): if not filename: # file save dialog directory = QgsProject.instance().homePath() if not directory: directory = os.path.split( self.ui.lineEdit_OutputFilename.text())[0] if not directory: directory = QDir.homePath() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save Export Settings", directory, "Settings files (*.qto3settings)") if not filename: return # append .qto3settings extension if filename doesn't have if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() != ".qto3settings": filename += ".qto3settings" # save settings to file (.qto3settings) import codecs import json with, "w", "UTF-8") as f: json.dump(self.settings(True), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True) logMessage(u"Settings saved: {0}".format(filename))
def getRopeProject(self, fileName=""): " Provides existed or creates a new rope project " if self.project.isLoaded(): return self.project.getRopeProject() # There is no current project so create a temporary one. # Two cases: the buffer has been saved # not saved buffer if os.path.isabs(fileName): dirName = os.path.dirname(fileName) else: # Unsaved buffer, make an assumption that # it is in home directory dirName = str(QDir.homePath()) prefs = copy.deepcopy(ropePreferences) # Exclude nested dirs as it could take too long # Get only dir names and do not get those dirs # where[3] are present subdirsToExclude = getSubdirs(dirName, True, True) if "ignored_resources" in prefs: prefs["ignored_resources"] += subdirsToExclude else: prefs["ignored_resources"] = subdirsToExclude project = RopeProject(dirName, None, None, **prefs) project.validate(project.root) return project
def _set_up_symbols_frame(self): """ Do whatever additional initialization we need in the update symbol widget. """ self.svgPathEdit.setText(QDir.homePath())
def browseClicked(self): directory = os.path.split(self.lineEdit_ImageFile.text())[0] if directory == "": directory = QDir.homePath() filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select image file", directory, "Images (*.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.tif *.gif *.bmp);;All files (*.*)") if filename: self.lineEdit_ImageFile.setText(filename)
def loadFromFile(): if not Settings.rcFile: # If no file was specified we try to read it from environment # variable o standard path Settings.rcFile = os.environ.get('TERPRC') or os.path.join( str(QDir.toNativeSeparators(QDir.homePath())), '.koorc') try: if not os.path.isfile(Settings.rcFile): return False p = configparser.ConfigParser()[Settings.rcFile]) for section in p.sections(): for (name, value) in p.items(section): if value == 'True' or value == 'true': value = True if value == 'False' or value == 'false': value = False if value == 'None' or value == 'none': value = None Settings.options[section + '.' + name] = value except Exception as e: Debug.warning('Unable to read config file %s !' % Settings.rcFile) return True
def open_file_selector(self): """ Open a file selector and ask for the name """ formatStr = "All Files (*.*)" for aFormat in self.formats: if aFormat in imageFileFormats: description = imageFileFormats[aFormat] else: description = "Image Format" formatStr = ("%s;; %s ( *.%s)" % (formatStr, description, aFormat)) defaultPath = self.fileNameEdit.text() if not defaultPath: defaultPath = QDir.homePath() exportFilePath = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, msg.exportPatternTitle, defaultPath, formatStr, QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) if exportFilePath: self.update_export_path(exportFilePath)
def __init__(self, parent=None): custom_dock.CustomDock.__init__(self) self.explorador = QTreeView() self.setWidget(self.explorador) self.explorador.header().setHidden(True) self.explorador.setAnimated(True) # Modelo self.modelo = QFileSystemModel(self.explorador) path = QDir.toNativeSeparators(QDir.homePath()) self.modelo.setRootPath(path) self.explorador.setModel(self.modelo) self.modelo.setNameFilters(["*.c", "*.h", "*.s"]) self.explorador.setRootIndex(QModelIndex(self.modelo.index(path))) self.modelo.setNameFilterDisables(False) # Se ocultan algunas columnas self.explorador.hideColumn(1) self.explorador.hideColumn(2) self.explorador.hideColumn(3) # Conexion self.explorador.doubleClicked.connect(self._abrir_archivo) EDIS.cargar_lateral("explorador", self)
def on_mEndMarkerToolButton_clicked(self): if self.timeStart != 0: self.timeEnd = time.time() print self.timeEnd if self.timeEnd - self.timeStart <= 2: self.timeStart = 0 return s = QSettings() openDir = QString() if (not self.mEndMarkerLineEdit.text().isEmpty()): fi = QFileInfo(self.mEndMarkerLineEdit.text()) openDir = fi.dir().absolutePath() if (openDir.isEmpty()): openDir = s.value("/UI/lastComposerMarkerDir", QDir.homePath()).toString() svgFileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, QString("End marker svg file"), openDir) if (not svgFileName.isNull()): fileInfo = QFileInfo(svgFileName) s.setValue("/UI/lastComposerMarkerDir", fileInfo.absolutePath()) self.mArrow.beginCommand(QString("Arrow end marker")) self.mEndMarkerLineEdit.setText(svgFileName) self.mArrow.endCommand() self.timeStart = time.time()
def open_files_prompt(title, home_path=None, file_extension_spec=None, parent=None): """ Display a prompt to choose multiple existing files from the filesystem. :param title: The title to display for the prompt. :param home_path: The default filesystem path for the prompt. :param file_extension_spec: The specification of what file types will be shown by the prompt. :param parent: The parent widget of the prompt. :raise UserCancelledPromptException: If not files are selected or the user presses the cancel button. :return: A list of filepaths that were selected in the prompt. """ if not home_path: home_path = QDir.homePath() if not file_extension_spec: file_extension_spec = 'All Files (*.*)' file_paths = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent, title, home_path, file_extension_spec, None) file_paths = [str(filepath) for filepath in file_paths] if not file_paths: raise UserCancelledPromptException('No filenames selected.') return file_paths
def saveSettings(self, filename=None): if not filename: # file save dialog directory = QgsProject.instance().homePath() if not directory: directory = os.path.split(self.ui.lineEdit_OutputFilename.text())[0] if not directory: directory = QDir.homePath() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save Export Settings", directory, "Settings files (*.qto3settings)" ) if not filename: return # append .qto3settings extension if filename doesn't have if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() != ".qto3settings": filename += ".qto3settings" # save settings to file (.qto3settings) import codecs import json with, "w", "UTF-8") as f: json.dump(self.settings(True), f, ensure_ascii=False) logMessage(u"Settings saved: {0}".format(filename))
def getRopeProject( self, fileName = "" ): " Provides existed or creates a new rope project " if self.project.isLoaded(): return self.project.getRopeProject() # There is no current project so create a temporary one. # Two cases: the buffer has been saved # not saved buffer if os.path.isabs( fileName ): dirName = os.path.dirname( fileName ) else: # Unsaved buffer, make an assumption that # it is in home directory dirName = str( QDir.homePath() ) prefs = copy.deepcopy( ropePreferences ) # Exclude nested dirs as it could take too long # Get only dir names and do not get those dirs # where[3] are present subdirsToExclude = getSubdirs( dirName, True, True ) if "ignored_resources" in prefs: prefs[ "ignored_resources" ] += subdirsToExclude else: prefs[ "ignored_resources" ] = subdirsToExclude project = RopeProject( dirName, None, None, **prefs ) project.validate( project.root ) return project
def __askForFilePath(self): filepath, file_filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter(parent=self, caption="Load Chat Log", directory=QDir.homePath(), filter='Text files (*.txt *.log);;All files (*)', options=QtGui.QFileDialog.ReadOnly) return (filepath, file_filter)
def open_file_dialog(self, dialog_type): """ Open a file dialog to select the data file to be loaded :param string dialog_type: Valid types are 'loss_layer' or 'zonal_layer' :returns: """ if dialog_type == 'loss_layer': text ='Select loss map to import') # FIXME: What should be the format of the raster maps? filters ='Geojson vector loss maps (*.geojson);; ' 'Shapefile vector loss maps (*.shp);; ' 'Raster loss maps (*.*)') elif dialog_type == 'zonal_layer': text ='Select zonal layer to import') filters ='Vector shapefiles (*.shp);; SQLite (*.sqlite);;' ' All files (*.*)') else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid dialog_type: {}'.format(dialog_type)) file_name, file_type = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter( self, text, QDir.homePath(), filters) if file_name: if dialog_type == 'zonal_layer': layer = self.load_zonal_layer(file_name) elif dialog_type == 'loss_layer': if file_type == 'Raster loss maps (*.*)': self.loss_layer_is_vector = False layer = self.load_loss_layer(file_name) else: raise RuntimeError return layer else: return None
def urlListSelected(self): self.fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select Text File", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop") f = open(self.fileName, 'rb') self.lists = f.readlines() f.close() if self.lists is not None: for line in self.lists: self.urlList.append(line)
def slotImport(self): filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import color theme")) filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption, QDir.homePath(), filetypes) if filename: self.parent().import_(filename)
def defaults(self): defaults_settings_dict = dict(recent=5, save_dir=QDir.homePath(), close_confirmation=True, display_image=True, list_recent=[]) self.settings['recent'] = defaults_settings_dict['recent'] self.settings['save_dir'] = defaults_settings_dict['save_dir'] self.settings['close_confirmation'] = defaults_settings_dict['close_confirmation'] self.settings['display_image'] = defaults_settings_dict['display_image'] self.settings['list_recent'] = defaults_settings_dict['list_recent'] self.set_values()
def browseClicked(self): directory = os.path.split(self.lineEdit_ImageFile.text())[0] if directory == "": directory = QDir.homePath() filterString = "Images (*.png *.jpg *.gif *.bmp);;All files (*.*)" filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select image file", directory, filterString) if filename: self.lineEdit_ImageFile.setText(filename)
def clear_symbol_info(self): """ This slot clears all entries in the addSymbolTab """ self.symbolNameEntry.clear() self.symbolWidthSpinner.setValue(1) self.symbolDescriptionEntry.clear() self.svgWidget.load(QByteArray()) self.svgPathEdit.setText(QDir.homePath()) self._svgFilePath = None
def choose_pressed(self): dialog = QFileDialog() dialog.setDirectory(QDir.homePath()) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFiles) if dialog.exec_(): filenames = dialog.selectedFiles() for filename in filenames: self.text_edit_files.append(filename)
def getFiles(self): files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( parent = self, caption = self.trUtf8("Choix des fichiers"), directory = QDir.homePath(), filter = u"%s (%s)" % (self.trUtf8("Sons"), self.filter)) for file in files: self.addFile(QFileInfo(file), createDir=False)
def index_path(): options = Configuration._read_options( config_file=Configuration.INDEXING_CONFIG_FILE, config_file_header=Configuration.INDEXING_CONFIG_FILE_HEADER ) if Configuration.INDEXING_CONFIG_PATH in options: return QDir.fromNativeSeparators(options[Configuration.INDEXING_CONFIG_PATH]) return QDir.fromNativeSeparators('%s/%s' % (QDir.homePath(), 'index_db'))
def htmlTagSelected(self): try: self.htmlFileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Select Text File", QDir.homePath() + "/Desktop" ) f = open(self.htmlFileName, "rb") self.htmlTag = f.close() except Exception, x: print x
def exportNotice(self): query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.exec_("select stusn, stuname, classname, rightquestions, wrongquestions from student" ) lstInfo = [["学号","姓名", "班级", "回答正确次数", "回答错误次数"]] while( lstInfo.append([query.value(0),query.value(1),query.value(2),query.value(3),query.value(4)]) from xlwt import Workbook,easyxf book = Workbook(encoding='ascii') # 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;' style = easyxf( 'font: height 280, name 黑体;' 'align: vertical center, horizontal center;' ) style2 = easyxf('font: height 260, name 仿宋_GB2312, bold True; align: vertical center, horizontal left;') style3 = easyxf('font: height 260, name 仿宋_GB2312, bold True; align: vertical center, horizontal left, wrap True;') sheet1 = book.add_sheet('学生提问情况汇总',cell_overwrite_ok=True) # sheet1.write(0,7,flagtxt, easyxf('font: height 200, name 黑体;align: vertical center, horizontal right;')) sheet1.write_merge(0,0,0,4, '学生提问情况汇总表',style) sheet1.row(0).height_mismatch = 1 sheet1.row(0).height = 5*256 sheet1.col(0).width = 10*256 sheet1.col(1).width = 25*256 sheet1.col(2).width = 25*256 sheet1.col(3).width = 20*256 sheet1.col(4).width = 20*256 tmprows = 1 for item in lstInfo: stusn = item[0] stuname = item[1] classname = item[2] rightquestions = item[3] wrongquestions = item[4] sheet1.write(tmprows,0,stusn, style2) sheet1.write(tmprows,1,stuname, style2) sheet1.write(tmprows,2,classname, style2) sheet1.write(tmprows,3,rightquestions, style2) sheet1.write(tmprows,4,wrongquestions, style2) tmprows += 1 # print(tmprows) sheet1.header_str = "".encode() sheet1.footer_str = "".encode() #'d:/simple.xls') # print(QDir.home().dirName() , QDir.homePath ()) filename = QDir.homePath () + "\学生提问情况汇总表.xls" try: except Exception as e: QMessageBox.warning(self, "写入错误", "错误号:"+str(e.errno)+"\n错误描述:"+e.strerror+"\n请关闭已经打开的%s文档!" % filename) QMessageBox.about (self, "导出成功", "请查看文档:%s" % filename)
def slotExport(self): name = self.scheme.currentText() filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Export {name}").format(name=name)) path = os.path.join(QDir.homePath(), name+'.xml') filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, path, filetypes) if filename: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.xml': filename += '.xml' self.parent().export(name, filename)
def _loadDetectorButtonPressed(self): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption='Open Detector File', #filter="Pickled Objects (*.pkl);;All Files (*)", directory=QDir.homePath(), ) if len(fname)>0: #not cancelled with open(fname, 'r') as f: pkl = self.topLevelOperatorView.loads(pkl) logger.debug("Loaded detector from file '{}'".format(fname))
def populateModel( self ): " Populates the browser model " self.clear() self.addItem( TreeViewSysPathItem( self.rootItem ) ) self.addItem( TreeViewDirectoryItem( self.rootItem, QDir.homePath() ) ) for dname in QDir.drives(): self.addItem( TreeViewDirectoryItem( self.rootItem, dname.absoluteFilePath() ) ) self.__populateProjectTopLevelDirs() return
def getDir(self): self.dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( parent = self, caption = self.trUtf8("Choix du repertoire"), directory = QDir.homePath(), options = QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks) if self.dir : directory = QDir(self.dir, self.filter) for file in directory.entryInfoList(): self.addFile(file, createDir=True)
def local_collection_path(id=None): """Get the path to the local collection dir. If id is not passed, it will just return the root dir of the collections. """ path = os.path.join(QDir.homePath(), 'QGIS', 'Resource Sharing') if id: collection_name = config.COLLECTIONS[id]['name'] dir_name = '%s (%s)' % (collection_name, id) path = os.path.join(path, dir_name) return path
def parse(cls, lines): """ this function-call is required to get the yacc running! """ lex.lex(reflags=re.DOTALL) parser = yacc.yacc(start="top", debug=0, outputdir=str(QDir.homePath()) + "/.ricodebug") r = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() r.append(parser.parse(line)) r[-1].raw = line return r
def show_symbol_path_fileSelector(self): """ Open up a file selector dialog allowing a user to change the path to where the custom knitting symbols are. """ customSymbolFilePath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, msg.customSymbolPathDirectoryTitle, QDir.homePath()) if customSymbolFilePath: self.settings.personalSymbolPath.value = customSymbolFilePath self.customSymbolPathEdit.setText(customSymbolFilePath)
def show_logging_path_fileSelector(self): """ Open up a file selector dialog allowing a user to change the path to where logfiles are stored. """ loggingPath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, msg.loggingPathDirectoryTitle, QDir.homePath()) if loggingPath: self.settings.loggingPath.value = loggingPath self.loggingPathEdit.setText(loggingPath)
def geometriePDF(self, titre, taillePlan): # Afficher un assistant de saisie pour le choix du composeur dlgConfigComposers = DICTDialogComposer(taillePlan) result = dlgConfigComposers.exec_() idx_plan = [] if result: idx_plan = dlgConfigComposers.listComposers.selectedItems() # id_plan = dlgConfigComposers.listComposers.currentRow() # Sortie du plan en PDF composers = iface.activeComposers() out = [] if len(idx_plan) > 0: for r in idx_plan: id_plan = dlgConfigComposers.listComposers.row(r) c = composers[id_plan].composition() # À configurer c_map_lists = c.composerMapItems() if (len(c_map_lists) == 0): return out else: c_map = c_map_lists[0] if c_map: c_map.zoomToExtent(self._geomBB) # A faire correctement s = c_map.scale() scal = self.__findScale(s) iface.mapCanvas().zoomScale(scal) c_map.setNewScale(scal) c_map.updateCachedImage() c_map.renderModeUpdateCachedImage() # Sortie out_dir = QSettings().value("/DICT/configRep") if QDir(out_dir).exists() is False or out_dir is None: out_dir = str(QDir.homePath()) pdf = out_dir + "/" + \ QSettings().value("/DICT/prefPlan", u"") + titre + \ QSettings().value("/DICT/sufPlan", u"") + \ str(id_plan) + ".pdf" c.exportAsPDF(pdf) out.append(pdf) return out
def funcionComprimir(self): global contador numHilos = QThread.idealThreadCount() user_home = QDir.homePath() #home del usuario try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(unicode(user_home), 'carpetadeliss')) # os.mkdir(user_home+'/micarpeta') #es lo mismo que la linea de arriba except (OSError): print("Carpeta ya existe.") #print("rutaGuardar") rutaGuardar = os.path.join(unicode(user_home), 'carpetadeliss') #self.proceso_comando.start('cpdf', ['-squeeze', elementoPDF, '-o', os.path.join(rutaGuardar, unicode(pdfName))]) #self.proceso_comando.start('ls', ['-l']) # (comando, ['arg1' , 'arg2', 'argN']) #for _ in self.a : es lo mismo que abajo procesos = [] # lista con procesos y lanzar for _ in range(0, len(self.a)): i = QProcess(self) i.finished.connect(self.funcionFinised) procesos.append(i) while len(self.a) != 0: mutex.lock() if contador <= 2: elementoPDF = self.a.pop( ) # hace pop al ultimo elemento de la lista pdfName = QFileInfo(elementoPDF).fileName() contador = contador + 1 print("contador 1", contador) proceso_me = procesos.pop() print("u1") mutex.unlock() proceso_me.start('cpdf', [ '-squeeze', elementoPDF, '-o', os.path.join(rutaGuardar, unicode(pdfName)) ]) else: print("u2") mutex.unlock() print("...................") mutex2.lock() print("mkcbnveoirbvrpobgt---------") wait_condition.wait(mutex2) print("mutex2") mutex2.unlock()
def main(): pyqtRemoveInputHook() QDir(QDir.homePath()).mkdir(".ricodebug") app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName("ricodebug") window = MainWindow() logging.basicConfig(filename='%s/.ricodebug/ricodebug.log' % str(QDir.homePath()), level=logging.DEBUG) logviewhandler = logview.LogViewHandler(window.ui.logView, window.ui.filterSlider) window.ui.filterSlider.setValue(3) errormsghandler = logview.ErrorLabelHandler(window) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(logviewhandler) logger.addHandler(errormsghandler) if (len(sys.argv) > 1): window.debugController.openExecutable(sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def show_logging_path_fileSelector(self): """ Open up a file selector dialog allowing a user to change the path to where logfiles are stored. """ loggingPath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, msg.loggingPathDirectoryTitle, QDir.homePath()) if loggingPath: self.settings.loggingPath.value = loggingPath self.loggingPathEdit.setText(loggingPath)
def funcionAgregar(self): homeUsuario = QDir.homePath() rutaPdf = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, directory=homeUsuario) #indico que me abra en el home del usuario objetoPDF = QFileInfo(rutaPdf) #self.listWidget.addItem(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()) self.listWidget.addItem(objetoPDF.fileName()) self.a.append(unicode(rutaPdf)) print(self.a) print("contenido de arreglo a")
def export_custom_symbols(self): """ Helper function for saving custom symbols into a zip archive. """ saveFilePath = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export Custom Symbols", QDir.homePath(), "zip files (*.zip)") if saveFilePath: if not writezip(self._symbolPath, saveFilePath): QMessageBox.critical(self, msg.cannotExportSymbolsTitle, msg.cannotExportSymbolsText, QMessageBox.Ok)
def generate_recovery_filepath(filePath): """ Based on a filePath generate the name for the recovery File. """ # check if sconcho directory in user's home directory exists sconchoDirName = QDir.homePath() + "/.sconcho" sconchoDir = QDir(sconchoDirName) if not sconchoDir.exists(): status = sconchoDir.mkdir(sconchoDirName) recoveryFileInfo = QFileInfo(filePath) recoveryFilePath = sconchoDirName + "/" + \ recoveryFileInfo.fileName() + ".recovery" return recoveryFilePath
def parse(cls, lines): """Parse the lines with the above defined lexical rules """ lex.lex(reflags=re.DOTALL) parser = yacc.yacc(start='top', debug=0, outputdir=str(QDir.homePath()) + "/.ricodebug") r = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() r.append(parser.parse(line)) r[-1].raw = line return r
def _loadHistogramsButtonPressed(self): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, caption='Open Histogram File', filter="HDF5 Files (*.h5 *.hdf5);;All Files (*)", directory=QDir.homePath()) if len(fname) > 0: # not cancelled #FIXME where do we get the real h5 path from??? h5path = 'volume/data' # no try-catch because we want to propagate errors to the GUI histos = vigra.impex.readHDF5(str(fname), h5path) self.topLevelOperatorView.setPrecomputedHistograms(histos) logger.debug("Loaded histograms from file '{}' (shape: {})".format( fname, histos.shape))
def OpenObstacleFile(self): settings = QSettings() lastusedir = settings.value("/UI/lastObstacleVectorFileDir", QDir.homePath()).toString() path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open Obstacle File", lastusedir, "Obstacle files(*.txt *.csv)") if path == "": return self.ui.txtPath.setText(path) settings.setValue("/UI/lastObstacleVectorFileDir", path)