def subset_elution(elution, prot_set):
    Return an elution only containing the proteins contained in the
    provided prot_set.
    newel = Struct()
    newel.__dict__ = elution.__dict__.copy()
    prot_inds, newprots = zip(*[(i, p) for i, p in enumerate(elution.prots) if p in prot_set])
    newel.mat = elution.mat[prot_inds, :]
    newel.prots = newprots
    print len(newel.prots), "prots from", elution.filename, "in set"
    return newel
def subset_elution(elution, prot_set):
    Return an elution only containing the proteins contained in the
    provided prot_set.
    newel = Struct()
    newel.__dict__ = elution.__dict__.copy()
    prot_inds, newprots = zip(*[(i,p) for i,p in enumerate(elution.prots) 
        if p in prot_set])
    newel.mat = elution.mat[prot_inds,:]
    newel.prots = newprots
    print len(newel.prots), 'prots from', elution.filename, 'in set'
    return newel