def removePreset(self): """ Brings up a panel to remove presets. """ panel = Dialog() p = self.getBrushFileList() if not p: alert('No presets saved') return def okPressed(): panel.dismiss() name = p[presetTable.selectedIndex] + ".preset" os.remove(os.path.join(directories.brushesDir, name)) self.tool.showPanel() def selectTableRow(i, evt): presetTable.selectedIndex = i if evt.num_clicks == 2: okPressed() presetTable = TableView(columns=(TableColumn("", 200),)) presetTable.num_rows = lambda: len(p) presetTable.row_data = lambda i: (p[i],) presetTable.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == presetTable.selectedIndex presetTable.click_row = selectTableRow presetTable.selectedIndex = 0 choiceCol = Column((ValueDisplay(width=200, get_value=lambda: "Select preset to delete"), presetTable)) okButton = Button("OK", action=okPressed) cancelButton = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) row = Row([okButton, cancelButton]) panel.add(Column((choiceCol, row))) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present()
def __init__(self, materials, blockInfo=None, ref=None, recentBlocks=None, *a, **kw): self.allowWildcards = False Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.bg_color = (1, 1, 1, 0.25) self._ref = ref if blockInfo is None and ref is not None: blockInfo = ref.get() blockInfo = blockInfo or materials.Air if recentBlocks is not None: self.recentBlocks = recentBlocks else: self.recentBlocks = [] self.blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView(materials, blockInfo, size=(48, 48)) self.blockLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'labelText'), width=180, align="l") row = Row((self.blockView, self.blockLabel), align="b") # col = Column( (self.blockButton, self.blockNameLabel) ) self.add(row) self.shrink_wrap() # self.blockLabel.bottom = self.blockButton.bottom # self.blockLabel.centerx = self.blockButton.centerx # self.add(self.blockLabel) self.materials = materials self.blockInfo = blockInfo # self._ref = ref self.updateRecentBlockView()
def __init__(self, tool, *a, **kw): Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.tool = tool self.anchor = "whl" chunkToolLabel = Label("Selected Chunks:") self.chunksLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'chunkSizeText'), width=115) self.chunksLabel.align = "c" self.chunksLabel.tooltipText = "..." extractButton = Button("Extract") extractButton.tooltipText = "Extract these chunks to individual chunk files" extractButton.action = tool.extractChunks extractButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) deselectButton = Button("Deselect", tooltipText=None, action=tool.editor.deselect, ) createButton = Button("Create") createButton.tooltipText = "Create new chunks within the selection." createButton.action = tool.createChunks createButton.highlight_color = (0, 255, 0) destroyButton = Button("Delete") destroyButton.tooltipText = "Delete the selected chunks from disk. Minecraft will recreate them the next time you are near." destroyButton.action = tool.destroyChunks pruneButton = Button("Prune") pruneButton.tooltipText = "Prune the world, leaving only the selected chunks. Any chunks outside of the selection will be removed, and empty region files will be deleted from disk" pruneButton.action = tool.pruneChunks relightButton = Button("Relight") relightButton.tooltipText = "Recalculate light values across the selected chunks" relightButton.action = tool.relightChunks relightButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) repopButton = Button("Repop") repopButton.tooltipText = "Mark the selected chunks for repopulation. The next time you play Minecraft, the chunks will have trees, ores, and other features regenerated." repopButton.action = tool.repopChunks repopButton.highlight_color = (255, 200, 155) dontRepopButton = Button("Don't Repop") dontRepopButton.tooltipText = "Unmark the selected chunks. They will not repopulate the next time you play the game." dontRepopButton.action = tool.dontRepopChunks dontRepopButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) col = Column(( chunkToolLabel, self.chunksLabel, deselectButton, createButton, destroyButton, pruneButton, relightButton, extractButton, repopButton, dontRepopButton)) # col.right = self.width - 10; self.width = col.width self.height = col.height #self.width = 120 self.add(col)