def main():
    f = TFile(sys.argv[1])
    jetmass = f.Get("jetm_qg")
    # jetmass = f.Get("jetmass_avg")
    jetmass_cut = get_jetmass_cut(jetmass)

    fcns, fit_histo = slice_by_slice_fit(jetmass_cut, get_1d_fit_fcn)
    diff_histo = jetmass_cut - fit_histo

    # # NOTE: this is now done by utils.slice_by_slice_fit, but this makes a stackplot too
    # # Fit the 1d function to each slice and store the fit parameters
    # # xpoints = array.array('d')
    # fcns = []
    # # fitparams = [array.array('d') for i in range(NPARAM)]
    # # fitparam_errs = [array.array('d') for i in range(NPARAM)]
    # mjj_stack = THStack("mjjs", "") # Stack for each m_j, normalized to 1
    # for x in range(jetmass_cut.GetNbinsX()):
    #     sliced_histo = slice_histo_y(jetmass_cut, x+1, "slice_%s" % (x+1), "M_jj, slice %s" % (x+1))
    #     fit_fcn = get_1d_fit_fcn(sliced_histo, x+1)
    #     sliced_histo.Fit(fit_fcn)
    #     fcns.append(fit_fcn)

    #     print "Slice %s chisq = %s" % (x+1, fit_fcn.GetChisquare())
    #     print
    #     print

    #     # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    #     # This doesn't do what I'd hoped:
    #     # fit_fcn.SetParameter(0, fit_fcn.GetParameter(0)/sliced_histo.Integral())
    #     sliced_histo.Scale(1.0/sliced_histo.Integral())
    #     mjj_stack.Add(sliced_histo)

    # graph fit parameters
    fitparams = [
        array.array('d', [fit_fcn.GetParameter(i) for fit_fcn in fcns])
        for i in range(NPARAM)
    fitparam_errs = [
        array.array('d', [fit_fcn.GetParError(i) for fit_fcn in fcns])
        for i in range(NPARAM)
    xpoints = array.array('d', [float(mj_fit_range[0] + mj_binsize * (i+0.5))
                                for i in range(len(fitparams[0]))])
    no_errors = array.array('d', [0.0 for i in range(len(fitparams[0]))])
    fitparam_graphs = [
        TGraphErrors(len(fitparams[i]), xpoints, fitparams[i], no_errors, fitparam_errs[i])
        for i in range(NPARAM)

    print "total chisquare = %s" % sum(f.GetChisquare() for f in fcns)
    print "total ndf = %s" % (jetmass_cut.GetNbinsX() * (jetmass_cut.GetNbinsY() - NPARAM))

    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()