def setPlanSetting(*args): """ setPlanSetting(char const * setting, double value) void setPlanSetting(const char *setting, double value) Sets a setting for the planner. Valid values are "knn": k value for the k-nearest neighbor connection strategy (only for PRM) "connectionThreshold": a milestone connection threshold "perturbationRadius": (only for RRT and SBL) "bidirectional": 1 if bidirectional planning is requested (only for RRT) "grid": 1 if a point selection grid should be used (only for SBL) "gridResolution": resolution for the grid, if the grid should be used "randomizeFrequency": a grid randomization frequency (only for SBL) """ return _motionplanning.setPlanSetting(*args)
def setPlanSetting(*args): """ Sets a numeric or string-valued setting for the planner. setPlanSetting (setting,value) Args: setting (str): value (float or str): Valid numeric values are: * "knn": k value for the k-nearest neighbor connection strategy (only for PRM) * "connectionThreshold": a milestone connection threshold * "perturbationRadius": (for RRT and SBL) * "bidirectional": 1 if bidirectional planning is requested (for RRT) * "grid": 1 if a point selection grid should be used (for SBL) * "gridResolution": resolution for the grid, if the grid should be used (for SBL with grid, FMM, FMM*) * "suboptimalityFactor": allowable suboptimality (for RRT*, lazy PRM*, lazy RRG*) * "randomizeFrequency": a grid randomization frequency (for SBL) * "shortcut": nonzero if you wish to perform shortcutting after a first plan is found. * "restart": nonzero if you wish to restart the planner to get better paths with the remaining time. Valid string values are: * "pointLocation": a string designating a point location data structure. "kdtree" is supported, optionally followed by a weight vector (for PRM, RRT*, PRM*, LazyPRM*, LazyRRG*) * "restartTermCond": used if the "restart" setting is true. This is a JSON string defining the termination condition. The default value is "{foundSolution:1;maxIters:1000}", which indicates that the planner will restart if it has found a solution, or 1000 iterations have passed. To restart after a certain amount of time has elasped, use "{timeLimit:X}". If you are using an optimizing planner, e.g., shortcutting, you should set foundSolution:0. """ return _motionplanning.setPlanSetting(*args)
def setPlanSetting(*args): """ setPlanSetting(char const * setting, double value) setPlanSetting(char const * setting, char const * value) void setPlanSetting(const char *setting, const char *value) Sets a numeric or string-valued setting for the planner. Valid numeric values are: "knn": k value for the k-nearest neighbor connection strategy (only for PRM) "connectionThreshold": a milestone connection threshold "perturbationRadius": (for RRT and SBL) "bidirectional": 1 if bidirectional planning is requested (for RRT) "grid": 1 if a point selection grid should be used (for SBL) "gridResolution": resolution for the grid, if the grid should be used (for SBL with grid, FMM, FMM*) "suboptimalityFactor": allowable suboptimality (for RRT*, lazy PRM*, lazy RRG*) "randomizeFrequency": a grid randomization frequency (for SBL) "shortcut": nonzero if you wish to perform shortcutting after a first plan is found. "restart": nonzero if you wish to restart the planner to get better paths with the remaining time. Valid string values are: "pointLocation": a string designating a point location data structure. "kdtree" is supported, optionally followed by a weight vector (for PRM, RRT*, PRM*, LazyPRM*, LazyRRG*) "restartTermCond": used if the "restart" setting is true. This is a JSON string defining the termination condition (default value: "{foundSolution:1;maxIters:1000}") """ return _motionplanning.setPlanSetting(*args)
def setPlanSetting(*args): return _motionplanning.setPlanSetting(*args)