def GetHistogram(inp, out, nameOptionList):

    # clear the new dir dictionary (necessary if GetHistogram is to be used more than once)
    SetObjectDir("", "", None,
                 True)  # took me 30 mins to find this f***ing bug...

    changeCount = 0
    inpFile = TFile(inp)

    ################### check for shift/expert/etc flags and construct the approprate list of histograms to get ####################
    nameList = []
    metaDict = getMetadataDict(inpFile)
    for option in nameOptionList:
        optionList = option.split(
            ":")  # optionList[0] = histogram name, optionList[1] = flag
        if len(optionList) == 1:
            if not optionList[0] in nameList:
        else:  # we have a flag
            if (not optionList[0].endswith("/")) and (
                    not optionList[0] == ""
            ):  # flags go only with directories (i.e. name ends with "/")
                print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Directory names should always end with \"/\" OR flag defined for histogram."
            if optionList[0] == "":  # we have to get all flagged histograms
                for key in metaDict.keys():
                    for event in metaDict[key]:
                        if event.LevelOfDetail == optionList[1]:
                            histName = key + event.Name
                            if not histName in nameList:
                                changeCount += 1
                if changeCount == 0:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: No histogram flagged", optionList[
                        1], "found."

            else:  # we have to get flagged histograms only from the specified directory
                    for event in metaDict[optionList[0]]:
                        if event.LevelOfDetail == optionList[1]:
                            histName = optionList[0] + event.Name
                            if not histName in nameList:
                                changeCount += 1
                    if changeCount == 0:
                        print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: No histogram flagged", optionList[
                            1], "found in", optionList[0], "."
                except KeyError:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Warning:", optionList[
                        0], "directory/metadata object does not exist."

    outFile = TFile(out, "RECREATE")
    changeCount = 0
    for path in nameList:
        objList = GetObjectList(inpFile, path)
        for obj in objList:
            #	print "Setting path for '" + obj.GetName() + "' to '" + path + "'"
            changeCount = changeCount + 1
            SetObjectDir(outFile, path, obj)
    if changeCount == 0:
        return False
        return True