def makeEfficiency(passed, total, title, lineColor): if TEfficiency.CheckConsistency(passed, total): efficiency = TEfficiency(passed, total) #title = std::regex_replace(title, std::regex("\\muCandGenEtaMuons"), "tagging efficiency"); efficiency.SetTitle(title) efficiency.SetStatisticOption(6) #TEfficiency.EStatOption.kBUniform efficiency.SetPosteriorMode() efficiency.SetLineColor(lineColor) return efficiency else: print( "makeEfficiency TEfficiency::CheckConsistency(*ptGenPtTTMuonNom, *ptGenPtTTMuonDenom) failed" ) exit(1)
# Open file tfile = TFile.Open(infile) # ____________________________________________________________________________ # emtf_eff_vs_genpt_l1pt20 hname = "emtf_eff_vs_genpt_l1pt20" h1a_denom = tfile.Get(hname + "_denom") h1a_numer = tfile.Get(hname + "_numer") h1b_denom = tfile.Get(hname2026_f(hname) + "_denom") h1b_numer = tfile.Get(hname2026_f(hname) + "_numer") print h1a_denom.GetEntries(), h1a_numer.GetEntries() print h1b_denom.GetEntries(), h1b_denom.GetEntries() h1a_eff = TEfficiency(h1a_numer, h1a_denom) h1a_eff.SetStatisticOption(0) # kFCP h1a_eff.SetConfidenceLevel(0.682689492137) # one sigma h1a_eff.SetMarkerColor(632) # kRed h1a_eff.SetLineColor(632) # kRed h1a_eff.SetLineWidth(2) h1b_eff = TEfficiency(h1b_numer, h1b_denom) h1b_eff.SetStatisticOption(0) # kFCP h1b_eff.SetConfidenceLevel(0.682689492137) # one sigma h1b_eff.SetMarkerColor(600) # kBlue h1b_eff.SetLineColor(600) # kBlue h1b_eff.SetLineWidth(2) gr = h1a_eff.CreateGraph() gr.Draw("ap") frame = gr.GetHistogram()
# (this handles the eff = 0, 1 case) # # DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK FOR WEIGHTED HISTOGRAMS --> IT REDUCES TO THE NORMAL APPROX # #t_efficiency.SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency.kFCP) # # Use TEfficiency, with the Bayesian uniform prior at XX% CL (set before) # (This is the same as the TGraphAsymmErrors below) # # In order to get the same value for efficiency as in a frequentist approach (as from TH1::Divide("B")), # the MODE should be used as an estimator. This works as long as a uniform prior is chosen. # # Please refer to the TEfficiency class docs for details: # # t_efficiency.SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency.kBUniform) t_efficiency.SetPosteriorMode() # 3. # # Calculate efficiency using TGraphAsymmErrors # (uses a Bayesian uniform prior beta(1,1) for the efficiency with 68% CL. It handles the errors in case eff is 0 or 1) # g_efficiency = TGraphAsymmErrors(hist_eff) g_efficiency.Divide(hist_pass,hist_tot,"cl=0.683 b(1,1) mode") # Save the efficiencies in the proper dictionaries # hists[histname + "_Efficiency_" + append_str] = hist_eff tefficiencies[histname + "_Efficiency_" + append_str] = t_efficiency graphs[histname + "_Efficiency_" + append_str + "_graph"] = g_efficiency
n_particles = cur.execute( "SELECT nParticles FROM particleSourceMessenger;").fetchone()[0] name, pde, pct, papl, paps, n_cell, v_ov = cur.execute( "SELECT name, pdeAt400nm, crosstalkProbability, apProbLong, apProbShort, numberOfCells, overVoltage FROM sipmModel;" ).fetchone() con.close() # Read cached results from tsv file e, n = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=" ").transpose() # MeV, # # Determine bin width wvl = 4.135667516e-15 * 299792458.0 / e * 1e3 wvl_min = min(wvl) wvl_max = max(wvl) nbins = int((wvl_max - wvl_min) / args.bin_width) eff = TEfficiency("%d-pass" % i, "%d-eff" % i, nbins, wvl_min, wvl_max) eff.SetUseWeightedEvents() eff.SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency.kFNormal) for wvli, ni in zip(wvl, n): eff.FillWeighted(True, ni, wvli) eff.FillWeighted(False, n_particles - ni, wvli) x = np.array( [eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinCenter(i) for i in xrange(nbins)]) y = np.array([eff.GetEfficiency(i) for i in xrange(nbins)]) * 100.0 yerr_low = np.array([ eff.ClopperPearson(int(n_particles), int(eff.GetEfficiency(i) * n_particles), 0.68, False) for i in xrange(nbins) ]) * 100.0 yerr_up = np.array([ eff.ClopperPearson(int(n_particles), int(eff.GetEfficiency(i) * n_particles), 0.68, True) for i in xrange(nbins)
import sys from ROOT import TEfficiency if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print print 'USAGE : python Ntotal Npass' print exit() tot = int(sys.argv[-2]) passing = int(sys.argv[-1]) k = TEfficiency() k.SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency.kFFC) # get +/- 1 sigma interval from Feldman Cousins statistics eff = passing / float(tot) eff_upper = k.FeldmanCousins(tot, passing, 0.6827, True) eff_lower = k.FeldmanCousins(tot, passing, 0.6827, False) print 'Efficiency : %.03f.' % (eff) print '1-sigma interval : [%.03f, %.03f]' % (eff_lower, eff_upper)