class LightManager(DebugObject): """ This class is internally used by the RenderingPipeline to handle Lights and their Shadows. It stores a list of lights, and updates the required ShadowSources per frame. There are two main update methods: updateLights processes each light and does a basic frustum check. If the light is in the frustum, its ID is passed to the light precompute container (set with setLightingCuller). Also, each shadowSource of the light is checked, and if it reports to be invalid, it's queued to the list of queued shadow updates. updateShadows processes the queued shadow updates and setups everything to render the shadow depth textures to the shadow atlas. Lights can be added with addLight. Notice you cannot change the shadow resolution or wether the light casts shadows after you called addLight. This is because it might already have a position in the atlas, and so the atlas would have to delete it's map, which is not supported (yet). This shouldn't be an issue, as you usually always know before if a light will cast shadows or not. """ def __init__(self, pipeline): """ Creates a new LightManager. It expects a RenderPipeline as parameter. """ DebugObject.__init__(self, "LightManager") self.lightSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxTotalLights self.shadowSourceSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxShadowMaps self.queuedShadowUpdates = [] self.renderedLights = {} self.pipeline = pipeline # Create arrays to store lights & shadow sources self.allLightsArray = ShaderStructArray(Light, LightLimits.maxTotalLights) self.updateCallbacks = [] self.cullBounds = None self.numTiles = None self.lightingComputator = None self.shadowScene = Globals.render # Create atlas self.shadowAtlas = ShadowAtlas() self.shadowAtlas.setSize(self.pipeline.settings.shadowAtlasSize) self.shadowAtlas.create() self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame = self.pipeline.settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame self.numShadowUpdatesPTA = PTAInt.emptyArray(1) self.updateShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray( ShadowSource, self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.allShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray(ShadowSource, LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) self._initLightCulling() # Create shadow compute buffer self._createShadowPass() self._createUnshadowedLightsPass() self._createShadowedLightsPass() self._createApplyLightsPass() self._createExposurePass() if self.pipeline.settings.enableScattering: self._createScatteringPass() # Create the initial shadow state self.shadowScene.setTag("ShadowPassShader", "Default") # Register variables & arrays self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable( "shadowUpdateSources", self._bindUpdateSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable( "allLights", self._bindAllLights) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable( "allShadowSources", self._bindAllSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "numShadowUpdates", self.numShadowUpdatesPTA) self._loadIESProfiles() self._addShaderDefines() self._createDebugTexts() def _bindUpdateSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the shadow update source to a target """ self.updateShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllLights(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global lights array to a target """ self.allLightsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global shadow sources to a target """ self.allShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _createShadowPass(self): """ Creates the shadow pass, where the shadow atlas is generated into """ self.shadowPass = ShadowScenePass() self.shadowPass.setMaxRegions(self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.shadowPass.setSize(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowPass) def _createUnshadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.unshadowedLightsPass = UnshadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass( self.unshadowedLightsPass) def _createApplyLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which applies all lights """ self.applyLightsPass = ApplyLightsPass(self.pipeline) self.applyLightsPass.setTileCount(self.numTiles) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.applyLightsPass) def _createShadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.shadowedLightsPass = ShadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass( self.shadowedLightsPass) def _createExposurePass(self): """ Creates the pass which applies the exposure and color correction """ self.exposurePass = ExposurePass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.exposurePass) def _createScatteringPass(self): """ Creates the scattering pass """ self.scatteringPass = ScatteringPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.scatteringPass) self.scatteringCubemapPass = ScatteringCubemapPass(self.pipeline) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass( self.scatteringCubemapPass) def _loadIESProfiles(self): """ Loads the ies profiles from Data/IESProfiles. """ self.iesLoader = IESLoader() self.iesLoader.loadIESProfiles("Data/IESProfiles/") self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "IESProfilesTex", self.iesLoader.getIESProfileStorageTex()) def _initLightCulling(self): """ Creates the pass which gets a list of lights and computes which light affects which tile """ # Fetch patch size self.patchSize = LVecBase2i(self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeX, self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeY) # size has to be a multiple of the compute unit size # but still has to cover the whole screen sizeX = int(math.ceil(float(Globals.resolution.x) / self.patchSize.x)) sizeY = int(math.ceil(float(Globals.resolution.y) / self.patchSize.y)) self.lightCullingPass = LightCullingPass(self.pipeline) self.lightCullingPass.setSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.lightCullingPass.setPatchSize(self.patchSize.x, self.patchSize.y) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass( self.lightCullingPass) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "lightingTileCount", LVecBase2i(sizeX, sizeY)) self.debug("Batch size =", sizeX, "x", sizeY, "Actual Buffer size=", int(sizeX * self.patchSize.x), "x", int(sizeY * self.patchSize.y)) self.numTiles = LVecBase2i(sizeX, sizeY) # Create the buffer which stores the rendered lights self._makeRenderedLightsBuffer() def _makeRenderedLightsBuffer(self): """ Creates the buffer which stores the indices of all rendered lights """ bufferSize = 16 bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"] self.renderedLightsBuffer = Texture("RenderedLightsBuffer") self.renderedLightsBuffer.setupBufferTexture(bufferSize, Texture.TInt, Texture.FR32i, GeomEnums.UHDynamic) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "renderedLightsBuffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) MemoryMonitor.addTexture("Rendered Lights Buffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) def _addShaderDefines(self): """ Adds settings like the maximum light count to the list of defines which are available in the shader later """ define = lambda name, val: self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager( ).registerDefine(name, val) settings = self.pipeline.settings define("MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxTotalLights) define("MAX_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("SHADOW_MAX_TOTAL_MAPS", LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_X", settings.computePatchSizeX) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_Y", settings.computePatchSizeY) if settings.renderShadows: define("USE_SHADOWS", 1) define("SHADOW_MAP_ATLAS_SIZE", settings.shadowAtlasSize) define("SHADOW_MAX_UPDATES_PER_FRAME", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) define("SHADOW_GEOMETRY_MAX_VERTICES", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame * 3) define("CUBEMAP_ANTIALIASING_FACTOR", settings.cubemapAntialiasingFactor) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCF_SAMPLES", settings.numPCFSamples) define("PCSS_SAMPLE_RADIUS", settings.pcssSampleRadius) if settings.usePCSS: define("USE_PCSS", 1) if settings.useDiffuseAntialiasing: define("USE_DIFFUSE_ANTIALIASING", 1) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_SEARCH_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSSearchSamples) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_FILTER_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSFilterSamples) define("SHADOW_PSSM_BORDER_PERCENTAGE", settings.shadowCascadeBorderPercentage) if settings.useHardwarePCF: define("USE_HARDWARE_PCF", 1) if settings.enableAlphaTestedShadows: define("USE_ALPHA_TESTED_SHADOWS", 1) def processCallbacks(self): """ Processes all updates from the previous frame """ for update in self.updateCallbacks: update.onUpdated() self.updateCallbacks = [] def _createDebugTexts(self): """ Creates a debug overlay if specified in the pipeline settings """ self.lightsVisibleDebugText = None self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = None if self.pipeline.settings.displayDebugStats: self.lightsVisibleDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.84), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.03) self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.8), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.03) def _queueShadowUpdate(self, sourceIndex): """ Internal method to add a shadowSource to the list of queued updates. Returns the position of the source in queue """ if sourceIndex not in self.queuedShadowUpdates: self.queuedShadowUpdates.append(sourceIndex) return len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) - 1 return self.queuedShadowUpdates.index(sourceIndex) def _allocateLightSlot(self, light): """ Tries to find a free light slot. Returns False if no slot is free, if a slot is free it gets allocated and linked to the light """ for index, val in enumerate(self.lightSlots): if val == None: light.setIndex(index) self.lightSlots[index] = light return True return False def _findShadowSourceSlot(self): """ Tries to find a free shadow source. Returns False if no slot is free """ for index, val in enumerate(self.shadowSourceSlots): if val == None: return index return -1 def addLight(self, light): """ Adds a light to the list of rendered lights. NOTICE: You have to set relevant properties like Whether the light casts shadows or the shadowmap resolution before calling this! Otherwise it won't work (and maybe crash? I didn't test, just DON'T DO IT!) """ if light.attached: self.warn("Light is already attached!") return light.attached = True # self.lights.append(light) if not self._allocateLightSlot(light): self.error("Cannot allocate light slot, out of slots.") return False if light.hasShadows() and not self.pipeline.settings.renderShadows: self.warn( "Attached shadow light but shadowing is disabled in pipeline.ini" ) light.setCastsShadows(False) sources = light.getShadowSources() # Check each shadow source for index, source in enumerate(sources): # Check for correct resolution tileSize = self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize() if source.resolution < tileSize or source.resolution % tileSize != 0: self.warn( "The ShadowSource resolution has to be a multiple of the tile size (" + str(tileSize) + ")!") self.warn("Adjusting resolution to", tileSize) source.resolution = tileSize if source.resolution > self.shadowAtlas.getSize(): self.warn( "The ShadowSource resolution cannot be bigger than the atlas size (" + str(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) + ")") self.warn("Adjusting resolution to", tileSize) source.resolution = tileSize # Frind slot for source sourceSlotIndex = self._findShadowSourceSlot() if sourceSlotIndex < 0: self.error("Cannot store more shadow sources!") return False self.shadowSourceSlots[sourceSlotIndex] = source source.setSourceIndex(sourceSlotIndex) light.setSourceIndex(index, sourceSlotIndex) # Store light in the shader struct array self.allLightsArray[light.getIndex()] = light light.queueUpdate() light.queueShadowUpdate() def removeLight(self, light): """ Removes a light from the rendered lights """ index = light.getIndex() if light.hasShadows(): sources = light.getShadowSources() for source in sources: self.shadowSourceSlots[source.getSourceIndex()] = None self.shadowAtlas.deallocateTiles(source.getUID()) # remove the source from the current updates if source.getSourceIndex() in self.queuedShadowUpdates: self.queuedShadowUpdates.remove(source.getSourceIndex()) source.cleanup() light.cleanup() del light self.lightSlots[index] = None def setCullBounds(self, bounds): """ Sets the current camera bounds used for light culling """ self.cullBounds = bounds def _writeRenderedLightsToBuffer(self): """ Stores the list of rendered lights in the buffer to access it in the shader later """ pstats_WriteBuffers.start() image = memoryview(self.renderedLightsBuffer.modifyRamImage()) bufferEntrySize = 4 # Write counters offset = 0 image[offset:offset + bufferEntrySize * 6] = struct.pack( 'i' * 6, len(self.renderedLights["PointLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["PointLightShadow"]), len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]), len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["SpotLightShadow"])) offset = 16 * bufferEntrySize # Write light lists for lightType in [ "PointLight", "PointLightShadow", "DirectionalLight", "DirectionalLightShadow", "SpotLight", "SpotLightShadow" ]: entryCount = len(self.renderedLights[lightType]) if entryCount > LightLimits.maxLights[lightType]: self.error("Out of lights bounds for", lightType) if entryCount > 0: # We can write all lights at once, thats pretty cool! image[offset:offset + entryCount * bufferEntrySize] = struct.pack( 'i' * entryCount, *self.renderedLights[lightType]) offset += LightLimits.maxLights[lightType] * bufferEntrySize pstats_WriteBuffers.stop() def update(self): """ Main update function """ self.updateLights() self.updateShadows() self.processCallbacks() def updateLights(self): """ This is one of the two per-frame-tasks. See class description to see what it does """ # Clear dictionary to store the lights rendered this frame self.renderedLights = {} # self.queuedShadowUpdates = [] for lightType in LightLimits.maxLights: self.renderedLights[lightType] = [] pstats_ProcessLights.start() # Fetch gi grid bounds giGridBounds = None if self.pipeline.settings.enableGlobalIllumination: giGridBounds = self.pipeline.globalIllum.getBounds() # Process each light for index, light in enumerate(self.lightSlots): if light == None: continue # When shadow maps should be always updated if self.pipeline.settings.alwaysUpdateAllShadows: light.queueShadowUpdate() # Update light if required pstats_PerLightUpdates.start() if light.needsUpdate(): light.performUpdate() pstats_PerLightUpdates.stop() # Perform culling pstats_CullLights.start() lightBounds = light.getBounds() if not self.cullBounds.contains(lightBounds): # In case the light is not in the camera frustum, check if the light is # in the gi frustum if giGridBounds: if not giGridBounds.contains(lightBounds): continue else: continue pstats_CullLights.stop() delaySpawn = False # Queue shadow updates if necessary pstats_QueueShadowUpdate.start() if light.hasShadows() and light.needsShadowUpdate(): neededUpdates = light.performShadowUpdate() for update in neededUpdates: updatePosition = self._queueShadowUpdate( update.getSourceIndex()) willUpdateNextFrame = updatePosition < self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame # If the source did not get rendered so far, and wont get rendered # in the next frame, delay the rendering of this light if not willUpdateNextFrame and not update.hasAtlasPos(): delaySpawn = True pstats_QueueShadowUpdate.stop() # When the light is not ready yet, wait for the next frame if delaySpawn: # self.debug("Delaying light spawn") continue # Check if the ies profile has been assigned yet if light.getLightType() == LightType.Spot: if light.getIESProfileIndex() < 0 and light.getIESProfileName( ) is not None: name = light.getIESProfileName() index = self.iesLoader.getIESProfileIndexByName(name) if index < 0: self.error("Unkown ies profile:", name) light.setIESProfileIndex(0) else: light.setIESProfileIndex(index) # Add light to the correct list now pstats_AppendRenderedLight.start() lightTypeName = light.getTypeName() if light.hasShadows(): lightTypeName += "Shadow" self.renderedLights[lightTypeName].append(index) pstats_AppendRenderedLight.stop() pstats_ProcessLights.stop() self._writeRenderedLightsToBuffer() # Generate debug text if self.lightsVisibleDebugText is not None: renderedPL = str(len(self.renderedLights["PointLight"])) renderedPL_S = str(len(self.renderedLights["PointLightShadow"])) renderedDL = str(len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLight"])) renderedDL_S = str( len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLightShadow"])) renderedSL = str(len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"])) renderedSL_S = str(len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"])) self.lightsVisibleDebugText.setText("Point: " + renderedPL + "/" + renderedPL_S + ", Directional: " + renderedDL + "/" + renderedDL_S + ", Spot: " + renderedSL + "/" + renderedSL_S) def updateShadows(self): """ This is one of the two per-frame-tasks. See class description to see what it does """ # Process shadows queuedUpdateLen = len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) # Compute shadow updates numUpdates = 0 lastRenderedSourcesStr = "[ " # When there are no updates, disable the buffer if len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) < 1: self.shadowPass.setActiveRegionCount(0) self.numShadowUpdatesPTA[0] = 0 else: # Check each update in the queue for index, updateID in enumerate(self.queuedShadowUpdates): # We only process a limited number of shadow maps if numUpdates >= self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame: break update = self.shadowSourceSlots[updateID] updateSize = update.getResolution() # assign position in atlas if not done yet if not update.hasAtlasPos(): storePos = self.shadowAtlas.reserveTiles( updateSize, updateSize, update.getUID()) if not storePos: # No space found, try to reduce resolution self.warn( "Could not find space for the shadow map of size", updateSize) self.warn("The size will be reduced to", self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize()) updateSize = self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize() update.setResolution(updateSize) storePos = self.shadowAtlas.reserveTiles( updateSize, updateSize, update.getUID()) if not storePos: self.fatal( "Still could not find a shadow atlas position, " "the shadow atlas is completely full. " "Either we reduce the resolution of existing shadow maps, " "increase the shadow atlas resolution, " "or crash the app. Guess what I decided to do :-P" ) update.assignAtlasPos(*storePos) update.update() # Store update in array self.allShadowsArray[updateID] = update self.updateShadowsArray[index] = update # Compute viewport & set depth clearer texScale = float(update.getResolution()) / float( self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) atlasPos = update.getAtlasPos() left, right = atlasPos.x, (atlasPos.x + texScale) bottom, top = atlasPos.y, (atlasPos.y + texScale) self.shadowPass.setRegionDimensions(numUpdates, left, right, bottom, top) regionCam = self.shadowPass.getRegionCamera(numUpdates) regionCam.setPos(update.cameraNode.getPos()) regionCam.setHpr(update.cameraNode.getHpr()) regionCam.node().setLens(update.getLens()) numUpdates += 1 # Finally, we can tell the update it's valid now. update.setValid() # In the next frame the update is processed, so call it later self.updateCallbacks.append(update) # Only add the uid to the output if the max updates # aren't too much. Otherwise we spam the screen if self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame <= 8: lastRenderedSourcesStr += str(update.getUID()) + " " # Remove all updates which got processed from the list self.queuedShadowUpdates = self.queuedShadowUpdates[numUpdates:] self.numShadowUpdatesPTA[0] = numUpdates self.shadowPass.setActiveRegionCount(numUpdates) lastRenderedSourcesStr += "]" # Generate debug text if self.lightsUpdatedDebugText is not None: self.lightsUpdatedDebugText.setText( 'Updates: ' + str(numUpdates) + "/" + str(queuedUpdateLen) + ", Last: " + lastRenderedSourcesStr + ", Free Tiles: " + str(self.shadowAtlas.getFreeTileCount()) + "/" + str(self.shadowAtlas.getTotalTileCount()))
def _createShadowPass(self): """ Creates the shadow pass, where the shadow atlas is generated into """ self.shadowPass = ShadowScenePass() self.shadowPass.setMaxRegions(self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.shadowPass.setSize(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowPass)
class LightManager(DebugObject): """ This class is internally used by the RenderingPipeline to handle Lights and their Shadows. It stores a list of lights, and updates the required ShadowSources per frame. There are two main update methods: updateLights processes each light and does a basic frustum check. If the light is in the frustum, its ID is passed to the light precompute container (set with setLightingCuller). Also, each shadowSource of the light is checked, and if it reports to be invalid, it's queued to the list of queued shadow updates. updateShadows processes the queued shadow updates and setups everything to render the shadow depth textures to the shadow atlas. Lights can be added with addLight. Notice you cannot change the shadow resolution or wether the light casts shadows after you called addLight. This is because it might already have a position in the atlas, and so the atlas would have to delete it's map, which is not supported (yet). This shouldn't be an issue, as you usually always know before if a light will cast shadows or not. """ def __init__(self, pipeline): """ Creates a new LightManager. It expects a RenderPipeline as parameter. """ DebugObject.__init__(self, "LightManager") self.lightSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxTotalLights self.shadowSourceSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxShadowMaps self.queuedShadowUpdates = [] self.renderedLights = {} self.pipeline = pipeline # Create arrays to store lights & shadow sources self.allLightsArray = ShaderStructArray(Light, LightLimits.maxTotalLights) self.updateCallbacks = [] self.cullBounds = None self.numTiles = None self.lightingComputator = None self.shadowScene = Globals.render # Create atlas self.shadowAtlas = ShadowAtlas() self.shadowAtlas.setSize(self.pipeline.settings.shadowAtlasSize) self.shadowAtlas.create() self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame = self.pipeline.settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame self.numShadowUpdatesPTA = PTAInt.emptyArray(1) self.updateShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray( ShadowSource, self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.allShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray( ShadowSource, LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) self._initLightCulling() # Create shadow compute buffer self._createShadowPass() self._createUnshadowedLightsPass() self._createShadowedLightsPass() self._createApplyLightsPass() self._createExposurePass() if self.pipeline.settings.enableScattering: self._createScatteringPass() # Create the initial shadow state self.shadowScene.setTag("ShadowPassShader", "Default") # Register variables & arrays self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("shadowUpdateSources", self._bindUpdateSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("allLights", self._bindAllLights) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("allShadowSources", self._bindAllSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("numShadowUpdates", self.numShadowUpdatesPTA) self._loadIESProfiles() self._addShaderDefines() self._createDebugTexts() def _bindUpdateSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the shadow update source to a target """ self.updateShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllLights(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global lights array to a target """ self.allLightsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global shadow sources to a target """ self.allShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _createShadowPass(self): """ Creates the shadow pass, where the shadow atlas is generated into """ self.shadowPass = ShadowScenePass() self.shadowPass.setMaxRegions(self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.shadowPass.setSize(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowPass) def _createUnshadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.unshadowedLightsPass = UnshadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.unshadowedLightsPass) def _createApplyLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which applies all lights """ self.applyLightsPass = ApplyLightsPass(self.pipeline) self.applyLightsPass.setTileCount(self.numTiles) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.applyLightsPass) def _createShadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.shadowedLightsPass = ShadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowedLightsPass) def _createExposurePass(self): """ Creates the pass which applies the exposure and color correction """ self.exposurePass = ExposurePass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.exposurePass) def _createScatteringPass(self): """ Creates the scattering pass """ self.scatteringPass = ScatteringPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.scatteringPass) self.scatteringCubemapPass = ScatteringCubemapPass(self.pipeline) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.scatteringCubemapPass) def _loadIESProfiles(self): """ Loads the ies profiles from Data/IESProfiles. """ self.iesLoader = IESLoader() self.iesLoader.loadIESProfiles("Data/IESProfiles/") self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("IESProfilesTex", self.iesLoader.getIESProfileStorageTex()) def _initLightCulling(self): """ Creates the pass which gets a list of lights and computes which light affects which tile """ # Fetch patch size self.patchSize = LVecBase2i( self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeX, self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeY) # size has to be a multiple of the compute unit size # but still has to cover the whole screen sizeX = int(math.ceil(float(Globals.resolution.x) / self.patchSize.x)) sizeY = int(math.ceil(float(Globals.resolution.y) / self.patchSize.y)) self.lightCullingPass = LightCullingPass(self.pipeline) self.lightCullingPass.setSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.lightCullingPass.setPatchSize(self.patchSize.x, self.patchSize.y) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.lightCullingPass) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("lightingTileCount", LVecBase2i(sizeX, sizeY)) self.debug("Batch size =", sizeX, "x", sizeY, "Actual Buffer size=", int(sizeX * self.patchSize.x), "x", int(sizeY * self.patchSize.y)) self.numTiles = LVecBase2i(sizeX, sizeY) # Create the buffer which stores the rendered lights self._makeRenderedLightsBuffer() def _makeRenderedLightsBuffer(self): """ Creates the buffer which stores the indices of all rendered lights """ bufferSize = 16 bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"] self.renderedLightsBuffer = Texture("RenderedLightsBuffer") self.renderedLightsBuffer.setupBufferTexture(bufferSize, Texture.TInt, Texture.FR32i, GeomEnums.UHDynamic) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "renderedLightsBuffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) MemoryMonitor.addTexture("Rendered Lights Buffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) def _addShaderDefines(self): """ Adds settings like the maximum light count to the list of defines which are available in the shader later """ define = lambda name, val: self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDefine(name, val) settings = self.pipeline.settings define("MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxTotalLights) define("MAX_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("SHADOW_MAX_TOTAL_MAPS", LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_X", settings.computePatchSizeX) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_Y", settings.computePatchSizeY) if settings.renderShadows: define("USE_SHADOWS", 1) define("SHADOW_MAP_ATLAS_SIZE", settings.shadowAtlasSize) define("SHADOW_MAX_UPDATES_PER_FRAME", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) define("SHADOW_GEOMETRY_MAX_VERTICES", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame * 3) define("CUBEMAP_ANTIALIASING_FACTOR", settings.cubemapAntialiasingFactor) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCF_SAMPLES", settings.numPCFSamples) define("PCSS_SAMPLE_RADIUS", settings.pcssSampleRadius) if settings.usePCSS: define("USE_PCSS", 1) if settings.useDiffuseAntialiasing: define("USE_DIFFUSE_ANTIALIASING", 1) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_SEARCH_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSSearchSamples) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_FILTER_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSFilterSamples) define("SHADOW_PSSM_BORDER_PERCENTAGE", settings.shadowCascadeBorderPercentage) if settings.useHardwarePCF: define("USE_HARDWARE_PCF", 1) if settings.enableAlphaTestedShadows: define("USE_ALPHA_TESTED_SHADOWS", 1) def processCallbacks(self): """ Processes all updates from the previous frame """ for update in self.updateCallbacks: update.onUpdated() self.updateCallbacks = [] def _createDebugTexts(self): """ Creates a debug overlay if specified in the pipeline settings """ self.lightsVisibleDebugText = None self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = None if self.pipeline.settings.displayDebugStats: self.lightsVisibleDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.84), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.03) self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.8), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.03) def _queueShadowUpdate(self, sourceIndex): """ Internal method to add a shadowSource to the list of queued updates. Returns the position of the source in queue """ if sourceIndex not in self.queuedShadowUpdates: self.queuedShadowUpdates.append(sourceIndex) return len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) - 1 return self.queuedShadowUpdates.index(sourceIndex) def _allocateLightSlot(self, light): """ Tries to find a free light slot. Returns False if no slot is free, if a slot is free it gets allocated and linked to the light """ for index, val in enumerate(self.lightSlots): if val == None: light.setIndex(index) self.lightSlots[index] = light return True return False def _findShadowSourceSlot(self): """ Tries to find a free shadow source. Returns False if no slot is free """ for index, val in enumerate(self.shadowSourceSlots): if val == None: return index return -1 def addLight(self, light): """ Adds a light to the list of rendered lights. NOTICE: You have to set relevant properties like Whether the light casts shadows or the shadowmap resolution before calling this! Otherwise it won't work (and maybe crash? I didn't test, just DON'T DO IT!) """ if light.attached: self.warn("Light is already attached!") return light.attached = True # self.lights.append(light) if not self._allocateLightSlot(light): self.error("Cannot allocate light slot, out of slots.") return False if light.hasShadows() and not self.pipeline.settings.renderShadows: self.warn("Attached shadow light but shadowing is disabled in pipeline.ini") light.setCastsShadows(False) sources = light.getShadowSources() # Check each shadow source for index, source in enumerate(sources): # Check for correct resolution tileSize = self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize() if source.resolution < tileSize or source.resolution % tileSize != 0: self.warn( "The ShadowSource resolution has to be a multiple of the tile size (" + str(tileSize) + ")!") self.warn("Adjusting resolution to", tileSize) source.resolution = tileSize if source.resolution > self.shadowAtlas.getSize(): self.warn( "The ShadowSource resolution cannot be bigger than the atlas size (" + str(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) + ")") self.warn("Adjusting resolution to", tileSize) source.resolution = tileSize # Frind slot for source sourceSlotIndex = self._findShadowSourceSlot() if sourceSlotIndex < 0: self.error("Cannot store more shadow sources!") return False self.shadowSourceSlots[sourceSlotIndex] = source source.setSourceIndex(sourceSlotIndex) light.setSourceIndex(index, sourceSlotIndex) # Store light in the shader struct array self.allLightsArray[light.getIndex()] = light light.queueUpdate() light.queueShadowUpdate() def removeLight(self, light): """ Removes a light from the rendered lights """ index = light.getIndex() if light.hasShadows(): sources = light.getShadowSources() for source in sources: self.shadowSourceSlots[source.getSourceIndex()] = None self.shadowAtlas.deallocateTiles(source.getUID()) # remove the source from the current updates if source.getSourceIndex() in self.queuedShadowUpdates: self.queuedShadowUpdates.remove(source.getSourceIndex()) source.cleanup() light.cleanup() del light self.lightSlots[index] = None def setCullBounds(self, bounds): """ Sets the current camera bounds used for light culling """ self.cullBounds = bounds def _writeRenderedLightsToBuffer(self): """ Stores the list of rendered lights in the buffer to access it in the shader later """ pstats_WriteBuffers.start() image = memoryview(self.renderedLightsBuffer.modifyRamImage()) bufferEntrySize = 4 # Write counters offset = 0 image[offset:offset + bufferEntrySize * 6] = struct.pack('i' * 6, len(self.renderedLights["PointLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["PointLightShadow"]), len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]), len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"]), len(self.renderedLights["SpotLightShadow"])) offset = 16 * bufferEntrySize # Write light lists for lightType in ["PointLight", "PointLightShadow", "DirectionalLight", "DirectionalLightShadow", "SpotLight", "SpotLightShadow"]: entryCount = len(self.renderedLights[lightType]) if entryCount > LightLimits.maxLights[lightType]: self.error("Out of lights bounds for", lightType) if entryCount > 0: # We can write all lights at once, thats pretty cool! image[offset:offset + entryCount * bufferEntrySize] = struct.pack('i' * entryCount, *self.renderedLights[lightType]) offset += LightLimits.maxLights[lightType] * bufferEntrySize pstats_WriteBuffers.stop() def update(self): """ Main update function """ self.updateLights() self.updateShadows() self.processCallbacks() def updateLights(self): """ This is one of the two per-frame-tasks. See class description to see what it does """ # Clear dictionary to store the lights rendered this frame self.renderedLights = {} # self.queuedShadowUpdates = [] for lightType in LightLimits.maxLights: self.renderedLights[lightType] = [] pstats_ProcessLights.start() # Fetch gi grid bounds giGridBounds = None if self.pipeline.settings.enableGlobalIllumination: giGridBounds = self.pipeline.globalIllum.getBounds() # Process each light for index, light in enumerate(self.lightSlots): if light == None: continue # When shadow maps should be always updated if self.pipeline.settings.alwaysUpdateAllShadows: light.queueShadowUpdate() # Update light if required pstats_PerLightUpdates.start() if light.needsUpdate(): light.performUpdate() pstats_PerLightUpdates.stop() # Perform culling pstats_CullLights.start() lightBounds = light.getBounds() if not self.cullBounds.contains(lightBounds): # In case the light is not in the camera frustum, check if the light is # in the gi frustum if giGridBounds: if not giGridBounds.contains(lightBounds): continue else: continue pstats_CullLights.stop() delaySpawn = False # Queue shadow updates if necessary pstats_QueueShadowUpdate.start() if light.hasShadows() and light.needsShadowUpdate(): neededUpdates = light.performShadowUpdate() for update in neededUpdates: updatePosition = self._queueShadowUpdate(update.getSourceIndex()) willUpdateNextFrame = updatePosition < self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame # If the source did not get rendered so far, and wont get rendered # in the next frame, delay the rendering of this light if not willUpdateNextFrame and not update.hasAtlasPos(): delaySpawn = True pstats_QueueShadowUpdate.stop() # When the light is not ready yet, wait for the next frame if delaySpawn: # self.debug("Delaying light spawn") continue # Check if the ies profile has been assigned yet if light.getLightType() == LightType.Spot: if light.getIESProfileIndex() < 0 and light.getIESProfileName() is not None: name = light.getIESProfileName() index = self.iesLoader.getIESProfileIndexByName(name) if index < 0: self.error("Unkown ies profile:",name) light.setIESProfileIndex(0) else: light.setIESProfileIndex(index) # Add light to the correct list now pstats_AppendRenderedLight.start() lightTypeName = light.getTypeName() if light.hasShadows(): lightTypeName += "Shadow" self.renderedLights[lightTypeName].append(index) pstats_AppendRenderedLight.stop() pstats_ProcessLights.stop() self._writeRenderedLightsToBuffer() # Generate debug text if self.lightsVisibleDebugText is not None: renderedPL = str(len(self.renderedLights["PointLight"])) renderedPL_S = str(len(self.renderedLights["PointLightShadow"])) renderedDL = str(len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLight"])) renderedDL_S = str(len(self.renderedLights["DirectionalLightShadow"])) renderedSL = str(len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"])) renderedSL_S = str(len(self.renderedLights["SpotLight"])) self.lightsVisibleDebugText.setText( "Point: " + renderedPL + "/" + renderedPL_S + ", Directional: " + renderedDL + "/"+ renderedDL_S + ", Spot: " + renderedSL+ "/" + renderedSL_S) def updateShadows(self): """ This is one of the two per-frame-tasks. See class description to see what it does """ # Process shadows queuedUpdateLen = len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) # Compute shadow updates numUpdates = 0 lastRenderedSourcesStr = "[ " # When there are no updates, disable the buffer if len(self.queuedShadowUpdates) < 1: self.shadowPass.setActiveRegionCount(0) self.numShadowUpdatesPTA[0] = 0 else: # Check each update in the queue for index, updateID in enumerate(self.queuedShadowUpdates): # We only process a limited number of shadow maps if numUpdates >= self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame: break update = self.shadowSourceSlots[updateID] updateSize = update.getResolution() # assign position in atlas if not done yet if not update.hasAtlasPos(): storePos = self.shadowAtlas.reserveTiles( updateSize, updateSize, update.getUID()) if not storePos: # No space found, try to reduce resolution self.warn( "Could not find space for the shadow map of size", updateSize) self.warn( "The size will be reduced to", self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize()) updateSize = self.shadowAtlas.getTileSize() update.setResolution(updateSize) storePos = self.shadowAtlas.reserveTiles( updateSize, updateSize, update.getUID()) if not storePos: self.fatal( "Still could not find a shadow atlas position, " "the shadow atlas is completely full. " "Either we reduce the resolution of existing shadow maps, " "increase the shadow atlas resolution, " "or crash the app. Guess what I decided to do :-P") update.assignAtlasPos(*storePos) update.update() # Store update in array self.allShadowsArray[updateID] = update self.updateShadowsArray[index] = update # Compute viewport & set depth clearer texScale = float(update.getResolution()) / float(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) atlasPos = update.getAtlasPos() left, right = atlasPos.x, (atlasPos.x + texScale) bottom, top = atlasPos.y, (atlasPos.y + texScale) self.shadowPass.setRegionDimensions(numUpdates, left, right, bottom, top) regionCam = self.shadowPass.getRegionCamera(numUpdates) regionCam.setPos(update.cameraNode.getPos()) regionCam.setHpr(update.cameraNode.getHpr()) regionCam.node().setLens(update.getLens()) numUpdates += 1 # Finally, we can tell the update it's valid now. update.setValid() # In the next frame the update is processed, so call it later self.updateCallbacks.append(update) # Only add the uid to the output if the max updates # aren't too much. Otherwise we spam the screen if self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame <= 8: lastRenderedSourcesStr += str(update.getUID()) + " " # Remove all updates which got processed from the list self.queuedShadowUpdates = self.queuedShadowUpdates[numUpdates:] self.numShadowUpdatesPTA[0] = numUpdates self.shadowPass.setActiveRegionCount(numUpdates) lastRenderedSourcesStr += "]" # Generate debug text if self.lightsUpdatedDebugText is not None: self.lightsUpdatedDebugText.setText( 'Updates: ' + str(numUpdates) + "/" + str(queuedUpdateLen) + ", Last: " + lastRenderedSourcesStr + ", Free Tiles: " + str(self.shadowAtlas.getFreeTileCount()) + "/" + str(self.shadowAtlas.getTotalTileCount()))
class LightManager(DebugObject): """ This class is internally used by the RenderingPipeline to handle Lights and their Shadows. It stores a list of lights, and updates the required ShadowSources per frame. There are two main update methods: updateLights processes each light and does a basic frustum check. If the light is in the frustum, its ID is passed to the light precompute container (set with setLightingCuller). Also, each shadowSource of the light is checked, and if it reports to be invalid, it's queued to the list of queued shadow updates. updateShadows processes the queued shadow updates and setups everything to render the shadow depth textures to the shadow atlas. Lights can be added with addLight. Notice you cannot change the shadow resolution or wether the light casts shadows after you called addLight. This is because it might already have a position in the atlas, and so the atlas would have to delete it's map, which is not supported (yet). This shouldn't be an issue, as you usually always know before if a light will cast shadows or not. """ def __init__(self, pipeline): """ Creates a new LightManager. It expects a RenderPipeline as parameter. """ DebugObject.__init__(self, "LightManager") self.lightSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxTotalLights self.shadowSourceSlots = [None] * LightLimits.maxShadowMaps self.queuedShadowUpdates = [] self.renderedLights = {} self.pipeline = pipeline # Create arrays to store lights & shadow sources self.allLightsArray = ShaderStructArray(Light, LightLimits.maxTotalLights) self.updateCallbacks = [] self.cullBounds = None self.shadowScene = Globals.render # Create atlas self.shadowAtlas = ShadowAtlas() self.shadowAtlas.setSize(self.pipeline.settings.shadowAtlasSize) self.shadowAtlas.create() self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame = self.pipeline.settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame self.numShadowUpdatesPTA = PTAInt.emptyArray(1) self.updateShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray( ShadowSource, self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.allShadowsArray = ShaderStructArray( ShadowSource, LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) # Create shadow compute buffer self._createShadowPass() self._createUnshadowedLightsPass() self._createShadowedLightsPass() if self.pipeline.settings.enableScattering: self._createScatteringPass() self._initLightCulling() # Create the initial shadow state self.shadowScene.setTag("ShadowPassShader", "Default") # Register variables & arrays self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("shadowUpdateSources", self._bindUpdateSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("allLights", self._bindAllLights) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDynamicVariable("allShadowSources", self._bindAllSources) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("numShadowUpdates", self.numShadowUpdatesPTA) self._loadIESProfiles() self._addShaderDefines() self.lightingComputator = None self._createDebugTexts() def _bindUpdateSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the shadow update source to a target """ self.updateShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllLights(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global lights array to a target """ self.allLightsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _bindAllSources(self, renderPass, name): """ Internal method to bind the global shadow sources to a target """ self.allShadowsArray.bindTo(renderPass, name) def _createShadowPass(self): """ Creates the shadow pass, where the shadow atlas is generated into """ self.shadowPass = ShadowScenePass() self.shadowPass.setMaxRegions(self.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) self.shadowPass.setSize(self.shadowAtlas.getSize()) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowPass) def _createUnshadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.unshadowedLightsPass = UnshadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.unshadowedLightsPass) def _createShadowedLightsPass(self): """ Creates the pass which renders all unshadowed lights """ self.shadowedLightsPass = ShadowedLightsPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.shadowedLightsPass) def _createScatteringPass(self): """ Creates the scattering pass """ self.scatteringPass = ScatteringPass() self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.scatteringPass) def _loadIESProfiles(self): """ Loads the ies profiles from Data/IESProfiles. """ self.iesLoader = IESLoader() self.iesLoader.loadIESProfiles("Data/IESProfiles/") self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("IESProfilesTex", self.iesLoader.getIESProfileStorageTex()) def _initLightCulling(self): """ Creates the pass which gets a list of lights and computes which light affects which tile """ # Fetch patch size self.patchSize = LVecBase2i( self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeX, self.pipeline.settings.computePatchSizeY) # size has to be a multiple of the compute unit size # but still has to cover the whole screen sizeX = int(math.ceil(float(self.pipeline.getSize().x) / self.patchSize.x)) sizeY = int(math.ceil(float(self.pipeline.getSize().y) / self.patchSize.y)) self.lightCullingPass = LightCullingPass() self.lightCullingPass.setSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.lightCullingPass.setPatchSize(self.patchSize.x, self.patchSize.y) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerPass(self.lightCullingPass) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable("lightingTileCount", LVecBase2i(sizeX, sizeY)) self.debug("Batch size =", sizeX, "x", sizeY, "Actual Buffer size=", int(sizeX * self.patchSize.x), "x", int(sizeY * self.patchSize.y)) # Create the buffer which stores the rendered lights self._makeRenderedLightsBuffer() def _makeRenderedLightsBuffer(self): """ Creates the buffer which stores the indices of all rendered lights """ bufferSize = 16 bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"] bufferSize += LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"] self.renderedLightsBuffer = Texture("RenderedLightsBuffer") self.renderedLightsBuffer.setupBufferTexture(bufferSize, Texture.TInt, Texture.FR32i, GeomEnums.UHDynamic) self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerStaticVariable( "renderedLightsBuffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) MemoryMonitor.addTexture("Rendered Lights Buffer", self.renderedLightsBuffer) def _addShaderDefines(self): """ Adds settings like the maximum light count to the list of defines which are available in the shader later """ define = lambda name, val: self.pipeline.getRenderPassManager().registerDefine(name, val) settings = self.pipeline.settings define("MAX_VISIBLE_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxTotalLights) define("MAX_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_POINT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["PointLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["DirectionalLightShadow"]) define("MAX_TILE_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLight"]) define("MAX_TILE_SHADOWED_SPOT_LIGHTS", LightLimits.maxPerTileLights["SpotLightShadow"]) define("SHADOW_MAX_TOTAL_MAPS", LightLimits.maxShadowMaps) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_X", settings.computePatchSizeX) define("LIGHTING_COMPUTE_PATCH_SIZE_Y", settings.computePatchSizeY) define("LIGHTING_MIN_MAX_DEPTH_ACCURACY", settings.minMaxDepthAccuracy) if settings.renderShadows: define("USE_SHADOWS", 1) define("AMBIENT_CUBEMAP_SAMPLES", settings.ambientCubemapSamples) define("SHADOW_MAP_ATLAS_SIZE", settings.shadowAtlasSize) define("SHADOW_MAX_UPDATES_PER_FRAME", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame) define("SHADOW_GEOMETRY_MAX_VERTICES", settings.maxShadowUpdatesPerFrame * 3) define("CUBEMAP_ANTIALIASING_FACTOR", settings.cubemapAntialiasingFactor) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCF_SAMPLES", settings.numPCFSamples) if settings.usePCSS: define("USE_PCSS", 1) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_SEARCH_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSSearchSamples) define("SHADOW_NUM_PCSS_FILTER_SAMPLES", settings.numPCSSFilterSamples) define("SHADOW_PSSM_BORDER_PERCENTAGE", settings.shadowCascadeBorderPercentage) if settings.useHardwarePCF: define("USE_HARDWARE_PCF", 1) def processCallbacks(self): """ Processes all updates from the previous frame """ for update in self.updateCallbacks: update.onUpdated() self.updateCallbacks = [] def _createDebugTexts(self): """ Creates a debug overlay if specified in the pipeline settings """ self.lightsVisibleDebugText = None self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = None if self.pipeline.settings.displayDebugStats: try: from Code.GUI.FastText import FastText self.lightsVisibleDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.84), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.036) self.lightsUpdatedDebugText = FastText(pos=Vec2( Globals.base.getAspectRatio() - 0.1, 0.8), rightAligned=True, color=Vec3(1, 1, 0), size=0.036) except Exception, msg: self.debug( "Overlay is disabled because FastText wasn't loaded")