def printFractionsPerIEta(self, graph): self.output("Fractions of HO time in [-12.5,12.5] ns") counterDict = [{ 'total': 0, 'inside': 0, 'hist': TH1D('hist' + str(i - 10), '', 201, -100.5, 100.5) } for i in range(0, 21)] x = Double(0) y = Double(0) nTotal = graph.GetN() ### # Fill histograms for later calculation of mean ### for i in range(0, nTotal): graph.GetPoint(i, x, y) indexHelper = int(x + 10) counterDict[indexHelper]['total'] += 1 counterDict[indexHelper]['hist'].Fill(y) ### # Once all histograms are filled, calculate median ### for index, item in enumerate(counterDict): item['median'] = getMedian(item['hist']) ### # Fill the number of objects in interval depending on the # Histogram median ### nDone = 0 if self.DEBUG: self.debug('Filling interval counters') for i in range(0, nTotal): graph.GetPoint(i, x, y) indexHelper = int(x + 10) median = counterDict[indexHelper]['median'] if (fabs(median - y) < 12.5): counterDict[indexHelper]['inside'] += 1 nDone += 1 self.printProgress(nDone, nTotal) #Graph for results graph = TEfficiency(graph.GetName(), "", 21, -10.5, 10.5) ### # Plot the results of calculations on CLI ### for index, item in enumerate(counterDict): if (index - 10 == 0): continue total = item['total'] inside = item['inside'] self.output( "iEta: %3d\tTotal: %5d\tInside:%5d\tFraction:%6.2f +/- %6.2f" % (index - 10, total, inside, calcPercent( inside, total), calcSigma(inside, total) * 100)) graph.SetTotalEvents(graph.FindFixBin(index - 10), total) graph.SetPassedEvents(graph.FindFixBin(index - 10), inside) return graph, counterDict
def makeCombinedEtaPlot(self, tight=False): hist = self.makeL1TimeVsEtaPlot(('tight_' if tight else '') + 'dtOnly_bxidVsEta')[2] countsInL1 = [] for x in np.arange(-.95, 1.05, 0.1): totalCounter = 0 zeroCount = 0 for y in range(-2, 3): totalCounter += hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) if y == 0: zeroCount = hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) countsInL1.append({ 'total': totalCounter, 'zero': zeroCount, 'eta': x }) #Graph for results graph1 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, -9.195, -.5) graph2 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, .5, 9.195) for item in countsInL1: if item['total'] == 0: continue print item['total'], item['zero'], item['eta'] if item['eta'] < 0: graph1.SetTotalEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph1.SetPassedEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) else: graph2.SetTotalEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph2.SetPassedEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) histHo = None if tight: histHo = self.plotTightHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] else: histHo = self.plotHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] histHo.SetTitle(('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'Unmatched DT + HO') canvas = TCanvas( 'combinedPlot' + ('Tight ' if tight else '') + hist.GetName(), 'combinedPlot') histHo.Draw('ap') canvas.Update(), 0) histHo.SetMarkerStyle(2) histHo.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-12, 12) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetLabelColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetAxisColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) yMax = gPad.GetFrame().GetY2() yMin = gPad.GetFrame().GetY1() #Print average Fraction excluding iEta +/-2 x = Double(0) y = Double(0) mean = 0 var = 0 for i in range(0, histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN()): histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetPoint(i, x, y) if abs(x) == 2: continue mean += y var += histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY( i) * histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY(i) mean /= histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2 sigma = sqrt(var / (histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2)) self.debug( "Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s: %5.2f%% +/- %5.2f%%" % ('[Tight]' if tight else '', mean * 100, sigma * 100)) nTotal = 0 nPassed = 0 for item in countsInL1: if fabs(item['eta']) == 2 or fabs(item['eta'] == 0): continue nTotal += item['total'] nPassed += item['zero'] #Print again with ClopperPearson uncertainty, the counts are for L1!!! mean = nPassed / nTotal * 100 sigmaPlus = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 1) * 100 - mean sigmaMinus = mean - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 0) * 100 #self.debug("Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s with Clop.Pear.: %5.2f%% +%5.2f%% -%5.2f%%" # % ('[Tight]' if tight else '',mean,sigmaPlus,sigmaMinus)) #Left axis part f1 = TF1("f1", "x", -0.87, 0) A1 = TGaxis(-10, yMax, -0.5, yMax, "f1", 010, "-") A1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A1.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A1.Draw() #Right axis part f2 = TF1("f2", "x", 0, 0.87) A2 = TGaxis(0.5, yMax, 10, yMax, "f2", 010, "-") A2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A2.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A2.Draw() #Box for shading out 0 box = TBox(-.5, yMin, 0.5, yMax) box.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillStyle(3013) box.Draw('same') #Left L1 eta graph1.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph1.Draw('same,p') #Right L1Eta graph2.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph2.Draw('same,p') #Label for extra axis axisLabel = TPaveText(0.83, 0.85, 0.89, 0.9, "NDC") axisLabel.AddText('#eta_{L1}') axisLabel.SetBorderSize(0) axisLabel.SetFillStyle(0) axisLabel.SetTextColor(colorRwthRot) axisLabel.SetTextSize(0.05) axisLabel.Draw() #Legend legend = getLegend(x1=0.1, y1=0.1, x2=0.4, y2=.35) legend.AddEntry(histHo, 'HO #in #pm12.5 ns', 'pe') legend.AddEntry(graph1, ('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'L1 BXID = 0', 'pe') legend.Draw() canvas.Update() self.storeCanvas(canvas, "combinedFractionL1AndHo" + ('Tight' if tight else ''), drawMark=False) return histHo, graph1, canvas, A1, f1, A2, f2, box, graph2, axisLabel, legend